AB100,74,1612 16.527 (3) (b) 2. The sum of appropriation obligations issued under this section,
13excluding any obligations that have been defeased under a cash optimization
14program administered by the building commission and any obligations issued
15pursuant to subd. 3., and revenue obligations issued under s. 16.526, if any, may not
16exceed $1,500,000,000.
AB100, s. 79 17Section 79. 16.529 of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB100,74,21 1816.529 Lapses and fund transfers relating to unfunded retirement
19liability debt service.
(1) The definitions in s. 20.001 are applicable in this section,
20except that "state agency" does not include the department of employee trust funds
21or the investment board.
AB100,75,2 22(2) Beginning in the 2007-09 fiscal biennium, during each fiscal biennium the
23secretary shall lapse to the general fund or transfer to the general fund from each
24state agency appropriation specified in sub. (3) an amount equal to that portion of
25the total amount of principal and interest to be paid on obligations issued under s.

116.527 during the fiscal biennium that is allocable to the appropriation, as
2determined under sub. (3).
AB100,75,4 3(3) The secretary shall determine the amounts of the allocations required
4under sub. (2) as follows:
AB100,75,75 (a) The secretary shall first determine the total amount of Wisconsin
6retirement system contributions that are to be paid by the state under s. 40.05 during
7the fiscal biennium.
AB100,75,158 (b) The secretary shall then determine the percentage of the total amount
9determined under par. (a) that is allocable to each state agency appropriation from
10which Wisconsin retirement system contributions under s. 40.05 are paid. The
11secretary shall exclude from this determination any appropriation from which a
12lapse or transfer to pay any principal or interest amount on obligations issued under
13s. 16.527 would violate a condition imposed by the federal government on the
14expenditure of the moneys or if the lapse or transfer would violate the federal or state
AB100,75,2016 (c) For each appropriation identified under par. (b), the secretary shall then
17apply the percentage calculated under par. (b) to the total amount of principal and
18interest to be paid during the fiscal biennium on obligations issued under s. 16.527.
19This amount is the portion of the total amount of principal and interest paid on the
20obligations during that fiscal biennium that is allocable to each appropriation.
AB100, s. 80 21Section 80. 16.54 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,76,722 16.54 (2) (b) Upon presentation by the department to the joint committee on
23finance of alternatives to the provisions under s. 16.27, the joint committee on
24finance may revise the eligibility criteria under s. 16.27 (5), or benefit payments
25under s. 16.27 (6) or the amount allocated for crises under s. 16.27 (3) (e) 2., and the

1department shall implement those revisions. Benefits or eligibility criteria so
2revised shall take into account and be consistent with the requirements of federal
3regulations promulgated under 42 USC 8621 to 8629. If funds received under 42
4USC 8621
to 8629 in a federal fiscal year total less than 90% of the amount received
5in the previous federal fiscal year, the department shall submit to the joint committee
6on finance a plan for expenditure of the funds. The department may not use the funds
7unless the committee approves the plan.
AB100, s. 81 8Section 81. 16.56 of the statutes is created to read:
AB100,76,16 916.56 Grain inspection funding. On June 30 of each fiscal year, the
10department shall determine whether the accumulated expenses for the inspection
11and certification of grain under s. 93.06 (1m) have exceeded the accumulated
12revenues from conducting that inspection and certification as of that date. If so,
13immediately before the end of the fiscal year, the department shall transfer the
14unencumbered balances in the appropriation accounts under s. 20.115 (1) (a), (2) (a),
15(3) (a), (7) (a), and (8) (a), up to the amount of the excess, to the appropriation account
16under s. 20.115 (1) (h).
AB100, s. 82 17Section 82. 16.75 (4) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,76,2118 16.75 (4) (d) In this subsection and s. 16.755, "veteran-owned business" means
19a small business, as defined in par. (c), that is certified by the department of veterans
20affairs as being at least 51% owned by one or more veterans, as defined in s. 45.35
45.001 (4).
AB100, s. 83 22Section 83. 16.771 of the statutes is created to read:
AB100,77,4 2316.771 False claims. Whoever knowingly presents or causes to be presented
24a false claim for payment under any contract or order for materials, supplies,
25equipment, or contractual services to be provided to an agency shall forfeit not less

