1(p) "Wildlife" means all species of wild animals that are protected or otherwise
2regulated by law, regulation, ordinance, resolution, or administrative rule in a
3participating state. Species included in the definition of "wildlife" vary from state
4to state and determination of whether a species is "wildlife" for the purposes of this
5compact shall be based on the law of the participating state.
AB26,7,86 (q) "Wildlife law" means any law, regulation, ordinance, resolution, or
7administrative rule developed and enacted for the management and use of wildlife
AB26,7,109 (r) "Wildlife officer" means any individual authorized by a participating state
10to issue a citation for a wildlife violation.
AB26,7,1311 (s) "Wildlife violation" means any cited violation of a law, regulation, ordinance,
12resolution, or administrative rule developed and enacted for the management and
13use of wildlife resources.
AB26,7,19 14(3) Article III — Procedures for issuing state. (a) When issuing a citation
15for a wildlife violation, a wildlife officer shall issue a citation to any violator whose
16primary residence is in a participating state in the same manner as though the
17violator were a resident of the issuing state and shall not require the violator to post
18collateral to secure appearance, subject to par. (b), if the officer receives the
19recognizance of the violator that he or she will comply with the terms of the citation.
AB26,7,2020 (b) Personal recognizance is acceptable in the following situations:
AB26,7,2121 1. If not prohibited by local law or the compact manual.
AB26,7,2222 2. If the violator provides adequate proof of identification to the wildlife officer.
AB26,8,423 (c) Upon conviction or failure of a violator to comply with the terms of a citation
24issued for a wildlife violation, the appropriate official shall report the conviction or
25failure to comply to the licensing authority of the participating state in which the

1citation was issued. The report shall be made in accordance with procedures
2specified by the issuing state and shall contain information as specified in the
3compact manual as minimum requirements for effective processing by the home
AB26,8,85 (d) Upon receipt of the report of conviction or noncompliance under par. (c), the
6licensing authority of the issuing state shall transmit to the licensing authority of
7the home state of the violator the information in form and content as prescribed in
8the compact manual.
AB26,8,16 9(4) Article IV — Procedure for home state. (a) Upon receipt of a report from
10the licensing authority of the issuing state reporting the failure of a violator to
11comply with the terms of a citation, the licensing authority of the home state shall
12notify the violator and shall initiate a suspension action in accordance with the home
13state's suspension procedures and shall suspend the violator's license privileges
14until satisfactory evidence of compliance with the terms of the wildlife citation has
15been furnished by the issuing state to the home state licensing authority. Due
16process safeguards shall be accorded.
AB26,8,2017 (b) Upon receipt of a report of conviction from the licensing authority of the
18issuing state, the licensing authority of the home state shall enter the conviction in
19its records and shall treat the conviction as though it occurred in the home state for
20the purposes of the suspension of license privileges.
AB26,8,2221 (c) The licensing authority of the home state shall maintain a record of actions
22taken and shall make reports to issuing states as provided in the compact manual.
AB26,9,2 23(5) Article V — Reciprocal recognition of suspension. (a) Each participating
24state shall recognize the suspension of license privileges of any violator by any
25participating state as though the violation resulting in the suspension had occurred

1in its own state and could have been the basis for suspension of license privileges in
2its own state.
AB26,9,43 (b) Each participating state shall communicate suspension information to
4other participating states in form and content as contained in the compact manual.
AB26,9,10 5(6) Article VI — Applicability of other laws. Except as expressly required by
6provisions of this compact, nothing in this compact shall be construed to affect the
7right of any participating state to apply any of its laws relating to license privileges
8to any person or circumstance or to invalidate or prevent any agreement or other
9cooperative arrangement between a participating state and a nonparticipating state
10concerning wildlife resource law enforcement.
AB26,9,21 11(7) Article VII — Compact administrator procedures. (a) For the purpose of
12administering the provisions of this compact and to serve as a governing body for the
13resolution of all matters relating to the operation of this compact, a board of compact
14administrators is established. The board shall be composed of one representative
15from each of the participating states. The head of the licensing authority of each
16participating state shall appoint the compact administrator. The compact
17administrator shall serve and be subject to removal in accordance with the laws of
18the state that he or she represents. A compact administrator may provide an
19alternate for the discharge of his or her duties and functions as a board member. An
20alternate may not serve unless written notification of his or her identity has been
21given to the board.
AB26,9,2422 (b) Each member of the board of compact administrators shall be entitled to one
23vote. No action of the board shall be binding unless taken at a meeting at which a
24majority of the total number of the board's votes are cast in favor of the action. Board

1action shall occur only at a meeting at which a majority of the participating states
2are represented.
AB26,10,43 (c) The board shall elect annually from its membership a chairperson and vice
AB26,10,75 (d) The board shall adopt bylaws consistent with the provisions of this compact
6or the laws of a participating state for the conduct of its business and shall have the
7power to amend and rescind its bylaws.
AB26,10,118 (e) The board may accept for any of its purposes and functions under this
9compact any and all donations and grants of moneys, equipment, supplies,
10materials, and services from any state, the United States, or any governmental
11agency, and may receive, utilize, and dispose of those donations and grants.
AB26,10,1412 (f) The board may contract with, or accept services or personnel from, any
13governmental or intergovernmental agency, individual, firm, or corporation, or any
14private nonprofit organization or institution.
AB26,10,1715 (g) The board shall formulate necessary procedures and develop uniform forms
16and documents for administering the provisions of this compact. All procedures and
17forms adopted by board action shall be contained in a compact manual.
AB26,10,20 18(8) Article VIII — Entry into compact and withdrawal. (a) This compact shall
19become effective when it is adopted in a substantially similar form by 2 or more
AB26,10,2421 (b) Entry into the compact shall be made by resolution of ratification executed
22by the authorized officials of the applying state and submitted to the chairperson of
23the board. The resolution shall be substantially in the form and content as provided
24in the compact manual and shall include all of the following:
11. A citation of the authority from which the state is empowered to become a
2party to this compact.
AB26,11,33 2. An agreement of compliance with the terms and provisions of this compact.
AB26,11,54 3. An agreement that compact entry is with all states participating in the
5compact and with all additional states legally becoming a party to the compact.
AB26,11,76 (c) The effective date of entry shall be specified by the applying state but shall
7not be less than 60 days after notice has been given by one of the following:
AB26,11,88 1. The chairperson of the board of the compact administrators.
AB26,11,109 2. The secretary of the board to each participating state that the resolution from
10the applying state has been received.
AB26,11,1511 (d) A participating state may withdraw from participation in this compact by
12official written notice to each participating state, but withdrawal shall not become
13effective until 90 days after the notice of withdrawal is given. The notice shall be
14directed to the compact administrator of each member state. No withdrawal of any
15state shall affect the validity of this compact as to the remaining participating states.
AB26,11,19 16(9) Article IX — Amendments to the compact. (a) This compact may be
17amended from time to time. Amendments shall be presented in resolution form to
18the chairperson of the board of compact administrators and shall be initiated by one
19or more participating states.
AB26,11,2120 (b) Adoption of an amendment shall require endorsement by all participating
21states and shall become effective 30 days after the date of the last endorsement.
AB26,12,222 (c) A participating state shall respond to the compact chairperson within 120
23days after receipt of a proposed amendment. Amendments proposed to change local

1law by the compact administrators shall be reviewed and approved by the
AB26,12,33 (End)