February 23, 2006
Patrick Fuller
Assembly Chief Clerk
17 West Main Street, Suite 208
Madison, WI 53708
Dear Mr. Fuller:
Due to my leave from session on February 23, 2006, I would like to take this opportunity to inform you of how I would have voted. Please include this information in the Assembly Journal.
I would have voted "aye" on passage of the following bills:
Assembly Bill 284
Assembly Bill 382
Assembly Bill 708
Assembly Bill 969
Assembly Bill 1010
Assembly Bill 1012
Thank you for your time and attention in this matter. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Thomas A. Lothian
State Representative
32nd Assembly District
February 24, 2006
Patrick Fuller
Assembly Chief Clerk
17 West Main Street, Suite 208
Madison, WI 53708
Dear Mr. Fuller:
Please add my name as a co-sponsor of Assembly Bill 1030, Assembly Bill 1050 and Assembly Bill 1060.
Thank you for your assistance.
Sincerely yours,
Sheryl K. ALbers
State Representative
50th Assembly District
February 27, 2006
Patrick Fuller
Assembly Chief Clerk
17 West Main Street, Suite 208
Madison, WI 53708
Dear Mr. Fuller:
Please add my name as a co-sponsor of Assembly Bill 1067. Thank you for your assistance.
Sincerely yours,
Sheryl K. ALbers
State Representative
50th Assembly District
Referral of Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
WHA Information Center
February 20, 2006
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
Enclosed is a copy of the 2004 Wisconsin Inpatient Hospital Quality Indicators Report produced by WHA Information Center pursuant to s.153.22, Wis. Stats. The report has been available on our Web site since December 2005. Please feel free to download and print additional copies.
A854 If you have any questions regarding the report you may contact me at 608-274-1820, 800-231-8340 or jkachelski@wha.org.
Joseph Kachelski
Vice President
Referred to committee on Health.
Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Legislative Audit Bureau
February 23, 2006
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
We have completed a review of the Environmental Cooperation Pilot Program (ECPP). The program is administered by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and was established by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27 to test innovative environmental regulatory methods. Statutes require the Legislative Audit Bureau to monitor ECPP and report annually to the Legislature on our findings.
DNR manages seven agreements with six companies. We have reviewed the terms of the agreements and DNR's administration of them and make several recommendations to ensure adequate public involvement in ECPP and comprehensive performance measures for quantifying its economic and environmental effects.
Addressing the need for effective performance measures is important given that the initial five-year ECPP agreements will expire in 2006 and 2007. DNR anticipates renewing all seven agreements for a second five-year period, and performance information will help DNR ensure the agreements are structured to promote program success.
We appreciate the courtesy and cooperation extended to us by DNR and the ECPP companies we contacted during our review.
Janice Mueller
State Auditor