SB226, s. 32 7Section 32. 51.14 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB226,18,98 51.14 (1m) Consent to treatment. A parent who has legal custody of a minor
SB226,18,1510 . 14 years of age or the minor's guardian may provide informed consent to
11outpatient treatment for mental illness for the minor. A minor 14 years of age or
12older and a parent who has legal custody of the minor or the minor's guardian may
13provide informed consent to outpatient treatment for mental illness for the minor,
14except that, if the minor refuses to consent, the parent or guardian may provide
15informed consent to the outpatient treatment on the minor's behalf.
SB226, s. 33 16Section 33. 51.14 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB226,18,2417 51.14 (3) (a) Either a A minor 14 years of age or older or his or her parent or
may petition the mental health review officer in the county in which the
19minor's parent or guardian has residence for a review of a refusal or inability of either
20the minor or his or her
the minor's parent or guardian to provide the informed
21consent for outpatient mental health treatment required under s. 51.61 (6) sub. (1m).
22A petition for review by the mental health officer shall be filed by or on behalf of a
23minor on whose behalf consent was provided under sub. (1m) by the minor's parent
24or guardian despite the minor's refusal
SB226, s. 34 25Section 34. 51.14 (3) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
151.14 (3) (b) 3. The facts substantiating the petitioner's belief that the minor
2needs, or does not need, outpatient mental health treatment.
SB226, s. 35 3Section 35. 51.14 (3) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB226,19,74 51.14 (3) (f) If prior to a hearing under par. (g) either the minor or his or her
5parent or guardian
requests and the mental health review officer determines that
6the best interests of the minor would be served, a petition may be filed for court
7review under sub. (4) without further review under this subsection.
SB226, s. 36 8Section 36. 51.14 (3) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB226,19,159 51.14 (3) (g) Within 21 days after the filing of a petition under this subsection,
10the mental health review officer shall hold a hearing on the refusal or inability of the
11minor or the minor's parent or guardian to provide informed consent for outpatient
12treatment or on the provision of informed consent by the parent or guardian despite
13the minor's refusal
. The mental health review officer shall provide notice of the date,
14time and place of the hearing to the minor and, if available, the minor's parent or
15guardian at least 96 hours prior to the hearing.
SB226, s. 37 16Section 37. 51.14 (3) (h) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB226,20,217 51.14 (3) (h) (intro.) If following the hearing under par. (g) and after taking into
18consideration the recommendations, if any, of the county department under s. 51.42
19or 51.437 made under par. (e), the mental health review officer finds all of the
20following, he or she shall issue a written order that, notwithstanding the written,
21informed consent requirement of s. 51.61 (6) sub. (1m), the written, informed consent
22of the minor, if the minor is refusing to provide consent, or the written, informed
23consent of the
minor's parent or guardian, if the parent or guardian is refusing or
to provide consent, is not required for outpatient mental health treatment for

1the minor or, if the parent or guardian provided informed consent despite the minor's
2refusal, the outpatient mental health treatment for the minor is appropriate
SB226, s. 38 3Section 38. 51.14 (3) (h) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB226,20,54 51.14 (3) (h) 1. The informed consent of the parent or guardian is unreasonably
5withheld or the refusal of the minor to provide informed consent is unreasonable.
SB226, s. 39 6Section 39. 51.14 (3) (j) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB226,20,87 51.14 (3) (j) The mental health review officer shall notify the minor and the
8minor's parent or guardian, if available, of the right to judicial review under sub. (4).
SB226, s. 40 9Section 40. 51.14 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB226,20,1710 51.14 (4) (a) Within 21 days after the issuance of the order by the mental health
11review officer under sub. (3) or if the requirements of sub. (3) (f) are satisfied applies,
12the minor or his or her parent or guardian may petition a court assigned to exercise
13jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938 in the county of residence of the minor's parent
14or guardian for a review of the refusal of either the minor or his or her or inability
15of the minor's
parent or guardian to provide the informed consent for outpatient
16mental health treatment required under s. 51.61 (6) sub. (1m) or for a review of the
17provision of informed consent by the parent or guardian despite the minor's refusal
SB226, s. 41 18Section 41. 51.14 (4) (g) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB226,21,219 51.14 (4) (g) (intro.) After the hearing under this subsection, the court shall
20issue a written order stating that, notwithstanding the written, informed consent
21requirement of s. 51.61 (6) sub. (1m), the written, informed consent of the minor, if
22the minor refuses to provide consent, or the written, informed consent of the
23or guardian, if the parent or guardian refuses or is unable to provide consent, is not
24required for outpatient mental health treatment for the minor or that, if the parent
25or guardian provided informed consent despite the minor's refusal, the outpatient

1mental health treatment for the minor is appropriate,
if the court finds all of the
SB226, s. 42 3Section 42. 51.22 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB226,21,124 51.22 (2) Except as provided in s. 51.13 (2), voluntary for admissions that do
5not involve the department or a county department under s. 51.42 or 51.437 or a
6contract between a treatment facility and the department or a county department,

7admissions under ss. 51.10, 51.13, and 51.45 (10) shall be through the county
8department under s. 51.42 or 51.437 serving the person's county of residence, or
9through the department if the person to be admitted is a nonresident of this state.
10Admissions through a county department under s. 51.42 or 51.437 shall be made in
11accordance with s. 51.42 (3) (as) 1. or 51.437 (4rm) (a). Admissions through the
12department shall be made in accordance with sub. (3).
SB226, s. 43 13Section 43. 51.30 (5) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB226,21,2114 51.30 (5) (b) 1. The guardian of an individual who is adjudged incompetent
15under ch. 880 shall have access to the individual's court and treatment records at all
16times. The parent, guardian, or person in the place of a parent of a developmentally
minor shall have access to the minor's court and treatment records at all
18times except in the case of a minor aged 14 or older who files a written objection to
19 such access with the custodian of the records. The parent, guardian or person in the
20place of a parent of other minors shall have the same rights of access as provided to
21subject individuals under this section
SB226, s. 44 22Section 44. 51.30 (5) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB226,22,423 51.30 (5) (b) 2. A minor upon reaching the age of who is aged 14 or older and
24admitted under s. 51.13 (1) (b) or (c) 1. or (7) (a)
shall have access to his or her own
25court and treatment records, as provided in this section. A minor under the age of

All other minors shall have access to court records but only in the presence of
2parent, guardian, counsel, guardian ad litem, or judge and shall have access to
3treatment records as provided in this section but only in the presence of parent,
4guardian, counsel, guardian ad litem, or staff member of the treatment facility.
SB226, s. 45 5Section 45. 51.35 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB226,23,86 51.35 (3) (a) A licensed psychologist of a secured correctional facility, a secured
7child caring institution, or a secured group home, or a licensed physician of the
8department of corrections, who has reason to believe that any individual confined in
9the secured correctional facility, secured child caring institution, or secured group
10home is, in his or her opinion, in need of services for developmental disability,
11alcoholism, or drug dependency or in need of psychiatric services, and who has
12obtained voluntary consent to make a transfer for treatment, shall make a report,
13in writing, to the superintendent of the secured correctional facility, secured child
14caring institution, or secured group home, stating the nature and basis of the belief
15and verifying the consent. In the case of a minor age 14 or older who is in need of
16services for developmental disability or who is in need of psychiatric services, the
17minor and the minor's parent or guardian shall consent unless the minor is admitted
18under s. 51.13 (1) (c) 1. or unless the minor refuses to consent, in which case the
19minor's parent or guardian may consent on behalf of the minor.
In the case of a minor
20age 14 or older who is in need of services for alcoholism or drug dependency or a minor
21under the age of 14 who is in need of services for developmental disability, alcoholism,
22or drug dependency or in need of psychiatric services, only the minor's parent or
23guardian need needs to consent unless the minor is admitted under s. 51.13 (1) (c).
24The superintendent shall inform, orally and in writing, the minor and the minor's
25parent or guardian, that transfer is being considered and shall inform them of the

1basis for the request and their rights as provided in s. 51.13 (3) (am). If the
2department of corrections, upon review of a request for transfer, determines that
3transfer is appropriate, that department shall immediately notify the department of
4health and family services and, if the department of health and family services
5consents, the department of corrections may immediately transfer the individual.
6The department of health and family services shall file a petition under s. 51.13 (4)
7(a) in the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938 of the county
8where the treatment facility is located.
SB226, s. 46 9Section 46. 51.35 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB226,24,710 51.35 (3) (b) The court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938
11shall determine, based on the allegations of the petition and accompanying
12documents, whether the transfer under par. (a) of the minor to an inpatient facility
13is appropriate and consistent with the needs of the minor and, if the minor is 14 years
14of age or older and is being transferred for the purpose of receiving services for
15developmental disability or psychiatric services, whether consent for the transfer is
16voluntary on the part of the minor
was provided by the minor and his or her parent
17or guardian or whether the minor was admitted under s. 51.13 (1) (c) 1
. If the court
18is unable to make those determinations based on the petition and accompanying
19documents, the court may order additional information, including an independent
to be produced as necessary to make those determinations within 14 days
21after admission, or the court may hold a hearing within 14 days after admission. If
22a notation of the minor's unwillingness appears on the face of the petition, if the
23transfer was made under a consent of the minor's parent or guardian despite the
24minor's refusal,
or if a hearing has been requested by the minor or by the minor's
25counsel, guardian ad litem, parent, or guardian, the court shall order an independent

1evaluation of the minor,
hold a hearing, and appoint counsel or a guardian ad litem
2for the minor as provided in s. 51.13 (4) (d). The minor may receive assistance from
3the state protection and advocacy agency designated under s. 51.62 (2) (a).
At the
4conclusion of the hearing, the court shall approve or disapprove the request for
5transfer. If the minor is under the continuing jurisdiction of the court of another
6county, the court may order the case transferred together with all appropriate
7records to that court.
SB226, s. 47 8Section 47. 51.35 (3) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB226,25,29 51.35 (3) (g) A minor 14 years of age or older who is transferred to a treatment
10facility under par. (a) for the purpose of receiving services for developmental
11disability or psychiatric services and the minor's parent or guardian may request in
12writing a return to the secured correctional facility, secured child caring institution,
13or secured group home, except that, if the minor refuses to make the request, the
14parent or guardian may make the request on behalf of the minor
. In the case of a
15minor 14 years of age or older who is transferred to a treatment facility under par.
16(a) for the purpose of receiving services for alcoholism or drug dependency or a minor
17under 14 years of age, who is transferred to a treatment facility under par. (a) for the
18purpose of receiving services for developmental disability, alcoholism, or drug
19dependency, or psychiatric services, the parent or guardian may make the request.
20Upon receipt of a request for return from a minor 14 years of age or older, the director
21shall immediately notify the minor's parent or guardian. The minor, if available. A
22minor 14 years of age or older who requests and whose parent or guardian requests
23and a minor who was admitted under s. 51.13 (1) (c) who requests discharge in
shall be returned to the secured correctional facility, secured child caring
25institution, or secured group home within 48 hours after submission of the request

1unless a petition or statement is filed for emergency detention, or a petition is filed
emergency commitment, involuntary commitment, or protective placement.
SB226, s. 48 3Section 48. 51.35 (4) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB226,25,84 51.35 (4) (d) The director of an inpatient facility may, under the requirements
5of s. 51.10 (5) (c) or 51.13 (7),
grant a discharge or may terminate services to any
6patient voluntarily admitted under s. 51.10 or 51.13 when such patient requests a
7discharge. Such discharge shall conform to the requirements of s. 51.10 (5) (c) or
851.13 (7)
SB226, s. 49 9Section 49. 51.45 (10) (am) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB226,25,1310 51.45 (10) (am) A Except as provided in s. 51.47, a minor may apply for
11voluntary treatment directly to an approved public treatment facility, but only for
12those forms of treatment specified in sub. (7) (b) 5. and 7. Section 51.13 shall govern
governs admission of a minor alcoholic to an inpatient treatment facility.
SB226, s. 50 14Section 50. 51.45 (11) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB226,25,2115 51.45 (11) (a) An intoxicated person may come voluntarily to an approved
16public treatment facility for emergency treatment. Any law enforcement officer, or
17designated person upon the request of a law enforcement officer, may assist a person
18who appears to be intoxicated in a public place and to be in need of help to his or her
19home, an approved treatment facility or other health facility, if such person consents
20to the proffered help. Section 51.13 shall govern voluntary governs admission of an
21intoxicated minor to an inpatient facility under this paragraph.
SB226, s. 51 22Section 51. 51.61 (6) of the statutes is renumbered 51.61 (6) (intro.) and
23amended to read:
SB226,26,2024 51.61 (6) (intro.) Subject to the rights of patients provided under this chapter,
25the department, county departments under s. 51.42 or 51.437, and any agency

1providing services under an agreement with the department or those county
2departments have the right to use customary and usual treatment techniques and
3procedures in a reasonable and appropriate manner in the treatment of patients who
4are receiving services under the mental health system, for the purpose of
5ameliorating the conditions for which the patients were admitted to the system. The
6written, informed consent of any patient shall first be obtained, unless the person
7has been found not competent to refuse medication and treatment under s. 51.61 (1)
8(g) or the person is a minor 14 years of age or older who is receiving services for
9alcoholism or drug abuse or a minor under 14 years of age who is receiving services
10for mental illness, developmental disability, alcoholism, or drug abuse
. In the case
11of a minor, the written, informed consent of the parent or guardian is required, except
12as provided under an order issued under s. 51.13 (1) (c) or 51.14 (3) (h) or (4) (g). If
13the minor is 14 years of age or older and is receiving services for mental illness or
14developmental disability, the written, informed consent of the minor and the minor's
15parent or guardian is required. A refusal of either a minor 14 years of age or older
16or the minor's parent or guardian to provide written, informed consent for admission
17to an approved inpatient treatment facility is reviewable under s. 51.13 (1) (c) 1. and
18a refusal of either a minor 14 years of age or older or the minor's parent or guardian
19to provide written, informed consent for outpatient mental health treatment is
20reviewable under s. 51.14.
all of the following apply:
SB226, s. 52 21Section 52. 51.61 (6) (a) of the statutes is created to read:
SB226,27,222 51.61 (6) (a) If the minor is under 14 years of age, for the receipt of inpatient
23treatment or outpatient treatment or services for mental illness, developmental
24disability, alcoholism, or drug abuse, including the administration of psychotropic
25medication, the written, informed consent of the minor's parent or guardian is

1required, except as provided under ss. 51.13 (1) (c) 2., 51.14 (3) (h) and (4), 51.135 (2),
2and 51.47 (1).
SB226, s. 53 3Section 53. 51.61 (6) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
SB226,27,44 51.61 (6) (b) If the minor is 14 years of age or older:
SB226,27,85 1. Except as provided in subd. 5., for the receipt of inpatient treatment for
6developmental disability or mental illness, the minor and a parent with legal custody
7of the minor or the minor's guardian shall execute the application, except for all of
8the following:
SB226,27,119 a. A refusal or inability of the minor's parent or guardian to provide written,
10informed consent for inpatient treatment for mental illness or developmental
11disability is reviewable under s. 51.13 (1) (c) 1.
SB226,27,1612 b. If the minor refuses to execute an application for or consent to a transfer for
13inpatient treatment for mental illness or developmental disability, the minor's
14parent or guardian may execute the application or consent on the minor's behalf.
15Refusal by the minor to execute the application or consent is reviewable under ss.
1651.13 (3) and (4) and 51.35 (3) (b).
SB226,27,2117 2. For the receipt of inpatient treatment for alcoholism or drug abuse, a parent
18with legal custody of the minor or the minor's guardian shall execute the application,
19except as provided in s. 51.47 (2) (b), (c), and (d) and except that a refusal or inability
20of the minor's parent or guardian to provide written, informed consent for inpatient
21treatment for alcoholism or drug abuse is reviewable under s. 51.13 (1) (c) 1.
SB226,27,2522 3. Except as provided in subd. 5., for the receipt of outpatient treatment for
23mental illness or developmental disability, the minor and a parent with legal custody
24of the minor or the minor's guardian shall provide written, informed consent, except
25for all of the following:
1a. A refusal or inability of the minor's parent or guardian to provide written,
2informed consent is reviewable under s. 51.14 (3) and (4).
SB226,28,63 b. If the minor refuses to provide written, informed consent, the minor's parent
4or guardian may provide written, informed consent on behalf of the minor. Refusal
5by the minor to provide written, informed consent is reviewable under s. 51.14 (3) and
SB226,28,87 4. For the receipt of outpatient treatment for alcoholism or drug abuse, s. 51.47
SB226,28,109 5. For the receipt of psychotropic medication as inpatient or outpatient
10treatment for mental illness, s. 51.135 applies.
SB226, s. 54 11Section 54. Initial applicability.
SB226,28,2012 (1) Inpatient treatment. The treatment of sections 51.13 (1) (title), (a), (b), (c)
133., (d), (e), and (f), (2), (3) (a), (b), and (c), (4) (a) (intro.), (c), (d), (g) (intro.), (h) (intro.),
14(6) (c) and (7) (a), 51.22 (2) and 51.45 (11) (a) of the statutes, the renumbering and
15amendment of sections 51.13 (4) (g) 1. and (6) (a) and 51.61 (6) of the statutes, and
16the creation of sections 51.13 (4) (g) 1. a. to c. and 4. and 51.61 (6) (b) (intro.), 1., 2.,
17and 5. of the statutes first apply to inpatient treatment applied for or received in an
18approved inpatient treatment facility on the effective date of this subsection,
19regardless of whether admission to the inpatient facility occurred or was sought prior
20to the effective date of this subsection.
SB226,29,221 (2) Consent provided for outpatient treatment. The treatment of sections
2251.14 (title), (1), (1m), (3) (a), (b) 3., (f), (g), (h) (intro.) and 1., and (j), and (4) (a) and
23(g) (intro.), and 51.45 (10) (am) of the statutes, the renumbering and amendment of
24section 51.61 (6) of the statutes, and the creation of section 51.61 (6) (b) (intro.), 3.,
254., and 5. of the statutes first apply to outpatient treatment consented to or received

1on the effective date of this subsection, regardless of whether consent for the
2treatment occurred or was sought prior to the effective date of this subsection.
SB226,29,63 (3) Transfers of treatment. The treatment of sections 51.35 (3) (a), (b), and
4(g) and (4) (d) of the statutes first applies to transfers of treatment consented to on
5the effective date of this subsection, regardless of whether consent for the transfer
6was sought prior to the effective date of this subsection.
SB226,29,127 (4) Discharge from inpatient facilities. The treatment of sections 51.13 (7)
8(title) and (c) and 51.35 (4) (d) of the statutes, the renumbering and amendment of
9section 51.13 (7) (b) of the statutes, and the creation of section 51.13 (7) (b) 3. of the
10statutes first apply to discharges from inpatient facilities made on the effective date
11of this subsection, regardless of whether the discharge was sought prior to the
12effective date of this subsection.
SB226,29,1713 (5) Psychotropic medication. The treatment of sections 51.01 (13r) and 51.135
14of the statutes, the renumbering and amendment of section 51.61 (6) of the statutes,
15and the creation of section 51.61 (6) (a) and (b) (intro.), 1. (intro.), 3. (intro.), and 5.
16of the statutes first apply to the administration of psychotropic medication on the
17effective date of this subsection.
SB226, s. 55 18Section 55. Effective date.
SB226,29,2019 (1) This act takes effect on the first day of the 2nd month beginning after
SB226,29,2121 (End)