The other proposal by the Legislature to undercut the Stewardship 2000 Program would reduce state aids-in-lieu of property tax payments to communities that have land within their boundaries that has been purchased with program funds. Not only does the first proposal raise serious constitutional issues, it is nonsensical and weakens efforts to preserve and protect Wisconsin's wild areas. The second proposal will increase local property taxes. I have vetoed both of these provisions.
The bill I am signing today maintains current law on the recycling tipping fee and surcharge. Lowering the tipping fee, as the Legislature proposed, would make Wisconsin an attractive dumping ground for trash from all over the Midwest. It is a special interest favor of the worst kind. Not only is the tipping fee a critical element in reducing the amount of out-of-state waste deposited in Wisconsin landfills, the revenue supports property tax relief through grants to local governments for their state-mandated recycling efforts. With this veto, I am protecting both Wisconsin's environment and its property taxpayers.
In another, and perhaps its most inexplicable, attack on Wisconsin's environment and its future economic success, the Legislature eliminated the entire comprehensive planning law. Better known in the real estate and planning community as "Smart Growth," this law provided $2 million annually to towns, villages, cities and counties to help them make sensible decisions about housing construction, business development, land preservation and transportation investments. This program is all about small government, local control and economic growth. I have vetoed the Legislature's short-sighted repeal of this important program and restored planning grant funding to Wisconsin's communities.
With my veto pen, I have changed this budget to better reflect the priority most Wisconsin citizens place on quality public schools. Not only have I been able to reverse the unwise lowering of the revenue caps, but I have also provided funding for mentoring for new teachers without having to resort to raising taxes on teachers to pay for it. I was also able to veto the attempts to cripple the successful SAGE small classroom initiative. These proposals, under the guise of "flexibility," could have cut the program essentially in half and increased class sizes in Milwaukee by as much as 60 percent. They contradict everything academic researchers tell us and what parents and teachers know: there's nothing better to help kids learn math and reading in the early grades than a quality teacher and a small class size. Unfortunately, my veto pen does not allow me to recreate what I proposed for the SAGE program which was to increase the per student reimbursement for the first time since it was started nearly a decade ago. I sympathize with school districts who find it harder each year to pay for this worthwhile program, and I pledge to work with them to get the funding our students deserve.
I commend the Legislature for having the common sense in this budget to maintain funding for our important four-year-old kindergarten program, which is a national leader in providing quality early education for our children. I am disappointed, however, that they did not approve my proposal to provide extra funding so school districts that want to start a four-year-old kindergarten program do not face a financial disincentive because of the quirks of the school finance formula.
As recent news stories clearly evidence, we must do something as a state to help many of our school districts like Florence that are struggling with increasing costs and declining enrollment. I offered a practical solution which would have aided the nearly 60 percent of districts facing declining enrollment. Unfortunately the Legislature ignored this proposal, and I am unable to address it with my veto power.
We also must do something as a state to improve the way we pay teachers. My budget included two proposals that were rejected by the Legislature and which I am unable to change. First, I recommended the repeal of the qualified economic offer (QEO) law which stifles creative bargaining over better ways to pay teachers and innovative means to hold down health insurance costs. Second, I suggested helping communities explore better ways to pay teachers so that we could attract and retain the best teachers for our children. Instead of paying teachers based solely on their number of years of teaching and advanced degrees earned, we could find ways to pay teachers for the skills and knowledge that actually matter in a classroom. It would also help us find ways to reward teachers for taking tough teaching assignments or accepting hard-to-fill positions ranging from special education to math and science.
Finally, I remain mystified as to how the Legislature could approve a two-year budget of over $50 billion and not find $1.3 million to increase funding for the school breakfast program. We rank last in the nation in providing our children with school breakfasts, and it is an embarrassment. While I cannot fix this omission through my veto pen, I will continue to lead the fight to ensure that Wisconsin does better in giving every child the opportunity to start the day with a healthy breakfast.
From the day I introduced my budget, I have been very clear about my priorities: freezing property taxes and protecting the quality of public schools. To achieve this goal, especially when I must work from the options presented in the budget the Legislature passed, I have made a number of tough decisions. Doubtless some of these decisions will be unpopular, and will upset the special interest groups that got them placed in the budget, but they are needed so we can provide property taxpayers with the relief they need and our children with the quality public schools they deserve. Budgets are about choices – and I choose the property taxpayers and schoolchildren of this state.
