SB300, s. 8 7Section 8 . 16.972 (2) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Act 25,
8is amended to read:
SB300,8,39 16.972 (2) (b) Except as provided in par. (a), provide such computer services and
10telecommunications services to local governmental units and the broadcasting
11corporation and provide such telecommunications services to qualified private
12schools, tribal schools, postsecondary institutions, museums, and zoos, as the
13department considers to be appropriate and as the department can efficiently and
14economically provide. The department may exercise this power only if in doing so
15it maintains the services it provides at least at the same levels that it provides prior
16to exercising this power and it does not increase the rates chargeable to users served
17prior to exercise of this power as a result of exercising this power. The department
18may charge local governmental units, the broadcasting corporation, and qualified
19private schools, tribal schools, postsecondary institutions, museums, and zoos, for
20services provided to them under this paragraph in accordance with a methodology
21determined by the department. Use of telecommunications services by a qualified
22private school, tribal school, or postsecondary institution shall be subject to the same

1terms and conditions that apply to a municipality using the same services. The
2department shall prescribe eligibility requirements for qualified museums and zoos
3to receive telecommunications services under this paragraph.
SB300, s. 9 4Section 9 . 16.974 (2) and (3) of the statutes are amended to read:
SB300,8,105 16.974 (2) Subject to s. 16.972 (2) (b), enter into and enforce an agreement with
6any agency, any authority, any unit of the federal government, any local
7governmental unit, or any entity in the private sector , or any tribal school, as defined
8in s. 115.001 (16),
to provide services authorized to be provided by the department
9to that agency, authority, unit, or entity, or tribal school at a cost specified in the
SB300,8,24 11(3) Develop or operate and maintain any system or device facilitating Internet
12or telephone access to information about programs of agencies, authorities, local
13governmental units, or entities in the private sector, or any tribal schools, as defined
14in s. 115.001 (16), or
otherwise permitting the transaction of business by agencies,
15authorities, local governmental units, or entities in the private sector, or tribal
by means of electronic communication. The department may assess
17executive branch agencies, other than the board of regents of the University of
18Wisconsin System, for the costs of systems or devices relating to information
19technology or telecommunications that are developed, operated, or maintained
20under this subsection in accordance with a methodology determined by the
21department. The department may also charge any agency, authority, local
22governmental unit, or entity in the private sector , or tribal school for such costs as
23a component of any services provided by the department to that agency, authority,
24local governmental unit, or entity, or tribal school.

Note: Sections 7, 8 , and 9 permit DOA to provide telecommunications services to
tribal schools that DOA considers appropriate and charge for such services. Also see s.
20.505 (1) (is), stats., below.
SB300, s. 10 1Section 10. 16.9785 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB300,9,8 216.9785 Purchases of computers by teachers. The department shall
3negotiate with private vendors to facilitate the purchase of computers and other
4educational technology, as defined in s. 24.60 (1r), by public and, private, and tribal
5elementary and secondary school teachers for their private use. The department
6shall attempt to make available types of computers and other educational technology
7under this section that will encourage and assist teachers in becoming
8knowledgeable about the technology and its uses and potential uses in education.
Note: Includes tribal school teachers in the DOA program to facilitate the
purchase of computers by school teachers.
SB300, s. 11 9Section 11. 16.99 (2g) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB300,9,1510 16.99 (2g) "Educational agency" means a school district, charter school
11sponsor, secured correctional facility, private school, tribal school, as defined in s.
12115.001 (16),
cooperative educational service agency, technical college district,
13private college, public library system, public library board, public museum, the
14Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired, or the Wisconsin Educational
15Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
Note: Includes tribal schools under the Educational Telecommunications Access
Program which is part of the TEACH program. See s. 16.971 (15), stats., above.
SB300, s. 12 16Section 12. 20.505 (1) (is) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB300,9,2017 20.505 (1) (is) Information technology and communications services; nonstate
From the sources specified in ss. 16.972 (2) (b) and (c), 16.974 (2) and (3),
19and 16.997 (2) (d), to provide computer, telecommunications, electronic
20communications, and supercomputer services to state authorities, units of the

