2005 - 2006 LEGISLATURE
October 31, 2005 - Introduced by Representatives Van Roy, Musser, Owens,
Krawczyk, Hahn, Bies, Hines, Strachota, Ott
and Montgomery, cosponsored
by Senators Roessler, Grothman, Breske, Darling and Erpenbach. Referred
to Committee on Aging and Long-Term Care.
AB792,1,6 1An Act to amend 105.15; and to create 105.115 and 893.99 of the statutes;
2relating to: requiring a home care placement agency that places a home care
3worker in the residence of a home care consumer to provide notice to the
4consumer concerning the rights, duties, responsibilities, and liabilities of the
5consumer with respect to the worker and notice to the worker concerning the
6worker's employment status and granting rule-making authority.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, the Department of Workforce Development (DWD)
regulates employment agents. Currently, "employment agent" is defined as a person
who furnishes to persons seeking employment or to employers seeking help
information enabling those persons to secure employment or those employers to
secure help.
This bill requires a home care placement agency that places a home care worker
in the temporary or permanent residence of a home care consumer to provide the
home care consumer with a notice of his or her rights, duties, responsibilities, and
liabilities with respect to the worker. The bill requires the notice to include, at a
minimum, all of the following information:
1. A statement specifying the duties, responsibilities, and liabilities of the home
care placement agency with respect to the home care consumer and the home care
worker and the duties, responsibilities, and liabilities of the home care consumer

with respect to the home care worker, including the consumer's responsibilities, if
any, for the day-to-day supervision of the home care worker; assigning duties to the
home care worker; hiring, firing, and discipline of the home care worker; providing
equipment or materials for use by the home care worker; performing a background
investigation of the home care worker; and ensuring that the home care worker has
any credential, license, registration, certification, permit, or approval that is
required for the home care worker to provide adequate home care services for the
home care consumer.
2. A statement of the employment status of the home care worker, specifically,
whether the home care worker is an employee of the home care placement agency or
of the home care consumer or is an independent contractor and a statement
identifying which party is responsible for paying the wages or salary of the home care
worker, paying federal social security taxes and state and federal unemployment
contributions or taxes with respect to the home care worker, and procuring worker's
compensation or liability insurance covering injury to the home care worker.
3. A statement that, notwithstanding the employment status of the home care
worker specified in the notice, the home care consumer may be determined to be the
employer of the home care worker for purposes of certain state and federal labor laws
and that, if that is the case, the home care consumer may be held responsible for
paying the wages or salary of the home care worker, paying federal social security
taxes and state and federal unemployment contributions or taxes with respect to the
home care worker, procuring worker's compensation or liability insurance covering
injury to the home care worker, and complying with various other state and federal
labor laws.
4. A list of the forms that the home care consumer may be required to complete
and file if the home care consumer is determined to be the employer of the home care
5. A statement of the penalties that may be assessed against the home care
consumer if he or she is determined to be the employer of the home care worker and
does not fulfill his or her duties and responsibilities as the employer of the home care
6. A telephone number and address at which the home care consumer may
contact DWD if he or she has any questions about the contents of the notice.
7. A statement acknowledging that the home care consumer has received and
understands the notice and a line for the home care consumer's signature located
immediately below that statement.
This bill also requires a home care placement agency that places a home care
worker in the temporary or permanent residence of a home care consumer to provide
the home care worker with a notice stating the employment status of the home care
worker, specifically, whether the home care worker is an employee of the home care
placement agency or of the home care consumer or is an independent contractor. The
bill requires the notice to include, at a minimum, all of the following information:
1. A statement that, notwithstanding the employment status of the home care
worker specified in the notice, the home care worker may be determined to be an
independent contractor for purposes of certain state and federal labor laws and, if

that is the case, a description of the duties, responsibilities, and liabilities of the
home care placement agency and the home care consumer with respect to the home
care worker and the duties, responsibilities, and liabilities of the home care worker
as a result of that independent contractor status. That description must include the
identity of the party who is responsible for paying the wages or salary of the home
care worker, paying federal social security taxes and state and federal
unemployment contributions or taxes with respect to the home care worker, and
procuring worker's compensation or liability insurance covering injury to the home
care worker. The description must also include: the identity of the party who is
responsible for the day-to-day supervision of the home care worker; assigning duties
to the home care worker; hiring, firing, and discipline of the home care worker; and
providing equipment or materials for use by the home care worker.
2. A telephone number and address at which the home care consumer may
contact DWD if he or she has any questions about the contents of the notice.
3. A statement acknowledging that the home care worker has received and
understands the notice and a line for the home care worker's signature located
immediately below that statement.
Finally, the bill permits a home care consumer or home care worker who is not
provided with the notice required under the bill to file a complaint with DWD or
commence an action in circuit court to recover from the home care placement agency
certain liabilities and damages incurred by the home care consumer or home care
worker. Specifically, a home care consumer may recover: 1) the amount of any
federal social security taxes or state or federal unemployment contributions or taxes
paid with respect to the home care worker; 2) the cost of providing worker's
compensation or liability insurance covering injury to the home care worker; 3) the
amount of any fine or penalty imposed on the home care consumer for noncompliance
with any state or federal labor law with respect to the home care worker; and 4) the
amount of any liability incurred for any injury to the home care worker. Similarly,
a home care worker who is found to be an independent contractor may recover: 1)
the amount of any federal self-employment social security taxes paid by the home
care worker; and 2) the amount of any damages sustained as a result of any injury
suffered while performing home care services. If a home care placement agency does
not pay an amount determined by DWD within 30 days after demand by DWD, DWD
may commence an action to recover that amount, and the circuit court may order the
home care placement agency to pay to the home care consumer or home care worker
that amount, plus an additional amount equal to 50 percent of that amount, together
with costs and attorney fees.
For purposes of the bill:
1. "Home care services" is defined as skilled or unskilled care, including
companionship services, homemaker services, nursing services, and personal care
services, provided to a person in his or her temporary or permanent residence for the
purpose of enabling the person to remain safely and comfortably in that residence.
2. "Home care placement agency" is defined as a person that is engaged in
placing home care workers in the temporary or permanent residences of home care

consumers for the purpose of providing home care services to those home care
consumers, including an employment agent.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB792, s. 1 1Section 1. 105.115 of the statutes is created to read:
AB792,4,3 2105.115 Notice to home care consumers and workers. (1) Definitions.
3In this section:
AB792,4,64 (a) "Companionship services" means services that provide fellowship and
5protection for a person who, because of advanced age or physical or mental infirmity,
6cannot care for his or her own needs.
AB792,4,87 (b) "Home care consumer" means a person who receives home care services in
8his or her temporary or permanent residence from a home care worker.
AB792,4,149 (c) "Home care placement agency" means a person that is engaged in placing
10home care workers in the temporary or permanent residences of home care
11consumers for the purpose of providing home care services to those home care
12consumers, including an employment agent engaged in the business specified in s.
13105.01 (1) (intro.) or a person specified in s. 105.01 (1) (f) whose fees or charges are
14paid entirely by a home care consumer.
AB792,4,1915 (d) "Home care services" means skilled or unskilled care provided to a person
16in his or her temporary or permanent residence for the purpose of enabling the
17person to remain safely and comfortably in that residence. "Home care services"
18include companionship services, homemaker services, nursing services, and
19personal care services.
1(e) "Home care worker" means a person who provides home care services to a
2home care consumer in the temporary or permanent residence of the home care
AB792,5,74 (f) "Homemaker services" means household work, including preparing meals,
5laundering clothes, making beds, cleaning, performing errands and shopping,
6completing other miscellaneous chores, and performing any other activities that
7support the smooth and safe functioning of a home care consumer's residence.
AB792,5,108 (g) "Nursing services" means nursing procedures, other than personal care
9services, that are permitted to be performed by a registered nurse under s. 441.001
10(2) or by a licensed practical nurse under s. 441.001 (3).
AB792,5,1311 (h) "Personal care services" means assistance with the activities of daily living,
12such as eating, dressing, bathing, personal hygiene, and ambulation, but does not
13include nursing services.
AB792,5,22 14(2) Notice to home care consumers. Whenever a home care placement agency
15places a home care worker in the temporary or permanent residence of a home care
16consumer, the home care placement agency shall provide the home care consumer
17with a notice of the rights, duties, responsibilities, and liabilities of the home care
18consumer with respect to the home care worker, except that a home care placement
19agency is not required to provide that notice when placing a home care worker who
20is temporarily substituting for the regular home care worker of a home care
21consumer. The notice shall be on a form prescribed by the department and shall
22include, at a minimum, all of the following:
AB792,6,223 (a) A statement specifying the duties, responsibilities, and liabilities of the
24home care placement agency with respect to the home care consumer and the home
25care worker and the duties, responsibilities, and liabilities of the home care

1consumer with respect to the home care worker. The statement shall clearly specify
2the home care consumer's responsibility, if any, for all of the following:
AB792,6,33 1. Day-to-day supervision of the home care worker.
AB792,6,44 2. Assigning duties to the home care worker.
AB792,6,55 3. Hiring, firing, and discipline of the home care worker.
AB792,6,66 4. Providing equipment or materials for use by the home care worker.
AB792,6,77 5. Performing a background investigation of the home care worker.
AB792,6,118 6. Ensuring that the home care worker has any credential, as defined in s.
9440.01 (2) (a), or any other license, registration, certification, permit, or approval
10that is required for the home care worker to provide adequate home care services for
11the home care consumer.
AB792,6,1812 (b) A statement of the employment status of the home care worker, specifically,
13whether the home care worker is an employee of the home care placement agency or
14of the home care consumer or is an independent contractor and a statement
15identifying which party is responsible for paying the wages or salary of the home care
16worker, paying federal social security taxes and state and federal unemployment
17contributions or taxes with respect to the home care worker, and procuring worker's
18compensation or liability insurance covering injury to the home care worker.
AB792,7,219 (c) A statement that, notwithstanding the employment status of the home care
20worker specified in the notice, the home care consumer may be determined to be the
21employer of the home care worker for purposes of certain state and federal labor laws
22and that, if that is the case, the home care consumer may be held responsible for
23paying the wages or salary of the home care worker, paying federal social security
24taxes and state and federal unemployment contributions or taxes with respect to the
25home care worker, procuring worker's compensation or liability insurance covering

1injury to the home care worker, and complying with various other state and federal
2labor laws.
AB792,7,53 (d) A list of the forms that the home care consumer may be required to complete
4and file if the home care consumer is determined to be the employer of the home care
AB792,7,96 (e) A statement of the penalties that may be assessed against the home care
7consumer if he or she is determined to be the employer of the home care worker and
8does not fulfill his or her duties and responsibilities as the employer of the home care
AB792,7,1110 (f) A telephone number and address at which the home care consumer may
11contact the department if he or she has any questions about the contents of the notice.
AB792,7,1612 (g) A statement acknowledging that the home care consumer has received and
13understands the notice provided under this subsection and a line for the home care
14consumer's signature located immediately below that statement. The home care
15placement agency shall give the home care consumer one copy of the notice signed
16by the home care consumer and shall retain one copy in its files.
AB792,7,23 17(3) Notice to home care workers. Whenever a home care placement agency
18places a home care worker in the temporary or permanent residence of a home care
19consumer, the home care placement agency shall provide the home care worker with
20a notice stating the employment status of the home care worker, specifically, whether
21the home care worker is an employee of the home care placement agency or of the
22home care consumer or is an independent contractor. The notice shall be on a form
23prescribed by the department and shall include, at a minimum, all of the following:
AB792,8,624 (a) A statement that, notwithstanding the employment status of the home care
25worker specified in the notice, the home care worker may be determined to be an

1independent contractor for purposes of certain state and federal labor laws and, if
2that is the case, a description of the duties, responsibilities, and liabilities of the
3home care placement agency and the home care consumer with respect to the home
4care worker and the duties, responsibilities, and liabilities of the home care worker
5as a result of that independent contractor status. That description shall include, at
6a minimum, all of the following information:
AB792,8,117 1. A statement identifying which party is responsible for paying the wages or
8salary of the home care worker, paying federal social security taxes and state and
9federal unemployment contributions or taxes with respect to the home care worker,
10and procuring worker's compensation or liability insurance covering injury to the
11home care worker.
AB792,8,1512 2. A statement identifying which party is responsible for the day-to-day
13supervision of the home care worker, assigning duties to the home care worker,
14hiring, firing, and discipline of the home care worker, and providing equipment or
15materials for use by the home care worker.