1than $5,000 nor more than $10,000, plus 3 times the amount of the damages that
2were sustained by the state or would have been sustained by the state, whichever is
3greater, as a result of the false claim. The attorney general may bring an action on
4behalf of the state to recover any forfeiture incurred under this section.
AB100, s. 84 5Section 84. 16.841 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,77,86 16.841 (1) (b) "Child care provider" means a provider licensed under s. 48.65
749.98, certified under s. 48.651 49.156, or established or contracted for under s.
8120.13 (14).
AB100, s. 85 9Section 85. 16.848 of the statutes is created to read:
AB100,77,14 1016.848 Sale of certain state property. (1) Except as provided in sub. (2) and
11subject to sub. (3), the department may sell any state-owned real property, if the
12department determines that the sale is in the best interest of the state. The sale may
13be either on the basis of public bids, with the department reserving the right to reject
14any bid in the interest of the state, or negotiated prices.
AB100,77,16 15(2) (a) Subsection (1) does not authorize the closure or sale of any facility or
16institution the operation of which is provided for by law.
AB100,77,1817 (b) Subsection (1) does not apply to property under the jurisdiction of the board
18of regents of the University of Wisconsin System.
AB100,77,2019 (c) Subsection (1) does not apply to property sold by the department under s.
2016.98 (3).
AB100,77,2221 (d) Subsection (1) does not apply to lands under the jurisdiction of the board
22of commissioners of public lands.
AB100,77,2423 (e) Subsection (1) does not apply to property under the jurisdiction of the
24department of natural resources, except central or district office facilities.
1(f) Subsection (1) does not apply to lands acquired with revenues collected
2under s. 70.58.
AB100,78,43 (g) Subsection (1) does not apply to property that is subject to sale by the
4department of veterans affairs under s. 45.72 (7).
AB100,78,75 (h) The department shall not sell any property under this section that is leased
6by the state until the lease expires or the lease is modified, renewed, or extended,
7whichever first occurs, without consent of the lessee.
AB100,78,10 8(3) The department shall not sell any state property under sub. (1) unless the
9sale is approved by the building commission under 2005 Wisconsin Act .... (this act),
10section 9101 (4) (b).
AB100,79,2 11(4) Except as provided in s. 13.48 (14) (e), if there is any outstanding public debt
12used to finance the acquisition, construction, or improvement of any property that
13is sold under sub. (1), the department shall deposit a sufficient amount of the net
14proceeds from the sale of the property in the bond security and redemption fund
15under s. 18.09 to repay the principal and pay the interest on the debt, and any
16premium due upon refunding any of the debt. If the property was acquired,
17constructed, or improved with federal financial assistance, the department shall pay
18to the federal government any of the net proceeds required by federal law. If the
19property was acquired by gift or grant or acquired with gift or grant funds, the
20department shall adhere to any restriction governing use of the proceeds. Except as
21required under ss. 13.48 (14) (e), 20.395 (9) (qd), and 51.06 (6), if there is no such debt
22outstanding, there are no moneys payable to the federal government, and there is no
23restriction governing use of the proceeds, and if the net proceeds exceed the amount
24required to be deposited, paid, or used for another purpose under this subsection, the

1department shall deposit the net proceeds or remaining net proceeds in the general
AB100, s. 86 3Section 86. 16.871 of the statutes is created to read:
AB100,79,4 416.871 False claims. (1) In this section:
AB100,79,55 (a) "Agency" has the meaning given in s. 16.70 (1e).
AB100,79,66 (b) "Construction work" has the meaning given in s. 16.87 (1) (a).
AB100,79,77 (c) "Limited trades work" has the meaning given in s. 16.70 (7).
AB100,79,14 8(2) Whoever knowingly presents or causes to be presented a false claim under
9any contract for construction work or limited trades work, or for engineering or
10architectural services, to be provided to any agency shall forfeit not less than $5,000
11nor more than $10,000, plus 3 times the amount of the damages that were sustained
12by the state or would have been sustained by the state, whichever is greater, as a
13result of the false claim. The attorney general may bring an action on behalf of the
14state to recover any forfeiture incurred under this subsection.
AB100, s. 87 15Section 87. 16.891 of the statutes is created to read:
AB100,79,16 1616.891 Reports on cost of occupancy of state facilities. (1) In this section:
AB100,79,1717 (a) "Agency" has the meaning given in s. 16.70 (1e).
AB100,79,2218 (b) "Total cost of occupancy" means the cost to operate and maintain the
19physical plant of a building, structure, or facility, including administrative costs of
20an agency attributable to operation and maintenance of a building, structure, or
21facility, together with any debt service costs associated with the building, structure,
22or facility, computed in the manner prescribed by the department.
AB100,80,5 23(2) Except as provided in sub. (4), each agency shall report to the department
24no later than October 1 of each year concerning the total cost of occupancy of each
25state-owned building, structure, and facility, excluding public highways and