1federal government, local governmental units, tribal schools, and entities in the
2private sector, the amounts in the schedule.
Note: Amends the appropriation to DOA for technology and communications
services provided to tribal schools to reflect the amendment to ss. 16.972 (2) (b) and 16.974
(2) and (3), stats., above.
SB300, s. 13 3Section 13. 27.01 (7) (c) 10. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB300,10,144 27.01 (7) (c) 10. Any motor vehicle operated for the purpose of transporting
5pupils to or from curricular or extracurricular activities of a public or private school
6or, a home-based private educational program under s. 118.15 (4), or a tribal school,
7as defined in s. 115.001 (16)
. The operator of a motor vehicle transporting pupils
8under this subdivision shall possess and exhibit for inspection a written
9authorization from an administrator of the school or home-based private
10educational program indicating that admission to the vehicle admission area is part
11of an official school or home-based private educational program function and
12indicating the date for which the authorization is applicable. A separate
13authorization is required for each date on which the motor vehicle is admitted to the
14vehicle admission area under this subdivision.
Note: Exempts a motor vehicle transporting tribal school pupils to a state park or
recreational area from the requirement to display a state park admission receipt.
SB300, s. 14 15Section 14. 28.06 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB300,10,2016 28.06 (1) Limitation. Only planting stock of species and sizes suitable for forest
17and woodlot planting and for planting by school pupils, including pupils at a tribal
18school, as defined in s. 115.001 (16),
to celebrate arbor day under s. 118.025 shall be
19produced in state forest nurseries. The department may employ labor at prevailing
20local wages for nursery operation or reforestation.
Note: Current law provides that the state forest nurseries may plant stock
suitable for planting by school pupils to celebrate arbor day and authorizes distribution
of the stock for arbor day plantings by school pupils. The bill specifies that tribal school
pupils are included.
SB300, s. 15
1Section 15. 29.301 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB300,11,42 29.301 (1) (a) In this subsection, "school" means a public or private elementary
3or secondary school, including a charter school, a tribal school, as defined in s.
4115.001 (16),
or a technical college.
Note: Adds tribal school to the definition of "school" that is used in s. 29.301 (1)
(b), stats., which prohibits hunting within 1,700 feet of certain facilities, including a
SB300, s. 16 5Section 16. 30.74 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB300,11,116 30.74 (1) (a) The department shall create comprehensive courses on boating
7safety and operation. These courses shall be offered in cooperation with schools,
8including tribal schools, as defined in s. 115.001 (16), private clubs and
9organizations, and may be offered by the department in areas where requested and
10where other sponsorship is unavailable. The department shall issue certificates to
11persons 10 years of age or older successfully completing such courses.
Note: Requires the Department of Natural Resources to create boating safety
courses and offer them in cooperation with, among others, schools, including tribal
SB300, s. 17 12Section 17. 36.11 (36m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB300,11,1913 36.11 (36m) School safety research. The board shall direct the schools of
14education and other appropriate research-oriented departments within the system,
15to work with the technical college system board under s. 38.04 (27), school districts,
16private schools, tribal schools, as defined in s. 115.001 (16), and the department of
17public instruction to present to school districts and , private schools, and tribal
the results of research on models for and approaches to improving school
19safety and reducing discipline problems in schools and at school activities.
Note: Requires the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin (UW) System
to direct the UW schools of education to work with tribal schools, among others, on
researching improving school safety and reducing school discipline problems and to share
with tribal schools the results of such research.
SB300, s. 18
1Section 18. 38.001 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB300,12,52 38.001 (3) (a) 1. Contract with secondary schools, including tribal schools, to
3provide educational opportunities for high school age students in order to enhance
4their potential for benefiting from postsecondary education and for obtaining
SB300,12,86 2. Coordinate and cooperate with secondary schools, including tribal schools,
7to facilitate the transition of secondary school students into postsecondary technical
8college education through curriculum articulation and collaboration.
Note: Provides that the purposes of the Technical College System include
contracting, coordinating, and cooperating with tribal schools.
SB300, s. 19 9Section 19. 38.01 (9m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB300,12,1010 38.01 (9m) "Tribal school" has the meaning given in s. 115.001 (16).
SB300, s. 20 11Section 20. 38.04 (27) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB300,12,1712 38.04 (27) School safety. The board shall work with schools of education and
13other departments of the University of Wisconsin System under s. 36.11 (36m),
14school districts, private schools, tribal schools, and the department of public
15instruction to present to school districts and, private schools, and tribal schools the
16results of research on models for and approaches to improving school safety and
17reducing discipline problems in schools and at school activities.
Note: Requires the Technical College System Board to additionally work with
tribal schools on researching improving school safety and reducing school discipline
problems and to share with tribal schools the results of such research.
SB300, s. 21 18Section 21. 38.14 (3) (a) and (bm) of the statutes are amended to read:
SB300,12,2119 38.14 (3) (a) The district board may enter into contracts to provide educational
20services to public and private educational institutions, tribal schools, federal and
21state agencies, local governmental bodies, industries, and businesses.
1(bm) The district board may enter into contracts to provide fiscal and
2management services to public and private educational institutions, tribal schools,
3federal and state agencies, and local governmental units.
Note: Authorizes a technical college system district board to contract with tribal
schools, among others, to provide educational services or fiscal and management services.
SB300, s. 22 4Section 22 . 39.41 (1) (bm) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB300,13,85 39.41 (1) (bm) "Senior" means a pupil enrolled in the 12th grade in a public or
6private high school, a tribal school, the school operated by the Wisconsin Educational
7Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, or the school operated by the
8Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
SB300, s. 23 9Section 23 . 39.41 (1) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
SB300,13,1010 39.41 (1) (c) "Tribal school" has the meaning given in s. 115.001 (16).
SB300, s. 24 11Section 24 . 39.41 (1m) (a) (intro.), (b), (c) 4. and 5., (e), (em), (g) and (j) of the
12statutes are amended to read:
SB300,13,1513 39.41 (1m) (a) (intro.) Subject to par. (d), by February 15 of each school year,
14the school board of each school district operating one or more high schools and the
15governing body of each private high school and of each tribal high school shall:
SB300,13,2116 (b) By February 15 of each school year, the school board of each school district
17operating one or more high schools and the governing body of each private high
18school and of each tribal high school may, for each high school with an enrollment of
19less than 80 pupils, nominate the senior with the highest grade point average in all
20subjects who may be designated as a scholar by the executive secretary under par.
21(c) 3.
SB300,14,222 (c) 4. For each public or, private, or tribal high school with an enrollment of at
23least 80 pupils, notify the school board of the school district operating the public high

