SB23,11,12 11(4) For a certificate of title after a transfer, $8.50, to be paid by the owner of the
12manufactured home.
SB23,11,18 13(4m) Upon filing an application under par. (a) or (d) sub. (1) or (4), a
14supplemental title fee of $7.50 to be paid by the owner of the manufactured home,
15except that this fee shall be waived with respect to an application under par. (d) for
16transfer of a decedent's interest in a manufactured home to his or her surviving
17spouse. The fee specified required under this paragraph is subsection shall be paid
18in addition to any other fee specified in this section.
SB23,11,20 19(5) For each assignment of a security interest noted upon a certificate of title,
20$1 to be paid by the assignee.
SB23,11,22 21(6) For a replacement certificate of title, $8, to be paid by the owner of the
22manufactured home.
SB23,12,2 23(7) For processing applications for certificates of title that have a special
24handling request for fast service, a fee established by the department by rule, which

1fee shall approximate the cost to the department for providing this special handling
2service to persons so requesting.
SB23,12,4 3(8) For the reinstatement of a certificate of title previously suspended or
4revoked, $25.
SB23, s. 33 5Section 33. 101.9208 (2) of the statutes is repealed.
SB23, s. 34 6Section 34. 101.9208 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB23,12,97 101.9208 (2m) Upon filing an application under sub. (1) or (4), a manufactured
8housing rehabilitation and recycling fee, to be paid by the person filing the
SB23, s. 35 10Section 35. 101.9213 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB23,12,1711 101.9213 (8) Upon request of a person who has perfected a security interest
12under this section, as shown by the records of the department, in a manufactured
13home titled in this state, whenever the department receives information from
14another state that the manufactured home is being titled in the other state and the
15information does not show that the security interest has been satisfied, the
16department shall notify the person. The person shall pay the department shall
17establish, by rule under s. 101.19,
a fee of not less than $2 fee for each notification.
SB23, s. 36 18Section 36. 101.925 of the statutes is repealed.
SB23, s. 37 19Section 37. 101.93 of the statutes is repealed.
SB23, s. 38 20Section 38. 101.933 of the statutes is created to read:
SB23,13,6 21101.933 Manufactured housing code council duties. The manufactured
22housing code council shall review this subchapter and rules promulgated under this
23subchapter and recommend a statewide manufactured housing code for
24promulgation by the department. The council shall consider and make
25recommendations to the department pertaining to rules and any other matter

1related to this subchapter, including recommendations with regard to licensure and
2professional discipline of manufacturers of manufactured homes, manufactured
3home dealers, manufactured home salespersons, and installers, and with regard to
4consumer protection applicable to consumers of manufactured homes. In making
5recommendations, the council shall consider the likely costs of any proposed rules to
6consumers in relation to the benefits that are likely to result therefrom.
SB23, s. 39 7Section 39. 101.935 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB23,13,8 8101.935 (title) Manufactured home park community regulation.
SB23, s. 40 9Section 40. 101.935 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB23,13,1410 101.935 (2) (a) The department or a village, city or county granted agent status
11under par. (e) shall issue permits to and regulate manufactured home parks
12communities. No person, state or local government who has not been issued a permit
13under this subsection may conduct, maintain, manage or operate a manufactured
14home park community.
SB23, s. 41 15Section 41. 101.935 (2) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB23,13,2116 101.935 (2) (c) 2. The department shall establish, by rule under s. 101.19, the
17permit fee and renewal fee for a permit issued under this subsection. Beginning in
18fiscal year 2002-03, the
The department may increase the fees to recover establish
19a fee that defrays
the cost of administering s. 101.937. An additional penalty fee, as
20established by the department by rule under s. 101.19, is required for each permit
21if the biennial renewal fee is not paid before the permit expires.
SB23, s. 42 22Section 42. 101.935 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB23,14,1023 101.935 (2) (d) A permit may not be issued under this subsection until all
24applicable fees have been paid. If the payment is by check or other draft drawn upon
25an account containing insufficient funds, the permit applicant shall, within 15 days