1bridges, under the jurisdiction of the agency for the preceding fiscal year. The report
2shall be made in a format prescribed by the department. Beginning in 2009, if a
3building, structure, or facility is a part of an institution, the agency having
4jurisdiction of the institution shall also include in its report the total cost of
5occupancy of all of the buildings, structures, and facilities within the institution.
AB100,80,12 6(3) No later than December 1 of each year, the department shall compile the
7information received under sub. (2) and transmit a consolidated report to the
8building commission on the total cost of occupancy of all buildings, structures, and
9facilities included in the reports filed under sub. (2), itemized for each building,
10structure, and facility. The report shall include, for each building, structure, or
11facility, the recommendations of the department concerning the desired total cost of
12occupancy for that building, structure, or facility.
AB100,80,15 13(4) The department may exempt an agency from compliance with the reporting
14requirement under sub. (2) with respect to any building, structure, or facility that
15the department determines to have a minimal total cost of occupancy.
AB100, s. 88 16Section 88. 16.964 (7) of the statutes is repealed.
AB100, s. 89 17Section 89. 16.964 (9) of the statutes is repealed.
AB100, s. 90 18Section 90. 16.964 (10) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100,80,2319 16.964 (10) Annually, the office shall pay the amount appropriated under s.
2020.505 (6) (e) to the Wisconsin Trust Account Foundation, Inc., to provide civil legal
21services to indigent persons. The Wisconsin Trust Account Foundation, Inc., shall
22distribute the amount received as grants to programs that provide civil legal services
23to indigent persons. The grants may be used only for the following civil legal services:
AB100,80,2524 (a) Serving as guardian ad litem for cases with the bureau of Milwaukee child
25welfare of the department of health and family services.
1(b) Coordinating insurance benefits for medical assistance recipients.
AB100,81,32 (c) Assisting Wisconsin Works participants in applying for supplemental
3security income program benefits.
AB100,81,54 (d) Obtaining and enforcing child support, including legal services related to
5domestic abuse.
AB100,81,76 (e) Developing discharge plans for mentally ill inmates and assisting those
7inmates in their community integration planning.
AB100,81,88 (f) Providing ancillary services to juvenile offenders.
AB100, s. 91 9Section 91. 16.966 of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB100,81,12 1016.966 Geographic information systems. The department may develop
11and maintain geographic information systems relating to land in this state for the
12use of governmental and nongovernmental units.
AB100, s. 92 13Section 92. 16.967 of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB100,81,14 1416.967 Land information program. (1) Definitions. In this section:
AB100,81,1515 (a) "Agency" has the meaning given in s. 16.70 (1e).
AB100,81,2416 (b) "Land information" means any physical, legal, economic, or environmental
17information or characteristics concerning land, water, groundwater, subsurface
18resources, or air in this state. "Land information" includes information relating to
19topography, soil, soil erosion, geology, minerals, vegetation, land cover, wildlife,
20associated natural resources, land ownership, land use, land use controls and
21restrictions, jurisdictional boundaries, tax assessment, land value, land survey
22records and references, geodetic control networks, aerial photographs, maps,
23planimetric data, remote sensing data, historic and prehistoric sites, and economic
1(c) "Land information system" means an orderly method of organizing and
2managing land information and land records.
AB100,82,43 (d) "Land records" means maps, documents, computer files, and any other
4information storage medium in which land information is recorded.
AB100,82,75 (e) "Systems integration" means land information that is housed in one
6jurisdiction or jurisdictional subunit and is available to other jurisdictions,
7jurisdictional subunits, public utilities, and other private sector interests.
AB100,82,10 8(3) Duties of department. The department shall direct and supervise the land
9information program and serve as the state clearinghouse for access to land
10information. In addition, the department shall:
AB100,82,1211 (a) Provide technical assistance and advice to state agencies and local
12governmental units with land information responsibilities.
AB100,82,1413 (b) Maintain and distribute an inventory of land information available for this
14state, land records available for this state, and land information systems.
AB100,82,1615 (c) Prepare guidelines to coordinate the modernization of land records and land
16information systems.
AB100,82,1817 (d) Review project applications received under sub. (7) and determine which
18projects are approved.
AB100,82,2019 (e) Review for approval a countywide plan for land records modernization
20prepared under s. 59.72 (3) (b).
AB100,82,23 21(4) Funding report. The department shall identify and study possible program
22revenue sources or other revenue sources for the purpose of funding the operations
23of the land information program, including grants to counties under sub. (7).
AB100,83,2 24(5) Fee revenue. The department shall credit all fee revenue received under
25s. 59.72 (5) (a) to the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (1) (ij), except that the

