2005 - 2006 LEGISLATURE
February 1, 2005 - Introduced by Representatives Petrowski, Suder, Wasserman,
Ainsworth, Bies, Jensen, Kreibich, Lehman, McCormick, Molepske, Musser,
Nass, Ott, Pope-Roberts, Shilling, Sinicki, Stone
and Van Roy, cosponsored
by Senators Roessler, Robson, Risser, Brown, A. Lasee, Lassa, Olsen and
Wirch. Referred to Committee on Highway Safety.
AB70,1,11 1An Act to repeal 347.50 (4); to renumber and amend 347.48 (4) (a) 1., 347.48
2(4) (a) 2. and 347.48 (4) (a) 3.; to amend 165.755 (1) (b), 302.46 (1) (a), 343.32
3(2) (bt), 347.48 (2m) (c), 347.48 (2m) (d), 347.48 (4) (b), 347.48 (4) (d), 347.50 (1),
4347.50 (3) (a), 347.50 (3) (b), 757.05 (1) (a), 814.63 (1) (c), 814.63 (2), 814.65 (1),
5814.85 (1) (a) and 814.86 (1); and to create 20.395 (5) (gq), 25.40 (1) (in), 85.56,
6347.48 (4) (ag), 347.48 (4) (as), 347.482, 347.50 (3) (b) 3., 814.75 (20m), 814.79
7(8m) and 814.81 (10) of the statutes; relating to: child safety restraint systems,
8safety belt use requirements in motor vehicles, creating a Child Safety
9Restraint System Program, creating a safety restraint enforcement surcharge,
10granting rule-making authority, making an appropriation, and providing a
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, with certain exceptions, no child under the age of four years
may be transported in a motor vehicle unless that child is properly restrained in a
child safety restraint system (child safety seat), and no child between the ages of four
and eight years may be transported in a motor vehicle unless that child is properly

restrained in a child safety seat or by a safety belt (seat belt). A person who fails to
comply with the child safety seat requirement is subject to a forfeiture of not less than
$30 nor more than $75, but no forfeiture may be assessed if the vehicle was not
equipped with a child safety seat at the time of the violation and the person provides
proof that, within 30 days after the violation, a child safety seat was purchased or
leased and properly installed in the vehicle. A person who fails to comply with the
seat belt requirement is subject to a forfeiture of not less than $10 nor more than $25
for a first violation or, for a second or subsequent violation within three years, a
forfeiture of not less than $25 nor more than $200. A person who fails to comply with
the child safety seat requirement will also incur additional fees, costs, and
surcharges, but a person who fails to comply with the seat belt requirement will not.
This bill creates a tiered structure, according to age and size, of restraint
requirements for transporting children under the age of eight in a motor vehicle.
Under this bill, a child who is:
1. Less than one year old or who weighs less than 20 pounds must be properly
restrained in a rear-facing child safety seat in the back seat of the vehicle if the
vehicle is equipped with a back seat.
2. At least one year old and weighs at least 20 pounds but is less than four years
old or weighs less than 40 pounds must be properly restrained in a forward-facing
child safety seat in the back seat of the vehicle if the vehicle is equipped with a back
3. At least four years old but less than eight years old, weighs between 40 and
80 pounds, and is no more than four feet nine inches tall must be properly restrained
in a child booster seat positioned according to the child seating requirements
described below.
4. Under the age of eight and exceeds the weight or height limits specified in
Item 3., above, must be properly restrained by a seat belt (as under current law).
If a child, because of age, weight, or height, falls into more than one of these
categories, the child must be transported according to the requirements of the more
protective category.
This bill prohibits a person from transporting a child under the age of eight in
a motor vehicle unless the child is properly restrained as described above and the
restraint system meets the standards established by the Department of
Transportation (DOT) and is appropriate to the child's age and size. Certain
exceptions that apply under current law continue to apply to these requirements.
Under the bill, the same penalty applies regardless of which specific
requirement is violated. A person who fails to comply with any of these requirements
is subject to a forfeiture of not less than $50 nor more than $75 for a first violation
or, for a second or subsequent violation within three years, a forfeiture of not less
than $75 nor more than $200. However, no forfeiture may be assessed if the vehicle
was not equipped with an applicable child safety restraint system at the time of the
violation, the person provides proof that, within 30 days after the violation, a child
safety restraint system was purchased, leased, or received under the DOT program
described later in this analysis and properly installed in the vehicle, and the person
has not been issued a uniform traffic citation for violation of the child safety restraint

system requirements within the immediately preceding three years. The bill also
eliminates the imposition of additional fees, costs, and surcharges for child safety
seat violations. For the first six months after enactment of the bill, law enforcement
officers may issue only written warnings, not citations, for child safety seat and seat
belt violations if the violator has not previously received a warning or citation within
this period.
Under current law, with specific exceptions, no person may drive a motor
vehicle unless he or she reasonably believes that each passenger between the ages
of four and 15 years is properly restrained by a seat belt. No person who is at least
four years old may be a passenger in the front seat of a motor vehicle, or in a seat other
than the front seat for which a shoulder harness has been installed, unless that
person is properly restrained. This bill extends this seat belt requirement to
passengers up to the age of 16 years and applies the requirement to passengers in
seats other than the front seat for which safety belts are required to be installed.
The bill also requires DOT to develop and administer a program to provide child
safety restraint systems to low-income families in this state. To administer the
program, DOT must enter into an agreement with Children's Hospital and Health
System (CHHS) to provide funds to CHHS to purchase and distribute, through Safe
Kids Wisconsin, child safety restraint systems to low-income families in accordance
with standards and criteria established by rule by DOT. CHHS must annually
submit an audited financial statement of its use of the funds and may not receive
funding if it dissolves or loses its tax-exempt status under federal law.
Current law imposes various surcharges against persons who violate certain
laws; these surcharges must be paid in addition to any fine or forfeiture imposed and
in addition to any other surcharge imposed. For example, current law imposes a
railroad crossing improvement surcharge on persons convicted of violating certain
traffic laws relating to railroad crossings, a truck driver education surcharge on
persons convicted of violating certain traffic laws while operating a commercial
motor vehicle, and a driver improvement surcharge on persons convicted of violating
certain laws relating to driving while intoxicated. With limited exceptions, including
those described above, a person convicted of a state or local traffic law violation must
also pay other surcharges of general applicability.
This bill creates a new safety restraint enforcement surcharge, in an amount
of $25, that must be imposed on any person convicted of a child safety restraint
system violation. The money collected from the surcharge is deposited in the
transportation fund to be used exclusively for the Child Safety Restraint System
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB70, s. 1 1Section 1. 20.395 (5) (gq) of the statutes is created to read:
120.395 (5) (gq) Child Safety Restraint System Program, state funds. All moneys
2received from safety restraint enforcement surcharges under s. 347.482, for the
3purposes specified in s. 85.56.
AB70, s. 2 4Section 2. 25.40 (1) (in) of the statutes is created to read:
AB70,4,75 25.40 (1) (in) All moneys forwarded by treasurers from safety restraint
6enforcement surcharges imposed under s. 347.482, as provided in ss. 59.25 (3) (f) 2.
7and 66.0114 (1) (bm).
AB70, s. 3 8Section 3. 85.56 of the statutes is created to read:
AB70,4,15 985.56 Child Safety Restraint System Program. (1) The department shall
10develop and administer a program to provide to low-income families in this state
11child safety restraint systems, including infant and toddler car seats and child
12booster seats, for the purpose of promoting compliance with the requirements of s.
13347.48 (4). The department shall adopt rules to implement and administer this
14section, including standards and criteria for providing low-income families with
15child safety restraint systems.
AB70,4,24 16(2) (a) For purposes of administering the program under sub. (1), the
17department shall enter into an agreement with Children's Hospital and Health
18System, a nonprofit corporation and an organization described in section 501 (c) (3)
19of the Internal Revenue Code and exempt from federal income tax under section 501
20(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, to make payments from the appropriation under
21s. 20.395 (5) (gq) to Children's Hospital and Health System for the purchase and
22distribution by Safe Kids Wisconsin, led by Children's Hospital and Health System,
23of child safety restraint systems to low-income families under the standards and
24criteria established by the department by rule.
1(b) The agreement under this subsection shall require that Children's Hospital
2and Health System annually submit to the presiding officer of each house of the
3legislature an audited financial statement of its use of the payments under this
4section, prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
AB70,5,125 (c) Payments to Children's Hospital and Health System under this section shall
6be discontinued by the department if either Children's Hospital and Health System
7or Safe Kids Wisconsin dissolves or is no longer exempt from taxation under section
8501 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code, and the department shall designate a new
9recipient for payments under this section, which must be a nonprofit organization
10with a purpose of promoting child safety and which must comply with any
11requirement specified in this section for Children's Hospital and Health System or
12Safe Kids Wisconsin.
AB70, s. 4 13Section 4. 165.755 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB70,5,2114 165.755 (1) (b) A court may not impose the crime laboratories and drug law
15enforcement surcharge under par. (a) for a violation of s. 101.123 (2) (a), (am) 1., (ar),
16(bm), (br), or (bv) or (5) (b), for a first violation of s. 23.33 (4c) (a) 2., 30.681 (1) (b) 1.,
17346.63 (1) (b), or 350.101 (1) (b), if the person who committed the violation had a blood
18alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more but less than 0.1 at the time of the violation,
19or for a violation of a state law or municipal or county ordinance involving a
20nonmoving traffic violation or a safety belt or restraint use violation under s. 347.48
21(2m) or (4).
AB70, s. 5 22Section 5. 302.46 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB70,6,1023 302.46 (1) (a) On or after October 1, 1987, if If a court imposes a fine or
24forfeiture for a violation of state law or for a violation of a municipal or county
25ordinance except for a violation of s. 101.123 (2) (a), (am) 1., (ar), (bm), (br), or (bv)

1or (5), or for a first violation of s. 23.33 (4c) (a) 2., 30.681 (1) (b) 1., 346.63 (1) (b), or
2350.101 (1) (b), if the person who committed the violation had a blood alcohol
3concentration of 0.08 or more but less than 0.1 at the time of the violation, or for a
4violation of state laws or municipal or county ordinances involving nonmoving traffic
5violations or safety belt or restraint use violations under s. 347.48 (2m) or (4), the
6court, in addition, shall impose a jail surcharge under ch. 814 in an amount of 1% 1
of the fine or forfeiture imposed or $10, whichever is greater. If multiple
8offenses are involved, the court shall determine the jail surcharge on the basis of each
9fine or forfeiture. If a fine or forfeiture is suspended in whole or in part, the court
10shall reduce the jail surcharge in proportion to the suspension.
AB70, s. 6 11Section 6. 343.32 (2) (bt) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB70,6,1312 343.32 (2) (bt) The scale adopted by the secretary may not assess any demerit
13points for a violation of s. 346.922 or 347.48 (2m) (b), (c) or (d) or (4) (a) (am).
AB70, s. 7 14Section 7. 347.48 (2m) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB70,6,2115 347.48 (2m) (c) If a motor vehicle is required to be equipped with safety belts
16in this state, no person may operate that motor vehicle unless he or she reasonably
17believes that each passenger who is at least 4 8 years old and not more than 15 16
18years old and who is seated at a designated seating position in the front seat required
19under 49 CFR 571 to have a safety belt installed or at a designated seating position
20in the seats, other than the front seats, for which a shoulder harness has been safety
21belt is required to be
installed is properly restrained.
AB70, s. 8 22Section 8. 347.48 (2m) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB70,7,323 347.48 (2m) (d) If a motor vehicle is required to be equipped with safety belts
24in this state, no person who is at least 4 8 years old and who is seated at a designated
25seating position in the front seat required under 49 CFR 571 to have a safety belt

1installed or at a designated seating position in the seats, other than the front seats,
2for which a shoulder harness has been safety belt is required to be installed may be
3a passenger in that motor vehicle unless the person is properly restrained.
AB70, s. 9 4Section 9. 347.48 (4) (a) 1. of the statutes is renumbered 347.48 (4) (am) and
5amended to read:
AB70,7,166 347.48 (4) (am) No Subject to par. (au), no person may transport a child under
7the age of 4 8 in a motor vehicle unless the child is properly restrained in compliance
8with par. (as)
in a child safety restraint system approved that is appropriate to the
9child's age and size and that meets the standards established
by the department. In
10this subdivision, "properly restrained" means fastened in a manner prescribed by the
11manufacturer of the system which permits the system to act as a body restraint but
12does not include a system in which the only body restraint is a safety belt of the type
13required under sub. (1)
under this paragraph. The department shall, by rule,
14establish standards in compliance with applicable federal standards , including
15standards under 49 CFR 571.213,
for approved types of child safety restraint
16systems for those child restraint systems purchased after November 1, 1982.
AB70, s. 10 17Section 10. 347.48 (4) (a) 2. of the statutes is renumbered 347.48 (4) (as) 4. and
18amended to read:
AB70,7,2519 347.48 (4) (as) 4. No person may transport a Subject to subds. 1. to 3., if the
20child who is at least 4 years old but is less than 8 years old in a motor vehicle unless,
21the child is shall be properly restrained in a child safety restraint system approved
22by the department under subd. 1. or in a
safety belt approved by the department
23under sub. (2). In this subdivision, "properly restrained" means fastened in a
24manner prescribed by the manufacturer of the system which permits the system to
25act as a body restraint.
AB70, s. 11
1Section 11. 347.48 (4) (a) 3. of the statutes is renumbered 347.48 (4) (au), and
2347.48 (4) (au) (intro.), as renumbered, is amended to read:
AB70,8,73 347.48 (4) (au) (intro.) Notwithstanding subds. 1. and 2. pars. (am) and (as),
4a person other than the operator of a motor vehicle transporting a child required to
5be properly restrained under subd. 1. or 2. pars. (am) and (as) may temporarily
6remove a child from a safety restraint system to attend to the personal needs of the
7child under all of the following conditions:
AB70, s. 12 8Section 12. 347.48 (4) (ag) of the statutes is created to read:
AB70,8,99 347.48 (4) (ag) In this subsection:
AB70,8,1310 1. "Child booster seat" means a child passenger restraint system that meets the
11applicable federal standards under 49 CFR 571.213 and is designed to elevate a child
12from a vehicle seat to allow the vehicle's safety belt to be properly positioned over the
13child's body.
AB70,8,1414 2. "Designated seating position" has the meaning given in 49 CFR 571.3.
AB70,8,1515 3. "Properly restrained" means any of the following:
AB70,8,1916 a. With respect to par. (as) 1. and 2., fastened in a manner prescribed by the
17manufacturer of the child safety restraint system which permits the system to act
18as a body restraint but does not include a system in which the only body restraint is
19a safety belt of the type required under sub. (1).
AB70,8,2520 b. With respect to par. (as) 3., wearing a safety belt consisting of a combination
21lap belt and shoulder harness approved by the department under sub. (2) and
22fastened in a manner prescribed by the manufacturer of the safety belt so that the
23safety belt properly fits across the child's lap and the center of the child's chest in a
24manner appropriate to the child's height, weight, and age that permits the safety belt
25to act as a body restraint.
1c. With respect to par. (as) 4., fastened in a manner prescribed by the
2manufacturer of the system which permits the system to act as a body restraint.
AB70, s. 13 3Section 13. 347.48 (4) (as) of the statutes is created to read:
AB70,9,54 347.48 (4) (as) A child under the age of 8 years who is being transported in a
5motor vehicle shall be restrained as follows:
AB70,9,96 1. If the child is less than one year old or weighs less than 20 pounds, the child
7shall be properly restrained in a rear-facing child safety restraint system, positioned
8at a designated seating position in a back passenger seat of the vehicle if the vehicle
9is equipped with a back passenger seat.
AB70,9,1410 2. Subject to subd. 1., if the child is at least one year old and weighs at least 20
11pounds but is less than 4 years old or weighs less than 40 pounds, the child shall be
12properly restrained in a forward-facing child safety restraint system, positioned at
13a designated seating position in a back passenger seat of the vehicle if the vehicle is
14equipped with a back passenger seat.