Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Ninety-Seventh Regular Session
Assembly Journal
The Chief Clerk makes the following entries under the above date:
Administrative Rules
Relating to miscellaneous fee schedule changes and affecting small businesses.
Report received from Agency, July 14, 2005.
To committee on Labor.
Referred on July 25, 2005 .
Relating to certification of first responders.
Report received from Agency, July 14, 2005.
To committee on Health.
Referred on July 25, 2005 .
Speaker's Communications
July 25, 2005
Mr. Patrick Fuller
Chief Clerk, Wisconsin State Assembly
Room 208, Risser Justice Center
17 West Main Street
Madison, Wisconsin 53708
Dear Patrick:
Pursuant to Assembly Rule 23 (4), please message Enrolled Assembly Bill 399 to the Office of the Governor. If your office is unable to deliver the enrolled bill today, please notify me as soon as possible.
John G. Gard
Chief Clerk Reports
The Chief Clerk records:
Assembly Bill 399
Presented to the Governor on Monday, July 25.
Patrick E. Fuller
Assembly Chief Clerk
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Secretary of State
To Whom It May Concern:
Acts, Joint Resolutions and Resolutions deposited in this office have been numbered and published as follows:
Bill Number Act Number Publication Date
Assembly Bill 21022July 22, 2005
Assembly Bill 43724August 4, 2005
Douglas La Follette
Secretary of State
Executive Communications
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
July 25, 2005
To the Honorable Members of the Assembly:
The following bill, originating in the Assembly, has been approved, signed and deposited in the office of the Secretary of State:
Bill Number Act Number Date Approved
AB 100 (in part)25July 25, 2005
Respectfully submitted,
James Doyle
A374 Governor's Veto Message
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
July 25, 2005
To the Honorable Members of the Assembly:
I have approved Assembly Bill 100 as 2005 Wisconsin Act 25 and deposited it in the Office of the Secretary of State.
Over five months ago, I introduced a budget that addressed a $1.6 billion deficit by focusing on two simple goals – protecting Wisconsin's taxpayers and investing in Wisconsin's priorities. My budget froze property taxes for the next two years, but in a way that was responsible and did not sacrifice the quality of our schools and vital local services. As with my previous budget, we solved this deficit without raising any taxes – income, sales, corporate or excise. Instead, we set priorities and funded them by using savings gained by making state government more efficient and additional revenue generated from economic growth.