1after receipt of notice from the department of the insufficiency, pay by cashier's check
2or other certified draft, money order or cash the fees to the department, late fees and
3processing charges that are specified by rules promulgated by the department. If the
4permit applicant fails to pay all applicable fees, late fees and the processing charges
5within 15 days after the applicant receives notice of the insufficiency, the permit is
6void. In an appeal concerning voiding of a permit under this paragraph, the burden
7is on the permit applicant to show that the entire applicable fees, late fees and
8processing charges have been paid. During any appeal process concerning a
9payment dispute, operation of the manufactured home park community in question
10is considered to be operation without a permit.
SB23, s. 43 11Section 43. 101.935 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB23,14,1312 101.935 (2m) (a) The department shall inspect a manufactured home park
13community in the following situations:
SB23,14,1514 1. Upon completion of the construction of a manufactured home park
SB23,14,1716 2. Whenever a manufactured home park community is modified, as defined by
17the department by rule.
SB23,14,1918 3. Whenever the department receives a complaint about a manufactured home
19park community.
SB23,14,2120 (b) The department may, with notice, inspect a manufactured home park
21community whenever the department determines an inspection is appropriate.
SB23, s. 44 22Section 44. 101.937 (title), (1) and (2) of the statutes are amended to read:
SB23,15,8 23101.937 (title) Water and sewer service to manufactured home parks
24communities. (1) Rules. The department shall promulgate rules that establish
25standards for providing water or sewer service by a manufactured home park

1community operator or manufactured home park community contractor to a
2manufactured home park community occupant, including requirements for
3metering, billing, depositing, arranging deferred payment, installing service,
4refusing or discontinuing service, and resolving disputes with respect to service.
5Rules promulgated under this subsection shall ensure that any charge for water or
6sewer service is reasonable and not unjustly discriminatory, that the water or sewer
7service is reasonably adequate, and that any practice relating to providing the
8service is just and reasonable.
SB23,15,12 9(2) Permanent improvements. A manufactured home park community
10operator may make a reasonable recovery of capital costs for permanent
11improvements related to the provision of water or sewer service to manufactured
12home park community occupants through ongoing rates for water or sewer service.
SB23, s. 45 13Section 45. 101.937 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB23,15,1814 101.937 (3) (a) On its own motion or upon a complaint filed by a manufactured
15home park community occupant, the department may issue an order or commence
16a civil action against a manufactured home park community operator or
17manufactured home park community contractor to enforce this section, any rule
18promulgated under sub. (1), or any order issued under this paragraph.
SB23, s. 46 19Section 46. 101.94 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB23,16,220 101.94 (2) No person may manufacture, assemble, distribute or sell a
21manufactured home unless the manufactured home complies with 42 USC 5401 to
225425 and applicable regulations as in effect on June 15, 1976. The department may
23establish, by rule, standards for the safe and sanitary design and construction of
24manufactured homes for the purpose of enforcement of this subchapter, and those

1standards may include standards in addition to any standards established by the
2secretary of housing and urban development under 42 USC 5401 to 5425
SB23, s. 47 3Section 47. 101.94 (3) of the statutes is repealed.
SB23, s. 48 4Section 48. 101.94 (4) of the statutes is repealed.
SB23, s. 49 5Section 49. 101.94 (5) of the statutes is repealed.
SB23, s. 50 6Section 50. 101.94 (6) of the statutes is repealed.
SB23, s. 51 7Section 51. 101.95 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB23,16,11 8101.95 Manufactured home manufacturers regulated. The department
9shall by rule prescribe the manner by which a manufacturer shall be licensed for the
10manufacture, distribution or selling of manufactured homes in this state, including
11fees for the licensing of manufacturers
SB23, s. 52 12Section 52. 101.951 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB23,16,1513 101.951 (2) (a) Application for a license or a renewal license shall be made to
14the department on forms prescribed and furnished by the department, accompanied
15by the license fee required under par. (c) or (d) (bm).
SB23, s. 53 16Section 53. 101.951 (2) (bm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB23,16,1817 101.951 (2) (bm) Fees for licensing of persons under this section shall be
18established by the department by rule under s. 101.19.
SB23, s. 54 19Section 54. 101.951 (2) (c) of the statutes is repealed.
SB23, s. 55 20Section 55. 101.951 (2) (d) of the statutes is repealed.
SB23, s. 56 21Section 56. 101.952 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB23,17,222 101.952 (2) (a) Applications for a manufactured home salesperson's license and
23renewals thereof shall be made to the department on such forms as the department
24prescribes and furnishes and shall be accompanied by the license fee required under
25par. (c) or (d) (bm). The application shall include the applicant's social security

1number. In addition, the application shall require such pertinent information as the
2department requires.
SB23, s. 57 3Section 57. 101.952 (2) (bm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB23,17,54 101.952 (2) (bm) Fees for licensing of manufactured home salespersons shall
5be established by the department by rule under s. 101.19.
SB23, s. 58 6Section 58. 101.952 (2) (c) of the statutes is repealed.
SB23, s. 59 7Section 59. 101.952 (2) (d) of the statutes is repealed.
SB23, s. 60 8Section 60. 101.957 of the statutes is created to read:
SB23,17,19 9101.957 Nonjudicial resolution of manufactured housing industry
The department, by rule, shall establish an alternative dispute resolution
11program for the timely resolution of any dispute that concerns a defect in a
12manufactured home, or in the installation of a manufactured home, reported to the
13department within one year of the date on which the manufactured home was
14installed and that occurs between parties, each of which is a manufacturer of
15manufactured homes, manufactured home salesperson, manufactured home dealer,
16or installer. The rules may require the parties to submit to an alternative dispute
17resolution program before bringing an action in another forum. This section does not
18affect the rights of any consumer to commence an action or the rights of any person
19to commence an action against a consumer.
SB23, s. 61 20Section 61. 101.96 of the statutes is created to read:
SB23,17,25 21101.96 Manufactured home installation regulated. (1) Installation
(a) Promulgation of standards. The department shall, by rule, establish
23installation standards for the safe installation of manufactured homes in this state.
24In promulgating rules under this paragraph, the department shall consider the
25recommendations of the manufactured housing code council under s. 101.933.
1(b) Enforcement of standards. The department shall, by rule, establish a
2method for ensuring compliance with the rules promulgated under par. (a). The
3department shall require inspections of manufactured home installations by
43rd-party inspectors licensed by the department. The department shall, by rule,
5establish criteria for the licensure of 3rd-party inspectors that include a
6requirement that an individual may not serve as a 3rd-party inspector if the
7individual is, is employed by, or is an independent contractor of any of the following:
SB23,18,98 1. A manufactured home manufacturer who was directly involved in the sale
9of the particular manufactured home.
SB23,18,1110 2. A manufactured home salesperson who was directly involved in the sale of
11the particular manufactured home.
SB23,18,1312 3. An installer who was directly involved in the sale of the particular
13manufactured home.
SB23,18,23 14(2) Manufactured home installers. (a) License required; exceptions; liability.
15Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, no person may act as an installer
16in this state unless the person is a licensed installer or employs one or more licensed
17installers to generally supervise each of the person's installations of manufactured
18homes in this state. This requirement does not apply to an individual who installs
19a manufactured home on his or her own property for his or her personal use or to an
20individual who installs a manufactured home under the general supervision of a
21licensed installer. A licensed installer is liable for all acts and omissions related to
22the installation of each individual who performs an installation under the licensed
23installer's general supervision.
SB23,18,2524 (b) License eligibility. The department may issue an installer's license only to
25an individual to whom all of the following apply:
11. The individual is at least 18 years old.
SB23,19,32 2. The individual files with the department a license application on a form
3prescribed by the department.
SB23,19,74 3. The individual completes, to the satisfaction of the department, an
5examination approved by the department that tests the skills necessary to properly
6install manufactured homes and knowledge of the laws applicable to manufactured
7home installation.
SB23,19,108 4. The individual has not been found responsible in any judicial or
9administrative forum for any violation of this section during the 2 years before the
10date on which the individual's license application is submitted.
SB23,19,1511 5. The individual has not been found responsible in any judicial or
12administrative forum during the 2 years before the date on which the individual's
13license application is submitted for any failure to perform an installation of a
14manufactured home as required under contract or for defrauding any person with
15regard to the provision of installation services.
SB23,19,1716 6. The individual meets the standards of financial responsibility established
17by rule of the department.
SB23,19,2218 (br) Examination waiver. The department shall, by rule, establish a procedure
19under which it may waive the examination requirement under par (b) 3. for
20individuals that demonstrate sufficient experience installing manufactured homes
21including active participation in the installation of at least 10 manufactured homes.
22This paragraph does not apply after December 1, 2006.
SB23,20,223 (c) License term and fee. The department, by rule under sub. (1) (b), shall
24establish the term of installers' licenses and the conditions under which the
25department may revoke or suspend installers' licenses. The department shall

