To the Honorable Members of the Assembly:
The following bills, originating in the Assembly, have been approved, signed and deposited in the office of the Secretary of State:
Bill Number Act Number Date Approved
Assembly Bill 943April 29, 2005
Assembly Bill 995May 2, 2005
Assembly Bill 928May 2, 2005
Assembly Bill 14010May 2, 2005
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Doyle
Governor's Veto Message
April 29, 2005
To the Honorable Members of the Assembly:
I am vetoing Assembly Bill 3 in its entirety. This bill increases the cap on the number of pupils that may participate in the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program from 15% of the enrollment in the Milwaukee Public Schools, which is estimated to be approximately 14,750 students in the 2005-06 school year, to 16,500 pupils beginning in 2005-06.
I have said repeatedly that I am willing to support a proposal to lift the Choice cap as long as it also addresses the needs of the vast majority of Milwaukee children who attend public schools. I believe that adjustments to the school choice cap should only be made in the context of a broader effort to improve education for ALL students. AB 3 does nothing to improve the quality of education in Milwaukee's public schools. This bill helps a few students at the expense of many - and at the expense of property taxpayers. Unfortunately, many in the Legislature who have been the most vocal proponents of expanding school choice have also been the strongest opponents of measures that would help all students, such as investing in smaller class sizes and four-year-old kindergarten.
Further, I am vetoing this bill because it would have negative financial implications for the state, hurt Milwaukee taxpayers, and drain resources from children in Milwaukee Public Schools. For example, if 1,500 additional pupils enter the Choice Program as a result of the bill, state costs would increase by $4.9 million, property taxes in Milwaukee would increase by $2.3 million, and revenues for educating children in Milwaukee would be reduced by up to $13.5 million. These changes are contrary to my efforts to provide property tax relief that maintains our commitment to educate all of our children.
Finally, I am vetoing AB 3 because it does not provide a long-term solution to the allocation of seats in the program if the new cap is reached next year or in the future. Last year, the Department of Public Instruction proposed a reasonable and workable solution to this issue, one that would have given preference to existing students in the Choice program and their siblings. That solution was rejected by the Joint Committee for the Review of Administrative Rules, which opted to create a crisis rather than craft a solution.
In vetoing this bill, I also repeat my offer: Let's work together to craft a broad, meaningful, long-term solution that improves educational opportunities for all Milwaukee schoolchildren, whether they attend Choice schools or public schools.
Jim Doyle
Speaker's Appointments
May 2, 2005
The Honorable James E. Doyle
115 East, State Capitol
Madison, WI 53703
Dear Governor Doyle:
Pursuant to Wisconsin Statute Sec. 15.61, I have designated Patrick Hodan to serve a two-year term, effective May 1, 2005, on the Wisconsin State Elections Board.
John G. Gard
Speaker's Communications
May 2, 2005
Mr. Patrick Fuller
Chief Clerk, Wisconsin State Assembly
Room 208, Risser Justice Center
17 West Main Street
Madison, Wisconsin 53708
Dear Patrick:
Pursuant to Assembly Rule 42 (3)(c), I am withdrawing Assembly Bill 63 from the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections and re-referring it to the Assembly Committee on Rules.
John G. Gard
A216 Communications
April 27, 2005
Representative Don Friske
Chair, Assembly Committee on Forestry
312 North, State Capitol
Madison, WI 53708
Dear Representative Friske:
Due to a previously scheduled commitment in my district, I was unable to attend the Executive Session that took place on Tuesday, April 26, 2005.
In accordance with Assembly Rule 11 (5)(b), I would respectfully request the committee record to reflect that had I been present, I would have voted as follows:
Assembly Bill 316 relating to the plan period for county forest land use plans and eligibility for grants for county forest administrators and sustainable forestry. Committee recommendation for passage: "AYE"
Thank you for your consideration of this request. Please feel free to contact my office if you should have any questions.
Mary Williams
State Representative
87th Assembly District
Member, Committee on Forestry
April 27, 2005
Representative Scott Gunderson
Chair, Assembly Committee on Natural Resources
7 West, State Capitol
Madison, WI 53708
Dear Representative Gunderson:
Due to a previously scheduled commitment in my district, I was unable to attend the Executive Session taking place today.
In accordance with Assembly Rule 11 (5)(b), I would respectfully request the committee record to reflect that had I been present, I would have voted as follows:
Assembly Bill 166 relating to wildlife damage abatement assistance. Committee recommendation for passage: "AYE"
Thank you for your consideration of this request. Please feel free to contact my office if you should have any questions.
Mary Williams
State Representative
87th Assembly District
Member, Committee on Forestry
May 3, 2005
Mr. Patrick Fuller
Chief Clerk, Wisconsin State Assembly
17 West Main Street, Room 208
Madison, Wisconsin 53703
Dear Mr. Fuller:
Per your staff's instructions, I am writing to request that I be added as a co-sponsor to Assembly Bill 387, authored by Representative Hundertmark, relating to the nursing tuition loan forgiveness program.
Because of the numerous requests for co-sponsorship that I have received recently, this important piece of legislation was overlooked. I would like to remedy that, and with your consent, lend my name to Representative Hundertmark's bill.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if there are any questions or concerns.