1school or the governing body of the private or tribal high school of the number of
2scholars to be designated under par. (a).
SB300,14,73 5. For each public or, private, or tribal high school with an enrollment of less
4than 80 pupils, notify the school board of the school district operating the public high
5school or the governing body of the private or tribal high school that the school board
6or governing body may nominate a senior under par. (b) who may be designated as
7a scholar by the executive secretary.
SB300,14,218 (e) Except as provided under par. (em), if 2 or more seniors from the same high
9school of less than 80 pupils have the same grade point average and, except for the
10limitation of one nominated senior, are otherwise eligible for nomination under par.
11(b), the faculty of the high school shall select the senior who may be nominated by
12the school board of the school district operating the public high school or the
13governing body of the private or tribal high school for designation under par. (b) as
14a scholar by the executive secretary. If that senior is designated as a scholar by the
15executive secretary and does not qualify for a higher education scholarship under
16sub. (2) (a) or (3) (a), faculty of the high school shall select one or more of the
17remaining seniors with the same grade point average for certification as a scholar
18and the school board of the school district operating the high school or the governing
19body of the private or tribal high school shall certify to the board one or more of these
20seniors as eligible for a higher education scholarship as a scholar under sub. (2) (a)
21or (3) (a) until the scholarship may be awarded by the board.
SB300,15,622 (em) If the high school weights different courses differently to determine a
23pupil's grade point average, and the senior designated as a scholar by the executive
24secretary under par. (e) does not qualify for a higher education scholarship under
25sub. (2) (a) or (3) (a), the faculty of the high school shall select one senior with the

1same grade point average for certification as a scholar, or, if there is no senior with
2the same grade point average, one senior with the next highest grade point average
3for certification as a scholar, and the school board of the school district operating the
4high school or the governing body of the private or tribal high school shall certify to
5the board the selected senior as eligible for a higher education scholarship as a
6scholar under sub. (2) (a) or (3) (a) until the scholarship may be awarded by the board.
SB300,15,157 (g) Notwithstanding par. (a), if a high school of at least 80 pupils closes or
8merges in the 1991-92 school year or in any school year thereafter, the school board
9of the school district operating the high school or the governing body of the private
10or tribal high school shall, subject to par. (d), for each of the 2 school years following
11the closure or merger, designate the same number of scholars from among the pupils
12enrolled in the high school at the time of closure or merger as the number of scholars
13designated for that high school in the school year the high school closed or merged.
14Any seniors designated under this paragraph shall be eligible for an original
15scholarship under this section.
SB300,15,2016 (j) In the event that 2 or more seniors from the same high school of at least 80
17pupils have the same grade point average and are otherwise eligible for designation
18under par. (a), the school board of the school district operating the high school or the
19governing body of the private or tribal high school shall make the designation of the
20faculty of the high school for purposes of par. (d) or (i).
Note: Sections 22 , 23, and 24 include seniors at a tribal high school in the
Academic Excellence Higher Education Scholarships Program that provides certain
seniors with academic scholarships at the UW, technical college, or participating private
institutions of higher education.
SB300, s. 25 21Section 25. 45.396 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB300,16,1422 45.396 (2) Any veteran upon the completion of any correspondence course or
23part-time classroom study from an institution of higher education located in this

1state, from a school that is approved under s. 45.35 (9m), from a proprietary school
2that is approved under s. 45.54, or from any public or private high school, or from any
3tribal school, as defined in s. 115.001 (16), that operates high school grades
may be
4reimbursed in part for the cost of the course by the department upon presentation
5to the department of a certificate from the school indicating that the veteran has
6completed the course and stating the cost of the course and upon application for
7reimbursement completed by the veteran and received by the department no later
8than 60 days after the termination of the course for which the application for
9reimbursement is made. The department shall accept and process an application
10received more than 60 days after the termination of the course if the applicant shows
11good cause for the delayed receipt. The department may not require that an
12application be received sooner than 60 days after a course is completed. Benefits
13granted under this section shall be paid out of the appropriation under s. 20.485 (2)
Note: Provides that a veteran is eligible for reimbursement for a course taken at
a tribal high school under certain circumstances.
SB300, s. 26 15Section 26. 46.275 (3r) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB300,16,1916 46.275 (3r) (a) 3. The person will be relocated into the home of the person's
17parent or guardian and will be receiving state monitoring of the relocation and
18services provided by a public or private school or a tribal school, as defined in s.
19115.001 (16)
Note: Current law permits the Department of Health and Family Services (DHFS)
to relocate a resident of a state center for the developmentally disabled to the community
without county participation under certain circumstances, including the circumstance in
s. 46.275 (3r) (a) 3., stats., which is amended to include a tribal school.
SB300, s. 27 20Section 27. 48.02 (18m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB300,16,2121 48.02 (18m) "Tribal school" has the meaning given in s. 115.001 (16).
SB300, s. 28
1Section 28. 48.345 (12) (a) 5. of the statutes is created to read:
SB300,17,32 48.345 (12) (a) 5. Pursuant to a contractual agreement with the school district
3in which the child resides, an educational program provided by a tribal school.
SB300, s. 29 4Section 29. 48.345 (12) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB300,17,115 48.345 (12) (c) The judge shall order the county department, department, in
6a county having a population of 500,000 or more, or licensed child welfare agency
7responsible for supervising the child to disclose to the school board, technical college
8district board, tribal school, or private, nonprofit, nonsectarian agency which is
9providing an educational program under par. (a) 3. records or information about the
10child, as necessary to assure the provision of appropriate educational services under
11par. (a).
Note: Under current law, a child in need of protection or services (CHIPS)
dispositional order may include an order that a child attend an educational program
provided by the school district or one of several programs under contract with the school
district. Current law does not include a tribal school.
Section 48.345 (12) (a) 5., stats., specifies that the court is permitted to order a child
to attend a tribal school if the school district has a contract with the tribal school for such
placements. Section 48.345 (12) (c), stats., is amended to require the court to order the
supervising agency to disclose information to the tribal school necessary to assure
appropriate educational services in such cases. Also see ss. 121.78 (4) and 938.34 (7d) (a)
5. and (c), stats., below.
SB300, s. 30 12Section 30. 48.355 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB300,17,1913 48.355 (2) (c) If school attendance is a condition of an order under par. (b) 7.,
14the order shall specify what constitutes a violation of the condition and shall direct
15the school board of the school district, or the governing body of the private school, in
16which the child is enrolled, or shall request the governing body of the tribal school
17in which the child is enrolled,
to notify the county department that is responsible for
18supervising the child or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the
19department within 5 days after any violation of the condition by the child.
Note: Under s. 48.355 (2) (b) 7., stats., a CHIPS dispositional order may state the
conditions with which the child must comply. If school attendance is a condition, current

law requires that the order direct the school board or the governing body of a private
school to notify the court within 5 days of a violation of the condition. The bill requires
that the court order request that a tribal school do so.
SB300, s. 31 1Section 31. 48.396 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB300,19,32 48.396 (1) Law enforcement officers' records of children shall be kept separate
3from records of adults. Law enforcement officers' records of the adult expectant
4mothers of unborn children shall be kept separate from records of other adults. Law
5enforcement officers' records of children and the adult expectant mothers of unborn
6children shall not be open to inspection or their contents disclosed except under sub.
7(1b), (1d), or (5) or s. 48.293 or by order of the court. This subsection does not apply
8to the representatives of newspapers or other reporters of news who wish to obtain
9information for the purpose of reporting news without revealing the identity of the
10child or adult expectant mother involved, to the confidential exchange of information
11between the police and officials of the public or private school attended by the child
12or other law enforcement or social welfare agencies or to children 10 years of age or
13older who are subject to the jurisdiction of the court of criminal jurisdiction. A public
14school official who obtains information under this subsection shall keep the
15information confidential as required under s. 118.125, and a private school official
16who obtains information under this subsection shall keep the information
17confidential in the same manner as is required of a public school official under s.
18118.125. This subsection does not apply to the confidential exchange of information
19between the police and officials of the tribal school attended by the child if the police
20determine that enforceable protections are provided by a tribal school policy or tribal
21law that requires tribal school officials to keep the information confidential in a
22manner at least as stringent as is required of a public school official under s. 118.125.

23A law enforcement agency that obtains information under this subsection shall keep

1the information confidential as required under this subsection and s. 938.396 (1). A
2social welfare agency that obtains information under this subsection shall keep the
3information confidential as required under ss. 48.78 and 938.78.
Note: Current law provides that the subsection which specifies that, subject to
certain exceptions, law enforcement records relating to children under ch. 48 (the
children's code) are confidential does not apply to the confidential exchange of
information between the police and school officials. Current law further requires that
public school officials who obtain information under this provision keep the information
confidential as required in s. 118.125, stats. (relating to the confidentiality of pupil
records). Current law also requires that private school officials who obtain information
under this provision keep the information confidential in the same manner as is required
of a public school official. The bill permits the police to confidentially exchange
information with tribal school officials if the police determine that a tribal school policy
or tribal law provides enforceable protections that require tribal school officials to keep
the information confidential in a manner at least as stringent as is required of public and
private school officials.
SB300, s. 32 4Section 32. 48.65 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB300,19,55 48.65 (2) (b) A public or parochial school or a tribal school.
Note: The day care license statute requires that, with certain exceptions, a facility
that provides care for 4 or more children under the age of 7 must obtain a day care center
license. Because the day care license statute is a state civil regulatory law, it is not clear
that this statute applies to a facility operated by a tribe or tribal member on a reservation
or off-reservation trust land, although a tribe or tribal member may choose to obtain a
license. In the event a court interprets the day care license statute as applying to a tribe
or tribal member, the bill makes clear that a tribal school is not subject to this statute.
SB300, s. 33 6Section 33. 48.78 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB300,20,87 48.78 (2) (b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to the confidential exchange of
8information between an agency and another social welfare agency, a law
9enforcement agency, a public school, or a private school regarding an individual in
10the care or legal custody of the agency. A social welfare agency that obtains
11information under this paragraph shall keep the information confidential as
12required under this section and s. 938.78. A law enforcement agency that obtains
13information under this paragraph shall keep the information confidential as
14required under ss. 48.396 (1) and 938.396 (1). A public school that obtains
15information under this paragraph shall keep the information confidential as

1required under s. 118.125, and a private school that obtains information under this
2paragraph shall keep the information confidential in the same manner as is required
3of a public school under s. 118.125. Paragraph (a) does not apply to the confidential
4exchange of information between an agency and officials of a tribal school regarding
5an individual in the care or legal custody of the agency if the agency determines that
6enforceable protections are provided by a tribal school policy or tribal law that
7requires tribal school officials to keep the information confidential in a manner at
8least as stringent as is required of a public school official under s. 118.125.
Note: Section 48.78 (2) (a), stats., provides that, subject to certain exceptions,
DHFS, a county department of human services or county department of social services,
a licensed child welfare agency, or a licensed day care center (collectively referred to as
agency) must keep its records relating to children under ch. 48, stats., confidential.
Section 48.78 (2) (b), stats., provides an exception and permits the confidential exchange
of information with a public or private school which is then required to keep the
information confidential if required to do so under the pupil records statute. The bill
permits an agency to confidentially exchange information with tribal school officials if the
agency determines that a tribal school policy or tribal law provides enforceable
protections that require tribal school officials to keep the information confidential in a
manner at least as stringent as is required of public and private school officials.
SB300, s. 34 9Section 34. 49.26 (1) (a) 2. bm. of the statutes is created to read:
SB300,20,1010 49.26 (1) (a) 2. bm. A tribal school, as defined in s. 115.001 (16).
Note: Includes a tribal school in the definition of a "school" under the Learnfare
Program, which requires certain individuals to attend school under certain
circumstances as a condition of eligibility under the Wisconsin Works Program.
SB300, s. 35 11Section 35. 49.26 (1) (g) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB300,20,1412 49.26 (1) (g) 2. The individual has not graduated from a public or, private, or
high school or obtained a declaration of equivalency of high school graduation
14under s. 115.29 (4).
Note: Provides an exception for the school attendance requirement under the
Learnfare Program if an individual has graduated from a tribal high school.