A378 Transportation is the lifeblood of Wisconsin's economy. My budget proposed a 16 percent increase in highway spending over the next two years. The Legislature, opting for more road spending rather than adequate funding for schools and property tax relief, passed a 19 percent highway spending increase. The additional spending includes $38 million just for a preliminary study of reconstructing the Milwaukee Zoo Interchange – a project that won't be built for at least another eight years. Spending $38 million on this preliminary road study on the same day that the Legislature voted to cut small class sizes by $38 million was one of the most flagrant examples of misplaced priorities in the entire budget process.
The Legislature also added $60 million to reduce the amount of bonding used to finance the cost of reconstructing the Marquette Interchange. At a total cost of $810 million, the Marquette Interchange is the largest single highway construction project the state has ever undertaken. The Legislature proposed using debt to finance only 14 percent of the cost. That's like you or me putting down $129,000 in cash to buy a $150,000 house – and then not having any money left over to buy groceries, put gas in the car or help the kids get a good education.
Wisconsin families know they have to be careful about how much they borrow for major purchases like a house, but they also need to make sure they can pay their other bills and take care of their children. Similarly, the state needs to make sure it can meet important priorities like providing property tax relief and protecting Wisconsin's schools.
In fact, we already have a balanced strategy for using debt to finance highway projects. Most large highway projects rely on bonding for around 50 percent of the total cost. Highway 29 in central Wisconsin was built that way, as were Highways 41 and 53, and 141 and 151. Once rebuilt, the Marquette Interchange is expected to last at least 50 years. My vetoes will result in using 20 year bonds to finance 36 percent of the cost of the project. Compared with previous major highway construction projects, this remains a conservative financing approach.
In the 2003-05 biennium, $120 million was directly allocated from the transportation fund for state aid to schools and property tax relief. My budget proposed increasing this allocation to a total of $172 million in the 2005-07 biennium by using transportation revenues to help school districts pay the cost of transporting students to their local school. It makes no sense to me why the transportation fund helps pay for adults to ride buses to work, but not to support the costs of children to ride buses to school. In their budget, the Legislature removed the entire transportation fund allocation for schools.
By pursuing more reasonable financing strategies for major highway construction projects and reducing excessive spending in the Legislature's transportation budget, my vetoes will save almost $160 million. The budget I am signing today will transfer these savings to the general fund in support of property tax relief through funding two-thirds of school costs.
In my budget, I offered a balanced approach for financing the state's SeniorCare, BadgerCare and Medical Assistance programs. This approach employed strategies used by many other states to secure additional federal Medicaid revenues and control prescription drug prices. Adopting those strategies would have brought more than $120 million in new federal revenue to the state. But instead of containing health care costs and securing a fair share of federal revenues for Wisconsin, the Legislature opted to divert state support from our schools and, thereby, place property taxpayers at risk.
I made it very clear when I delivered my budget message to the Legislature that Wisconsin cannot and will not pit the needs of kids against the needs of their grandparents. Wisconsin must look with optimism to both the present and the future.
Since the Legislature chose not to implement any financing strategy for Medical Assistance-related programs, the spending included in the bill for nursing home rate increases, outpatient hospital rate increases and pharmacy reimbursement rates is unsustainable.
Instead, the Department of Health and Family Services will accelerate implementation of ongoing prescription drug cost containment and federal Medicaid revenue maximization strategies to help preserve eligibility and benefits in light of the Legislature's failure to adequately finance the Medical Assistance budget.
The Legislature proposed a few targeted tax reductions in its budget. Some of those proposals were adopted by the Senate to secure passage of the budget. I have vetoed those measures, both because of how they were enacted and because they divert state revenues from property tax relief. For example, at the same time the Legislature was cutting funding for public schools, they passed a $15 million a year tax break for parents (no matter what their income level) who send their kids to private school or homeschool them. That money is much better used for investing in our public schools and providing property tax relief for our citizens. Interestingly, my office received numerous phone calls from parents who homeschool their children, and these calls were overwhelmingly in opposition to this unnecessary and expensive proposal.
The following is a brief summary of how this budget, including my vetoes, will address some of the key issues facing the citizens of Wisconsin:
Property Tax Relief
Freezes property taxes on an average value home for two years so that the typical homeowner has no increase in property taxes this December and a $5 decrease next year. This compares to an average yearly increase of $119 over the past five years.
As with every property tax freeze proposal that has been offered in the past several years, there will be some variation in what an individual taxpayer's bill may look like next year. For example, someone who builds a new addition on his or her house will obviously pay more in taxes next year. Local citizens might decide to pass a referendum to help their local school. While the "average" taxpayer will see taxes frozen, many people will see their bill go down. Some people may see their bill go up – but those that do go up will see much smaller increases than they would without this freeze.
A379 Provides an $861 million increase in state school aid to fund two-thirds of school costs (over 66 percent), including an increase in direct property tax relief through expansion of the school levy tax credit from $469 million to $593 million, effective with 2006 property tax bills.
Preserves essential local services and economic development investments by limiting the increase in municipal and county property tax levies to the greater of two percent or the local growth in new construction, in each year of the biennium.
Revenue and General Fund Taxes
Cuts taxes for Wisconsin's greatest generation by accelerating a 100 percent exclusion for Social Security benefits to begin in 2008.
Supports our veterans and military personnel by creating a veterans property tax relief credit for widows of veterans killed in action and veterans over 65 with a 100 percent service disability, expanding the military income tax credit up to $300 for every person on active duty outside the U.S., updating the state's tax code to incorporate the Military Family Tax Relief Act, and allowing any individual or corporate entity to designate an additional payment to the veterans trust fund on their tax return.
Improves access to health care by expanding deductions for medical insurance premiums to 100 percent for employed persons without employer-provided health insurance and creating a deduction for an unemployed person's purchase of health insurance beginning at 33 percent in 2007 and increasing to 100 percent by 2009.
Improves Wisconsin's business tax climate by modifying the single sales factor apportionment for computer software, intellectual property and services.
Increases access to higher education by expanding the deduction for college tuition from $3,000 to the average tuition level in the University of Wisconsin System.
Economic Development and Transportation
Restores comprehensive planning statutes and state-funded grants to assist communities in planning for efficient and effective use of limited resources. This program provides significant benefits to property taxpayers, farmers, developers, local governments and all citizens by keeping service and development costs manageable.
Promotes business development throughout the state by improving the Enterprise Development Zone program to allow the creation of enterprise development zones within development zones, allow multiple businesses to be eligible for tax credits within a single zone and increase the statutory cap on the number of zones from 79 to 98. This will unleash over $170 million in tax credits that can be used to help distressed communities in Wisconsin generate economic development and new jobs.
Improves highway safety and enhances economic development by providing almost $1.75 billion of state and federal funding for highway rehabilitation and construction projects over the biennium. This includes an 8.7 percent increase for state highway rehabilitation and a 13.6 percent increase for major highway development over the biennium.
Provides the funding needed to ensure that the reconstruction of the Marquette Interchange remains on track to be completed on time and on budget. In addition, the budget allocates $19.3 million in fiscal year 2005-06 and $49.4 million in fiscal year 2006-07 for critical projects on the Southeast Wisconsin freeway system and provides over $32 million to begin preliminary engineering for the next phase of the Southeast Wisconsin freeway system reconstruction.
Assists in expanding the transportation options for those who need access the most by increasing elderly and disabled transportation aids by $6 million, a 36 percent increase, over the biennium. General transportation and transit aids are also increased by two percent in each calendar year to help communities maintain safe and efficient local road and transit systems.
Invests in Southeast Wisconsin economic development by providing $800,000 in fiscal year 2005-06 for final engineering for the Metra commuter rail extension and by creating a Regional Transit Authority covering Kenosha, Racine and Milwaukee counties.
Enhances Wisconsin's image as a premier tourism destination by dedicating an additional $3.8 million over the biennium to tourism promotion.
Promotes economic development in the city of Green Bay by providing a grant of $1.4 million for a downtown redevelopment project.
Supports collaborative research and development of new technologies by providing $500,000 to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee to establish a Biomedical Technology Alliance in Southeastern Wisconsin.
Environmental Protection and Resource Management
Protects Wisconsin's natural beauty and tourism economy by vetoing a requirement that the Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship 2000 Program be used to purchase land already owned by the state Board of Commissioners of Public Lands.
Maintains the recycling tipping fee and business surcharge at current levels to ensure adequate future funding for important recycling programs including financial assistance for responsible units and recycling efficiency incentive grants.
Provides an additional $5.6 million over the biennium to fund various forestry programs including grants to local units of government, third-party certification of forestry practices, invasive species management, forest fire prevention, and several education and professional development programs.
Creates a bioindustry grant program to promote research, development and implementation of technologies to use agricultural and forest products and waste as energy sources or to create other biobased products with beneficial uses. This program will assist agricultural and timber producers by adding value to existing products and converting currently unused materials into potential income-producing assets.
Encourages modernization of livestock production systems through the creation of a new Livestock Farm Investment Tax Credit program.
A380 Education and Workforce Development
Reverses the Legislature's ill-advised and harmful cut to school district revenue limits, enabling Wisconsin schools to continue to provide high-quality public education program for our children.
Restores $330 million to general school aids over the biennium to deliver real property tax relief and provide school districts the revenues needed to maintain financial resources at the modest levels needed to provide a high-quality public education. Schools will be able to spend about an additional three percent annually – the same level of increase that they have been allowed for many years under Republican and Democratic administrations alike.
Preserves the current kindergarten through third grade level requirement for the Student Achievement Guarantee in Education (SAGE) small class size initiative that research has shown produces long-lasting benefits for student learning.
Deletes the Legislature's proposed 50 percent increase to teacher license fees, while still providing $1.35 million in new funding to support a mentoring program for beginning teachers.
Increases pupil transportation reimbursement rates, especially for districts that must bus students over long distances, and increases funding by $12.75 million over the biennium.
Increases special education aid by $12.5 million over the biennium, including $3.5 million for a new program to offset the high cost of educating disabled students with the greatest needs.
Increases funding for bilingual-bicultural education by $2.4 million over the biennium.
Helps ensure that college remains affordable for lower income Wisconsin residents by increasing financial aid programs by $22.9 million over the biennium.
Recognizes the importance of the University of Wisconsin System to the state's economy by providing $5 million over the biennium to retain high-demand faculty at system campuses.
Strengthens Wisconsin's leadership role in cutting-edge multidisciplinary biomedical research by providing $2.5 million over the biennium to help support research on Alzheimer's disease and $150 million in general fund supported borrowing and gifts for the first phase of the construction of the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery.
Ensures access to affordable child care for low-income working families by fully funding the estimated child care subsidy caseload and eliminating the Legislature's proposed 15 percent increase in family copayments.
Restores $4 million annually of the $16 million cut by the Legislature for child care resource and referral centers, grants to child care providers for training and technical assistance, scholarship and bonuses for child care providers to improve retention of highly-qualified staff, and grants to local entities to improve the quality and increase the availability of child care services.
Continues to allow adequate investments in worker training by maintaining the current law mill rate limit on Wisconsin Technical College District levies.
Provides $2 million over the biennium to Wisconsin's technical colleges to provide skills training or other educational services that directly benefit Wisconsin businesses.
Human Services
Preserves Medicaid eligibility for Wisconsin's most vulnerable residents: the elderly, disabled and low-income families.
Controls prescription drug costs by adopting a reduced reimbursement rate of the average wholesale price discounted by 16 percent and reducing the pharmacy dispensing fee by 50 cents.
Increases the quality of life for Wisconsin's seniors and improves the use of long-term care resources by implementing the Community Relocations program allowing more than 1,400 seniors to live independently in the community instead of nursing homes. This is a significant step toward the goal of reducing the nursing home population by 25 percent over the next eight years.
Implements cost containment measures for Medicaid and BadgerCare programs including: reducing fraud through new initiatives to improve Medicaid program quality assurance, enhancing efforts for collection of third-party claims, improving disease management for frequent users of emergency room services, and expanding use of managed care for Supplemental Security Income recipients to improve care and reduce costs.
Provides more time for all stakeholders in the Health Insurance Risk Sharing Plan (HIRSP) to work together to craft a privatization proposal that ensures that policyholders are protected and sufficient state safeguards are maintained.
Increases monthly payments to foster families by five percent starting in calendar year 2006 to provide support for food, clothing, housing, personal care and other expenses of foster children.
Provides $400,000 GPR in fiscal year 2006-07 to establish a new dental clinic for low-income, disabled and elderly individuals in Chippewa Falls.
Public Safety
Provides $216,900 PR over the biennium to support two methamphetamine drug enforcement efforts, including an enforcement response team and drug-endangered children training program.
Provides $100,000 PR annually for grants to communities to divert youths from gang activities and substance abuse through prevention and treatment programs.
Implements measures to reduce recidivism and prison costs by providing funding and staff for alcohol and other drug abuse treatment units at the Racine and Taycheedah Correctional Institutions and by reducing the maximum term of probation from two years to one year for certain nonviolent misdemeanor offenses.
State Government Operations
A381 Provides free tuition at University of Wisconsin System and Wisconsin Technical College System campuses for families of Wisconsin service personnel who died while on active duty and for disabled veterans and their families.
Provides $117,300 GPR each year for a housing demonstration program for homeless veterans in Milwaukee.
Provides $13 million over the biennium to maintain operations at the veterans home at King and to expand operations at the veterans home at Union Grove.
Implements the Accountability, Consolidation and Efficiency (ACE) initiative, which will generate significant savings for the state by streamlining the administration of procurement, human resources, server and network support, and facility and space management and by investing in new administrative information technology systems.
Maintains state ownership and operation of University of Wisconsin System and other state agency power plant and wastewater treatment facilities.
Authorizes the Department of Administration to restore the Senate-sponsored 2.3 percent across-the-board GPR reduction to state agencies, including the Department of Military Affairs, and allocate the net $4 million cut to state agencies in a way that does not compromise critical public services.
Deletes the requirement added by the Senate that nonrepresented employees begin paying 1.5 percent of wages into the Wisconsin Retirement Fund. This provision would have amounted to a 1.5 percent pay cut for all nonrepresented employees – with the notable exception of the legislators who voted for it, who are protected by state law from any changes to their compensation package during their terms. Not only is it patently unfair, it would have seriously hurt the University of Wisconsin System's ability to attract and retain great faculty, staff and researchers.
There are also several budget provisions I did not or could not veto that warrant discussion.
1. Single Factor for Corporate and Technology Firms: I was gratified that the Legislature approved my proposal to extend the single factor sales apportionment for corporate income to technology and service firms in Wisconsin. It just makes no sense to have a corporate tax policy that penalizes Wisconsin employers for every job they create in our state. This change places Wisconsin technology firms on the same footing as manufacturers and in a more favorable tax climate than many other states. The Legislature appropriately preserved the apportionment of income from sales of intangible property.
However, the resulting revisions do not benefit Wisconsin-based biotechnology and franchising firms. I look forward to working with the Legislature to address this unintended consequence.
2. Specific Position Reductions: Through several legislative motions, not directly included as part of the budget bill, the Legislature has attempted to dictate specific position reductions in this bill. In some instances, most notably the sale of all state-owned power plants and wastewater treatment plants, and closure of the Milwaukee W-2 State Oversight Office, the bill includes no specific language regarding position reductions. It is my intent to give executive branch agencies discretion in implementing these reductions or requesting additional position resources. This means that the Department of Corrections will have the flexibility to substitute other positions in place of the correctional unit supervisor and assistant unit supervisor positions deleted in a Joint Committee on Finance motion. Executive branch agencies with power plant and wastewater treatment facilities will be able to seek restoration of the positions through approval processes authorized under current law. Similarly, the Department of Workforce Development will have the same latitude in finding ways to ensure the Milwaukee Office is adequately staffed.
3. Medical Assistance Cost Containment Efforts: Containing health care costs, while preserving eligibility and access for Wisconsin's Medicaid populations, is one of my top priorities, and I am disappointed with certain actions the Legislature has taken to hamstring these important efforts. Therefore, I am directing the Department of Health and Family Services secretary to take the following actions to maximize the state's ability to manage the Medicaid program in the most efficient and effective way possible: