Assembly Bill 450
Assembly Bill 479
Assembly Bill 523
Assembly Bill 566
Assembly Bill 594
Assembly Bill 646
Assembly Bill 650
Assembly Bill 657
Assembly Bill 708
Assembly Bill 717
Assembly Bill 719
Assembly Bill 725
Assembly Bill 739
Assembly Bill 1038
Assembly Bill 1073
Assembly Bill 1077
Patrick E. Fuller
Assembly Chief Clerk
Reference Bureau Corrections
Assembly Bill 65
In enrolling, the following corrections were made:
1. Page 2, line 10: delete "2003" and substitute "2005".
2. Page 3, line 7: on lines 7 and 17, delete "2003" and substitute "2005".
Senate Amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 657
In enrolling, the following correction was made:
1. Page 1, line 5: delete "that the" and substitute "that the condemnor".
Assembly Substitute Amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 725
In enrolling, the following corrections were made:
1. Page 1, line 3: delete "judgements" and substitute "judgments".
2. Page 1, line 9: delete "1" and substitute "1.".
Senate Joint Resolution 71
1. Page 3, line 3: after "Rono," insert "his brother, Tim Cornell,".
Senate Bill 406
1. Page 1, line 3: delete "language" and substitute "legislation".
Chief Clerk Reports
The Chief Clerk records:
Assembly Bill 29
Assembly Bill 133
Assembly Bill 144
Assembly Bill 536
Assembly Bill 912
Presented to the Governor on Wednesday, March 15.
Referral of Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Department of Workforce Development
February 27, 2006
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
Pursuant to § 109.12(2) and (3), Wis. Stats., I hereby submit the Department of Workforce Development's (DWD) 2005 annual report on the administration and enforcement of § 109.07 and 109.075, Wis. Stats. The report contains three sections. The first section lists all employers in 2005 that notified DWD of business closings and mass layoffs planned in Wisconsin. The second section of the report lists employers against whom DWD has received business closing or mass layoff notification complaints and the current status or outcome of those complaints. The third section of the report lists employers against whom DWD has received healthcare cessation notification complaints, DWD's actions and the current status or outcome of those complaints.
If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this report please contact LeAnna Ware, acting Administrator of the Equal Rights Division, at (608) 266-1997.
Roberta Gassman
Referred to committee on Labor.