Dear Patrick:
Please be advised that I am reappointing Representative Scott Gunderson to the State Fair Park Board.
John G. Gard
Speaker of the Assembly
April 11, 2005
Mr. Patrick Fuller
Chief Clerk, Wisconsin State Assembly
Room 208, Risser Justice Center
17 West Main Street
Madison, Wisconsin 53708
Dear Patrick:
Please be advised that I am reappointing Representative Al Ott to the World Dairy Center Authority.
John G. Gard
Speaker of the Assembly
April 11, 2005
Mr. Patrick Fuller
Chief Clerk, Wisconsin State Assembly
Room 208, Risser Justice Center
17 West Main Street
Madison, Wisconsin 53708
Dear Patrick:
Please be advised that, pursuant to Wisconsin State Statute Section 13.48 (2), I am reappointing Representatives Dan Vrakas and Jeff Fitzgerald to serve on the Building Commission.
John G. Gard
Speaker of the Assembly
April 11, 2005
The Honorable James E. Doyle
Room 115 East
State Capitol Building
Madison, Wisconsin 53708
Dear Governor Doyle:
I am pleased to announce my appointment of Representatives Don Friske and Jeff Mursau to the Governor's Council on Forestry.
John G. Gard
Speaker of the Assembly
April 11, 2005
The Honorable James E. Doyle
Room 115 East
State Capitol Building
Madison, Wisconsin 53708
Dear Governor Doyle:
Please be advised that I am reappointing Representative Mark Pettis to the Governor's Council on Tourism.
John G. Gard
Speaker of the Assembly
A197 April 11, 2005
Mr. Thomas Fletemeyer
Executive Director, Educational Communications Board
Wisconsin Public Broadcasting
3319 West Beltline Highway
Madison, Wisconsin 53713
Dear Mr. Fletemeyer:
Please be advised that, pursuant to Wisconsin State Statute Section 15.57 (4), I am reappointing Representative Ann Nischke to serve on the Educational Communications Board.
John G. Gard
Speaker of the Assembly
Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Legislative Audit Bureau
March 31, 2005
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
We have completed our financial and compliance audit of the State of Wisconsin, as requested by state agencies to meet the audit requirements of the federal Single Audit Act of 1984, as amended, and the provisions of federal Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133. Our audit covered the period July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004. In addition to satisfying federal audit requirements, the audit assists us in meeting state audit requirements under s. 13.94, Wis. Stats.
Audit procedures performed at the larger state agencies that administer federal financial assistance programs, including the University of Wisconsin System, consisted of assessing the propriety of revenues and expenditures and of testing internal controls and compliance with laws and regulations related to the administration of federal grant programs. For the smaller agencies and selected University of Wisconsin campuses, our audit procedures were limited to verifying information included in the federally required State of Wisconsin Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards and following up on prior-year audit findings. Our audit focused on the 27 federal grants that either exceeded the $25.2 million threshold used to define major grants or were below this threshold but were selected for review based on the risk-based assessment criteria established by the federal government.
Our report contains the auditor's reports on compliance and internal control and our unqualified audit opinion on the State of Wisconsin Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards. The agency narratives contain our comments on internal control deficiencies related to the administration of federal grants, findings of noncompliance for each agency, and the results of our follow-up to prior audit findings. A summary schedule of findings and questioned costs for the current year's audit is also provided, as well as a summary of the status of findings included in our prior audit report for the State of Wisconsin (report 04-2). We note that, overall, state agencies have complied with federal grant requirements and have taken steps to address findings included in the prior-year's single audit report. However, we report internal control deficiencies and several areas of noncompliance, and we identify $237,797 in questioned costs. This amount represents a small portion of the $9.3 billion in federal financial assistance administered by the State of Wisconsin.
The federal government will resolve the findings and questioned costs included in our report. Federal agencies are expected to contact state agencies regarding resolution. To assist federal officials in their efforts, state agency contact information is provided in appendices to this report.
In addition to the comments and recommendations included in our report, separate audit communications either have been or will be issued addressing internal control issues and noncompliance with state statutes related to certain accounting transfers and expenditures.
We appreciate the courtesy and cooperation extended to us by agency staff during our audit. Agencies' comments on individual findings, along with their corrective action plans to address our concerns, are included within the agency narratives.
Respectfully submitted,
Janice Mueller
State Auditor
State of Wisconsin
Legislative Audit Bureau
April 12, 2005
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
We have completed audit work at the Department of Financial Institutions to meet our audit requirements under s. 13.94, Wis. Stats. The primary focus of our audit was to review the Department's fiscal operations and related activities to assess whether they are effectively managed, well-controlled, and in compliance with statutory requirements. The Department is responsible for regulating state-chartered financial institutions, the securities industry, and other financial service providers. In addition, it maintains corporate and Uniform Commercial Code filings, investigates consumer complaints related to credit transactions, and provides consumer financial education.
The Department is funded primarily through program revenue derived from fees and assessments paid by regulated entities and individuals. In recent years, it also was awarded almost $7.7 million in settlements as the result of nationwide actions against brokerage firms. In the past five fiscal years, over $128.3 million of the Department's program revenue has been transferred or lapsed to the General Fund.
A198 Overall, we found the Department has adequate fiscal management practices in place. However, we identified several areas in which it could further improve internal controls and fiscal processes, including the efficiency and controls of its receipts processing, password security, access to the State's central payroll system, and physical inventories of capital assets. The Department agrees with the recommended improvements and has identified its plans to implement our recommendations. Its responses have been incorporated into this letter.
We appreciate the courtesy and cooperation extended to us by the Department's staff during our audit.
Janice Mueller