AB500,16,13 830.261 Exemption from certain permit requirements Crayfish Creek.
9Notwithstanding ss. 30.12, 30.19, 30.195, and 30.294 30.94, the city of Oak Creek
10may not be required to remove any structure or concrete or other deposit that was
11placed in Crayfish Creek in the city of Oak Creek before June 1, 1991, and may
12continue to maintain the structure, concrete, or deposit without having a permit or
13other approval from the department.
AB500, s. 32 14Section 32. 30.06 of the statutes is renumbered 30.331 and amended to read:
AB500,17,8 1530.331 Waiver of certain provisions of Federal concurrent jurisdiction;
16waivers under
this chapter subchapter. The department, by rule, may waive
17the applicability to specified navigable waters of the United States of all or part of
18those provisions of this chapter subchapter which relate to the establishment of
19bulkhead or pierhead lines or the placing of structures or deposits in navigable
20waters or the removal of materials from the beds of navigable waters. The
21department may promulgate such the rule only after it the department has entered
22into an agreement, with the appropriate federal agency wherein it is agreed, an
23agreement that requires
that the comparable federal law will be enforced on the

1waters in question in lieu of the state law which that is being waived. The objective
2of such the agreement shall be to avoid duplication of administration with respect
3to navigable waters over which this state and the U.S. federal government have
4concurrent jurisdiction, in those situations wherein administration by a single
5governmental agency will tend to avoid confusion and the necessity of obtaining
6permits from both the state and federal governments by those who are subject to the
7law and at the same time will adequately protect the public interest. The agreement
8may contain such further provisions as are designed to achieve this objective.
AB500, s. 33 9Section 33. 30.10 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 30.035 (title) and
10amended to read:
AB500,17,11 1130.035 (title) Declarations and determinations of navigability.
AB500, s. 34 12Section 34. 30.10 (1) (title) of the statutes is renumbered 30.035 (1) (title) and
13amended to read:
AB500,17,1414 30.035 (1) (title) Lakes and streams.
AB500, s. 35 15Section 35. 30.10 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 30.035 (1) (a) and amended
16to read:
AB500,17,2017 30.035 (1) (a) All lakes wholly or partly within this state which Lakes and
18streams that
are navigable in fact for any purpose whatsoever are declared to be
19navigable and public waters, and all persons have the same rights therein and
20thereto as they have in and to any other navigable or public
AB500, s. 36 21Section 36. 30.10 (2) of the statutes is repealed.
AB500, s. 37 22Section 37. 30.10 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 30.035 (2) and amended
23to read:
AB500,18,524 30.035 (2) Enlargements or improvements in navigable waters. All
25enlargements in navigable waters, including inner and outer harbors, turning

1basins, waterways, slips, and canals created by any municipality to be used by the
2public for purposes of navigation, and all outer harbors connecting interior
3navigation with lake navigation
, are declared to be navigable waters and are subject
4to the same control and regulation that navigable streams are subjected to as regards
5improvement, use and bridging
AB500, s. 38 6Section 38. 30.10 (4) (title) of the statutes is repealed.
AB500, s. 39 7Section 39. 30.10 (4) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 30.213 (2) and amended
8to read:
AB500,18,119 30.213 (2) This section Section 30.035 does not impair the powers granted by
10law under s. 30.1235 sub. (1) or by other law to municipalities to construct highway
11bridges, arches, or culverts over streams.
AB500, s. 40 12Section 40. 30.10 (4) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 30.09 and amended to
AB500,18,24 1430.09 Boundaries of lands adjoining waters. The boundaries of lands
15adjoining waters and the rights of the state and of individuals with respect to all such
16those lands and waters shall be determined in conformity to the common law so far
17as applicable, but in the case of a lake or stream erroneously meandered in the
18original U.S. government survey, the owner of title to lands adjoining the meandered
19lake or stream, as shown on such the original survey, is conclusively presumed to own
20to the actual shorelines unless it is first established in a suit in equity, brought by
21the U.S. federal government for that purpose, that the government was in fact
22defrauded by such survey. If the proper claims of adjacent owners of riparian lots of
23lands between meander and actual shorelines conflict, each shall have his or her
24proportion of such those shorelands.
AB500, s. 41 25Section 41. 30.10 (4) (c) of the statutes is repealed.

Note: The provision regarding farm drainage ditches is relocated to new s. 30.215.
AB500, s. 42 1Section 42. 30.10 (4) (d) of the statutes is renumbered 30.263 (1).
AB500, s. 43 2Section 43. 30.103 of the statutes is renumbered 30.325.
AB500, s. 44 3Section 44. 30.105 of the statutes is repealed.
Note: This provision relates to the method for determining the footage of shoreline
for certain specific purposes under ch. 30. The substance of this provision is recreated at
several places in this bill where the determination of shoreline footage is part of the
statutory procedure.
AB500, s. 45 4Section 45. 30.11 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 30.321 (title).
AB500, s. 46 5Section 46. 30.11 (1) to (4) of the statutes are renumbered 30.321 (1) to (4) and
6amended to read:
AB500,19,107 30.321 (1) Who Municipality may establish. Any municipality may, subject to
8the approval of the department, by ordinance establish or reestablish a bulkhead line
9and from time to time reestablish the same along any section of the shore of any
10navigable waters within its boundaries.
AB500,19,17 11(2) Standards for establishing. Bulkhead lines shall be established A
12municipality shall establish a bulkhead line
in the public interest and shall conform
13the bulkhead line as nearly as practicable to the existing shores, except that in the
14case of leases under sub. (5) and s. 24.39 (4) or 30.343 the municipality may allow the
15bulkhead lines may be approved line to be located farther from beyond the existing
16shoreline if they are the line is consistent with and is a part of any lease executed by
17the board of commissioners of public lands.
AB500,20,8 18(3) How established Establishment of lines. Whenever any If a municipality
19proposes to establish or reestablish a bulkhead line or to reestablish an existing
20bulkhead line
, the municipality shall indicate both the existing shore and the
21proposed bulkhead line upon a map and shall file with the department for its
22approval 6 copies of the map and 6 copies of the ordinance establishing the bulkhead

1line. The map shall use a scale of not less than 100 feet to an inch or any other scale
2required by the department. The map and a metes and bounds description of the
3bulkhead line shall be prepared by a land surveyor registered in this state. The
4department may require the installation of permanent reference markers to for the
5bulkhead line. Upon approval by the department, the municipality shall deliver the
6map, description, and ordinance to the office of the register of deeds of the county in
7which the bulkhead line lies, to be recorded by the. The register of deeds shall record
8the map, description, and ordinance
AB500,20,11 9(4) Riparian rights preserved. Establishment of a bulkhead line shall not
10abridge the riparian rights of riparian owners. Riparian owners may place solid
11structures or fill up to such the bulkhead line.
AB500, s. 47 12Section 47. 30.11 (5) (title) of the statutes is repealed.
AB500, s. 48 13Section 48. 30.11 (5) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 30.343 (1).
AB500, s. 49 14Section 49. 30.11 (5) (b) and (c) of the statutes are renumbered 30.343 (2) and
AB500, s. 50 16Section 50. 30.11 (6) of the statutes is renumbered 30.321 (5).
AB500, s. 51 17Section 51. 30.12 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB500,20,19 1830.12 (title) Structures Regulation of structures and deposits in
19navigable waters.
AB500, s. 52 20Section 52. 30.12 (1m) of the statutes is renumbered 30.263 (2), and 30.263
21(2) (intro.), as renumbered, is amended to read:
AB500,21,222 30.263 (2) Duck Creek Drainage District structures and deposits. (intro.)
23A structure or deposit that the drainage board for the Duck Creek Drainage District
24places in a drain that the board operates in the Duck Creek Drainage District is

1exempt from the permit requirements under this section s. 30.12 if either of the
2following applies:
AB500, s. 53 3Section 53. 30.12 (2m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB500,21,44 30.12 (2m) (b) Environmental pollution, as defined in s. 299.01 (4).
AB500, s. 54 5Section 54. 30.12 (2r) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB500,21,86 30.12 (2r) (b) 1. Enter and inspect the site on which the activity is located,
7subject to s. 30.291 30.239, if the department determines such an inspection is
AB500, s. 55 9Section 55. 30.12 (3) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB500,21,1110 30.12 (3) (a) (intro.) The department shall issue statewide general permits
11under s. 30.206 30.221 that authorize riparian owners to do all of the following:
AB500, s. 56 12Section 56. 30.12 (3m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB500,21,1413 30.12 (3m) (b) The notice and hearing provisions of s. 30.208 30.244 (3) to (5)
14shall apply to an application under par. (a).
AB500, s. 57 15Section 57. 30.12 (5) of the statutes is repealed.
AB500, s. 58 16Section 58. 30.121 (title) and (2) to (3w) of the statutes are renumbered 30.281
17(title) and (2) to (3w).
AB500, s. 59 18Section 59. 30.121 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 30.281 (4) and amended
19to read:
AB500,22,320 30.281 (4) Major repair, abandoned structures and obstructions to
The owner of a boathouse or a fixed houseboat which extends beyond the
22ordinary high-water mark of any navigable waterway and which is in a major state
23of disrepair or is a material obstruction to navigation may be ordered by the
24department to remove the structure from the waterway. The department shall follow
25the procedures set forth in s. 30.03 (4) (a) 30.96 (1) for ordering removal of a structure.

1If such a structure is abandoned and the department, after due diligence, cannot
2locate the owner, the department shall utilize the procedures set forth in s. 31.187
3(1) for removing the abandoned structure.
AB500, s. 60 4Section 60. 30.121 (5) and (6) of the statutes are renumbered 30.281 (5) and
AB500, s. 61 6Section 61. 30.121 (7) of the statutes is renumbered 30.381 (2) and amended
7to read:
AB500,22,138 30.381 (2) Penalties Boathouses and houseboats. Any person who constructs,
9owns, or maintains a boathouse or fixed houseboat in violation of this section s.
or in violation of any order issued under this section s. 30.281 shall forfeit not
11less than $10 nor more than $50 for each offense. Each day during which a structure
12boathouse or a fixed houseboat exists in violation of this section constitutes s. 30.281
a separate offense.
AB500, s. 62 14Section 62. 30.122 of the statutes is renumbered 30.217 and amended to read:
AB500,22,21 1530.217 Unauthorized structures. All permanent alterations, deposits, or
16structures affecting navigable waters, other than boathouses, which were
17constructed before December 9, 1977 and which did not require a permit at the time
18of construction, shall be presumed in conformity with the law, unless a written
19complaint is filed within 180 days of December 9, 1977
. Upon the filing of a
20complaint, the department shall proceed with an action to enforce the applicable
Note: The time period for filing a written complaint has long since expired, and
has no bearing on current structures.
AB500, s. 63 22Section 63. 30.123 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB500,22,23 2330.123 (title) Bridges Regulation of bridges and culverts.
AB500, s. 64
1Section 64. 30.123 (5) of the statutes is repealed.
Note: This repeals a requirement that bridges constructed over navigable streams
be maintained in a safe condition, as determined by the DNR. The DNR does not have
the expertise to review bridge safety and maintenance.
AB500, s. 65 2Section 65. 30.123 (6) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB500,23,43 30.123 (6) (a) The construction and maintenance of highway bridges to which
4s. 30.1235 30.213 applies.
AB500, s. 66 5Section 66. 30.123 (6) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB500,23,76 30.123 (6) (b) The construction and maintenance of bridges by the department
7of transportation in accordance with s. 30.2022 30.341.
AB500, s. 67 8Section 67. 30.123 (6m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB500,23,99 30.123 (6m) (b) Environmental pollution, as defined in s. 299.01 (4).
AB500, s. 68 10Section 68. 30.123 (6r) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB500,23,1311 30.123 (6r) (b) 1. Enter and inspect the site on which the activity is located,
12subject to s. 30.291 30.239, if the department determines such an inspection is
AB500, s. 69 14Section 69. 30.123 (7) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB500,23,1615 30.123 (7) (a) (intro.) The department shall issue statewide general permits
16under s. 30.206 30.221 that authorize any person to do all of the following:
AB500, s. 70 17Section 70. 30.123 (8) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB500,23,1918 30.123 (8) (b) The notice and hearing provisions of s. 30.208 30.244 (3) to (5)
19shall apply to an application under par. (a).
AB500, s. 71 20Section 71. 30.1235 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 30.213 (title).
AB500, s. 72 21Section 72. 30.1235 of the statutes is renumbered 30.213 (1).
AB500, s. 73 22Section 73. 30.124 of the statutes is renumbered 30.351, and 30.351 (1)
23(intro.), as renumbered, is amended to read:
130.351 (1) (intro.) Notwithstanding ss. 30.12, 30.20, 30.44, and 30.45, and if the
2department finds that the activity will not adversely affect the public interest or
3private rights or interests in fish and wildlife populations, navigation, or waterway
4flood flow capacity and will not result in environmental pollution, as defined in s.
5299.01 (4),
the department may do all of the following on public lands or waters:
AB500, s. 74 6Section 74. 30.1255 of the statutes is renumbered 30.352.
AB500, s. 75 7Section 75. 30.126 (title) and (2) to (9) of the statutes are renumbered 30.266
8(title) and (2) to (9), and 30.266 (5) (g), as renumbered, is amended to read:
AB500,24,179 30.266 (5) (g) May not have improper flotation devices. No person may
10construct, place, or maintain a fishing raft on authorized portions of the Wolf River
11unless each flotation device used on the fishing raft is clean and uncontaminated,
12properly attached to the fishing raft, and properly maintained in conformity with
13minimum standards established by the department by rule. The department shall
14establish minimum standards for the condition, attachment, and maintenance of
15flotation devices used on fishing rafts. This paragraph applies to any device used to
16provide flotation for a fishing raft, including each individual barrel or styrofoam
AB500, s. 76 18Section 76. 30.126 (10) (title) and (a) (title) of the statutes are repealed.
AB500, s. 77 19Section 77. 30.126 (10) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 30.381 (3) (a) and
20amended to read:
AB500,24,2521 30.381 (3) (a) A person who violates this section, any rule promulgated under
22this section
s. 30.266 or any order issued by the department under this section s.
shall forfeit not less than $10 nor more than $250 for each offense. Each day
24of violation constitutes during which a fishing raft exists in violation of s. 30.266 is
25a separate offense.
AB500, s. 78
1Section 78. 30.126 (10) (b) (title) of the statutes is repealed.
AB500, s. 79 2Section 79. 30.126 (10) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 30.381 (3) (b) and
3amended to read:
AB500,25,74 30.381 (3) (b) A person who violates any ordinance adopted or order issued by
5the municipality under this section s. 30.266 is subject to the penalty established by
6ordinance. A Wolf River municipality may not establish this penalty at a level which
7is less severe than the penalty established under par. (a).
AB500, s. 80 8Section 80. 30.13 (title), (1) (intro.), (b) and (c) of the statutes are amended to
AB500,25,15 1030.13 (title) Regulation of wharves, piers , and swimming rafts;
11establishment of pierhead lines
. (1) Construction allowed without permit
12under certain circumstances.
(intro.) A riparian proprietor owner may construct
13a wharf or pier in a navigable waterway extending beyond the ordinary high-water
14mark or an established bulkhead line in aid of navigation without obtaining a permit
15under s. 30.12 if all of the following conditions are met:
AB500,25,1716 (b) The wharf or pier does not interfere with rights of other riparian proprietors
AB500,25,1918 (c) The wharf or pier does not extend beyond any pierhead line which is
19established under sub. (3) s. 30.323.
AB500, s. 81 20Section 81. 30.13 (3) (title) of the statutes is repealed.