Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Ninety-Seventh Regular Session
Senate Journal
The Chief Clerk makes the following entries under the above date.
The Chief Clerk makes the following entries dated Thursday, October 6, 2005.
Read first time and referred:
Senate Bill 367
Relating to: the disposal of electronic equipment, producer responsibility for electronic devices that are discarded, substances contained in electronic equipment, grants for facilities and systems for recycling electronic equipment, state purchasing of electronic equipment, granting rule-making authority, making an appropriation, and providing a penalty.
By Senators Miller, Lassa, Hansen, Robson, Risser and Erpenbach; cosponsored by Representatives Ott, Bies, Shilling, Black, Lehman, Sinicki, Hahn, Parisi, Molepske, Pocan, Pope-Roberts, Berceau and Richards.
To committee on Natural Resources and Transportation.
Senate Bill 368
Relating to: permitting a mother to breast-feed in any public or private location where she is otherwise authorized to be.
By Senators Risser, Lassa, Erpenbach, Miller and Plale; cosponsored by Representatives Wasserman, Boyle, Black, Pocan, Travis, Cullen, Albers, Ballweg, Berceau, F. Lasee, Sheridan, Parisi, Seidel, Pope-Roberts, Shilling, Pettis and Sinicki.
To committee on Health, Children, Families, Aging and Long Term Care.
The Chief Clerk makes the following entries dated Friday, October 7, 2005.
Read first time and referred:
Senate Bill 369
Relating to: requiring a court to establish a father's obligation for birth expenses.
By Senators Roessler, Brown, Darling and Lassa; cosponsored by Representatives Kestell, Gunderson, Hahn, Hines, Lehman, LeMahieu, Musser, Ott, Strachota, Van Roy and Vos.
To committee on Health, Children, Families, Aging and Long Term Care.
Senate Bill 370
Relating to: eligibility of a student enrolled in a 2-year, full-time vocational diploma program at a technical college for an academic excellence higher education scholarship.
By Senators Brown, Olsen, A. Lasee, Darling and Erpenbach; cosponsored by Representatives Lothian, Krawczyk, Gronemus, Fields, Albers, Hines, Musser, Jensen, Ainsworth, Kestell, Pettis, Gunderson, Berceau, Bies, Wood and Davis.
To committee on Higher Education and Tourism.
Senate Bill 371
Relating to: mandatory overtime hours worked by health care workers employed by health care facilities and providing penalties.
By Senators Robson, Coggs, Carpenter, Risser, Hansen, Miller and Erpenbach; cosponsored by Representatives Lehman, Fields, Pope-Roberts, Turner, Cullen, Black, Sheridan, Parisi, Benedict, Berceau, Sinicki, Zepnick, Seidel, Pocan and Van Akkeren.
To committee on Labor and Election Process Reform.
State of Wisconsin
October 7, 2005
The Honorable, The Senate:
Pursuant to Senate Rule 46(2)(c), I am writing to direct that Assembly Bill 657 be withdrawn from the committee on Natural Resources and Transportation and rereferred to the committee on Judiciary, Corrections, and Privacy. I have obtained the consent of the appropriate chairperson.
Senate President
The Chief Clerk makes the following entries dated Monday, October 10, 2005.
Read first time and referred:
Senate Bill 372
Relating to: a grant for a biomedical technology alliance in southeastern Wisconsin.
By Senators Kanavas, Darling, Plale, Stepp, A. Lasee, Roessler and Harsdorf; cosponsored by Representatives Jensen, Honadel, Kerkman, Nischke, Zepnick, Townsend, Bies, Strachota, Davis, Owens, Berceau and Hahn.
To committee on Job Creation, Economic Development and Consumer Affairs.
S391 Senate Bill 373
Relating to: prohibiting charging grossly excessive prices for consumer goods and services and providing a penalty.
By Senators Hansen, Decker, Carpenter, Taylor, Lassa, Risser and Erpenbach; cosponsored by Representatives Zepnick, Lehman, Shilling, Seidel, Sheridan, Pocan, Sinicki and Toles, by request of Attorney General Peggy A. Lautenschlager.
To committee on Job Creation, Economic Development and Consumer Affairs.
Senate Bill 374
Relating to: designating the bridge on STH 141 in the town of Lena in Oconto County as the Nichole M. Frye Memorial Bridge.
By Senator Hansen ; cosponsored by Representative Gard .
To committee on Natural Resources and Transportation.
INTRODUCTION, First Reading and
reference of Proposals
Read first time and referred: