"SECTION 221d. 20.292 (1) (kd) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.292 (1) (kd) Transfer of Indian gaming receipts; work-based learning programs. The amounts in the schedule for work-based learning programs. All moneys transferred from the appropriation account under s. 20.143 (1) (kj) 20.505 (8) (hm) 18j. shall be credited to this appropriation account. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), the unencumbered balance on June 30 of each year shall revert to the appropriation account under s. 20.143 (1) (kj) 20.505 (8) (hm) 18j.".

Page 343, line 24: delete lines 24 and 25.

Page 344, line 1: delete lines 1 and 2.

Page 350, line 3: delete lines 3 to 9 and substitute:

"SECTION 350r. 20.445 (7) (title) of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 352d. 20.445 (7) (em) of the statutes is renumbered 20.445 (1) (em).

SECTION 352g. 20.445 (7) (ga) of the statutes is renumbered 20.292 (1) (ga) and amended to read:

20.292 (1) (ga) Auxiliary services. All moneys received from fees collected under s. 106.12 (4) 38.40 (4r), for the delivery of services under s. 106.12 (4) 38.40 (4r).

SECTION 352j. 20.445 (7) (kb) of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 352m. 20.445 (7) (kx) of the statutes is renumbered 20.292 (1) (kx) and amended to read:

20.292 (1) (kx) Interagency and intra-agency programs. All moneys received from other state agencies and all moneys received by the department board from the department board for the administration of programs or projects for which received.

SECTION 352p. 20.445 (7) (m) of the statutes is repealed.".

Page 367, line 7: after that line insert:

"SECTION 429m. 20.505 (8) (hm) 18j. of the statutes is created to read:

20.505 (8) (hm) 18j. The amount transferred to s. 20.292 (1) (kd) shall be the amount in the schedule under s. 20.292 (1) (kd).".

Page 383, line 5: after that line insert:

"SECTION 487r. 20.923 (4) (c) 5. of the statutes is repealed.".

Page 427, line 21: delete lines 21 to 25.

Page 428, line 1: delete lines 1 to 15 and substitute:

"SECTION 714d. 38.40 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:

38.40 (title) School-to-work, Technical preparation, school-to-work, and work-based learning programs.

SECTION 715d. 38.40 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:

38.40 (1) EMPLOYMENT AND EDUCATION PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION. The board shall plan, coordinate, administer, and implement the technical preparation, school-to-work, and work-based learning programs under sub. (1m) and such other employment and education programs as the governor may by executive order assign to the board. Notwithstanding any limitations placed on the use of state employment and education funds under this section or under an executive order assigning an employment and education program to the board, the board may issue a general or special order waiving any of those limitations on finding that the waiver will promote the coordination of employment and education services.

SECTION 716d. 38.40 (1m) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:


SECTION 716m. 38.40 (1m) (a) of the statutes is created to read:

38.40 (1m) (a) A technical preparation program that includes the technical preparation programs under s. 118.34.

SECTION 719d. 38.40 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:

38.40 (2) INTERAGENCY ASSISTANCE. The council on workforce investment established under 29 USC 2821 and the department of public instruction shall assist the board in providing the technical preparation, school-to-work, and work-based learning programs under sub. (1m).".

Page 888, line 25: delete that line.

Page 889, line 1: delete lines 1 to 25.

Page 890, line 1: delete lines 1 to 14 and substitute:

"SECTION 1834v. 106.12 (title) of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 1834x. 106.12 (1) of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 1835d. 106.12 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 106.12 and amended to read:

106.12 Employment and education program administration. The board department shall plan, coordinate, administer, and implement the youth apprenticeship program under s. 106.13 (1) and such other employment and education programs as the governor may by executive order assign to the board department. Notwithstanding any limitations placed on the use of state employment and education funds under this section or s. 106.13 or under an executive order assigning an employment and education program to the board department, the board department may issue a general or special order waiving any of those limitations on finding that the waiver will promote the coordination of employment and education services.

SECTION 1835g. 106.12 (3) of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 1835m. 106.12 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 38.40 (4r) and amended to read:

38.40 (4r) PUBLICATIONS AND SEMINARS. The board may provide publications and seminars relating to the employment and education programs administered by the board and may establish a schedule of fees for those publications and seminars. Fees established under this subsection for publications and seminars provided by the board may not exceed the actual cost incurred in providing those publications and seminars. The fees collected under this subsection shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.445 (7) 20.292 (1) (ga).

SECTION 1835p. 106.13 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:

106.13 (title) Youth apprenticeship, school-to-work and work-based learning programs program.

SECTION 1837d. 106.13 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:

106.13 (2) The council on workforce investment established under 29 USC 2821, the technical college system board, and the department of public instruction shall assist the board department in providing the youth apprenticeship program under sub. (1).

SECTION 1838d. 106.13 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:

106.13 (2m) The board department shall approve occupations and maintain a list of approved occupations for the youth apprenticeship program. From the appropriation under s. 20.445 (1) (a), the board department shall develop curricula for youth apprenticeship programs for occupations approved under this subsection.

SECTION 1839d. 106.13 (3m) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

106.13 (3m) (b) (intro.) From the appropriation under s. 20.445 (1) (e), the board department shall award grants to applying local partnerships for the implementation and coordination of local youth apprenticeship programs. A local partnership shall include in its grant application the identity of each public agency, nonprofit organization, individual, and other person who is a participant in the local partnership, a plan to accomplish the implementation and coordination activities specified in subds. 1. to 6., and the identity of a fiscal agent who shall be responsible for receiving, managing, and accounting for the grant moneys received under this paragraph. Subject to par. (c), a local partnership that is awarded a grant under this paragraph may use the grant moneys awarded for any of the following implementation and coordination activities:

SECTION 1839g. 106.13 (3m) (b) 6. of the statutes is amended to read:

106.13 (3m) (b) 6. Any other implementation or coordination activity that the board department may direct or permit the local partnership to perform.

SECTION 1839j. 106.13 (4) (a) 1d. of the statutes is amended to read:

106.13 (4) (a) 1d. "Eligible employer" means an employer that is eligible to receive a grant under this subsection according to the criteria established by the board department under par. (d).

SECTION 1839m. 106.13 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:

106.13 (4) (b) From the appropriation under s. 20.445 (7) (1) (em), the board department may award a grant to a public agency or a nonprofit organization, or to an eligible employer that is responsible for the on-the-job training and supervision of a youth apprentice. A public agency or nonprofit organization that receives a grant under this subsection shall use the funds awarded under the grant to award training grants to eligible employers that provide on-the-job training and supervision for youth apprentices. Subject to par. (c), a training grant provided under this subsection may be awarded to an eligible employer for each youth apprentice who receives at least 180 hours of paid on-the-job training from the eligible employer during a school year, as defined in s. 115.001 (13). The amount of a training grant may not exceed $500 per youth apprentice per school year. A training grant may not be awarded for any specific youth apprentice for more than 2 school years.

SECTION 1839p. 106.13 (4) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:

106.13 (4) (c) Notwithstanding par. (b), the board department may award a training grant under this subsection to an eligible employer that provides less than 180 hours of paid on-the-job training for a youth apprentice during a school year, as defined in s. 115.001 (13), if the board department determines that it would be beneficial for the youth apprentice to receive on-the-job training from more than one eligible employer.

SECTION 1839r. 106.13 (4) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:

106.13 (4) (d) The board department shall establish eligibility criteria for a grant under this subsection. That criteria shall specify that eligibility for a grant shall be limited to small employers, as determined by the board department, and to employers providing on-the-job training in employment areas determined by the board department. Notwithstanding sub. (5), those criteria need not be promulgated as rules.

SECTION 1839t. 106.13 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:

106.13 (5) The board department shall promulgate rules to administer this section.".

Page 979, line 7: after that line insert:

"SECTION 2109j. 230.08 (2) (yr) of the statutes is repealed.".

Page 1090, line 14: after that line insert:

"(1q) TECHNICAL PREPARATION PROGRAM.(a) The authorized FTE positions for the technical college system board are increased by 4.6 FED positions, to be funded from the appropriation under section 20.292 (1) (m) of the statutes, for the purpose of administering the technical preparation program under section 38.40 (1m) (a) of the statutes, as created by this act.

(b) The authorized FTE positions for the technical college system board are increased by 3.2 PR positions, to be funded from the appropriation under section 20.292 (1) (kx) of the statutes, as affected by this act, for the purpose of administering the technical preparation program under section 38.40 (1m) (a) of the statutes, as created by this act.".

Page 1096, line 1: after that line insert:

"(1q) ELIMINATION OF GOVERNOR'S WORK-BASED LEARNING BOARD.(a) Assets and liabilities. On the effective date of this paragraph, all assets and liabilities of the department of workforce development that are primarily related to the technical preparation program administered by the governor's work-based learning board that is being transferred to the technical college system board under this act, as determined by the secretary of administration, shall become the assets and liabilities of the technical college system board.

(b) Tangible personal property. On the effective date of this paragraph, all tangible personal property, including records, of the department of workforce development that is primarily related to the technical preparation program administered by the governor's work-based learning board that is being transferred to the technical college system board under this act, as determined by the secretary of administration, is transferred to the technical college system board.

(c) Contracts.

1. All contracts entered into by the department of workforce development or the governor's work-based learning board that are primarily related to the technical preparation program that is being transferred to the technical college system board under this act, as determined by the secretary of administration, and that are in effect on the effective date of this subdivision remain in effect and are transferred to the technical college system board. The technical college system board shall carry out any obligations under such a contract until the contract is modified or rescinded by the technical college system board to the extent allowed under the contract.

2. All contracts entered into by the governor's work-based learning board that are primarily related to the youth apprenticeship program under section 106.13 of the statutes, as determined by the secretary of administration, and that are in effect on the effective date of this subdivision, remain in effect and are transferred to the department of workforce development. The department of workforce development shall carry out any obligations under such a contract until the contract is modified or rescinded by the department of workforce development to the extent allowed under the contract.

(d) Rules and orders.

1. All rules promulgated by the governor's work-based learning board that are in effect on the effective date of this subdivision and that are primarily related to the technical preparation program that is being transferred to the technical college system board under this act, as determined by the secretary of administration, remain in effect until their specified expiration date or until amended or repealed by the technical college system board. All orders issued by the governor's work-based learning board that are in effect on the effective date of this subdivision and that are primarily related to the technical preparation program that is being transferred to the technical college system board under this act, as determined by the secretary of administration, remain in effect until their specified expiration date or until modified or rescinded by the technical college system board.

2. All rules promulgated by the governor's work-based learning board that are in effect on the effective date of this subdivision and that are primarily related to the youth apprenticeship program under section 106.13 of the statutes, as determined by the secretary of administration, remain in effect until their specified expiration date or until amended or repealed by the department of workforce development. All orders issued by the governor's work-based learning board that are in effect on the effective date of this subdivision and that are primarily related to the youth apprenticeship program under section 106.13 of the statutes, as determined by the secretary of administration, remain in effect until their specified expiration date or until modified or rescinded by the department of workforce development.

(e) Pending matters.

1. Any matter pending with the governor's work-based learning board on the effective date of this subdivision and that is primarily related to the technical preparation program that is being transferred to the technical college system board under this act, as determined by the secretary of administration, is transferred to the technical college system board, and all materials submitted to or actions taken by the governor's work-based learning board with respect to the pending matter are considered as having been submitted to or taken by the technical college system board.

2. Any matter pending with the governor's work-based learning board on the effective date of this subdivision that is primarily related to the youth apprenticeship program under section 106.13 of the statutes, as determined by the secretary of administration, is transferred to the department of workforce development, and all materials submitted to or actions taken by the governor's work-based learning board with respect to the pending matter are considered as having been submitted to or taken by the department of workforce development.

(f) Positions and employees.

1. The authorized FTE positions for the department of workforce development, funded from the appropriation under section 20.445 (7) (kb), 2003 stats., are decreased by 2.44 PR positions for the purpose of eliminating the governor's work-based learning board.

2. The authorized FTE positions for the department of workforce development, funded from the appropriation under section 20.445 (7) (kx), 2003 stats., are decreased by 2.16 PR positions for the purpose of eliminating the governor's work-based learning board.

3. The authorized FTE positions for the department of workforce development, funded from the appropriation under section 20.445 (7) (m), 2003 stats., are decreased by 5.4 FED positions for the purpose of eliminating the governor's work-based learning board.

4. On the effective date of this subdivision, all incumbent employees holding the positions specified in subdivisions 1. and 2. and all incumbent employees holding 3.2 of the positions specified in subdivision 3. are transferred to the technical college system board.

(g) Employee status. Employees transferred under paragraph (f) 4. shall have the same rights and status under subchapter V of chapter 111 and chapter 230 of the statutes in the technical college system board that they enjoyed in the department of workforce development immediately before the transfer. Notwithstanding section 230.28 (4) of the statutes, no employee so transferred who has attained permanent status in class is required to serve a probationary period.".

Page 1106, line 24: after that line insert:

"(1q) ELIMINATION OF GOVERNOR'S WORK-BASED LEARNING BOARD. The unencumbered balances in the appropriation accounts under section 20.445 (7) (kb) and (m), 2003 stats., are transferred to the appropriation account under section 20.292 (1) (m) of the statutes.".
2005 - 2006 LEGISLATURE

LFB:......Shanovich (RR) - Health care worker injury prevention program
For 2005-07 Budget -- Not Ready For Introduction
At the locations indicated, amend the bill as follows: