2005 - 2006 LEGISLATURE
July 27, 2005 - Introduced by Representatives Bies, Hines, Kaufert, Krawczyk,
McCormick, Ott, Petrowski, Townsend
and Van Roy, cosponsored by Senator
A. Lasee, by request of Department of Natural Resources. Referred to
Committee on Natural Resources.
AB581,2,12 1An Act to repeal 29.407 (2) (c), 29.503 (5) (b), 29.519 (4m) (e) and 29.519 (5) (d);
2to renumber 814.75 (1), 814.76 (1) and 814.77 (1); to renumber and amend
329.407 (2) (b), 29.503 (4) (d), 29.519 (1) and 29.971 (1) (d); to amend 29.407 (2)
4(a), 29.503 (1) (b), 29.503 (1) (e), 29.503 (4) (title), 29.503 (4) (a), 29.503 (4) (b),
529.503 (5) (title), 29.503 (5) (a), 29.503 (6) (b) 2., 29.503 (6) (c), 29.503 (7), 29.519
6(2) (d), 29.519 (2) (f), 29.519 (2) (fm), 29.519 (4) (a), 29.519 (4m) (a), 29.519 (4m)
7(c) (intro.), 29.519 (5) (a), 29.519 (5) (b), 29.519 (5) (c), 29.519 (6) (intro.), 29.519
8(6) (a), 29.519 (6) (b), 29.519 (6m), 29.539 (2), 29.539 (3), 29.563 (7) (a) 1., 29.563
9(7) (b) 1., 29.563 (7) (c) 1., 29.924 (4), 29.971 (1) (b), 29.971 (1) (c), 29.971 (1) (e),
1029.971 (5), 29.987 (1) (a) and 30.51 (2) (c) 2.; and to create 20.370 (4) (kr), 29.001
11(41m), 29.407 (2) (b) 1., 29.503 (1) (cm), 29.503 (4) (d) 2., 29.503 (4) (d) 3., 29.503
12(4) (e), 29.503 (5) (br), 29.503 (5) (c), 29.503 (5) (d), 29.503 (6) (am), 29.519 (1b),
1329.519 (2) (e), 29.519 (5) (dm), 29.519 (5m), 29.519 (6) (c), 29.519 (6g), 29.539
14(3m), 29.931 (2) (am), 29.971 (1) (d) 1. and 4., 29.972, 29.984, 29.99, 29.991,

1814.75 (1g), 814.75 (12n), 814.75 (13m), 814.76 (1g), 814.76 (10m), 814.77 (1g),
2814.77 (5m) and 814.77 (6m) of the statutes; relating to: licensing, vehicle
3identification, and record-keeping requirements for wholesale fish dealers and
4commercial fishers, inspections of wholesale fish dealer and commercial fisher
5records and premises, commercial fishing boats, periods when a commercial
6fisher may fish on the waters of Green Bay, the sale and purchase of eggs from
7certain trout and salmon, commercial fishing approval fees, seizure of certain
8fishing devices, access to places used to store or retain wild animals,
9establishing a commercial fish reporting system, imposing certain surcharges,
10providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, extending the time
11limit for emergency rule procedures, making an appropriation, and providing
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill makes various changes to the laws regulating commercial fishing.
Record-keeping requirements.
Under current law, wholesale fish dealers and commercial fishers must be
licensed by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Current law contains
certain record-keeping requirements for these wholesale fish dealers and
commercial fishers. This bill makes certain changes to those requirements including
the following:
1. Under current law, commercial fishers must keep a record of daily fishing
activities. Wholesaler fish dealers must keep records of all fish purchased or
obtained by the wholesale fish dealer. Both commercial fishers and wholesale fish
dealers must also, on a monthly basis, provide reports to DNR. This bill eliminates
the monthly reporting requirement. It also specifies that a wholesale fish dealer, in
addition to keeping records of all fish purchased or obtained by the dealer, must also
keep records of all fish sold, possessed, or disposed of by the dealer and requires that
the records be legible and written in the English language.
2. This bill establishes an annual inventory requirement for commercial fishers
and wholesale fish dealers who possess or control certain kinds of fish. The bill
requires that the inventory include the weight, species, condition, and location of the

3. The bill specifies that wholesale fish dealers and commercial fishers must
retain records for five years and must notify DNR annually of the location of those
records. It also requires that upon the request of a commercial fisher or wholesale
fish dealer, DNR must keep certain fishing records confidential, unless they are used
for the purposes of an investigation, enforcement action, or for certain statistical
4. The bill prohibits wholesale fish dealers from possessing or transporting fish
for which there is no record or inventory as required under the law.
5. Current law requires that DNR provide forms for records that commercial
fishers must keep concerning daily fishing activities and disposition of landed catch.
This bill eliminates the requirement that DNR provide these forms.
6. The bill requires that if DNR requests that a commercial fisher or a
wholesaler fish dealer produce certain fishing records for inspection or copying, the
person must provide those records within 24 hours of DNR's request. If a wholesale
fish dealer is convicted for failing to produce those records, DNR may not issue a
license to that dealer or renew his or her license for a period of one year following the
7. Current law requires the owner or occupant of a building used for the storage
or retention of wild animals or their carcasses to permit DNR to enter and examine
the building. This bill also requires the owner or occupant to permit DNR to examine
and copy any record pertaining to that wild animal either when the owner or
occupant is present or upon 24 hours' notice.
This bill also creates three surcharges that apply to the violation of certain laws
regulating commercial fishers and wholesale fish dealers.
1. The bill establishes a commercial fish protection surcharge. Under the bill,
if a court imposes a fine or forfeiture for the unlawful killing, sale, or possession of
certain fish or for the failure to comply with record-keeping requirements, the court
must impose a commercial fish protection surcharge. The amount of the surcharge
varies depending on the type of fish involved and the nature of the violation. The
moneys collected from the surcharge must be used for research relating to Great
Lakes fish.
2. The bill also establishes a Great Lakes resource surcharge. Under the bill,
if a court imposes a fine or forfeiture for a violation of the laws regulating wholesale
fish dealers and the violation involves Great Lakes fish or if a court imposes a fine
or forfeiture for a violation of certain other laws relating to sport trolling and
commercial fishing in outlying waters, the court must impose a Great Lakes resource
surcharge equal to 75 percent of the amount of the fine or forfeiture. As with the
commercial fish protection surcharge, the moneys collected from the Great Lakes
resource surcharge must be used for research relating to Great Lakes fish.
3. Under current law, DNR may seize a vehicle, boat, or object that is a public
nuisance or that DNR has probable cause to believe is being used in violation of
certain fish and game laws. Under this bill, if a court imposes a forfeiture for failure
to reimburse DNR for costs associated with the seizure of a net or similar fishing
device, the court must impose a fishing net removal surcharge in an amount equal

to the sum of those costs plus an amount equal to 75 percent of the amount of the
This bill provides that if DNR seizes any net or similar fishing device that is
used in violation of the law, the owner must reimburse DNR for all costs associated
with the seizure. If the owner does not reimburse DNR, the owner must forfeit not
more than $1,000 in addition to the costs of reimbursement.
Under current law, a person who has fish in his or her possession in violation
of the law that has a value exceeding $300 may be fined not more than $5,000 or
imprisoned for not more than 30 days or both. This bill establishes a minimum fine
that may be imposed of $1,000. Under the bill, this same penalty also applies if a
person fails to comply with any record-keeping requirement for fish that has a value
that exceeds $300.
This bill makes certain other changes to the laws regulating commercial
fishing, including the following:
1. Under current law, for the purposes of the regulation of wholesale fish
dealers, the term "fish" does not specifically include fish eggs. This bill provides that
the term "fish" includes fish eggs.
2. Under current law, with certain exceptions, a wholesale fish dealer is defined
as a person who buys, barters, sells, or solicits fish. This bill specifies that a
wholesale fish dealer includes a person who obtains or processes fish.
3. Under current law, a wholesale fish dealer may not sell, buy, or transport a
lake trout unless it is tagged with a commercial fish tag issued by DNR. This bill
eliminates the requirement that the fish be tagged and instead requires that the fish
be identified in the manner required by DNR.
4. Current law specifies that a wholesale fish dealer or producer of fish may not
transport fish unless the fish package or box contains certain information. This bill
requires instead that the package, box, or container be accompanied by a bill of
lading or invoice and specifies the information that must be contained on the bill of
lading or invoice.
5. The bill prohibits a wholesale fish dealer from transporting any fish in a
vehicle unless the ownership of the vehicle is marked as required by DNR.
6. Current law allows a commercial fisher to fish by trawl for the total allowable
commercial harvest of smelt on the waters of Green Bay at any time during the period
beginning one hour after sunset and ending three hours after sunrise under if the
smelt will be used or sold for human consumption and the fishing occurs in the areas
and during the season established by DNR. The bill authorizes such fishing at any
time during nighttime. The bill also eliminates the requirement that DNR establish
by rule a harvest limit for alewife on the waters of Green Bay and Lake Michigan.
7. Current law prohibits a person from selling, buying, or trading certain
animals, including game fish unless expressly provided by law. This prohibition does
not apply to eggs from trout and salmon that are not farm-raised fish if the eggs are
removed from the fish. This bill clarifies that the eggs may be sold or purchased

without the fish if the eggs are first removed from the fish in the presence of the
8. The bill increases the fee for the transfer of an outlying waters commercial
fishing license from $25 to $50.
9. The bill requires DNR to establish and maintain a commercial fish reporting
system under which DNR must establish specific reporting or record-keeping
requirements that apply only to certain persons who violate the commercial fishing
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB581, s. 1 1Section 1. 20.370 (4) (kr) of the statutes is created to read:
AB581,5,52 20.370 (4) (kr) Commercial fish protection and Great Lakes resource
All moneys received from commercial fish protection surcharges under
4s. 29.984 and from Great Lakes resource surcharges under s. 29.99 for research
5relating to Great Lakes fish.
AB581, s. 2 6Section 2. 29.001 (41m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB581,5,87 29.001 (41m) "Great Lakes fish" means lake trout, siscowet, whitefish, chubs,
8yellow perch, menominee, lake herring, smelt, alewife, and burbot.
AB581, s. 3 9Section 3. 29.407 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB581,5,1310 29.407 (2) (a) No person may transport or cause to be transported, or deliver
11or receive or offer to deliver or receive for transportation, any game fish taken from
12outlying waters unless the person complies with all applicable requirements under
13pars. (b) to and (d).
AB581, s. 4 14Section 4. 29.407 (2) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 29.407 (2) (b) 2. and
15amended to read:
129.407 (2) (b) 2. No green fresh fish of any variety except lawfully taken suckers
2may be shipped from any port located on outlying waters during the closed season
3for the fish, except the first 3 days of the closed season.
AB581, s. 5 4Section 5. 29.407 (2) (b) 1. of the statutes is created to read:
AB581,6,65 29.407 (2) (b) 1. In this paragraph, "fresh fish" means any fish that has not been
6frozen or smoked.
AB581, s. 6 7Section 6. 29.407 (2) (c) of the statutes is repealed.
AB581, s. 7 8Section 7. 29.503 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB581,6,129 29.503 (1) (b) "Fish" means any processed or unprocessed fish of those species
10which are found in the waters of the state as defined in s. 281.01 (18), including parts
11of fish, fish eggs, or fish products. "Fish" does not include minnows produced and sold
12or purchased as bait.
AB581, s. 8 13Section 8. 29.503 (1) (cm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB581,6,1814 29.503 (1) (cm) "Record" includes any material on which written, drawn,
15printed, spoken, visual, or electromagnetic information is recorded or preserved,
16regardless of physical form, that relates to the production, storage, transportation,
17purchase, sale, trade, barter, or other acquisition or disposition of fish by commercial
18fishers or wholesale fish dealers.
AB581, s. 9 19Section 9. 29.503 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB581,7,320 29.503 (1) (e) "Wholesale fish dealer" means any person who buys, barters,
21obtains, sells or, solicits, or processes fish in any manner for himself or herself or any
22other person for sale to anyone other than a consumer; but no established retail store
23or locker plant is a "wholesale fish dealer" solely as the result of the sale of fish to a
24restaurant, hotel or tavern at no reduction in the retail price charged other retail
25customers. A producer of fish, except as otherwise hereinafter provided, who sells

1fish directly to retailers is a wholesale fish dealer. Hotels, meat markets, grocery
2stores, restaurants and taverns are retailers, except when they sell fish for resale,
3in which case they are wholesale fish dealers.
AB581, s. 10 4Section 10. 29.503 (4) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB581,7,65 29.503 (4) (title) Tagging and, labeling, and vehicle identification
AB581, s. 11 7Section 11. 29.503 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: