2005 - 2006 LEGISLATURE
November 29, 2005 - Offered by Representatives Friske and Sherman.
AB678-ASA1,1,8 1An Act to amend 348.01 (2) (bt), 348.175, 348.21 (2) (b), 348.21 (3) (intro.),
2348.21 (3g) (intro.), 348.22, 348.25 (2) (b), 348.27 (9) (a), 348.27 (9m) (a) 1.,
3348.27 (9m) (a) 1. and 348.27 (9m) (b); and to create 348.195, 348.21 (3g),
4348.21 (3r) and 348.27 (9m) (a) 4. of the statutes; relating to: annual or
5consecutive month permits for certain overweight vehicles or vehicle
6combinations, requiring certain persons to maintain weight records related to
7the transportation of raw forest products, vehicle weight limitation violations,
8and providing a penalty.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, with limited exceptions, no person may operate upon a
highway any vehicle or combination of vehicles that exceeds certain statutory weight
limits unless the person obtains a permit issued by the Department of
Transportation (DOT) or a local authority. Any state traffic patrol officer, state motor
vehicle inspector, or other traffic officer may issue a citation for an overweight
violation to a person or motor carrier for the operation of a vehicle in excess of
applicable weight limitations.

Under current law, with limitations, DOT may issue an annual or consecutive
month permit (a raw forest products, fruits, and vegetables permit) for the
transportation of raw forest products, fruits or vegetables from field to storage or
processing facilities, or bulk potatoes from storage facilities to rail loading or food
processing facilities in vehicles or vehicle combinations that exceed generally
applicable statutory gross weight limitations by not more than 10,000 pounds. The
permit may not authorize the operation of any vehicle or vehicle combination at a
maximum gross weight in excess of 90,000 pounds. A permit for the transportation
of raw forest products or of fruits or vegetables is not valid on highways designated
as part of the national system of interstate and defense highways except on a
specified portion of I 39.
This substitute amendment modifies the raw forest products, fruits, and
vegetables permit with respect to the transportation of raw forest products so that
the current version of the permit will no longer be issued after January 1, 2011, a new
version of the permit will be available on the effective date of the substitute
amendment, and in the interim an applicant may apply for either version of the
permit. Under the new version of the permit, DOT may issue a raw forest products,
fruits, and vegetables permit for the transportation of raw forest products in vehicle
combinations that exceed generally applicable statutory gross weight limitations by
not more than 18,000 pounds if the vehicle combination has six or more axles and the
gross weight imposed on the highway by the wheels of any one axle of the vehicle
combination does not exceed 18,000 pounds, except that the gross weight imposed
on the highway by the wheels of any steering axle on the power unit may not exceed
the greater of 13,000 pounds or the manufacturer's rated capacity, but not to exceed
18,000 pounds. The permit does not authorize the operation of any vehicle
combination at a maximum gross weight in excess of 98,000 pounds. The permit is
also not valid on interstate highways, on highways or bridges with posted weight
limitations less than the vehicle combination's gross weight, and on state trunk
highways that DOT has designated by rule as routes on which the permit is not valid.
The substitute amendment also changes the definition of "raw forest products"
to include intermediary lumber.
The substitute amendment further requires raw forest product purchasers that
generate weight scale records to retain, for not less than 30 days, any weight scale
record that identifies the gross weight of, or the weight of the load transported by,
the vehicle or vehicle combination transporting the raw forest products. These
records must be promptly provided to any traffic officer in this state who requests
them within the 30-day period during which they are required to be retained. Any
person who fails to retain or produce these records as required must forfeit $1,000.
Under current law, DOT may issue an annual or consecutive month permit
(known as a Michigan border permit) for an oversize or overweight vehicle or
combination of vehicles transporting loads over any state highway within 11 miles
of the Wisconsin-Michigan state line and, if previously approved by local highway
authorities, on local highways within that 11-mile area, or transporting exclusively
peeled or unpeeled forest products anywhere upon USH 2 in Ashland County or Iron
County if the vehicle or combination of vehicles is traveling between Wisconsin and

Michigan and does not violate length or weight limitations established under
Michigan law.
