Senate Rule 20 (7) Whenever If a member of the committee on senate organization is disabled and unable to serve, the senate majority leader may select a temporary replacement for a member of the majority party who is unable to serve from among those senators of the same party affiliation and may select a temporary replacement for a member of the minority party, upon recommendation of the minority leader, who is unable to serve from among those senators of the same party. The replacement terminates upon the return of the disabled member who was unable to serve.
SR2, s. 22 Section 22. Senate rule 22 (1) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 22 (1) Whenever the governor or the state superintendent of public instruction submits to the senate a nomination for an appointment as required by law, the president shall refer the nomination to the standing committee that the president deems to be the most appropriate committee to pass upon the qualifications of the candidate. The committee shall report its findings and recommendations to the senate in writing. Nominations by the governor and the state superintendent of public instruction may be considered, and the persons so nominated may with the advice and consent of the senate be appointed, in special as well as in regular sessions during any session of the senate.
SR2, s. 23 Section 23. Senate rule 24 is amended to read:
Senate Rule 24. Committee quorum; subcommittees. A majority of any committee constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business. Solely for For the purpose of determining a quorum of a committee necessary to hold a public hearing transact business, and with the consent of the committee chairperson, a member who is connected to the hearing by means of a 2-way, audiovisual transmission a meeting of the committee via teleconference is considered present. Subcommittees may be appointed to take charge of any part of the committee's business and to report to the committee. Motions to reconsider may be made in committee, before the papers are reported to the senate. Rereference gives the committee full power to act without reconsidering its former action.
SR2, s. 24 Section 24. Senate rule 25 (1) is renumbered senate rule 25 (1) (a) amended to read:
Senate Rule 25 (1) (a) A chairperson who determines to hold a hearing shall schedule the hearing as early in the session as practicable. The
(c) The public notice under par. (b) shall be posted on the bulletin board of each house. The notice shall indicate the day, hour, and place of hearing before any committee shall be posted on the bulletin board of each house, the meeting and such notice shall state the number, author, and relating clause of the each proposal to be considered. If unintroduced legislation will be considered at the meeting, the notice shall indicate the draft number assigned to the legislation by the legislative reference bureau and the relating clause of the legislation, and shall indicate that copies of the draft legislation are available at the chief clerk's office. The chairperson shall provide a copy of the draft legislation to the chief clerk before publishing the notice. The chief clerk shall distribute copies of the draft legislation to any person who requests such copies. Whenever a scheduled hearing meeting is canceled, the chairperson shall immediately notify the chief clerk and post cancellation notices on the bulletin boards of each house.
SR2, s. 25 Section 25. Senate rule 25 (1) (b) is created to read:
Senate Rule 25 (1) (b) Except as provided in par. (d), public notice of every meeting of a committee shall be given at least 24 hours before the commencement of the meeting, unless the committee on senate organization determines that for good cause such notice is impossible or impractical. In no case may notice be provided less than 2 hours in advance of a meeting.
SR2, s. 26 Section 26. Senate rule 25 (1) (d) is created to read:
Senate Rule 25 (1) (d) Paragraph (b) does not apply to any meeting of the committee on senate organization that is called solely for the purpose of scheduling business before the senate or adopting resolutions of which the sole purpose is scheduling business before the senate or assembly.
SR2, s. 27 Section 27. Senate rule 25 (2) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 25 (2) Whenever Except as provided under rules 41 (1) (e) and 46 (2) (c), a proposal or other matter that has been referred to committee, the proposal or other matter is within the sole jurisdiction of the majority of the committee. A directive with respect to the committee's action thereon, other than a motion to withdraw from the committee, is not in order.
SR2, s. 28 Section 28. Senate rule 26 (1) is renumbered senate rule 26 and amended to read:
Senate Rule 26. Schedule of committee activities. On or before Monday noon of each week the chairperson of each senate committee shall file with the chief clerk a list of the public hearings before that committee which will be held during the following week. The list shall be reproduced in full in the weekly schedule of committee activities. The chairperson of any senate committee may file notice of hearing on or before Monday noon of the 2nd week before the week in which the public hearing is scheduled so as to post advance notice of the hearing.
SR2, s. 29 Section 29. Senate rule 26 (2) is repealed.
SR2, s. 30 Section 30. Senate rule 27 (1) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 27 (1) The chairperson of the committee to which any proposal is referred shall report, in concise form the format specified by the chief clerk, the action of the committee and the date thereof, and shall authenticate the same by personal signature , for example:
The committee on ..................... reports and recommends:
Senate Bill 24
An Act (relating clause)
Passage: Ayes (3), Senators ............ , ............ , ............ ; Noes (1), Senator ............ ; Absent or not voting (1), Senator ............ .
Senate Bill 26
An Act (relating clause)
Adoption of Senate Amendment 1: Ayes (5), Senators ............ , ............ , ............ , ............ , ............ ; Noes (0); Absent or not voting (0).
Passage as amended: Ayes (4), Senators ............ , ............ , ............ , ............ ; Noes (1), Senator ............ ; Absent or not voting (0).
Senate Bill 28
An Act (relating clause)
Adoption of Senate Substitute Amendment 1: Ayes (3), Senators ............ , ............ , ............ ; Noes (2), Senators ............ , ............ ; Absent or not voting (0).
Passage as amended: Ayes (2), Senators ............ , ............ ; Noes (2), Senators ............ , ............ ; Absent or not voting (1), Senator ............ . Reported without recommendation.
Senate Bill 30
An Act (relating clause)
Indefinite postponement: Ayes (5), Senators ........... , .......... , .......... , .........., .......... ; Noes (0); Absent or not voting (0).
Senate Bill ............ (LRB- ............... / .....)
An Act (relating clause)
Introduction: Ayes (4), Senators ............ , ............ , ............ , ............ ; Noes (1), Senator ............ ; Absent or not voting (0).
Assembly Bill 32
An Act (relating clause)
Concurrence: Ayes (4), Senators ............ , ............ , ............ , ............ ; Noes (0); Absent or not voting (1), Senator ............ .
Assembly Bill 34
An Act (relating clause)
Nonconcurrence: Ayes (3), Senators ............ , ............ , ............ ; Noes (0); Absent or not voting (2), Senators ............ and ............ .
Senate Resolution 10
A resolution relating to, etc.
Adoption: Ayes (3), Senators ............ , ............ , ............ ; Noes (1), Senator ...........; Absent or not voting (1), Senator ............ .
Senate Joint Resolution 50
A joint resolution relating to, etc.
Indefinite postponement: Ayes (5), Senators ........... , .......... , .......... , .........., .......... ; Noes (0); Absent or not voting (0).
................................. Chairperson.
SR2, s. 31 Section 31. Senate rule 27 (2) (intro.) is renumbered senate rule 27 (2) and amended to read:
Senate Rule 27 (2) Each committee to which a proposed administrative rule is referred under rule 4 (10) 46 (2) (am) shall submit a report within the review period specified in section 227.19 (4) (b) of the statutes in the form specified in this rule, authenticated by the personal signature of the chairperson or cochairpersons. Whenever a committee schedules a public hearing or a meeting with an agency representative concerning a proposed rule, or whenever modifications to a proposed rule are agreed to be made or received, the committee shall submit an interim report. The form of the report is as follows: shall be in the format specified by the chief clerk.
SR2, s. 32 Section 32. Senate rule 27 (2) (a) and (b) are repealed.
SR2, s. 33 Section 33. Senate rule 27 (3) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 27 (3) Any amendment or substitute amendment, recommended by the committee for rejection, may not be reported to the senate. Any such submitted to a standing committee for the committee's consideration shall be reported out of committee only if adoption is recommended or if sub. (4) applies. An amendment or substitute amendment not reported out of committee may, upon motion, be revived by the vote of the majority of the current membership members present while the proposal is still in the amendable stage.
SR2, s. 34 Section 34. Senate rule 27 (4) (b) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 27 (4) (b) Notwithstanding par. (a), the chief clerk shall record in the journal that a proposed proposal is reported without recommendation whenever the proposal is withdrawn from committee under rule 18 or 41 (1) (d).
SR2, s. 35 Section 35. Senate rule 32 (1) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 32 (1) When first considered and thereafter each time that a proposal is considered after business relating to another subject has intervened, it shall be identified in the journal by number and relating clause. Thereafter all reference to the proposal or petition either in the journal or in messages must be by number only, except in the journal where the ayes and noes are entered. The chief clerk shall read the relating clauses except when the senate directs otherwise, except that in messages of approval of bills by the governor the chief clerk shall read the bill number only unless a member requests the relating clause to be read.
SR2, s. 36 Section 36. Senate rule 32 (2) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 32 (2) No later than one-half hour following the adjournment of each legislative day, members Members may submit to the chief clerk in writing a listing of visitors from their districts who witnessed a part of the day's meeting. The list, together with the record of the guests introduced on that legislative day under rule 17 (4), shall be entered at the end of the day's journal.
SR2, s. 37 Section 37. Senate rule 36 (1) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 36 (1) On the first reading, every bill requiring 3 readings under rule 35 and all resolutions not privileged by rule 69 shall be referred to the appropriate committee. The president shall determine the appropriate committee under rule 46 and the chief clerk shall announce referral shall be printed in the journal under the proper order of business. This rule applies to proposals originating in either house.
SR2, s. 38 Section 38. Senate rule 36 (2) (a) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 36 (2) (a) All Except as provided in pars. (c) and (d), all bills introduced in the senate which by statute require reference in the senate to a particular committee shall be so referred upon first reading and all assembly bills when received from the assembly shall be so referred upon first reading except where the assembly record on the bill discloses that the statutory requirement has been satisfied by reference to the committee in the assembly.
SR2, s. 39 Section 39. Senate rule 36 (2) (b) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 36 (2) (b) Only one such reference is required under this rule and the adoption of an amendment does not require rereference, but rereference may be ordered by the senate at any time before passage or concurrence or as provided under rules 41 (1) (e) and 46 (2) (c).
SR2, s. 40 Section 40. Senate rule 37 (1) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 37 (1) Before a bill, or a joint resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution, is amended or ordered to a 3rd reading it shall be read a 2nd time by relating clause.
SR2, s. 41 Section 41. Senate rule 37 (4) is created to read:
Senate Rule 37 (4) Any proposal ordered to a 3rd reading is considered engrossed.
SR2, s. 42 Section 42. Senate rule 38 (3) is created to read:
Senate Rule 38 (3) A 3rd reading shall be by relating clause.
SR2, s. 43 Section 43. Senate rule 40 is amended to read:
Senate Rule 40. Proposal amended on 3rd reading to be reengrossed. If a senate proposal ordered engrossed and read a 3rd time is amended or otherwise changed it shall be considered reengrossed before being read a 3rd time the 3rd reading. Any senate proposal that passed the senate with amendments shall be engrossed under the supervision of the chief clerk before being messaged to the assembly. However, if the amendment is an unamended substitute amendment, the original substitute amendment is the bill.
SR2, s. 44 Section 44. Senate rule 41 (1) (b) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 41 (1) (b) A motion to withdraw and rerefer or to withdraw is in order, but the question is divisible, and except that if the senate having has once refused to withdraw and rerefer or to withdraw a proposal or other matter from committee, any subsequent motion to withdraw and rerefer or to withdraw requires a suspension of the rules.
SR2, s. 45 Section 45. Senate rule 41 (1) (e) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 41 (1) (e) During any interim period between regularly scheduled floorperiods, if If the committee on senate organization receives a standing committee's report on a bill that by statute requires review by the joint committee on finance before being passed, the committee on senate organization may, on any day of the interim, rerefer that bill to the joint committee on finance and, in that case, shall direct the. The chief clerk to shall promptly record the rereferral by an appropriate entry in the journal. The committee on senate organization may, with the consent of the senate cochairperson of the joint committee on finance, withdraw a bill from the joint committee on finance and place the bill on the calendar. Withdrawal under this rule satisfies section 13.093 (1) of the statutes.
SR2, s. 46 Section 46. Senate rule 46 (1) (a) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 46 (1) (a) Proposals, amendments, petitions, reports, communications, or other documents that may properly come before the senate shall be presented by a member thereof to the chief clerk, or a staff member designated by the chief clerk, at anytime, except as otherwise provided in senate rule 93 (1p) and joint rule 83 (2). A brief statement of the contents thereof must appear thereon, together with the name of the members introducing or offering the same. If a document is to be reproduced, the The chief clerk shall number the document all proposals, amendments, and petitions.
SR2, s. 47 Section 47. Senate rule 46 (1) (b) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 46 (1) (b) The chief clerk shall announce promptly record each document or proposal introduced or offered under par. (a), and each proposal received from the assembly, on the next session day under the appropriate order of business. The document or proposal shall be recorded in the first journal published after the document or proposal is received by the chief clerk.
SR2, s. 48 Section 48. Senate rule 46 (2) (am) is created to read:
Senate Rule 46 (2) (am) The president shall refer every notice and report concerning a proposed administrative rule received by the presiding officer under section 227.19 of the statutes to the appropriate standing committee of the senate within 7 working days following receipt and provide notice to that committee whenever the president is informed that a proposed rule is being withdrawn. The president shall refer any report received from a standing committee that objects to a proposed rule to the joint committee for review of administrative rules.
SR2, s. 49 Section 49. Senate rule 46 (2) (b) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 46 (2) (b) Within 3 working days after the time of initial referral by the president under rule 4 (2) par. (am), a proposed rule may, with consent of the chairperson of the standing committee, be withdrawn from the standing committee to which it is referred and rereferred to another standing committee. Such action does not extend the standing committee review period. Rereferral may be made at any time.
SR2, s. 50 Section 50. Senate rule 46 (2) (c) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 46 (2) (c) Within 5 working days after After the time of initial referral by the president under rule 36 (2), a proposal or appointment the president may, with the consent of the chairperson of the standing committee, be withdrawn withdraw a proposal or appointment from the standing committee to which it is referred and rereferred rerefer it to another standing committee, except that such a withdrawal may not take effect during the 7 days preceding any scheduled committee hearing or the 7 days following the date on which a committee hearing is held. Rereferral under this rule may be made at any time, but may not be used to satisfy section 13.093 (1) of the statutes.