Thursday, July 7, 2005
Ninety-Seventh Regular Session
The Chief Clerk makes the following entries under the above date:
Read first time and referred:
Assembly Bill 535
Relating to: school district and private school access to information concerning individuals registered as sex offenders.
Representatives Sherman, Stone, Hubler, Berceau, Bies, Cullen, Fields, Freese, Gundrum, Jensen, Lehman, Lothian, McCormick, Mursau, Musser, Nischke, Parisi, Petrowski, Pope-Roberts, Pridemore, Sheridan, Shilling, Sinicki, Suder, Van Akkeren, Vrakas, Vruwink, Vukmir and Zepnick; cosponsored by Senators Darling, Breske, Erpenbach, Grothman, Hansen, A. Lasee, Leibham, Olsen and Roessler.
To committee on Education.
Assembly Bill 536
Relating to: prohibiting a register of deeds from recording certain instruments that contain more than a partial social security number and providing a penalty.
Representatives Molepske, M. Williams, Montgomery, Vruwink, Wood, Gronemus, Jeskewitz, Parisi, Petrowski, Ainsworth, Hahn, Davis, Staskunas, Sheridan, Krawczyk, Kreuser, Black, Musser, Vos, Albers, Lothian, Seidel, Hines, Strachota, Hebl, Nelson, Vrakas, Van Roy, Gundrum, Pettis, Gunderson, Townsend, Towns, Kreibich, Loeffelholz, Sherman and Meyer; cosponsored by Senators Hansen, Decker and Breske.
To committee on Judiciary.
Assembly Bill 537
Relating to: indexing the living wage to the change in the consumer price index, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from rule-making procedures, and granting rule-making authority.
Representatives Zepnick, Sheridan, Sinicki, Berceau, Black, Turner, Young, Parisi, Lehman, Pope-Roberts, Grigsby, Travis, Shilling, Kreuser, Seidel and Pocan; cosponsored by Senators Carpenter, Lassa, Robson, Risser, Erpenbach and Hansen.
To committee on Labor.
Assembly Bill 538
Relating to: setoffs against tax refunds for debts related to property taxes.
Representatives Krusick, Gard, Ainsworth, Ballweg, Bies, Jeskewitz, Lehman, LeMahieu, Molepske, Seidel, Shilling and Zepnick; cosponsored by Senators Darling, Brown, Carpenter and Roessler, by request of Wisconsin Alliance of Cities, League of Wisconsin Municipalities, Wisconsin Counties Association and City of Milwaukee
To committee on Urban and Local Affairs
Assembly Bill 539
Relating to: adult protective services and providing penalties.
Joint Legislative Council.
To committee on Aging and Long-Term Care
Assembly Bill 540
Relating to: consent by a person's legal representative for participation by the person in a medical assistance waiver program.
Joint Legislative Council.
To committee on Health.
Assembly Bill 541
Relating to: payment for educational services provided to a pupil who is placed in a secure detention facility, jail, or county house of correction.
Representatives Underheim, Friske, Vos, Lothian and Nass; cosponsored by Senator Roessler
To committee on Education.
Assembly Bill 542
Relating to: administration of elections and making an appropriation.
Representatives Cullen, Seidel, Shilling, Grigsby, Kreuser, Richards, Pocan, Travis, Kessler, Benedict, Turner, A. Williams, Zepnick, Fields, Lehman, Sheridan, Vruwink, Van Akkeren, Nelson, Molepske, Sherman, Toles, Pope-Roberts, Hebl, Staskunas, Steinbrink, Gronemus, Berceau, Young, Sinicki, Wasserman and Colon; cosponsored by Senators Coggs, Taylor, Robson, Decker, Hansen, Wirch, Risser, Erpenbach, Miller, Breske, Jauch, Lassa, Carpenter and Plale.
To committee on Campaigns and Elections
Relating to: collection of information regarding motor vehicle stops, law enforcement training standards, and granting rule-making authority.
Representatives Young, Turner, A. Williams, Grigsby, Colon, Fields, Toles, Kessler, Boyle, Black, Sinicki, Pocan and Berceau; cosponsored by Senators Coggs, Taylor and Carpenter.
To committee on Corrections and the Courts
Assembly Bill 544
Relating to: automatic fire sprinkler systems in certain residence halls and other student residential facilities and granting rule-making authority.
Representatives Kreibich, Krawczyk, Hines, Ott, McCormick, Molepske, Lamb, Vruwink, Cullen and Shilling; cosponsored by Senators Brown, Olsen, Risser, Lassa and Plale.
To committee on Colleges and Universities
Assembly Bill 545
Relating to: strategic energy plans regarding electricity, certificates of public convenience and necessity for electric generation and transmission facilities, approval of electric power purchase contracts, and granting rule-making authority.
Representatives Black, Sherman, Molepske and Berceau; cosponsored by Senator Risser
To committee on Energy and Utilities
Assembly Bill 546
Relating to: creating a sales and use tax exemption for fuel efficient hybrid motor vehicles.
Representatives Parisi, Lothian, Gronemus, Kerkman, Molepske, Mursau, Young, Towns, Pocan, Pridemore, Black, Cullen, McCormick, Berceau, Sherman, Fields, Staskunas, Grigsby, Shilling, Kreibich and Davis; cosponsored by Senators Risser, Lassa, Hansen and Erpenbach.
To committee on Energy and Utilities
To joint survey committee on Tax Exemptions
Assembly Bill 547
Relating to: sales and use tax exemptions for electricity used in agricultural biotechnology and for vitamins, feed supplements, and hormones used on livestock.