September 30, 2005 - Offered by Senator Roessler.
SB226-SA1,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the bill as follows:
SB226-SA1,1,3 21. Page 8, line 20: delete "assistance from" and substitute " be informed about
3how to contact
SB226-SA1,1,4 42. Page 9, line 23: after "admitted" insert "or his or her designee".
SB226-SA1,1,5 53. Page 9, line 24: after "center" insert "or his or her designee".
SB226-SA1,1,7 64. Page 10, line 24: delete "14 days" and substitute "14 7 days, exclusive of
7weekends and legal holidays,
SB226-SA1,1,9 85. Page 10, line 25: delete "14 days" and substitute "14 7 days, exclusive of
9weekends and legal holidays,
SB226-SA1,1,11 106. Page 11, line 8: delete "14 days" and substitute "14 7 days , exclusive of
11weekends and legal holidays,
17. Page 11, line 12: delete "may receive assistance from" and substitute "shall
2be informed about how to contact
SB226-SA1,2,7 38. Page 13, line 14: after " (d)." insert "If a review is requested, the treatment
4director of the facility to which the minor is admitted or his or her designee or, in the
5case of a center for the developmentally disabled, the director of the center or his or
6her designee shall file a verified petition for review of the admission on behalf of the
SB226-SA1,2,12 89. Page 17, line 8: after "(d)." insert "If a review is requested, the treatment
9director of the facility to which the minor is admitted or his or her designee or, in the
10case of a center for the developmentally disabled, the director of the center or his or
11her designee shall file a verified petition for review of the administration of
12psychotropic medication as inpatient treatment on behalf of the minor.".
SB226-SA1,2,13 1310. Page 18, line 17: delete "older or" and substitute "older or".
SB226-SA1,2,15 1411. Page 18, line 18: after "guardian" insert "a person acting on behalf of the
SB226-SA1,2,16 1612. Page 18, line 22: delete that line.
SB226-SA1,2,17 1713. Page 18, line 23: before "minor" insert "For a".
SB226-SA1,2,20 1814. Page 18, line 24: after "refusal" insert ", the treatment director of the
19outpatient facility shall file a petition for review of the informed consent on behalf
20of the minor
SB226-SA1,2,22 2115. Page 20, line 12: delete "or his or her parent or guardian" and substitute
22"or his or her parent or guardian a person acting on behalf of the minor".
SB226-SA1,2,23 2316. Page 21, line 2: after that line insert:
1" Section 41m. 51.14 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
SB226-SA1,3,42 51.14 (7) Listing of mental health review officers. The department shall
3compile a list that specifies the mental health review officers in each county, post the
4list on the department's website, and update the list as necessary.".
SB226-SA1,3,8 517. Page 21, line 21: after "section" insert ", unless the treatment director of
6the inpatient facility or outpatient facility determines that there is evidence that the
7minor has suffered abuse or neglect or that the treatment record indicates evidence
8of the potential for the minor to suffer abuse or neglect
SB226-SA1,3,10 918. Page 21, line 22: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
10with page 22, line 4 and substitute:
SB226-SA1,3,11 11" Section 44m. 51.30 (5) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB226-SA1,3,1712 51.30 (5) (b) 2. A minor upon reaching the age of who is aged 14 or older shall
13have access to his or her own court and treatment records, as provided in this section.
14A minor under the age of 14 shall have access to court records but only in the presence
15of a parent, guardian, counsel, guardian ad litem or judge and shall have access to
16treatment records as provided in this section but only in the presence of a parent,
17guardian, counsel, guardian ad litem or staff member of the treatment facility.".
SB226-SA1,3,19 1819. Page 24, line 2: delete "may receive assistance from" and substitute "shall
19be informed about how to contact