Representative J. Fitzgerald asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Senate Bill 347 be given a third reading. Granted.
The question was: Senate Bill 347 having been read three times, shall the bill be concurred in?
The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Ayes - Representatives Ainsworth, Ballweg, Benedict, Berceau, Bies, Black, Boyle, Colon, Cullen, Davis, Fields, J. Fitzgerald, Freese, Friske, Gielow, Gottlieb, Grigsby, Gronemus, Gunderson, Gundrum, Hahn, Hebl, Hines, Honadel, Hubler, Huebsch, Hundertmark, Jensen, Jeskewitz, Kaufert, Kerkman, Kessler, Kestell, Kleefisch, Krawczyk, Kreuser, Krusick, Lamb, F. Lasee, Lehman, LeMahieu, Loeffelholz, Lothian, McCormick, Meyer, Molepske, Montgomery, Moulton, Mursau, Musser, Nass, Nelson, Nerison, Nischke, Ott, Owens, Parisi, Petrowski, Pettis, Pocan, Pope-Roberts, Pridemore, Rhoades, Richards, Schneider, Seidel, Sheridan, Sherman, Shilling, Sinicki, Staskunas, Steinbrink, Stone, Strachota, Suder, Toles, Towns, Townsend, Travis, Turner, Underheim, Van Akkeren, Van Roy, Vos, Vruwink, Vukmir, Ward, Wasserman, Wieckert, A. Williams, M. Williams, Wood, Young, Zepnick, Ziegelbauer and Speaker Gard - 96.
Noes - None.
Absent or not voting - Representatives Albers and Kreibich - 2.
Motion carried.
Representative J. Fitzgerald asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Senate Bill 347 be immediately messaged to the Senate. Granted.
Representative J. Fitzgerald asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Senate Bill 149 be withdrawn from committee on Rules and taken up at this time. Granted.
Senate Bill 149
Relating to: membership of the Group Insurance Board.
The question was: Shall Senate Bill 149 be ordered to a third reading?
Motion carried.
Representative J. Fitzgerald asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Senate Bill 149 be given a third reading. Granted.
The question was: Senate Bill 149 having been read three times, shall the bill be concurred in?
The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Ayes - Representatives Ainsworth, Ballweg, Benedict, Berceau, Bies, Black, Boyle, Colon, Cullen, Davis, Fields, J. Fitzgerald, Freese, Friske, Gielow, Gottlieb, Grigsby, Gronemus, Gunderson, Gundrum, Hahn, Hebl, Hines, Honadel, Hubler, Huebsch, Hundertmark, Jensen, Jeskewitz, Kaufert, Kerkman, Kessler, Kestell, Kleefisch, Krawczyk, Kreuser, Krusick, Lamb, F. Lasee, Lehman, LeMahieu, Loeffelholz, Lothian, McCormick, Meyer, Molepske, Montgomery, Moulton, Mursau, Musser, Nass, Nelson, Nerison, Nischke, Ott, Owens, Parisi, Petrowski, Pettis, Pocan, Pope-Roberts, Pridemore, Rhoades, Richards, Schneider, Seidel, Sheridan, Sherman, Shilling, Sinicki, Staskunas, Steinbrink, Stone, Strachota, Suder, Toles, Towns, Townsend, Travis, Turner, Underheim, Van Akkeren, Van Roy, Vos, Vruwink, Vukmir, Ward, Wasserman, Wieckert, A. Williams, M. Williams, Wood, Young, Zepnick, Ziegelbauer and Speaker Gard - 96.
Noes - None.
Absent or not voting - Representatives Albers and Kreibich - 2.
Motion carried.
Representative J. Fitzgerald asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Senate Bill 149 be immediately messaged to the Senate. Granted.
Assembly Bill 329
Relating to: membership of the Group Insurance Board.
Representative J. Fitzgerald asked unanimous consent that Assembly Bill 329 be laid on the table. Granted.
Assembly Bill 383
Relating to: requiring criminal history background investigations of applicants for certain state government positions.
The question was: Shall Assembly substitute amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 383 be adopted?
Motion carried.
The question was: Shall Assembly Bill 383 be ordered engrossed and read a third time?
Motion carried.
Representative J. Fitzgerald asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill 383 be given a third reading. Granted.
The question was: Assembly Bill 383 having been read three times, shall the bill be passed?
The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Ayes - Representatives Ainsworth, Ballweg, Benedict, Berceau, Bies, Black, Boyle, Colon, Cullen, Davis, Fields, J. Fitzgerald, Freese, Friske, Gielow, Gottlieb, Grigsby, Gronemus, Gunderson, Gundrum, Hahn, Hebl, Hines, Honadel, Hubler, Huebsch, Hundertmark, Jensen, Jeskewitz, Kaufert, Kerkman, Kessler, Kestell, Kleefisch, Krawczyk, Kreuser, Krusick, Lamb, F. Lasee, Lehman, LeMahieu, Loeffelholz, Lothian, McCormick, Meyer, Molepske, Montgomery, Moulton, Mursau, Musser, Nass, Nelson, Nerison, Nischke, Ott, Owens, Parisi, Petrowski, Pettis, Pocan, Pope-Roberts, Pridemore, Rhoades, Richards, Schneider, Seidel, Sheridan, Sherman, Shilling, Sinicki, Staskunas, Steinbrink, Stone, Strachota, Suder, Toles, Towns, Townsend, Travis, Turner, Underheim, Van Akkeren, Van Roy, Vos, Vruwink, Vukmir, Ward, Wasserman, Wieckert, A. Williams, M. Williams, Wood, Young, Zepnick, Ziegelbauer and Speaker Gard - 96.
Noes - None.
Absent or not voting - Representatives Albers and Kreibich - 2.
Motion carried.
Representative J. Fitzgerald asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill 383 be immediately messaged to the Senate. Granted.
Assembly Bill 425
Relating to: school and school district performance reports.
The question was: Shall Assembly amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 425 be adopted?
Motion carried.
The question was: Shall Assembly Bill 425 be ordered engrossed and read a third time?
Motion carried.
Representative J. Fitzgerald asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill 425 be given a third reading. Granted.
The question was: Assembly Bill 425 having been read three times, shall the bill be passed?
Motion carried.
Representative J. Fitzgerald asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill 425 be immediately messaged to the Senate. Granted.
Assembly Bill 525
Relating to: prohibiting employment discrimination because an individual is or applies to be a member of, or performs, has performed, applies to perform, or has an obligation to perform active service in, the national guard, state defense force, or any reserve component of the military forces of the United States or this state.
The question was: Shall Assembly Bill 525 be ordered engrossed and read a third time?
Motion carried.
Representative J. Fitzgerald asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill 525 be given a third reading. Granted.
The question was: Assembly Bill 525 having been read three times, shall the bill be passed?
Motion carried.
Representative J. Fitzgerald asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that
Assembly Bill 525 be immediately messaged to the Senate. Granted.
Assembly Bill 702
Relating to: sexual contact or sexual intercourse involving a 16- or 17-year-old and a person who works or interacts with him or her through the person's occupation or a volunteer position and providing a penalty.
The question was: Shall Assembly amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 702 be adopted?
Motion carried.
The question was: Shall Assembly Bill 702 be ordered engrossed and read a third time?
Motion carried.
Representative J. Fitzgerald asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill 702 be given a third reading. Granted.
The question was: Assembly Bill 702 having been read three times, shall the bill be passed?
The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Ayes - Representatives Ainsworth, Ballweg, Benedict, Berceau, Bies, Black, Boyle, Colon, Cullen, Davis, Fields, J. Fitzgerald, Freese, Friske, Gielow, Gottlieb, Grigsby, Gronemus, Gunderson, Gundrum, Hahn, Hebl, Hines, Honadel, Hubler, Huebsch, Hundertmark, Jensen, Jeskewitz, Kaufert, Kerkman, Kessler, Kestell, Kleefisch, Krawczyk, Kreuser, Krusick, Lamb, F. Lasee, Lehman, LeMahieu, Loeffelholz, Lothian, McCormick, Meyer, Molepske, Montgomery, Moulton, Mursau, Musser, Nass, Nelson, Nerison, Nischke, Ott, Owens, Parisi, Petrowski, Pettis, Pocan, Pope-Roberts, Pridemore, Rhoades, Richards, Schneider, Seidel, Sheridan, Sherman, Shilling, Sinicki, Staskunas, Steinbrink, Stone, Strachota, Suder, Toles, Towns, Townsend, Travis, Turner, Underheim, Van Akkeren, Van Roy, Vos, Vruwink, Vukmir, Ward, Wasserman, Wieckert, A. Williams, M. Williams, Wood, Young, Zepnick, Ziegelbauer and Speaker Gard - 96.
Noes - None.
Absent or not voting - Representatives Albers and Kreibich - 2.
Motion carried.
Representative J. Fitzgerald asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill 702 be immediately messaged to the Senate. Granted.
Assembly Bill 778
Relating to: actions against manufacturers, distributors, sellers, and promoters of products.
Assembly amendment 1 to Assembly amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 778 offered by Representative Wieckert.
The question was: Shall Assembly amendment 1 to Assembly amendment 1 to Assembly Bill
778 be adopted?
Motion carried.
The question was: Shall Assembly amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 778 be adopted?
Motion carried.
The question was: Shall Assembly amendment 4 to Assembly Bill 778 be adopted?
Motion carried.
The question was: Shall Assembly amendment 1 to Assembly amendment 5 to Assembly Bill
778 be adopted?
Motion carried.
The question was: Shall Assembly amendment 5 to Assembly Bill 778 be adopted?
Motion carried.
Assembly amendment 6 to Assembly Bill 778 offered by Representatives Wieckert and Staskunas.
The question was: Shall Assembly amendment 6 to Assembly Bill 778 be adopted?