1establish an initial installer's license fee and license renewal fee by rule under s.
SB23,20,5 3(3) Municipal authority. (a) Authority limited. No city, village, town, or county
4may enact an ordinance or adopt a resolution regulating a matter governed by this
5section or by a rule promulgated under this section.
SB23,20,96 (b) Retroactive effect. If a city, village, town, or county has in effect on the
7effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], an ordinance or resolution
8that is inconsistent with par. (a), the ordinance or resolution does not apply and may
9not be enforced.
SB23, s. 62 10Section 62. 101.965 (1p) of the statutes is created to read:
SB23,20,1311 101.965 (1p) Any person who violates s. 101.96 or any rule promulgated under
12that section may be required to forfeit not less than $25 nor more than $500 for each
13violation. Each day of continued violation constitutes a separate violation.
SB23, s. 63 14Section 63. 101.965 (1t) of the statutes is created to read:
SB23,20,1715 101.965 (1t) Upon request of the department, the attorney general may
16commence an action in a court of competent jurisdiction to enjoin any installer from
17installing a manufactured home in violation of s. 101.96 (2).
SB23, s. 64 18Section 64. 560.285 of the statutes is created to read:
SB23,20,21 19560.285 Manufactured housing rehabilitation and recycling. (1)
20Definition. In this section, "manufactured home" has the meaning given in s. 101.91
SB23,20,25 22(2) Grant program. (a) The department may make grants under this section
23to provide financial assistance to persons engaged in the disposal of abandoned
24manufactured homes and to municipalities, for the purpose of supporting
25environmentally sound disposal practices.
1(b) The department may make grants under this section to provide financial
2assistance to individuals who reside in manufactured homes that are in need of
3critical repairs. An individual is eligible for a grant under this paragraph only if the
4individual is otherwise unable to finance the critical repairs.
SB23,21,11 5(3) Administration. The department shall contract with one or more entities
6that are exempt from taxation under section 501 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code
7and that employ individuals with technical expertise concerning manufactured
8housing for the administration of the grant program under this section. The
9department shall promulgate rules to establish the grant program under this
10section. To the extent feasible, the department shall coordinate the program under
11this section with the state housing strategy plan under s. 560.9802.
SB23, s. 65 12Section 65 . Nonstatutory provisions.
SB23,21,1713 (1) Proposed rules. No later than the first day of the 12th month beginning
14after the effective date of this subsection, the department of commerce shall submit
15in proposed form the rules required under sections 101.9205 (3), 101.9208, 101.9213
16(8), 101.951 (2) (bm), 101.952 (2) (bm), and 101.96 of the statutes, as affected by this
17act, to the legislative council staff under section 227.15 (1) of the statutes.
SB23,22,218 (2) Initial members of manufactured housing code council. Notwithstanding
19the length of terms specified for the manufactured housing code council under
20section 15.157 (13) (a) of the statutes, as created by this act, the initial members
21appointed under section 15.157 (13) (a) 1. and 2. of the statutes, as created by this
22act, shall be appointed for terms that expire on July 1, 2006; the initial members
23appointed under section 15.157 (13) (a) 3. and 4. of the statutes, as created by this
24act, shall be appointed for terms that expire on July 1, 2007; and the remaining initial

1members appointed under section 15.157 (13) (a) 5. to 7. of the statutes, as created
2by this act, shall be appointed for terms that expire on July 1, 2008.
SB23,22,73 (3) Department of commerce position decrease. The authorized FTE positions
4for the department of commerce are decreased by 1.6 SEG positions, funded from the
5appropriation under section 20.143 (3) (sa) of the statutes, as affected by this act, for
6the performance of duties primarily related to the administration of subchapter V of
7chapter 101 of the statutes.
SB23,22,128 (4) Department of commerce position increase. The authorized FTE positions
9for the department of commerce are increased by 1.6 PR positions, funded from the
10appropriation under section 20.143 (3) (j) of the statutes, as affected by this act, for
11the performance of duties primarily related to the administration of subchapter V of
12chapter 101 of the statutes.
SB23,22,1713 (5) Appropriation transfer. Immediately before the effective date of this
14subsection, the unencumbered balance in the account for the appropriation to the
15department of commerce under section 20.143 (3) (sa) of the statutes, as affected by
16this act, is transferred to the appropriation account under section 20.143 (3) (j) of the
17statutes, as affected by this act.