Provides $13 million over the biennium to maintain operations at the veterans home at King and to expand operations at the veterans home at Union Grove.
Implements the Accountability, Consolidation and Efficiency (ACE) initiative, which will generate significant savings for the state by streamlining the administration of procurement, human resources, server and network support, and facility and space management and by investing in new administrative information technology systems.
Maintains state ownership and operation of University of Wisconsin System and other state agency power plant and wastewater treatment facilities.
Authorizes the Department of Administration to restore the Senate-sponsored 2.3 percent across-the-board GPR reduction to state agencies, including the Department of Military Affairs, and allocate the net $4 million cut to state agencies in a way that does not compromise critical public services.
Deletes the requirement added by the Senate that nonrepresented employees begin paying 1.5 percent of wages into the Wisconsin Retirement Fund. This provision would have amounted to a 1.5 percent pay cut for all nonrepresented employees – with the notable exception of the legislators who voted for it, who are protected by state law from any changes to their compensation package during their terms. Not only is it patently unfair, it would have seriously hurt the University of Wisconsin System's ability to attract and retain great faculty, staff and researchers.
There are also several budget provisions I did not or could not veto that warrant discussion.
1. Single Factor for Corporate and Technology Firms: I was gratified that the Legislature approved my proposal to extend the single factor sales apportionment for corporate income to technology and service firms in Wisconsin. It just makes no sense to have a corporate tax policy that penalizes Wisconsin employers for every job they create in our state. This change places Wisconsin technology firms on the same footing as manufacturers and in a more favorable tax climate than many other states. The Legislature appropriately preserved the apportionment of income from sales of intangible property.
However, the resulting revisions do not benefit Wisconsin-based biotechnology and franchising firms. I look forward to working with the Legislature to address this unintended consequence.
2. Specific Position Reductions: Through several legislative motions, not directly included as part of the budget bill, the Legislature has attempted to dictate specific position reductions in this bill. In some instances, most notably the sale of all state-owned power plants and wastewater treatment plants, and closure of the Milwaukee W-2 State Oversight Office, the bill includes no specific language regarding position reductions. It is my intent to give executive branch agencies discretion in implementing these reductions or requesting additional position resources. This means that the Department of Corrections will have the flexibility to substitute other positions in place of the correctional unit supervisor and assistant unit supervisor positions deleted in a Joint Committee on Finance motion. Executive branch agencies with power plant and wastewater treatment facilities will be able to seek restoration of the positions through approval processes authorized under current law. Similarly, the Department of Workforce Development will have the same latitude in finding ways to ensure the Milwaukee Office is adequately staffed.
3. Medical Assistance Cost Containment Efforts: Containing health care costs, while preserving eligibility and access for Wisconsin's Medicaid populations, is one of my top priorities, and I am disappointed with certain actions the Legislature has taken to hamstring these important efforts. Therefore, I am directing the Department of Health and Family Services secretary to take the following actions to maximize the state's ability to manage the Medicaid program in the most efficient and effective way possible:
Transportation Broker – The Legislature reversed my recommendation to implement a competitively-bid brokerage system for nonemergency transportation under Medicaid – which would have improved service, lowered costs and helped stamp out fraud – only to turn around and levy an undesignated cut to the nonemergency transportation services budget without offering one idea for a way to actually achieve those savings. I maintain my position that a brokerage system is best for Wisconsin taxpayers, and I am directing the Department of Health and Family Services secretary to continue development of this initiative.
Home Care, Personal Care and Private Duty Nursing Reduction – The Legislature doubled the percentage reduction I had proposed for home care, personal care and private duty nursing services. A cut of this magnitude directed exclusively at these community long-term care services would have a chilling effect on the state's ability to implement my community relocation program. Therefore, I am directing the Department of Health and Family Services secretary to manage this reduction across the entire Medicaid program.
A382 Request for Information on Community Long-Term Care Options – As our population ages, we need to seek out new, innovative, cost-effective delivery systems for community long-term care services. I was dismayed that the Joint Committee on Finance failed to recognize the value in gathering additional information on options for community care. I remain committed to finding solutions for this issue, and I am instructing the Department of Health and Family Services to issue a Request for Information (RFI) to managed care organizations regarding their ability to develop primary, acute and long-term managed care on a regional basis. Further, I am directing the department to issue the RFI within the first six months of fiscal year 2005-06. Upon receipt of the RFI results, the information should be provided to the Department of Administration.
4. Milwaukee Child Welfare: I was disappointed that the Legislature failed to acknowledge our legal and moral obligation to provide sufficient resources to safeguard children in the Milwaukee child welfare system. Recruiting and retaining high-quality caseworkers has been demonstrated to hinge in large part on providing adequate compensation and training. While the Legislature cut the funding I had proposed for these critical functions so that they could await the results of yet another study, the needs of these children cannot wait. Therefore, I am directing the Department of Health and Family Services secretary to identify and reallocate funding toward the Bureau of Milwaukee Child Welfare reinvestment plan, especially for activities related to caseworker retention and training.
5. Milwaukee State W-2 Oversight Office: One of the casualties of this budget was the Legislature's decision to abruptly delete funding for the W-2 office located in Milwaukee. This action will undermine state oversight of the largest and most challenging W-2 service area, but was done without language that allows me to reverse the decision. However, I am determined to keep this key office open and retain the state's W-2 presence in Milwaukee. This is especially important because Milwaukee has over 75 percent of Wisconsin's W-2 caseload. Furthermore, over the past year, a string of well-publicized missteps by Milwaukee's then-largest W-2 provider only serves to emphasize a compelling need to maintain the state's Milwaukee office. I am directing the Department of Workforce Development secretary to identify funding from within existing revenue to ensure that the Milwaukee office remains open and fully operational.
6. Controlling Invasive Aquatic Species: My budget included a comprehensive approach to preventing and reducing the impact of aquatic invasive species in the state. The Legislature, however, chose to greatly reduce the effectiveness of my proposal by removing the ability of local and state law enforcement officers to enforce common sense restrictions on transporting these nuisance species from one body of water to another. While concern was raised regarding one aspect of the enforcement powers, the Legislature illogically chose to eliminate the statewide requirement to remove aquatic plants and zebra mussels from boats and equipment rather than rationally adjusting the provision to focus enforcement on boat landings.
7. Nonpoint Source Pollution Abatement Grants to Farmers and Other Landowners: While I commend the Legislature for retaining the additional funding I provided for cost-share grants to farmers and other landowners for nutrient management planning and grants to counties to ensure adequate staff is available to assist farmers and other landowners, I am deeply disappointed that the Legislature reduced the funding I provided to assist landowners and communities in installing practices that would reduce nonpoint source pollution. Farmers and communities rely on this funding to support efforts to protect Wisconsin's abundant waters. This unjustifiable reduction in funding will have a significant negative impact on the efforts of local communities statewide to grow and develop recreational, economic and tourism opportunities, and to improve the environment for fish, wildlife, citizens and visitors to this state.
8. Sturgeon Bay Bridge: The bill contains a provision to make the construction of a new bridge in the city of Sturgeon Bay a priority for the Department of Transportation. The existing bridge that connects the two sides of the city is scheduled for reconstruction, and without the new bridge, the two sections of the city would be completely separated by the Sturgeon Bay Ship Canal during the reconstruction. To ensure that the city remains connected for emergency response and traffic safety purposes, I am committed to doing everything in the state's power to get this project under construction within the provision's one-year timeframe. Unfortunately, the Federal Highway Administration has indicated that the preliminary activities (e.g., reevaluation of the environmental assessment, final design, real estate acquisition, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Coast Guard permits, etc.) for such a project would take three years to complete. I do not accept that timeframe and am directing the Department of Transportation secretary to work with the Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Coast Guard to expedite this project.
Protecting taxpayers and investing in our priorities. Those were my simple goals when I introduced the budget, and the goals I have met through my vetoes in signing the budget. This budget delivers true property tax relief by enacting realistic limits on local levies, maintaining the strict current law revenue limits for schools and providing adequate state school aid and direct property tax credits.
Two years ago, I signed a budget that brought us out of the depths of the worst deficit in the state's history. Today, I sign a budget that moves Wisconsin on toward full recovery. It cuts taxes and grows our economy. It assists Wisconsin's service personnel, veterans and their families who are making the greatest sacrifices to protect freedom for us all. It builds on my efforts to streamline and improve state operations. It helps parents and students with accessing higher education. It protects our environment and abundant natural resources.
Wisconsin is a great state because we have always been optimistic about our future. I am optimistic for Wisconsin – present and future. I sign a budget today, after vetoes, that keeps us on course to a brighter future for all Wisconsin citizens.
On Wisconsin.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Doyle
A383 Veto Message
Table of Contents
1. Required Lapse to the General Fund
2. Wisconsin Higher Education Grants; University of Wisconsin System Students
3. School District Revenue Limits
4. Increasing Funding for School Aids and Property Tax Relief
5. Milwaukee Parental Choice Program Eligibility
6. Milwaukee Charter School Pupil Eligibility
7. Milwaukee and Racine Charter School Program Funding
8. Student Achievement Guarantee in Education (SAGE) Program
9. Mentoring Grants for Initial Educators
10. Federal Administrative Funding
11. Special Education Studies
12. Surcharge Beyond 125 Percent of Graduation Requirements
13. Course Retake Surcharge
14. Task Force on University of Wisconsin-Waukesha
15. Collaboration Study
16. Repeal of Certain University of Wisconsin System Reporting Requirements
17. Midwest Higher Education Compact
18. Higher Education Committee
19. Study of Joint Academic Programs
20. University of Wisconsin System Building Project Cost Study
21. Levy Limits on Technical College Districts
22. Jobs Advantage Training Program
23. W-2 Contracts and Oversight
24. Child Care Quality Improvement Programs
25. Child Care Subsidy Program Family Copayments
26. Children First
1. Fish Hatcheries
2. Bioindustry Grant Program
3. Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Award (PECFA) Program Changes
4. Increase in Enterprise Development Zones
5. Small Business Requirement for Enterprise Development Zones Program
6. Small Business Requirement for the Wisconsin Development Fund
7. Biomedical Technology Alliance Earmark
8. City of Green Bay Earmark
9. Minority Business Finance Program Earmark
10. Community Development Block Grant Earmarks
11. Clean Water Fund Bonding
12. Present Value Subsidy Limit
13. Comprehensive Planning and Land Information Aids
14. Land Information Modernization Grants
15. Recycling Tipping Fee and Business Surcharge
16. Business Waste Reduction and Recycling Assistance
17. Air Permits
18. Passive Review of Obligations Under the Stewardship 2000 Program
19. Town Board Approval of Purchases Under the Stewardship 2000 Program
20. Calculation of Aids-in-Lieu of Property Taxes
21. Public Access and Managed Forest Law
22. Expenditures from Forestry Revenues