2005 - 2006 LEGISLATURE
February 22, 2005 - Offered by Representative Colon.
AB63-AA5,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the bill as follows:
AB63-AA5,1,3 21. Page 1, line 10: after "electors," insert "voter registration with applications
3for operators' licenses and renewals,".
AB63-AA5,1,4 42. Page 3, line 4: after that line insert:
AB63-AA5,1,5 5" Section 1m. 6.10 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB63-AA5,2,66 6.10 (3) When If an elector moves from one ward to another or from one
7municipality to another within the state before the close of registration under s. 6.28
8(1), the elector may vote in and be considered a resident of the new ward or
9municipality where residing upon updating his or her registration under s. 6.28 (4)
10(b), transferring his or her registration under s. 6.40 (1), or registering at the proper
11polling place or other registration location in the new ward or municipality under s.
126.55 (2). If an elector moves from one ward to another or from one municipality to
13another within the state
after the last registration day but at least 10 days before the

1election, the elector may vote in and be considered a resident of the new ward or
2municipality where residing upon transferring registration under s. 6.40 (1) or upon
3registering at the proper polling place or other registration location in the new ward
4or municipality under s. 6.55 (2) or 6.86 (3) (a) 2. If the elector moves within 10 days
5of an election, the elector shall vote in the elector's old ward or municipality if
6otherwise qualified to vote there.".
AB63-AA5,2,7 73. Page 5, line 23: after that line insert:
AB63-AA5,2,8 8" Section 7c. 6.26 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB63-AA5,2,109 6.26 (2) (d) This subsection does not apply to deputies serving under s. 6.28 (4)
10or to deputies
appointed under s. 6.55 (6).
AB63-AA5, s. 7e 11Section 7e. 6.275 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB63-AA5,2,12 126.275 (title) Registration and voting statistics information.
AB63-AA5, s. 7g 13Section 7g. 6.275 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB63-AA5,2,1614 6.275 (2) Upon receipt of each report filed under this section sub. (1), the county
15clerk or board of election commissioners shall forward one copy to the board within
167 days.
AB63-AA5, s. 7i 17Section 7i. 6.275 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
AB63-AA5,2,2018 6.275 (3) The board shall withhold from access under s. 19.35 (1) any
19registration information received from the department of transportation under s.
20343.22 (3m) that would reveal the identity of an individual.
AB63-AA5, s. 7k 21Section 7k. 6.28 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB63-AA5,3,2022 6.28 (1) Registration locations; deadline. Except as authorized in ss. 6.29,
236.55 (2), and 6.86 (3) (a) 2., registration in person for any election shall close at 5 p.m.
24on the 2nd Wednesday preceding the election. Registrations made by mail under s.

16.30 (4) must be delivered to the office of the municipal clerk or postmarked no later
2than the 2nd Wednesday preceding the election. An application for registration in
3person or by mail may be accepted for placement on the registration list after the
4specified deadline, if the municipal clerk determines that the registration list can be
5revised to incorporate the registration in time for the election. All applications for
6registration corrections and additions may be made throughout the year at the office
7of the city board of election commissioners, at the office of the municipal clerk, at the
8office of any register of deeds, at any office of the department of transportation where
9the department receives applications for operators' licenses, or for renewals of
10operators' licenses, under ch. 343,
or at other locations provided by the board of
11election commissioners or the common council in cities over 500,000 population or
12by either or both the municipal clerk, or the common council, village or town board
13in all other municipalities and may also be made during the school year at any high
14school by qualified persons under sub. (2) (a). Other registration locations may
15include but are not limited to fire houses, police stations, public libraries, institutions
16of higher education, supermarkets, community centers, plants and factories, banks,
17savings and loan associations and savings banks. Special registration deputies shall
18be appointed for all locations. An elector who wishes to obtain a confidential listing
19under s. 6.47 (2) shall register at the office of the municipal clerk of the municipality
20where the elector resides.
AB63-AA5, s. 7m 21Section 7m. 6.28 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB63-AA5,4,422 6.28 (3) At office of register of deeds. Any person shall be given an
23opportunity to register to vote at the office of the register of deeds for the county in
24which the person's residence is located. An applicant may fill out the required
25registration form under s. 6.33 (1). Upon receipt of a completed form, the register of

1deeds shall forward the form within 5 days to the appropriate municipal clerk, or to
2the board of election commissioners in cities over 500,000 population. The register
3of deeds shall forward the form immediately whenever registration closes within 5
4days of receipt.
AB63-AA5, s. 7p 5Section 7p. 6.28 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
AB63-AA5,4,206 6.28 (4) At department of transportation offices. (a) Each person who is
7employed as a license examiner by the department of transportation is a special
8registration deputy for the municipality in which the person's place of employment
9is located. The department shall notify the municipal clerk of the municipality of the
10name and address of each such employee and of the beginning and ending date of his
11or her service at that place of employment. The municipal clerk of the municipality
12shall designate one employee at each office of the department of transportation
13where more than one license examiner is employed as the primary special
14registration deputy for that office. This employee shall coordinate and supervise
15registration activities at that office. The municipal clerk shall explain to each special
16registration deputy, or if there is more than one deputy at the office, to the primary
17special registration deputy the responsibilities of the special registration deputies
18at the office. The primary special registration deputy shall explain those
19responsibilities to each other special registration deputy at the office where the
20deputy serves.
AB63-AA5,5,1321 (b) Any individual who applies for an operator's license, or for renewal of an
22operator's license, under ch. 343, may register for any election before the close of
23registration in person at the time of making an application under ch. 343 by
24completing a registration form. Any registered elector whose residence has changed
25within this state or whose name has changed may update his or her registration

1information in person by completing an updated form before the close of registration
2at any office of the department of transportation where applications for operators'
3licenses, or for renewals of operators' licenses, are accepted. The special registration
4deputy under par. (a) who receives the individual's properly completed registration
5form or updated form, shall promptly enter on the form any information required by
6the board under s. 6.33 (1m) (b) and, if the deputy is not the primary registration
7deputy at an office where a primary special registration deputy is designated, give
8the form to the primary registration deputy. No later than 10 days after the applicant
9completes the form, each special registration deputy or, if there is more than one
10special registration deputy at an office, the primary registration deputy shall
11forward the form to the board except that, if the applicant submits the form within
125 days of the close of registration, the deputy shall forward the form no later than the
13close of registration.
AB63-AA5,5,2114 (c) The board, upon receiving a properly completed registration form or
15updated form from a qualified elector under par. (b), shall add the name of the
16registering elector to the registration list or update the elector's registration
17information, as appropriate. If the board rejects any registration form or updated
18form under this paragraph, the board shall promptly notify the individual whose
19registration form or updated form is rejected of the reasons for the rejection. An
20individual whose registration is rejected may reapply for registration if he or she is
AB63-AA5,5,22 224. Page 6, line 6: after that line insert:
AB63-AA5,5,24 23" Section 8c. 6.33 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 2003 Wisconsin Act 265,
24section 49b, is amended to read:
16.33 (1) The Except as provided in sub. (1m), the municipal clerk shall supply
2sufficient registration forms as prescribed by the board printed on loose-leaf sheets
3or cards to obtain from each applicant information as to name; date; residence
4location; citizenship; date of birth; age; the number of a valid operator's license
5issued to the elector under ch. 343 or the last 4 digits of the elector's social security
6account number; whether the applicant has resided within the ward or election
7district for at least 10 days; whether the applicant has lost his or her right to vote;
8and whether the applicant is currently registered to vote at any other location. The
9forms shall also provide a space for the applicant's signature and the ward and
10aldermanic district, if any, where the elector resides and any other information
11required to determine the offices and referenda for which the elector is certified to
12vote. The forms shall also include a space where the clerk may record an indication
13of whether the form is received by mail and a space where the clerk, for any applicant
14who possesses a valid voting identification card issued to the person under s. 6.47 (3),
15may record the identification serial number appearing on the voting identification
16card. Each register of deeds shall obtain sufficient registration forms at the expense
17of the unit of government by which he or she is employed for completion by any elector
18who desires to register to vote at the office of the register of deeds under s. 6.28 (3).
AB63-AA5, s. 8e 19Section 8e. 6.33 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB63-AA5,6,2220 6.33 (1m) (a) The board, in consultation with the department of transportation,
21shall prescribe the registration form and update form for use at the offices of the
22department of transportation under s. 6.28 (4). The registration form shall include:
AB63-AA5,6,2423 1. A list of the qualifications for voting under s. 6.02 and the grounds for
24disqualification under s. 6.03.
12. A statement to be signed by the applicant affirming that the applicant meets
2the qualifications for voting under s. 6.02 and is not disqualified from voting under
3s. 6.03.
AB63-AA5,7,74 3. A notice indicating that the applicant may decide whether or not to register
5to vote at the time of filing the application and that the applicant's decision not to
6register will remain confidential and will be used only for voter registration
AB63-AA5,7,108 4. A notice indicating that, if the applicant registers to vote at the time of filing
9the application, the location of the office at which the applicant files the application
10will remain confidential and will be used only for voter registration purposes.
AB63-AA5,7,1311 5. A notice indicating that, if the applicant wishes to obtain a confidential
12listing under s. 6.47 (2), the applicant must register at the office of the municipal
13clerk of the municipality where the elector resides.
AB63-AA5,7,2214 (b) Except as provided in par. (a) and this paragraph, the forms prescribed
15under this subsection may require the applicant or the special registration deputy
16who receives the completed form to provide any information that the board
17determines to be necessary to administer voter registration and the election process,
18to prevent duplicate voter registrations, and to enable the election officials of the
19applicant's municipality of residence to assess the applicant's eligibility to vote. The
20registration form may not require the applicant to provide any information that
21duplicates information required in the operator's license or renewal portion of the
22application, other than the applicant's signature.
AB63-AA5, s. 8g 23Section 8g. 6.33 (2) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2003 Wisconsin Act 265,
24section 49b, is amended to read:
16.33 (2) (a) All information on any form prescribed under sub. (1) or (1m) may
2be recorded by any person, except as provided in sub. (1m) (b) and except that the
3ward and aldermanic district, if any, other geographic information under sub. (1), the
4indication of whether the registration is received by mail, and any information
5relating to an applicant's voting identification card shall be recorded by the clerk.
6Each applicant shall sign his or her own name unless the applicant is unable to sign
7his or her name due to physical disability. In such case, the applicant may authorize
8another elector to sign the form on his or her behalf. If the applicant so authorizes,
9the elector signing the form shall attest to a statement that the application is made
10upon request and by authorization of a named elector who is unable to sign the form
11due to physical disability.
AB63-AA5, s. 8i 12Section 8i. 6.40 (1) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB63-AA5,8,2213 6.40 (1) (a) 1. Any Except as provided in s. 6.28 (4) (b) and except as otherwise
14provided in this paragraph, a
registered elector shall transfer registration after a
15change of residence within the state by filing in person with the municipal clerk or
16by mailing to the municipal clerk a signed request stating his or her present address,
17affirming that this will be his or her residence for 10 days prior to the election and
18providing the address where he or she was last registered. Alternatively, the elector
19may transfer his or her registration at the proper polling place or other registration
20location under s. 6.02 (2) in accordance with s. 6.55 (2) (a). If an elector is voting in
21the ward or election district where the elector formerly resided, the change shall be
22effective for the next election.
AB63-AA5, s. 8k 23Section 8k. 6.40 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB63-AA5,9,524 6.40 (1) (c) Name change. Whenever Except as provided in s. 6.28 (4) (b) and
25except as otherwise provided in this paragraph,
an elector's name is legally changed,

1including a change by marriage or divorce, the elector shall transfer his or her
2registration to his or her legal name by appearing in person or mailing to the
3municipal clerk a signed request for a transfer of registration to such name.
4Alternatively, a registered elector may make notification of a name change at his or
5her polling place under s. 6.55 (2) (d).".
AB63-AA5,9,6 65. Page 8, line 9: after that line insert:
AB63-AA5,9,7 7" Section 11m. 6.55 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB63-AA5,9,148 6.55 (2) (d) A registered elector who has changed his or her name but resides
9at the same address, and has not notified the municipal clerk under s. 6.40 (1) (c) or
10filed a timely update of his or her registration under s. 6.28 (4) (b)
, shall notify the
11inspector of the change before voting. The inspector shall then notify the municipal
12clerk at the time when materials are returned under s. 6.56 (1). If an elector has
13changed both a name and address, the elector shall register at the polling place or
14other registration location under pars. (a) and (b).".
AB63-AA5,9,15 156. Page 25, line 9: after that line insert:
AB63-AA5,9,16 16" Section 35g. 7.03 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB63-AA5,9,2317 7.03 (1) (d) Except as otherwise provided in par. (a), special registration
18deputies appointed under s. 6.55 (6), special voting deputies appointed under s. 6.875
19(4) and officials and trainees who attend training sessions under s. 7.15 (1) (e) or 7.25
20(5) may also be compensated by the municipality where they serve at the option of
21the municipality. Employees of the department of transportation who are designated
22as special registration deputies under s. 6.28 (4) shall serve without additional
AB63-AA5, s. 35r 24Section 35r. 7.08 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
17.08 (1) (c) Prescribe forms required by ss. 6.24 (3) and (4), 6.30 (4), 6.33 (1) and
2(1m) (a)
, 6.40 (1) (a), 6.47 (1) (a) 2. and (3), 6.55 (2) and (3), and 6.86 (2) and (3). All
3such forms shall contain a statement of the penalty applicable to false or fraudulent
4registration or voting through use of the form. Forms are not required to be furnished
5by the board.".
AB63-AA5,10,6 67. Page 25, line 24: after that line insert:
AB63-AA5,10,7 7" Section 37c. 110.08 (1r) of the statutes is created to read:
AB63-AA5,10,98 110.08 (1r) Operator's license examiners shall perform those duties required
9under s. 6.28 (4).
AB63-AA5, s. 37g 10Section 37g. 343.14 (2r) of the statutes is created to read: