2005 - 2006 LEGISLATURE
March 7, 2006 - Offered by Senator Lazich.
AB591-SSA2,1,8 1An Act to renumber and amend 971.17 (4) (e), 980.08 (5) and 980.105; to
51.42 (3) (aw) 1. d., 301.03 (19), 301.46 (5) (c) (intro.), 980.08 (6m) and
3980.105 (title); and to create 16.705 (1n), 16.71 (5m), 301.03 (20), 301.46 (5)
4(bm), 301.48, 946.465, 948.02 (6), 948.025 (4), 971.17 (4) (e) 1g. and 1r., 971.17
5(4) (e) 3., 980.08 (5) (a), 980.08 (5) (e), 980.08 (5m), 980.08 (7) and 980.105 (2m)
6of the statutes; relating to: global positioning system tracking and a residency
7requirement for certain sex offenders, changes to the sex offender registry Web
8site, and providing a penalty.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB591-SSA2, s. 1 9Section 1. 16.705 (1n) of the statutes is created to read:
AB591-SSA2,1,1210 16.705 (1n) Subsection (1) does not apply to a contract entered into by the
11department of corrections for global positioning system tracking services under s.
12301.48 (3).
AB591-SSA2, s. 2
1Section 2. 16.71 (5m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB591-SSA2,2,42 16.71 (5m) The department shall delegate authority to the department of
3corrections to enter into contracts for global positioning system tracking services
4under s. 301.48 (3).
AB591-SSA2, s. 3 5Section 3. 51.42 (3) (aw) 1. d. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB591-SSA2,2,136 51.42 (3) (aw) 1. d. Provide treatment and services that are specified in a
7conditional release plan approved by a court for a person who is a county resident and
8is conditionally released under s. 971.17 (3) or (4) or that are specified in a supervised
9release plan approved by a court under s. 980.06 (2) (c), 1997 stats., or s. 980.08 (5)
10(b). If the county department provides treatment and services under this
11subdivision, the department of health and family services shall, from the
12appropriation under s. 20.435 (2) (bj), pay the county department for the costs of the
13treatment and services.
AB591-SSA2, s. 4 14Section 4. 301.03 (19) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB591-SSA2,2,1815 301.03 (19) Work Subject to sub. (20), work to minimize, to the greatest extent
16possible, the residential population density of sex offenders, as defined in s. 302.116
17(1) (b), who are on probation, parole, or extended supervision or placed on supervised
18release under s. 980.06 (2) (c), 1997 stats., or s. 980.08 (5).
AB591-SSA2, s. 5 19Section 5. 301.03 (20) of the statutes is created to read:
AB591-SSA2,2,2220 301.03 (20) (a) Except as provided in s. 304.06 (2m) (b), place, in one of the
21following locations, each person who has been convicted of a sex offense, as defined
22in s. 301.45 (1d) (b), upon his or her release to parole or extended supervision:
AB591-SSA2,2,2523 1. The county in which the person resided on the date of the sex offense. If the
24county is a county that contains a 1st class city, the person shall be placed in the city,
25village, or town in which the person resided on the date of the sex offense.
12. The county in which the person was convicted of the sex offense.
AB591-SSA2,3,22 3. A sex offender treatment facility that existed before January 1, 2006.
AB591-SSA2,3,53 (b) Paragraph (a) does not preclude the department from authorizing a person
4to reside in a location other than one listed in par. (a) 1. to 3. if the department
5initially placed the person in one of those listed locations.
AB591-SSA2, s. 6 6Section 6. 301.46 (5) (bm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB591-SSA2,3,97 301.46 (5) (bm) The department shall provide on the Internet site required
8under sub. (5n) the following information concerning persons registered under s.
AB591-SSA2,3,1110 1. If the person is a sexually violent person, as defined in s. 980.01 (7), a notice,
11written in red letters, of that status.
AB591-SSA2,3,1312 2. A current color photograph of the person, if available, and a physical
13description including sex, race, height, weight, eye color, and hair color.
AB591-SSA2,3,1414 3. The person's name and home address.
AB591-SSA2,3,1615 4. Whether the person has responded to the last contact letter from the
AB591-SSA2,3,1717 5. The crime committed for which the person must register.
AB591-SSA2,3,2018 6. Any conditions of the person's supervised release, except for any condition
19that may reveal the identity of the victim of the crime that the person committed for
20which he or she must register.
AB591-SSA2,3,2221 7. The date, time, and place of any scheduled hearings for supervised release
22or discharge under ch. 980.
AB591-SSA2,3,2423 8. The name and court of the judge who authorized supervised release or
24discharge for the person.
AB591-SSA2,3,2525 9. The most recent date on which the information was updated.
AB591-SSA2, s. 7
1Section 7. 301.46 (5) (c) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin
2Act 5
, is amended to read:
AB591-SSA2,4,43 301.46 (5) (c) (intro.) The department may not provide any of the following
4under par. (a) or (bm):
AB591-SSA2, s. 8 5Section 8. 301.48 of the statutes is created to read:
AB591-SSA2,4,7 6301.48 Global positioning system tracking and residency requirement
7for certain sex offenders.
(1) Definitions. In this section:
AB591-SSA2,4,108 (a) "Exclusion zone" means a zone in which a person who is tracked using a
9global positioning system tracking device is prohibited from entering except for
10purposes of traveling through it to get to another destination.
AB591-SSA2,4,1511 (b) "Global positioning system tracking" means tracking using a system that
12actively monitors and identifies a person's location and timely reports or records the
13person's presence near or at a crime scene or in an exclusion zone or the person's
14departure from an inclusion zone. "Global positioning system tracking" includes
15comparable technology.
AB591-SSA2,4,1716 (c) "Inclusion zone" means a zone in which a person who is tracked using a
17global positioning system tracking device is prohibited from leaving.
AB591-SSA2,4,2218 (d) "Lifetime tracking" means global positioning system tracking that is
19required for a person for the remainder of the person's life or until terminated under
20sub. (6), if applicable, or sub. (7). "Lifetime tracking" does not include global
21positioning system tracking under sub. (2) (c) or (d), regardless of how long it is
AB591-SSA2,4,2523 (e) "Serious child sex offense" means a violation any of the following statutes
24and includes the solicitation, conspiracy, or attempt to engage in conduct in violation
25of any of the following statutes:
11. Section 948.02 (1) or 948.025 (1) (a).
AB591-SSA2,5,32 2. Section 948.02 (2) or 948.025 (1) (b), if the court makes a finding under s.
3948.02 (6) or 948.025 (4) (b).
AB591-SSA2,5,44 (f) "Sex offense" means any of the following:
AB591-SSA2,5,55 1. A sex offense, as defined in s. 301.45 (1d) (b).
AB591-SSA2,5,76 2. A crime under federal law or the law of any state that is comparable to a crime
7described in subd. 1.
AB591-SSA2,5,11 8(2) Who is covered. (a) Unless a court exempts the person under sub. (5), the
9department shall maintain lifetime tracking of a person if any of the following occurs
10with respect to the person on or after the effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor
11inserts date]:
AB591-SSA2,5,1312 1. A court places the person on probation for committing a serious child sex
AB591-SSA2,5,1514 2. The department releases the person to extended supervision or parole while
15the person is serving a sentence for committing a serious child sex offense.
AB591-SSA2,5,1716 3. The department releases the person from prison upon the completion of a
17sentence imposed for a serious child sex offense.
AB591-SSA2,5,1918 4. A court that found the person not guilty of a serious child sex offense by
19reason of mental disease or mental defect places the person on conditional release.
AB591-SSA2,5,2320 5. A court that found the person not guilty of a serious child sex offense by
21reason of mental disease or mental defect discharges the person under s. 971.17 (6).
22This subdivision does not apply if the person was on conditional release immediately
23before being discharged.
1(b) The department shall maintain lifetime tracking of a person if any of the
2following occurs with respect to the person on or after the effective date of this
3paragraph .... [revisor inserts date]:
AB591-SSA2,6,44 1. A court places the person on supervised release under s. 980.08 (6m).
AB591-SSA2,6,75 2. A court discharges the person under s. 980.09 or 980.10. This subdivision
6does not apply if the person was on supervised release immediately before being
AB591-SSA2,6,118 3. The department of health and family services places the person on parole or
9discharges the person under ch. 975. This subdivision does not apply unless the
10person's commitment was based on his or her commission of a serious child sex
AB591-SSA2,6,1312 (c) The department shall have a person tracked using a global positioning
13system tracking device if all of the following apply:
AB591-SSA2,6,1614 1. The person has been convicted under federal law or the law of any other state
15of a crime that is comparable to a serious child sex offense or found not guilty of or
16not responsible for such a crime by reason of mental disease or mental defect.
AB591-SSA2,6,1917 2. The person resides in this state, is employed or carrying on a vocation, as
18defined in s. 301.45 (1d) (a), in this state, or is a student, as defined in s. 301.45 (1d)
19(c), in this state.
AB591-SSA2,6,2420 (d) If, on or after the effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date],
21a person is being placed on probation, extended supervision, or parole for committing
22a sex offense and par. (a), (b), or (c) does not apply, the department may have the
23person tracked using a global positioning system tracking device as a condition of the
24person's probation, extended supervision, or parole.
1(3) Functions and operation of tracking program. (a) The department shall
2implement a continuous global positioning tracking system to electronically monitor
3the whereabouts of persons who are subject to this section. The system shall do all
4of the following: