Noes: 0.
To joint committee on Finance.
John Ainsworth
Committee on Transportation
Governor's Veto Message
October 14, 2005
To the Honorable Members of the Assembly:
I am vetoing Assembly Bill 207. The bill expands the circumstances under which a health care provider may refuse to provide certain medical procedures based on moral or religious convictions. Current law already allows providers to refuse to perform sterilizations and abortions. The bill would also allow such an objection as a basis for not participating in procedures involving human embryos and fetal tissue or organs.
The bill is nearly identical to Assembly Bill 67. I vetoed that bill in 2004 for the same reasons. This bill lets your doctor put his or her political beliefs ahead of your medical best interests. That is simply unconscionable. Medical decisions should be made by the patient and the doctor based on what's best for the patient, not on the doctor's political views.
This bill doesn't even require health care providers to give you a referral to someone else if they object to a particular treatment. In fact, the doctor wouldn't even have to tell you about a treatment option that might exist. Even if your life was threatened, this bill would allow a doctor to withhold lifesaving medical care.
The bill could also deny medical access to people in rural areas, who may have a very limited pool of doctors to choose from. It is hard enough for many people to get the health care they need, and this bill would make it even tougher.
Because it puts a doctor's political views ahead of the best interests of patients, this bill ought to be called the "unconscionable clause."
Respectfully submitted,
James Doyle
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Secretary of State
To Whom It May Concern:
Acts, Joint Resolutions and Resolutions deposited in this office have been numbered and published as follows:
Bill Number Act Number Publication Date
Assembly Bill 21444October 27, 2005
Assembly Bill 3945October 27, 2005
Assembly Bill 19346October 27, 2005
Assembly Bill 29647October 27, 2005
Assembly Bill 31648October 27, 2005
Douglas La Follette
Secretary of State
October 10, 2005
Representative Donald Friske
Room 312 North
State Capitol
Madison, WI 53701
Representative Leah Vukmir
Room 307 North
State Capitol
Madison, WI 53701
Representative Tamara Grigsby
Room 122 North
State Capitol
Madison, WI 53701
Dear Representatives Friske, Vukmir and Grigsby:
As chairperson of the Assembly Committee on Criminal Justice and Homeland Security, I am appointing you to a subcommittee to consider modifications to 2005 Assembly Bill 290, relating to prohibiting the required implanting of a microchip in an individual.
A527 The subcommittee is charged with considering the following issues and reporting its recommendations to me and, ultimately, to the full committee:
Whether an exception should be created in the bill so that parents may require the implantation of a microchip in their children.
Whether an exception should be created in the bill to permit implantation of a microchip in certain adults who may pose a danger to themselves by becoming disoriented and lost and may arguably benefit from the implantation of a microchip.
Representative Friske will chair the subcommittee and the Legislative Council attorney for the committee, Anne Sappenfield, will serve as staff for the subcommittee.
Thank you for your participation,
Scott Suder
Assembly Criminal Justice and Homeland Security Committee
October 17, 2005
Mr. Patrick Fuller
17 West Main Street
Suite 208
Madison, WI 53708
Dear Mr. Fuller:
Please add me as a co-sponsor to Assembly Bill 700 relating to the autism scholarship.
Mark Gundrum
Assembly District 84
October 17, 2005
Mr. Patrick Fuller
17 West Main Street
Suite 208
Madison, WI 53708
Dear Patrick:
I would like to request that my name be removed from Assembly Bill 106, authored by Representative Wood relating to expanding the individual income tax deduction for college tuition expenses.
Your assistance with this request is greatly appreciated.
Rob Kreibich
State Representative
93rd Assembly District
October 17, 2005
Mr. Patrick Fuller
17 West Main Street
Suite 208
Madison, WI 53708
Dear Mr. Fuller:
Please add me as a co-sponsor to Assembly Bill 226.
Tim carpenter