SB365,33,18 10(3) If the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance do not notify the
11secretary that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing
12the proposed modifications under sub. (1) within 14 working days after the date of
13receipt of the department's report, the department may make the modifications
14specified in the report. If, within 14 working days after the date of the department's
15report, the cochairpersons of the committee notify the secretary that the committee
16has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the proposed modifications, the
17department may not make the modifications specified in the report until the
18committee approves the report.
Note: Subdivides long provision and inserts cross-references for improved
SB365, s. 67 19Section 67. 16.85 (8) and (11) of the statutes are renumbered 16.8511 (1) and
Note: Section 16.85 (8) and (11) are stylistically different from the other
subsections in s. 16.85 and cannot be amended to grammatically fit within the structure
of 16.85 (intro.) and the remaining subsections. Renumbering 16.85 (8) and (11)
eliminates the grammatical and stylistic conflicts.
SB365, s. 68 21Section 68. 16.85 (15) of the statutes is amended to read:
116.85 (15) Provide To provide or contract for the provision of professional
2engineering, architectural, project management and other building construction
3services on behalf of school districts for the installation or maintenance of electrical
4and computer network wiring. The department shall assess fees for services
5provided under this subsection and shall credit all revenues received to the
6appropriation account under s. 20.505 (1) (im).
Note: Conforms the form of this provision with that of the other subsections under
s. 16.85.
SB365, s. 69 7Section 69. 16.8511 (title) of the statutes is created to read:
SB365,34,8 816.8511 (title) Secretary of administration; powers, duties.
Note: See the previous section of this bill.
SB365, s. 70 9Section 70. 16.854 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB365,34,1410 16.854 (3) It shall be a goal of the department, with regard to each of the
11contracts described under sub. (2) (a), (b) and (c), to award at least 25% of the dollar
12value of such contracts to minority businesses and at least 5% of the dollar value of
13such contracts to women's businesses. Sections 16.85, 16.8511, 16.855, and 16.87 do
14not apply to services provided or contracted by the department under this section.
Note: Section 16.85 (8) and (11) are renumbered 16.8511 (1) and (2) by this bill.
SB365, s. 71 15Section 71. 21.75 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB365,34,2216 21.75 (9) Statutes of limitations. The period of active state service may not
17be included in computing any period for the bringing of any action or proceeding in
18any court or before any public agency, as defined in s. 36.54 (2) (a) 2., by or against
19a person in active state service or by or against his or her heirs, executors,
personal representatives, or assigns, whether the cause of action or
21proceeding or the right to bring the action or proceeding accrued before or during the
22period of active state service.

Note: Replaces "executors" and "administrators" consistent with 2001 Wis. Act
SB365, s. 72 1Section 72. 23.25 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB365,35,22 23.25 (1) The department shall do all of the following:
SB365,35,53 (a) Determine the correct and most appropriate names of the lakes, streams,
4places, and other geographic features in the state, and the spelling thereof; of those
SB365,35,76 (b) Pass upon and give names to lakes, streams, places, and other geographic
7features in the state for which no single generally accepted name has been in use;.
SB365,35,118 (c) In cooperation with county boards and with their approval, change the
9names of lakes, streams, places, and other geographic features with the end in view
10of eliminating
in order to eliminate, as far as possible, duplication of names within
11the state;.
SB365,35,1312 (d) Prepare and publish an official state dictionary of geographic names and
13publish the same dictionary, either as a completed whole, or in parts, when ready;.
SB365,35,1614 (e) Serve as the state representative of the U.S. geographic board and cooperate
15with the said U.S. geographic board to the end so that there shall be no conflict
16between the state and federal designations of geographic features in the state.
Note: Corrects punctuation and replaces disfavored terminology for improved
readability and conformity with current style.
SB365, s. 73 17Section 73. 24.05 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB365,35,22 1824.05 Survey of lands. Whenever it shall appear appears necessary to the
19board necessary that surveys should be made in order to ascertain the true
20boundaries of any tract or portion of the public lands, or to enable it the board to
21describe and dispose of the same any tract or portion of the public lands in suitable
22and convenient lots, it the board may cause all such necessary surveys to be made.

Note: Conforms verb to current style and inserts specific references.
SB365, s. 74 1Section 74. 24.06 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB365,36,10 224.06 Plat of lands. The board may subdivide any parcel of public lands into
3smaller parcels or village lots, with streets and alleys if necessary, whenever it
4believes a larger net price can be obtained by selling the land in such smaller parcels
5or lots. A survey and plat of such the subdivision, verified by its maker as true and
6correct, shall be returned and recorded in the office of the board, and the parcels or
7lots designated thereon on the survey and plat shall be appraised before they the
8parcels or lots
are offered for sale. Such The subdivision shall be ordered, the
9proceedings therefor for the subdivision governed, and such the appraisal made in
10substantial accord compliance with s. 24.08.
Note: Replaces disfavored terms and inserts specific references.
SB365, s. 75 11Section 75. 24.09 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB365,36,1612 24.09 (1) (b) Lands required for federal, state, county, city, village, town, or
13school district use may be sold at the appraised value to, or exchanged for land of
14approximately equivalent value with, the federal government, other state
15departments, boards or commissions, counties, cities, villages, towns , or school
Note: Inserts commas for improved readability.
SB365, s. 76 17Section 76. 24.11 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB365,36,2218 24.11 (2) Purchaser to pay taxes. The board shall insert in every contract or
19certificate of sale of public land a clause providing that the vendee, and the vendee's
20heirs, administrators personal representatives, or assigns shall pay or cause to be
21paid all taxes that are or that may be assessed against the land from and after the
22date of the said contract or certificate of sale.

Note: Replaces "administrators" in accordance with 2001 Wis. Act 102. Deletes
"and after" as redundant.
SB365, s. 77 1Section 77. 24.11 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB365,37,172 24.11 (4) Special terms for escheated lands. Upon the sale of any escheated
3lands the entire purchase price shall be paid at the time of the sale ; whereupon the.
board shall then execute and deliver to the purchaser a quitclaim deed of
5conveyance which shall vest that vests in the grantee all the right, title, and interest
6of the state in or to the land, and every right of action which that the state has
7respecting the same; but no land. No covenant or warranty of title, or of continued
8enjoyment, or against encumbrances, shall be expressed in or implied from such the
deed or any words therein in the quitclaim deed. If by virtue of a better
10title a recovery of such land be had by, any other person or party recovers the land
11within 20 years after such a purchase under this subsection, the state shall refund
12to the purchaser, or to the purchaser's assigns or legal representatives, the amount
13paid by the purchaser for the land, together with interest thereon on the amount paid
14by the purchaser
at the rate of 6% per year from the date of the purchase until the
15date of recovery, and also the amount of all taxes on the land actually paid by the
16purchaser with like interest on each payment from the time of payment to the date
17of the recovery.
Note: Divides long sentence, replaces the passive voice with the active, and inserts
specific references for improved readability and conformity with current style.
SB365, s. 78 18Section 78. 24.12 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB365,38,5 1924.12 Forfeit for failure to pay. Every purchaser of any lot or tract at any
20sale as aforesaid under s. 24.11 shall pay the amount of the purchase money required
21by the terms of sale to be paid in hand immediately after having bid off the same; and
as provided in s. 24.11 (1). If the purchaser shall refuse or neglect refuses or

to so pay, the lot or tract so bid off by the purchaser shall again be offered
2for sale; and the. The purchaser shall, for such refusal or neglect refusing or
to pay, forfeit $25 for each lot or tract so bid off by the purchaser, which
4the board shall, in the name of the state, cause to be immediately sued for and
5collected, and, when collected, paid into the school fund.
Note: Divides long sentence, inserts specific references, and replaces the passive
voice with the active.
SB365, s. 79 6Section 79. 24.14 of the statutes is renumbered 24.14 (1) and amended to read:
SB365,38,97 24.14 (1) Any person who has purchased from the United States or entered any
8of the
In this section, "subject lands" means lands patented to this state as swamp
9and overflowed lands, or lands patented in lieu of such swamp and overflowed lands,.
SB365,38,22 10(2) Any person who has purchased from the United States or entered any
11subject lands
prior to the execution of such Unites States patents to this state for the
12subject lands
, may whenever such those entries have been canceled by the United
13States on account of a conflict with the right and title of this state to such the subject
14lands, purchase the subject lands from this state, prior to the date fixed for the public
15sale thereof, such lands so purchased or entered from the United States of the subject
, upon making satisfactory proof to the board that such the person is the
17identical person, or the heir, legal representative, or assign of the person, who
18purchased or entered such the subject lands as aforesaid provided in this subsection,
19and upon paying to this state for such the subject lands the same price at which such
20the purchase or entries were made from the United States; but nothing. Nothing
21contained in this chapter shall impair impairs the rights acquired by any person who
22has preempted any such subject lands under the laws of this state.
Note: Subdivides section, inserts definition, replaces disfavored terms, and deletes
unnecessary verbiage.
SB365, s. 80
1Section 80. 24.145 of the statutes is renumbered 24.145 (1) and amended to
SB365,39,93 24.145 (1) It is declared that none of the swamp and overflowed lands
4heretofore granted to this state pursuant to an act of congress entitled "An Act to
5enable the state of Arkansas and other states to reclaim the swamp lands within
6their limits", approved September 28, 1850, and the proceeds derived from the sale
7thereof, of those lands which that have not heretofore been actually applied for
8reclamation of such those lands, are necessary for the purpose of reclaiming any such
9swamp and overflowed lands by construction of levees and drains or otherwise.
SB365,39,15 10(2) All such swamp and overflowed lands described in sub. (1) and the proceeds
11derived from the sale thereof of those lands including those placed and being in the
12drainage fund pursuant to chapter 537, laws of 1865, which that have not been
13actually applied for the purpose of reclaiming such those lands, shall be and they are
a part of the normal school fund. This section shall be controlling controls over
15any inconsistent act or statute.
Note: Subdivides section, replaces disfavored terms, and deletes unnecessary
SB365, s. 81 16Section 81. 24.15 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB365,40,2 1724.15 Private sale. All public lands, including forfeited lands and mortgaged
18lands bid in by the state, which shall have once been offered or reoffered at public sale
19and remain unsold, shall be subject to private sale at the minimum price fixed
20therefor for the sale of the land by law to the person first making application therefor
21for the purchase of the lands, if the person forthwith immediately complies with the
22term of sale; but if. If 2 or more persons shall apply at the same time to purchase any
23of such
the same lands under this section, the same lands shall be offered to the

1highest bidder, and the applicant who will pay the highest price shall be the
Note: Replaces disfavored terminology with specific references.
SB365, s. 82 3Section 82. 24.16 of the statutes is renumbered 24.16 (intro.) and amended to
SB365,40,11 524.16 Applications for private sale. (intro.) Every person making
6application under s. 24.15 for the purchase at private sale of any such public lands
7shall file in the office of the board an application in writing, describing the lot or tract
8which that the person proposes to purchase by the proper number of the section,
9township and range, and the subdivision of the section, with the person's name
10subscribed thereto to the application. The board shall, if the land applied for may
11then be sold, enter do all of the following:
SB365,40,14 12(1) Enter on books kept for that purpose a note of such the application,
13specifying the day when made, the name of the applicant, and the description of the
14land applied for, and shall also give.
SB365,40,19 15(2) Give to such the applicant a memorandum signed by the executive secretary
16of the board
, stating such the application and, describing the lot or tract applied for,
17and stating the price at which the same lot or tract may be sold and the amount to
18be paid at the time of the sale, which memorandum shall be signed by the executive
19secretary of the board
Note: Subdivides provision, reorders text, and replaces disfavored terminology
with specific references.
SB365, s. 83 20Section 83. 24.17 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB365,41,421 24.17 (1) When the purchaser of any such public lands shall make makes
22payment to the secretary of administration of the amount required to be paid on such
23the sale, and, in case of a private sale, shall also produce produces the memorandum

1mentioned described in s. 24.16, the secretary of administration shall give a receipt
2therefor to such the purchaser for the amount paid, and, unless such the sale be made
3is wholly for cash, the board shall execute and deliver to such person the purchaser
4a duplicate certificate of sale, in which it the board shall certify all of the following:
SB365,41,55 (a) The description of the land sold;.
SB365,41,66 (b) The sum paid and the amount remaining due thereon; .
SB365,41,77 (c) The times, place, and terms of payments;.
SB365,41,108 (d) That if such the payments shall be duly are made in accordance with the
9terms stated in the certificate of sale,
the purchaser, or the purchaser's assigns or
10other legal representatives, shall be entitled to a patent for such the land;.
SB365,41,1311 (e) And that That in case of the nonpayment into the state treasury of any of
12the following, the certificate of sale from the time of the nonpayment shall be void
13and the board may take possession of and resell the land described in the certificate:
SB365,41,14 141. The purchase money as it shall become becomes due, or of the.
SB365,41,16 152. The interest thereon on the purchase money by the first day of February in
16each year or on or before the next following June 30th thereafter, or of any.
SB365,41,21 173. Any taxes lawfully assessed thereon on the lands described in the certificate
18and then remaining unpaid by the purchaser or purchasers or by any person
19claiming under the purchaser or purchasers, then that the said certificate from the
20time of such failure shall be utterly void and of no effect, and that the board may take
21possession of the land described in such certificate and resell the same
Note: Conforms punctuation to current style, deletes unnecessary verbiage,
inserts preferred verb form, inserts specific reference, places a list in outline form, and
reorders text for more logical placement.
SB365, s. 84 22Section 84. 24.17 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
124.17 (2) When the sale of public lands under sub. (1) is wholly for cash, upon
2payment as above provided of the full purchase price to the secretary of
, the secretary of administration shall thereupon immediately give to
4such the purchaser a receipt stating the amount paid and, giving a description of the
5lot or tract of land sold, and stating that such the purchaser is entitled to receive a
6patent according to law.
Note: Inserts specific reference, corrects punctuation, and deletes unnecessary
SB365, s. 85 7Section 85. 24.18 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB365,42,15 824.18 Entry of sale and patent. When any sale of public lands is made, the
9board shall make a note thereof of the sale in the book of entries, and shall enter
, entering the day of sale, the name of the purchaser, the number of the
11certificate or patent, the sum paid, the amount of purchase money unpaid, if any, and
12a description of the lot or tract sold. If such the sale be made is wholly for cash it,
13the board
shall thereupon immediately execute and deliver to the purchaser a patent
14for such the lot or tract of land so sold. If the land is sold at public auction it, the board
15shall note that fact.
Note: Inserts specific reference, corrects punctuation, and replaces disfavored
SB365, s. 86 16Section 86. 24.19 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB365,43,5 1724.19 Certificate of sale. All original and duplicate certificates of sale issued
18under s. 24.17
shall be properly numbered, and the original shall be filed in the office
19of the board, and as. As many distinct lots or tracts of land hereafter purchased by
20one person in one section at the same time as that person shall request requests shall
21be included in one certificate or one patent, as the case may be. All certificates
22Certificates of sale may be acknowledged and recorded in the same manner that as

1deeds may be. They. Certificates of sale may also be assigned in writing, which. The
2assignment may be acknowledged and recorded in like the same manner as deeds,
3and the person to whom the same shall be legally assigned assignee shall have the
4same rights and remedies thereupon under the certificate as the original purchaser
5would have had.
Note: Inserts specific reference, corrects punctuation, and deletes unnecessary
SB365, s. 87 6Section 87. 24.20 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB365,43,14 724.20 Payments and accounts. All money paid on account of sales of public
8lands shall be paid to the secretary of administration who shall credit the proper fund
9therewith with the amount paid, crediting the general fund with the proceeds of sales
10of Marathon County lands, and the. The secretary of administration or the
11secretary's designee, upon countersigning the receipt given therefor for the amount
, shall enter the name of the person paying the same making the payment, the
13number of the certificate, if any, upon which the amount shall be paid, and the time
14of the payment.
Note: Divides long sentence, inserts specific references, corrects punctuation, and
deletes unnecessary verbiage.
SB365, s. 88 15Section 88. 24.21 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB365,44,2 1624.21 Accounts with purchasers. The board shall open and keep an account
17with each purchaser for every lot or tract of land that shall be is sold, either at public
18or private sale, in books kept for that purpose, in which it the board shall charge the
19purchaser with the whole purchase money and give the purchaser credit for all the
20purchaser's payments, making proper charges for interest as the same shall become
21it becomes due, and for all taxes returned to it as unpaid by the proper officer; and

. Upon all payments being completed and the patent issued the account shall
2be balanced.
Note: Divides long sentence and inserts specific references.
SB365, s. 89 3Section 89. 24.22 of the statutes is renumbered 24.22 (1) and amended to read:
SB365,44,84 24.22 (1) Whenever full payment of the principal due upon any certificate of
5sale by the state shall be is made subsequent to the payment of the annual interest
6thereon on the principal, the excess of the interest so paid shall be refunded to the
7person entitled thereto to the excess payment, from the proper fund, on the warrant
8of the department of administration; and in case.
SB365,44,12 9(2) In the event of the double or erroneous payment of interest, charges, or
10taxes on any certificate of sale or loan by the state, the amount so erroneously paid
11shall be in like manner refunded in the same manner as excess interest payments
12under sub. (1)
Note: Divides long sentence, and inserts specific references.
SB365, s. 90 13Section 90. 24.23 of the statutes is amended to read: