The Chief Clerk makes the following entries dated Monday, November 14, 2005.
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Secretary of State
To the Honorable, the Senate:
Joint Enrolled
Resolution Number Publication Date
SJR 32
Not Published
Secretary of State
Pursuant to Senate Rule
17 (5), Senator Leibham added as a coauthor of
Senate Bill 392.
The committee on Health, Children, Families, Aging and Long Term Care reports and recommends:
Relating to supervised clinical practice and temporary licenses issued by the marriage and family therapist section.
No action taken.
Carol Roessler
The Chief Clerk makes the following entries dated Tuesday, November 15, 2005.
Read and referred:
Senate Joint Resolution 52
Relating to: supporting the creation of a compact with the states of Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, and Minnesota for the purpose of pooling resources to attract biotechnology research.
Kanavas, A. Lasee, Cowles and Roessler; cosponsored by Representatives Davis, Vos, Towns, Nischke and Berceau.
To committee on Job Creation, Economic Development and Consumer Affairs.
Read first time and referred:
Senate Bill 432
Relating to: authorization for counties to provide length-of-service awards for emergency medical technicians who perform services for the county.
Jauch, Grothman, Erpenbach and Darling; cosponsored by Representatives Sherman, Townsend, Boyle, Hahn, Petrowski, Lehman, Sheridan, Seidel, Molepske and Ott.
To committee on Veterans, Homeland Security, Military Affairs, Small Business and Government Reform.
Senate Bill 433
Relating to: grants to certain state agencies for information technology development projects, creation of an enterprise development fund, authorization to transfer certain moneys from state agency appropriation accounts, imposition of fees for state vender notifications, and making appropriations.
Kanavas, Darling, Cowles, Zien, Plale and Roessler; cosponsored by Representatives Jensen, Nischke, Krawczyk, Hahn, Townsend and McCormick.
To committee on Veterans, Homeland Security, Military Affairs, Small Business and Government Reform.
Senate Bill 434
Relating to: administering anesthesia in an office-based setting and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
Darling and Kanavas; cosponsored by Representatives Gielow, Suder, Ainsworth, Berceau, Davis, Gunderson, Gundrum, Hahn, Lehman, Loeffelholz, Meyer, Nass, Nerison, Ott, Sheridan, Towns, Vos and Wood.
To committee on Health, Children, Families, Aging and Long Term Care.
Senate Bill 435
Relating to: creating an income and franchise tax credit for the sales and use taxes paid for tangible personal property that is used in research or manufacturing by a biotechnology business, an institution of higher education, or a governmental unit.
Kanavas, Plale, Harsdorf, Stepp and Roessler; cosponsored by Representatives Nischke, Hahn, Sheridan, Berceau, Fields, Gunderson, Hines, Travis and Pope-Roberts.
To committee on Job Creation, Economic Development and Consumer Affairs.
The committee on Judiciary, Corrections and Privacy reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 48
Relating to: use of, and possession with intent to use, certain drug paraphernalia and providing a penalty.
Ayes, 3 - Senators
Zien, Roessler and Grothman.
Noes, 2 - Senators
Taylor and Risser.
Senate Bill 403
Relating to: carrying a concealed weapon, possessing or transporting a firearm under certain circumstances, background checks for handgun purchases, photographic identification cards for retired law enforcement officers, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, providing an exemption from rule-making authority, and providing penalties.
Adoption of Senate Substitute Amendment 1.
Ayes, 3 - Senators
Zien, Roessler and Grothman.
Noes, 2 - Senators
Taylor and Risser.
Passage as amended.
Ayes, 3 - Senators
Zien, Roessler and Grothman.
Noes, 2 - Senators
Taylor and Risser.
David Zien
Pursuant to Senate Rule
17 (5), Representative Van Roy added as a coauthor of
Assembly Bill 591.
Read first time and referred:
Senate Bill 436
Relating to: college reenrollment and registration priority of persons called into active military service.
Lazich, Zien, Darling, S. Fitzgerald, Grothman, A. Lasee, Lassa, Leibham and Roessler; cosponsored by Representatives Loeffelholz, Musser, Bies, Sherman, Turner, Freese, Gard, Gunderson, Hahn, Hebl, Hines, Krawczyk, F. Lasee, Lothian, McCormick, Mursau, Petrowski and Sheridan.
To committee on Higher Education and Tourism.
Senate Bill 437
Relating to: prohibiting the condemnation of property for any purpose not expressly authorized.
Jauch, Hansen, Decker, Erpenbach and Wirch; cosponsored by Representatives Sherman, Ainsworth, Bies, Sheridan, Freese, Lehman, Staskunas, Owens, Turner, Pope-Roberts, Pocan, Travis, Boyle, Molepske, Ziegelbauer, Vruwink, Hubler, Nelson and Sinicki.
To committee on Veterans, Homeland Security, Military Affairs, Small Business and Government Reform.
Senate Bill 438
Relating to: calculating creditable service for purposes of early retirement under the Wisconsin Retirement System.
Jauch and Lassa; cosponsored by Representatives Sherman, Boyle, Lehman, Sinicki, Black, Bies, Albers, Pocan, Zepnick, Berceau, Toles and Sheridan.
To joint survey committee on Retirement Systems.
Senate Bill 439
Relating to: changing the procedures for filling vacant civil service positions in the city of Milwaukee.
Taylor, Coggs and Plale; cosponsored by Representatives Sinicki, Lothian, Colon, Cullen, Fields, Grigsby, Richards, Toles, Turner, Young and Zepnick.
To committee on Veterans, Homeland Security, Military Affairs, Small Business and Government Reform.
Senate Bill 440
Relating to: an assessment on large employers that do not provide subsidized health care coverage, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
Hansen, Robson, Taylor and Miller; cosponsored by Representatives Berceau, Nelson, Lehman, Black, Pope-Roberts, Sinicki, Zepnick and Molepske.
To committee on Agriculture and Insurance.
Senate Bill 441
Relating to: anatomical gifts and the powers and duties of coroners and medical examiners.
A. Lasee, Breske, Olsen, Risser, Leibham, Hansen, Darling, Erpenbach, Lassa, Cowles and Kedzie; cosponsored by Representatives Wieckert, Vruwink, Musser, Gronemus, Bies, Schneider, Hahn, Jeskewitz, Vos, Townsend, McCormick, Shilling, Albers, Lehman, Gunderson, Kreibich, Gielow, Wasserman, Underheim, Krawczyk, Owens, Zepnick, Boyle, Kestell, Van Roy, Ainsworth, Nelson, Strachota, Ott, Nass and Ballweg.
To committee on Health, Children, Families, Aging and Long Term Care.
Senate Bill 442