This substitute amendment limits the Michigan border permit in scope to that
currently allowed for vehicles operated on USH 2 and provides that any previously
issued Michigan border permit for other vehicles becomes invalid after the substitute
amendment's effective date.
Current law provides various exceptions that allow a person to operate upon a
highway a vehicle or vehicle combination that exceeds generally applicable statutory
weight limitations without an overweight permit. One exception allows DOT and
local highway authorities to declare certain highways under their jurisdiction as
frozen and eligible for increased weight limitations, and to establish increased
weight limitations on these highways, for the transportation of certain forest
products or of abrasives or salt for highway winter maintenance in excess of
generally applicable statutory weight limitations.
This substitute amendment eliminates, effective January 1, 2011, the weight
limitation exception associated with a frozen road declaration with respect to
vehicles transporting certain forest products.
Under current law, any person violating generally applicable statutory weight
limitations, lower special posted weight limitations, or higher weight limitations
associated with a frozen road declaration or with an agricultural or energy
emergency or included in an overweight permit is subject to specified penalties,
depending on the severity of the overweight violation. The penalties generally apply
not only to the operator but also to the owner of the violating vehicle and to the motor
carrier under whose authority the vehicle is operated. If the overweight vehicle or
vehicle combination exceeds by more than 1,000 pounds the applicable weight
limitation, the total forfeiture is calculated according to a schedule that increases the
amount of the forfeiture based on the number of pounds by which the vehicle or
vehicle combination exceeds the maximum allowable weight (total excess load). For
a first conviction, the overweight violation may result in a forfeiture of not less than
$50 nor more than $200, plus an escalating amount calculated from the schedule
based upon the total excess load. For a second and each subsequent conviction within
a 12-month period, the overweight violation may result in a forfeiture of not less
than $100 nor more than $300, plus an escalating amount calculated from the
schedule ranging from two cents per pound when the total excess load is not greater
than 2,000 pounds to ten cents per pound when the total excess load exceeds 5,000
This substitute amendment creates a special category of penalty, similar in
structure to existing penalties but different in amount, applicable to overweight
violations committed during the operation of a vehicle combination that has six or
more axles and that is transporting raw forest products. The substitute amendment
increases the forfeitures for these offenses. For a first conviction or a second
conviction within a 12-month period, the amount of the forfeiture is not less than
$150 nor more than $250, plus an amount per pound for each pound of total excess
load ranging from 6 cents per pound when the total excess load is less than 2,000
pounds to 11 cents per pound when the total excess load exceeds 5,000 pounds. For

the third and each subsequent conviction within a 12-month period, the amount of
the forfeiture is not less than $500 nor more than $550, plus an amount per pound
for each pound of total excess load ranging from 20 cents per pound when the total
excess load is 3,000 pounds or less to 23 cents per pound when the total excess load
exceeds 5,000 pounds.
Under current law, upon conviction of a person for an overweight violation in
any court, the court must forward a record of the conviction to DOT. This substitute
amendment clarifies that the record of conviction must be forwarded regardless of
whether the conviction is for violation of a state statute or a local ordinance in
conformity with a state statute.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB678-ASA1, s. 1 1Section 1. 348.01 (2) (bt) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB678-ASA1,4,52 348.01 (2) (bt) "Raw forest products" means logs, pilings, posts, poles, cordwood
3products, wood chips, sawdust, pulpwood, intermediary lumber, fuel wood and
4Christmas trees not altered by a manufacturing process off the land, sawmill or
5factory from which they are taken.
AB678-ASA1, s. 2 6Section 2. 348.175 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB678-ASA1,5,11 7348.175 Seasonal operation of vehicles hauling peeled or unpeeled
8forest products cut crosswise or
abrasives or salt for highway winter
The transportation of peeled or unpeeled forest products cut
10crosswise or of
abrasives or salt for highway winter maintenance in excess of gross
11weight limitations under s. 348.15 shall be permitted during the winter months
12when the highways are so frozen that no damage may result thereto by reason of such
13transportation. If at any time any person is so transporting such products or
14abrasives or salt upon a class "A" highway in such frozen condition then that person
15may likewise use a class "B" highway without other limitation, except that chains
16and other traction devices are prohibited on class "A" highways but such chains and
17devices may be used in cases of necessity. The officers or agencies in charge of

1maintenance of highways, upon determination of such frozen condition and freedom
2of damage to such highways by transportation shall declare particular highways, or
3highways within areas of the state as eligible for increased weight limitations. Such
4declaration shall include the maximum weight on each axle, combination of axles
5and the gross weight allowed. Any person transporting any such product abrasives
6or salt
over any highway of this state under this section is liable to the maintaining
7authority for any damage caused to such highway. This section does not apply to the
8national system of interstate and defense highways, except for that portion of
9USH 51 between Wausau and STH 78 and that portion of STH 78 between USH 51
10and the I 90/94 interchange near Portage upon their federal designation as
I 39
11between USH 51 and I 90/94.
AB678-ASA1, s. 3 12Section 3. 348.195 of the statutes is created to read:
AB678-ASA1,5,19 13348.195 Weight records of raw forest products purchasers. (1) Any
14purchaser of raw forest products transported by a vehicle or vehicle combination
15subject to the requirements of this subchapter that generates a weight scale record
16identifying the gross weight of the vehicle or vehicle combination or the weight of the
17load transported by the vehicle or vehicle combination shall retain the weight scale
18record for not less than 30 days from the date that the weight scale record is
AB678-ASA1,5,22 20(2) Upon demand by any traffic officer in this state within the 30-day period
21specified in sub. (1), any person required to retain records under sub. (1) shall
22promptly provide such records to the requesting officer.
AB678-ASA1,5,24 23(3) For purposes of this section, a true, accurate, and legible copy of any weight
24scale record may be substituted for, and shall be given the effect of, an original.
1(4) Any person required to retain records under sub. (1) or to produce records
2under sub. (2) who fails to retain or produce such records shall forfeit $1,000. Each
3violation constitutes a separate offense.
AB678-ASA1, s. 4 4Section 4. 348.21 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB678-ASA1,6,195 348.21 (2) (b) If the load on any wheel, axle or group of axles does not exceed
6the weight prescribed in s. 348.15 (3) or 348.16 or in a declaration issued under s.
7348.175 by more than 2,000 pounds and if such excess can be reloaded within the
8normal load carrying areas, on any other wheel, axle or axles, so that all wheels and
9axles are then within the statutory limits, the operator may reload as provided in this
10paragraph. A total of 2,000 pounds per vehicle or combination of vehicles may be
11reloaded under this subsection. If reloading is accomplished and all axles or group
12of axles are within the legal limits, no forfeiture may be imposed. A vehicle or
13combination of vehicles under this subsection which is not reloaded may continue to
14be operated upon the highway, but a forfeiture of $50 shall be imposed for failure to
15reload. This forfeiture shall be paid upon the basis of the citation issued by the
16official to the court named in the citation. Failure to pay shall subject the operator
17to the penalty in par. (a) or sub. (3) (a) or (3g). Violations under this subsection shall
18not be considered as violations or prior convictions under par. (a) or sub. (3) (a) or (b)
19to (3r).
AB678-ASA1, s. 5 20Section 5. 348.21 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB678-ASA1,6,2421 348.21 (3) (intro.) Any Except as provided in sub. (3g), any person violating s.
22348.15 or 348.16 or any weight limitation posted as provided in s. 348.17 (1) or in a
23declaration issued under s. 348.175 or authorized under s. 348.17 (3) or (4) or in an
24overweight permit issued under s. 348.26 or 348.27 may be penalized as follows:
AB678-ASA1, s. 6 25Section 6. 348.21 (3g) of the statutes is created to read:
1348.21 (3g) Any person who, while operating a vehicle combination that has
26 or more axles and that is transporting raw forest products, violates s. 348.15 or
3348.16 or any weight limitation posted as provided in s. 348.17 (1) or in a declaration
4issued under s. 348.175 or authorized under s. 348.17 (4) or in an overweight permit
5issued under s. 348.26 or 348.27 may be penalized as follows:
AB678-ASA1,7,136 (a) For a first conviction or a 2nd conviction within a 12-month period, a
7forfeiture of not less than $150 nor more than $250 plus an amount equal to: 6 cents
8for each pound of total excess load when the total excess is less than 2,000 pounds;
98 cents for each pound of total excess load if the excess is 2,000 pounds or more and
10not over 3,000 pounds; 9 cents for each pound of total excess load if the excess is over
113,000 pounds and not over 4,000 pounds; 10 cents for each pound of total excess load
12if the excess is over 4,000 pounds and not over 5,000 pounds; 11 cents for each pound
13of total excess load if the excess is over 5,000 pounds.
AB678-ASA1,7,2014 (b) For the 3rd and each subsequent conviction within a 12-month period, a
15forfeiture of not less than $500 nor more than $550, plus an amount equal to: 20 cents
16for each pound of total excess load when the total excess is 3,000 pounds or less; 21
17cents for each pound of total excess load if the excess is over 3,000 pounds and not
18over 4,000 pounds; 22 cents for each pound of total excess load if the excess is over
194,000 pounds and not over 5,000 pounds; 23 cents for each pound of total excess load
20if the excess is over 5,000 pounds.
AB678-ASA1, s. 7 21Section 7. 348.21 (3g) (intro.) of the statutes, as created by 2005 Wisconsin Act
22.... (this act), is amended to read:
AB678-ASA1,8,223 348.21 (3g) (intro.) Any person who, while operating a vehicle combination that
24has 6 or more axles and that is transporting raw forest products, violates s. 348.15
25or 348.16 or any weight limitation posted as provided in s. 348.17 (1) or in a

1declaration issued under s. 348.175 or
authorized under s. 348.17 (4) or in an
2overweight permit issued under s. 348.26 or 348.27 may be penalized as follows:
AB678-ASA1, s. 8 3Section 8. 348.21 (3r) of the statutes is created to read:
AB678-ASA1,8,54 348.21 (3r) In determining the number of prior convictions for purposes of
5subs. (3) and (3g), the court shall include convictions under both subsections.
AB678-ASA1, s. 9 6Section 9. 348.22 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB678-ASA1,8,13 7348.22 Courts to report weight violation convictions. Whenever any
8owner or operator is convicted of violating ss. 348.15 to 348.17 or any local ordinance
9in conformity with ss. 348.15 to 348.17
or any ordinance enacted under s. 349.15 (3),
10the clerk of the court in which the conviction occurred, or the judge or municipal
11judge, if the court has no clerk, shall, within 48 hours after the conviction, forward
12a record of conviction to the department. Forfeiture of bail or appearance money or
13payment of a fine is a conviction within the meaning of this section.
AB678-ASA1, s. 10 14Section 10. 348.25 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB678-ASA1,8,2015 348.25 (2) (b) If an overweight permit has been obtained under s. 348.26 or
16348.27, and the vehicle exceeds the weight stated in the permit, any overweight
17violation shall be computed on the basis of the weight authorized in the permit. The
18amount of the forfeiture for overweight violations determined under this paragraph
19shall be calculated as provided in s. 348.21 (3) to (3r). This paragraph does not apply
20if any other conditions of an overweight permit are violated.
AB678-ASA1, s. 11 21Section 11. 348.27 (9) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB678-ASA1,9,922 348.27 (9) (a) The department may issue an annual or consecutive month
23permits for the transportation on a vehicle or combination of vehicles of loads
24exceeding statutory length or weight limitations over any class of highway for a
25distance not to exceed 11 miles from the Michigan-Wisconsin state line, except that

1permit for a vehicle or combination of vehicles exceeding statutory length or weight
transporting exclusively peeled or unpeeled forest products cut crosswise
3may operate under such a permit operating anywhere upon USH 2 in Iron County
4or Ashland County if the vehicle or combination of vehicles is traveling between this
5state and Michigan and does not violate length or weight limitations established, as
6of April 28, 2004, under Michigan law. If the roads desired to be used by the
7applicants involve streets or highways other than those within the state trunk
8highway system, the application shall be accompanied by a written statement of
9route approval by the officer in charge of maintenance of the other highway
AB678-ASA1, s. 12 10Section 12. 348.27 (9m) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB678-ASA1,9,1911 348.27 (9m) (a) 1. Raw forest products or of fruits or vegetables from field to
12storage or processing facilities in vehicles or vehicle combinations that exceed the
13maximum gross weight limitations under s. 348.15 (3) (c) by not more than 10,000
14pounds. A permit under this subdivision is not valid on highways designated as part
15of the national system of interstate and defense highways, except on I 39 between
16STH 29 south of Wausau and the I 90/94 interchange near Portage in Marathon,
17Portage, Waushara, Marquette and Columbia counties. No permit authorizing the
18transportation of raw forest products issued under this subdivision is valid after
19January 1, 2011.
AB678-ASA1, s. 13 20Section 13 . 348.27 (9m) (a) 1. of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin
21Act .... (this act), is amended to read:
AB678-ASA1,9,2522 348.27 (9m) (a) 1. Raw forest products or of fruits Fruits or vegetables from
23field to storage or processing facilities in vehicles or vehicle combinations that exceed
24the maximum gross weight limitations under s. 348.15 (3) (c) by not more than 10,000
25pounds. A permit under this subdivision is not valid on highways designated as part

1of the national system of interstate and defense highways, except on I 39 between
2STH 29 south of Wausau and the I 90/94 interchange near Portage in Marathon,
3Portage, Waushara, Marquette and Columbia counties. No permit authorizing the
4transportation of raw forest products issued under this subdivision is valid after
5January 1, 2011.
AB678-ASA1, s. 14 6Section 14. 348.27 (9m) (a) 4. of the statutes is created to read:
AB678-ASA1,10,217 348.27 (9m) (a) 4. Raw forest products in vehicle combinations that exceed the
8maximum gross weight limitations under s. 348.15 (3) (c) by not more than 18,000
9pounds if the vehicle combination has 6 or more axles and the gross weight imposed
10on the highway by the wheels of any one axle of the vehicle combination does not
11exceed 18,000 pounds, except that the gross weight imposed on the highway by the
12wheels of any steering axle on the power unit may not exceed the greater of 13,000
13pounds or the manufacturer's rated capacity, but not to exceed 18,000 pounds.
14Notwithstanding s. 348.15 (8), any axle of a vehicle combination that does not impose
15on the highway at least 8 percent of the gross weight of the vehicle combination may
16not be counted as an axle for the purposes of this subdivision. A permit under this
17subdivision is not valid on any interstate highway designated under s. 84.29 (2), any
18highway or bridge with a posted weight limitation that is less than the vehicle
19combination's gross weight, and any part of the state trunk highway system that the
20department has designated by rule as a route on which a permit issued under this
21subsection is not valid.
AB678-ASA1, s. 15 22Section 15. 348.27 (9m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB678-ASA1,11,223 348.27 (9m) (b) A permit issued under par. (a) 1. to 3. does not authorize the
24operation of any vehicle or vehicle combination at a maximum gross weight in excess

1of 90,000 pounds. A permit issued under par. (a) 4. does not authorize the operation
2of any vehicle combination at a maximum gross weight in excess of 98,000 pounds.
AB678-ASA1, s. 16 3Section 16. Nonstatutory provisions.
AB678-ASA1,11,54 (1) No permit issued under section 348.27 (9), 2003 stats., for operation of a
5vehicle other than on USH 2 is valid after the effective date of this subsection.
AB678-ASA1, s. 17 6Section 17. Initial applicability.