2. Inappropriate to the subject matter of the proposal.
3. Not in a natural and logical sequence to the subject matter of the proposal.
4. Substantially expands the scope of the proposal.
SR2, s. 57 Section 57. Senate rule 52 is repealed.
SR2, s. 58 Section 58. Senate rule 66 is amended to read:
Senate Rule 66. Motion to postpone. A motion to postpone to a day certain, to refer, or to postpone indefinitely, being decided having failed, may not be again allowed on the same day unless the matter has been altered by amendment or advanced to a subsequent stage. A 2nd motion to reject an amendment is subject to this rule and may not be twice allowed on the same day unless the amendment was altered by amendment.
SR2, s. 59 Section 59. Senate rule 70 is renumbered senate rule 70 (1).
SR2, s. 60 Section 60. Senate rule 70 (2) is created to read:
Senate Rule 70 (2) A bill vetoed in its entirety by the governor may not be divided. When a bill has been vetoed in part and the senate considers a specific item for passage notwithstanding the objections of the governor, any member may request that the item be divided. The item may be divided on request by a member if:
(a) The request proposes to so divide the item that each separate proposition, if passed notwithstanding the objections of the governor, will result in a complete and workable law regardless of the action taken on any other part of the original item.
(b) It is the opinion of the presiding officer that the item involves distinct and independent propositions capable of division and that the division will not be unduly complex.
SR2, s. 61 Section 61. Senate rule 70 (3) is created to read:
Senate Rule 70 (3) When a bill has been vetoed in part the committee on senate organization may, by a resolution offered under rule 17 (2), propose to schedule a specific part as a special order. When appropriate, the resolution may divide the part into one or more independent propositions and dependent propositions. The proposed division must include at least one separate proposition that, if passed notwithstanding the objections of the governor, will result in a complete and workable law regardless of the action taken on any other part of the original part. The presiding officer shall first put the question on the independent proposition. The question on any proposition dependent thereon may be put only if the independent proposition has been passed notwithstanding the objections of the governor.
SR2, s. 62 Section 62. Senate rule 73m is created to read:
Senate Rule 73m. Missed roll calls. (1) A member who does not vote during a roll call on a proposal may request unanimous consent to have his or her vote included in that roll after the roll is closed, if all of the following apply:
(a) The request does not interrupt another roll call.
(b) The request is made no later than immediately following the close of the next occurring roll call.
(c) The member's vote, if included, will not change the result of the roll call.
(2) If sub. (1) precludes a member from making a request or if the request is objected to, the member may request unanimous consent to have the journal reflect how the member would have voted had he or she been in his or her seat when the roll call was taken. A member may not interrupt a roll call to make a request under this subsection.
SR2, s. 63 Section 63. Senate rule 77 (title) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 77 (title) Current or previous question Voting immediately; time limit on debate.
SR2, s. 64 Section 64. Senate rule 77 (1) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 77 (1) When any matter is under consideration any member may move the "current question" or that the "current question be put." that the senate vote immediately on the current question. The motion is not debatable and if carried by a majority the subsidiary question then pending before the senate shall be put to a vote without debate. If a motion is made under this subsection the question is: "Shall the senate vote immediately on the current question?" If the motion carries, the effect is to end the debate on the current question then before the senate and bring the senate to a vote on the current question. A motion to table is not in order after a motion under this subsection has been made. A motion that carries under this subsection does not prevent the offering of amendments or substitute amendments to the main question after the vote is taken on the current question.
SR2, s. 65 Section 65. Senate rule 77 (3) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 77 (3) When a matter is under consideration a member may move the "previous question" or that the "previous question be put." that the senate vote immediately on the main question. The motion is not debatable and if carried by a majority the main question then pending before the senate shall be put to a vote without debate. If a motion is made under this subsection the question is: "Shall the senate vote immediately on the main question?" If the motion carries, the effect is to end the debate on the question then before the senate and bring the senate to a vote on the main question. Amendments or substitute amendments may be offered, but not debated, and shall be considered immediately. A motion to table the proposal to which the main question relates is not in order after a motion under this subsection has been made.
SR2, s. 66 Section 66. Senate rule 78 is repealed.
SR2, s. 67 Section 67. Senate rule 79 is amended to read:
Senate Rule 79. Main But one motion to reconsider in order; main question may remain before the senate. When, on taking the previous question, the senate decides that the main question shall not now be put After a motion under rule 77 (1) or (3) has carried, only one motion to reconsider is in order. If the motion to reconsider carries, the main question shall remain as the question before the senate, in the same stage of proceedings as before the previous question was moved motion under rule 77 (1) or (3) was made.
SR2, s. 68 Section 68. Senate rule 80 is amended to read:
Senate Rule 80. But one call of the senate in order. On motion for the previous question, and before the ordering of the After a motion to vote immediately on the main question has carried but before the vote is taken, one call of the senate is in order; but after proceedings under the call have been once dispensed with, or after a majority orders the main question lifts the call, a call is not in order before the decision of vote on the main question.
SR2, s. 69 Section 69. Senate rule 88 (2) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 88 (2) On recommendation of the respective appointing officers, the committee on senate organization shall allocate the number of employees of the senate within the limits established by the staffing pattern then in force and the duties and responsibilities assigned to each employee. The committee on senate organization chief clerk shall assign each position to the proper pay range.
SR2, s. 70 Section 70. Senate rule 89 is amended to read:
Senate Rule 89. Certification of payroll. The chief clerk and the sergeant at arms of the senate shall certify to the department of administration the names of all persons employed in their respective offices by the senate, the capacity in which employed, and the amounts respectively due them if the certificate is approved by the chairperson of the committee on senate organization.
SR2, s. 71 Section 71. Senate rule 93 (title) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 93 (title) Special, extended, or extraordinary sessions.
SR2, s. 72 Section 72. Senate rule 93 (intro.) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 93 (intro.) Unless otherwise provided by the senate for a specific special, extended, or extraordinary session, the rules of the senate adopted for the biennial session, with the following modifications, apply to each special session called by the governor and to each extended or extraordinary session called by the senate and assembly organization committees or called by a joint resolution approved by both houses:
SR2, s. 73 Section 73. Senate rule 93 (1) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 93 (1) A Except as provided in sub. (1d), a proposal or amendment may not be considered unless it accomplishes the special purposes for which the special session was convened or the business specified in the action authorizing the extended floorperiod or extraordinary session. Notwithstanding rule 46 (6), any proposal that is adversely and finally disposed of for the biennial session may be revived by specific inclusion in the action authorizing an extraordinary session, provided that the proposal had not failed a vote of concurrence or passage in the senate. Any proposal revived under this subsection is considered to be at the same stage of the proceedings as it had attained upon being adversely and finally disposed of.
SR2, s. 74 Section 74. Senate rule 93 (1d) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 93 (1d) Resolutions offering commendations, congratulations, or condolences, memorializing congress or an individual, or affecting senate or legislative rules or proceedings are declared not to be within the meaning of the term "business" under the constitutional provision limiting the matters to be considered during special sessions to those enumerated in the governor's call for a special session. All such matters may be considered during any extraordinary session.
SR2, s. 75 Section 75. Senate rule 93 (1p) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 93 (1p) A senate proposal may not be considered unless it is recommended to be introduced or, offered, or considered by the committee on senate organization, the senate committee on finance, the joint committee on finance, the joint committee on legislative organization, or by the joint committee on employment relations.
SR2, s. 76 Section 76. Senate rule 93 (2) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 93 (2) A notice of hearing before a committee meeting is not required other than posting on the legislative bulletin board, and a bulletin of committee hearings may not be published.
SR2, s. 77 Section 77. Senate rule 94 (1) and (2) are repealed.
SR2, s. 78 Section 78. Senate rule 98 (3) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 98 (3) The president and chief clerk shall sign a citation on behalf of the senate. If so signed, it is considered approved by the senate and shall be so recorded in the journal. The issuing senator, and any cosponsor, may also sign the citation. If the president or chief clerk refuses to approve a citation, the committee on senate organization may require the president and chief clerk to approve it. A copy of the finished citation shall be provided to the issuing senator, and another copy thereof shall be filed in the legislative reference bureau.
SR2, s. 79 Section 79. Senate rule 99 (27m) is amended to read:
Senate Rule 99 (27m) Extraordinary session: The convening of the legislature by the assembly and senate committees on organization or by joint resolution of the legislature to accomplish the business specified in the action calling the session. When used to continue a floorperiod of the biennial session for a limited purpose, the extraordinary session is referred to as an extended session.
SR2, s. 80 Section 80. Senate rule 99 (58) is repealed.