Assembly Chief Clerk
17 West Main Street, Suite 208
Madison, WI 53708
Dear Chief Clerk Fuller:
Please add my name as a co-sponsor of Assembly Bill 907.
Thank you,
Terry Moulton
State Representative
68th Assembly District
January 26, 2006
Patrick Fuller
Assembly Chief Clerk
17 West Main Street, Suite 208
Madison, WI 53708
Dear Patrick:
Please add my name to the list of Senate co-sponsors of Assembly Bill 944. Feel free to call me at 266-2509 if you have any further questions.
roger breske
State Senator
12th District
Referral of Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Ice Age Park and Trail Foundation
January 4, 2006
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
In 1999 the State Legislature included a $75,000 annual grant in the state budget to be matched with $25,000 of private funds for the purpose of establishing, maintaining and promoting the Ice Age National and State Scenic Trail. The Ice Age Park and Trail Foundation (IAPTF) has been delighted to be the recipient of that grant since 2000. It is with a great deal of pride that I submit our final report for the year 2005, as required by statute s. 23.925.
The Ice Age Park and Trail Foundation is a volunteer and member based organization whose mission is to create, support and protect the Ice Age Trail - designated a National Scenic Trail in 1980 and State Scenic Trail in 1987. The Trail is the only unit of the National Park Service and the only National Scenic Trail that commemorates the effects of continental glaciation in the United States.
A768 We genuinely appreciate your continuing support and your true partnership. Please call me at 608-663-1240 with any questions you may have.
Christine Thisted
Executive Director
Referred to committee on Tourism.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Family Services
January 23, 2006
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
In 1997 Act 27, the 97-99 Biennial Budget, the Legislature established requirements in state law intended to strengthen protections for children and vulnerable adults in organized care settings. The provisions require, among other things, that designated caregivers conduct background checks on all new and existing staff and bar them from employing anyone who has committed certain crimes or acts. DHFS and (for certain child care providers) counties and local school boards must perform checks on a provider before issuing a license or other credential. Individuals who have committed prohibited crimes or acts may apply to the Department, counties, or school boards for a waiver of the employment or licensing bans upon evidence of rehabilitation.
Sections 48.685(5g) and 50.065(5g) of the Wisconsin Statutes direct the Department to submit an annual report to the legislature that specifies the number of persons who have sought waivers of employment or licensing bans by requesting to demonstrate that they have been rehabilitated. The report must also specify the number of requests that were approved and the reasons for the success or failure of the requests. Attached is the report for 2005.
Questions about this report should be referred to Diane Welsh, Chief Legal Counsel, at 608-266-1404.
Thank you for distributing this report to members of the Assembly.
Helene nelson
Referred to committee on Health.