(6) (a) 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., in this subsection, "routine
4costs" means all health care services, items, and drugs that are typically provided in
5health care; all health care services, items, and drugs that are required solely for the
6provision of the health care service, item, or drug; the appropriate monitoring of the
7effects of the health care services, items, and drugs; the prevention of complications
8arising from the health care services, items, and drugs; and health care services,
9items, and drugs that are needed for reasonable and necessary care arising from the
10provision of the health care service, item, or drug.
2. "Routine costs" does not include the health care service, item, or
12investigational drug that is the subject of the trial; any services provided solely to
13satisfy data collection and analysis needs that are not used in the direct clinical
1management of the patient; any services, items, or drugs provided by the trial
2sponsors free of charge for any patient; or any services, items, or drugs that are
3eligible for reimbursement by a person other than the insurer, including the sponsor
4of the trial.
(b) No policy, plan, or contract may exclude coverage for any routine costs".
1"3. The clinical trial is not designed exclusively to test toxicity or disease
2pathophysiology but has therapeutic intent.
4. The clinical trial enrolls individuals with diagnosed disease rather than
4healthy individuals, except that if the clinical trial tests a diagnostic intervention it
5may enroll healthy individuals in order to have a proper control group.".