Committee on Colleges and Universities
The committee on Forestry reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 59
Relating to: actions against forestry operations and granting rule-making authority.
Assembly Amendment 1 adoption:
Ayes: 5 - Representatives Friske, Mursau, Ainsworth, M. Williams and Hubler.
Noes: 0.
Passage as amended:
Ayes: 5 - Representatives Friske, Mursau, Ainsworth, M. Williams and Hubler.
Noes: 0.
To committee on Rules.
Donald Friske
Committee on Forestry
The committee on Highway Safety reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 70
Relating to: child safety restraint systems, safety belt use requirements in motor vehicles, creating a Child Safety Restraint System Program, creating a safety restraint enforcement surcharge, granting rule-making authority, making an appropriation, and providing a penalty.
Ayes: 7 - Representatives Petrowski, Bies, Ainsworth, Van Roy, Musser, Young and Colon.
Noes: 0.
To joint committee on Finance.
Assembly Bill 120
Relating to: restrictions on the operation of motor vehicles by persons holding instruction permits or probationary licenses and providing a penalty.
Ayes: 7 - Representatives Petrowski, Bies, Ainsworth, Van Roy, Musser, Shilling and Colon.
Noes: 1 - Representative
To joint committee on Finance.
Jerry Petrowski
Committee on Highway Safety
March 28, 2005
Patrick E. Fuller, Chief Clerk
17 West Main Street, Room 208
Madison, WI 53703
Dear Mr. Fuller:
As you know, Assembly Bill 246, which relates to requiring that credits transfer and that there is admissions uniformity between the Technical Colleges and the Wisconsin's Technical College System, is currently in the State Assembly. I would like my name added to Assembly Bill 246's list of cosponsors.
Thank you for your time.
Cathy Stepp
State Senator
21st Senate District
March 31, 2005
Patrick E. Fuller
Assembly Chief Clerk
Risser Justice Center, Room 208
Madison, WI 53708
Dear Chief Clerk Fuller:
I am requesting that Representatives Lothian and Jensen be included as co-sponsors of Assembly Bill 277 and 278 of which I am the lead author. Their names were inadvertently left off of the bill jacket when it was submitted.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Sincerely yours,
Jean Hundertmark
State Representative
40th Assembly District
April 1, 2005
Chief Clerk Patrick Fuller
Risser Justice Center, Room 208
Madison, WI
Dear Mr. Fuller:
Please sign me on as a co-sponsor to Assembly Bill 15, relating to a 10 percent Ethanol requirement in gasoline.
I greatly appreciate your assistance and apologize for the inconvenience.
Thank you,
Andy Lamb
Representative Andy Lamb
29th Assembly District
Referral of Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Sentencing Commission
March 23, 2005
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
Please accept the enclosed recent reports of the Wisconsin Sentencing Commission, in accordance with s.
973.30 (1)(g) and
(i), and let us know if we need to do or provide anything else. Thank you very much for your time and help on this matter.
Michael Connelly
Executive Director
Referred to committee on Criminal Justice and Homeland Security.
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Commissioner of Insurance
March 29, 2005
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
Pursuant to
1999 Wisconsin Act 113 and Sec. 13.172 (3) Wis. Stats, I am forwarding OCI's Report on Insurance Coverage for lead Liability. Under Act 113, this report is to be forwarded to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature which could include the Senate Committee on Health, Children, Families, Aging and Long-Term Care; the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Insurance; the Assembly Committee on Health and the Assembly Committee on Insurance. If you feel that other standing committees of the legislature would be appropriate please forward the report to them as well.
Thank you for your assistance.
Jorge Gomez