1department shall credit the amounts appropriated under s. 20.505 (1) (ie) and (if) to
2those appropriation accounts.
AB100,83,17 3(6) Reports. By March 31 of each year, the department of administration, the
4department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection, the department of
5commerce, the department of health and family services, the department of natural
6resources, the department of tourism, the department of revenue, the department of
7transportation, the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System, the
8public service commission, and the board of curators of the historical society shall
9each submit to the department a plan to integrate land information to enable such
10information to be readily translatable, retrievable, and geographically referenced for
11use by any state, local governmental unit, or public utility. The plans shall include
12the information that will be needed by local governmental units to prepare
13comprehensive plans containing the planning elements required under s. 66.1001
14(2). Upon receipt of this information, the department shall integrate the information
15to enable the information to be used to meet land information data needs. The
16integrated information shall be readily translatable, retrievable, and geographically
17referenced to enable members of the public to use the information.
AB100,83,21 18(7) Aid to counties. (a) A county board that has established a county land
19information office under s. 59.72 (3) may apply to the department on behalf of any
20local governmental unit, as defined in s. 59.72 (1) (c), located wholly or partially
21within the county for a grant for any of the following projects:
AB100,84,222 1. The design, development, and implementation of a land information system
23that contains and integrates, at a minimum, property and ownership records with
24boundary information, including a parcel identifier referenced to the U.S. public land
25survey; tax and assessment information; soil surveys, if available; wetlands

1identified by the department of natural resources; a modern geodetic reference
2system; current zoning restrictions; and restrictive covenants.
AB100,84,53 2. The preparation of parcel property maps that refer boundaries to the public
4land survey system and are suitable for use by local governmental units for accurate
5land title boundary line or land survey line information.
AB100,84,86 3. The preparation of maps that include a statement documenting accuracy if
7the maps do not refer boundaries to the public land survey system and that are
8suitable for use by local governmental units for planning purposes.
AB100,84,99 4. Systems integration projects.
AB100,84,1110 5. To support technological developments and improvements for the purpose
11of providing Internet-accessible housing assessment and sales data.
AB100,84,1412 (b) Grants shall be paid from the appropriation under s. 20.505 (1) (ij). A grant
13under this subsection may not exceed $100,000. The department may award more
14than one grant to a county board.
AB100,84,19 15(8) Advice; cooperation. In carrying out its duties under this section, the
16department may seek advice and assistance from the board of regents of the
17University of Wisconsin System and other agencies, local governmental units, and
18other experts involved in collecting and managing land information. Agencies shall
19cooperate with the department in the coordination of land information collection.
AB100,84,23 20(9) Technical assistance; education. The department may provide technical
21assistance to counties and conduct educational seminars, courses, or conferences
22relating to land information. The department shall charge and collect fees sufficient
23to recover the costs of activities authorized under this subsection.
AB100, s. 93 24Section 93. 16.9675 of the statutes is created to read:
AB100,84,25 2516.9675 Land activities. The department shall do all of the following:
1(1) Identify state land use goals and recommend these goals to the governor.
AB100,85,3 2(2) Identify state land use priorities to further the state's land use goals and
3recommend to the governor legislation to implement these priorities.
AB100,85,6 4(3) Study areas of cooperation and coordination in the state's land use statutes
5and recommend to the governor legislation to harmonize these statutes to further the
6state's land use goals.
AB100,85,9 7(4) Study areas of the state's land use statutes that conflict with each other and
8recommend to the governor legislation to resolve these conflicts to further the state's
9land use goals.
AB100,85,13 10(5) Identify areas of the state's land use statutes that conflict with county or
11municipal land use ordinances, and areas of county or municipal land use ordinances
12that conflict with each other, and recommend to the governor legislation to resolve
13these conflicts.
AB100,85,18 14(6) Establish a state agency resource working group that is composed of
15representatives of the departments of administration; agriculture, trade and
16consumer protection; commerce; natural resources; revenue; transportation; and
17other appropriate agencies to discuss, analyze, and address land use issues and
18related policy issues, including the following:
AB100,85,1919 (a) Gathering information about the land use plans of state agencies.