United States medical licensing examination (USMLE): requirements for completion of the 3-step sequence [Admin.Code Med 1.06] -  CR06-114
pierPier, see Port
pipelinePipeline, see Fuel
Continuing podiatric medical education: waiver of [Admin. Code Pod 1.02, 1.09, 3.01, 3.02] - CR06-056
Navigable water regulations re piers, wharves, swimming rafts, boat shelters, hoists, and lifts [Admin.Code NR 326.01, 326.02, 326.03, 326.04, 326.05, 326.055, 326.06, 326.07, 326.08, 326.09, 326.10] -  CR04-088
potatoPotato, see Farm produce
pp plans _preferred provider plans_PP plans (Preferred provider plans), see Medical practice, Group
preferred provider plans _pp plans_Preferred provider plans (PP plans), see Medical practice, Group
prescriptionPrescription, see Drugs
prevailing wagePrevailing wage, see Wage — Payment
property tax _ assessmentProperty tax — Assessment
Agricultural land: 2005 assessment of [Admin.Code Tax 18.07] -  CR05-035
Agricultural land: use value assessment of [Admin.Code Tax 18.07] -  CR05-063
Solar and wind energy system taxation [Admin.Code Tax 12.075, 12.50] -  CR03-032
Public assistance overpayment collection and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code DWD 12.23, 56.04]  - CR04-123
public buildingPublic building
Public buildings and places of employment: construction, use, and maintenance of; affecting small business [Admin.Code Comm 2.31, 2.52, 3.03, 5.34, 5.61, 9, 10.30, 14, 16.08, 16.17, 16.45, 16.48, 18.1004, 61.03, 61.04, 61.05, 61.30, 61.36, 61.38, 61.41, 61.60, 62.0001, 62.0100, 62.0202, 62.0302, 62.0303, 62.0305, 62.0307, 62.0310, 62.0400, 62.0403, 62.0404, 62.0406, 62.0415, 62.0509, 62.0603, 62.0706, 62.0711, 62.0712, 62.0715, 62.0716, 62.0719, 62.0720, 62.0903, 62.0907, 62.0909, 62.0910, 62.1003 to 62.1009, 62.1015, 62.1017, 62.1019, 62.1100 to 62.1110, 62.1203, 62.1205, 62.1209, 62.1403, 62.1405, 62.1407, 62.1505, 62.1603, 62.1607, 62.1608, 62.1609, 62.1610, 62.1613, 62.1614 to 62.1621, 62.1700, 62.1802, 62.1803, 62.1805, 62.1807 to 62.1809, 62.1901, 62.1903, 62.1908, 62.1910, 62.1914, 62.1916, 62.2101, 62.2103, 62.2108, 62.2204, 62.2208, 62.2209, 62.2303, 62.2304, 62.2306, 62.2308, 62.2406 to 62.2408, 62.2701, 62.2900, 62.2901, 62.2902, 62.3001, 62.3002, 62.3004, 62.3100, 62.3102, 62.3104, 62.3400, 62.3406, 62.3408, 62.3500, 62.3600, 63, 64, 64.0001, 64.0002 to 64.0004, 64.0101, 64.0102, 64.0103, 64.0202, 64.0301, 64.0304, 64.0306, 64.0309, 64.0313, 64.0401, 64.0403, 64.0501, 64.0506, 64.0507, 64.0514, 64.0601, 64.0603, 64.0604, 64.0605, 64.0607, 64.0702, 64.0801, 64.0900, 64.1001, 64.1201, 64.1300, 64.1500, 65, 65.0001, 65.0002 to 65.0004, 65.0101, 65.0202, 65.0300, 65.0301, 65.0304 to 65.0306, 65.0503, 65.0609, 65.0617, 65.0620, 65.0629, 65.0630, 65.0632, 66, 70, 75 to 79]  - CR06-120
public defenderPublic defender
Financial eligibility of prospective clients [Admin.Code PD 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.08, 3.03, 3.038, 3.039, 3.05, 3.055, 3.06] - CR02-109
SPD legal fee reimbursement [Admin.Code PD 6.01, 6.02, 6.025] -  CR04-038
public employeePublic employee
MERA administration: procedures for [Admin.Code ERC 33, Appendix forms A, B, and C] -  CR06-061
public employee _ salaryPublic employee — Salary
Payroll deductions for charitable purposes [Admin.Code Adm 30.05 (11)] -  CR01-024
public healthPublic health, see also Disease
Sanitarian registration [Admin.Code RL 4.07, 174 to 177] -  CR06-125
Toilets at facilities where public congregates: equal speed of access to [Admin.Code Comm 62.2902, 91.01, 91.02, 91.03, 91.14] -  CR04-072
public inland lake managementPublic inland lake management, see Lakes
public instruction, department ofPublic Instruction, Department of
CESA administrators: qualifications and selection procedures established [Admin.Code PI 15] - CR06-093
Driver's education requirements and aid [Admin.Code PI 21.01, 21.02, 21.03, 21.04, 21.05, 21.06]  - CR06-092
MPCP financial reporting requirements; rule changes re affecting businesses [Admin.Code PI 35.02, 35.04, 35.045, 35.046, 35.048, 35.05] -  CR04-076
MPCP: prorating under [Admin.Code PI 35.02, 35.025, 35.03, 35.04, 35.05] -  CR04-069
Public school open enrollment program [Admin.Code PI 36.03] -  CR05-076
SAGE program: payment of state aid [Admin.Code PI 24, Subchapter II; 24.01] -  CR04-129
Special education: grants for high cost of [Admin.Code PI 30]  - CR06-098
Youth options program [Admin.Code PI 40.04, 40.05, 40.055, 40.056, 40.06, 40.07, 40.08, 40.09]  - CR06-094
public landPublic land, see also State park
Demonstrations on certain types of DNR properties [Admin.Code NR 45.03, 45.045] -  CR01-010
public safetyPublic safety
Asbestos permit exemption and inspection fees; program for recovering the exact costs of laboratory fees for sample analysis for the asbestos program [Admin.Code NR 406.04, 410.05]  - CR04-102
Boilers and pressure vessels and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code Comm 2.11, 2.16, 5.06, 5.60, 41.04, 41.10, 41.15, 41.16, 41.18, 41.23, 41.24, 41.31, 41.41, 41.42, 41.48, 41.56, 41.60, 41.61, 41.62] -  CR05-025
Boilers (industrial, commercial, and institutional) and process heaters: national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants [Admin.Code NR 439.08, 439.085, 460.02, 460.03, 462, 484.04, 484.06, 484.10, 484.11] - CR05-116
Equipment containing refrigerants that damage the atmosphere: regulations revised re activities during salvage and transport of [Admin.Code NR 488.01, 488.02, 488.03, 488.04, 488.05, 488.06, 488.07, 488.08, 488.09, 488.10, 488.11, 488.12]  - CR05-018
Federal pipeline safety regulations: incorporating by reference recent changes [Admin.Code PSC 135.019]  - CR06-106
public service commissionPublic Service Commission
Capital cost ratemaking principles for certain rate base electric generating facilities [Admin.Code PSC 111]  - CR05-079
Federal pipeline safety regulations: incorporating by reference recent changes [Admin.Code PSC 135.019]  - CR06-106
Manufactured home parks and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code Comm 2.33, 26, 95; PSC 186]  - CR04-135
PSC revisions re assessments attributable to acid deposition studies and monitoring activities, regulation of certain wireless telecommunications providers, radio common carriers, and repeal and update of rule language [Admin.Code PSC 7, 8.07, 104.01, 104.04, 113.0301, 115.02, 133.01, 134.13, 136.01, 136.04, 164.01, 165.01, 165.081, 166.015, 166.03, 166.07, 166.11, 168.08, 170, 171.03, 171.05, 171.10]  - CR06-046
Renewable resource credit tracking program [Admin.Code PSC 118 (title), 118.02, 118.03, 118.04, 118.05, 118,06, 118.07] - CR06-112
Strategic energy assessment: time period covered by [Admin. Code PSC 111.03, 111.11, 111.13, 111.21, 111.23, 111.25, 111.31, 111.33, 111.35, 111.43] - CR03-086
Telecommunications customer service and protection [for rule numbers, see entry under ``Telecommunications"]  - CR02-084
Universal service fund administration; provision of universal telecommunications service [for rule numbers, see entry under ``Telecommunications"] -  CR06-067
Utilities, railroads, motor carriers, and carriers by water within PSC jurisdiction: rules adopted to meet all requirements in section 303.304 of Federal Price Commission regulations [Admin.Code PSC 98] -  CR06-017
Procedures for administration of Employment peace act, Public utilities, Municipal employment relations act, and State employment labor relations act [Admin.Code ERC 1 to 4, 5 to 8, 9 to 18, 19, 20 to 25, 26 to 28, 30 to 33, 50]  - CR02-037
public utility _ taxationPublic utility — Taxation
Telecommunications companies and multistate public utilities: computation of the apportionment fraction [Admin.Code Tax 2.50, 2.502] -  CR05-117
public welfarePublic welfare, see also Public assistance
Clinical social worker: postgraduate education and field experience for licensure [Admin.Code MPSW 2.01, 3.09]  - CR05-042
Marriage and family therapists, professional counselors, and social workers: recordkeeping by [Admin.Code MPSW 20.02] - CR05-043
Social worker certification: background checks [Admin.Code SFC 3.13 (1)(c)] -  CR01-019
Social worker section issuance of temporary credential [Admin.Code MPSW 3.11] -  CR05-041
Social worker supervised pre-certification and pre-licensure [Admin.Code MPSW 4.01] -  CR03-098
Social worker training certificate: human services internship requirements [Admin.Code MPSW 3.13]  - CR05-098
Social workers: continuing education credits for [Admin.Code MPSW 8.02, 8.03] -  CR05-120
public worksPublic works
Prevailing wage rates on public works projects and affecting small business [Admin.Code DWD 290.01, 290.015]  - CR04-081
purchasing, governmentPurchasing, Government
Cost-benefit analyses of contractual services [Admin.Code Adm 10.035, 10.037, 10.038, 10.039]  - CR06-090
q_r - Q+R -
qeo _qualified economic offer_QEO (Qualified economic offer), see Collective bargaining
qualified economic offer _qeo_Qualified economic offer (QEO), see Collective bargaining
Ionizing radiation: protect public health by regulation of sources and use and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code HFS 157.01, 157.02, 157.03, 157.05, 157.09, 157.10, 157.11, 157.12, 157.13, 157.14, 157.15, 157.17, 157.22, 157.25, 157.28, 157.29, 157.31, 157.32, 157.33, 157.36, 157.41, 157.42, 157.44, 157.45, 157.51, 157.52, 157.53, 157.54, 157.55, 157.56, 157.61, 157.62, 157.63, 157.64, 157.65, 157.66, 157.67, 157.68, 157.72, 157.73, 157.74, 157.75, 157.76, 157.77, 157.79, 157.80, 157.81, 157.83, 157.85, 157.86, 157.88, 157.92, 157.93, 157.94, 157.97, 157.98]  - CR06-021
raftRaft, see Boat