SB367,9,2017 a. That covered electronic waste collected under the plan that contains a
18substance listed in sub. (15) (a) 1. to 8. and that is not in working order is not exported
19to any country that is not a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation
20and Development.
SB367,9,2421 b. That covered electronic waste collected under the plan that contains a
22substance listed in sub. (15) (a) 1. to 8. and that is in working order is not exported
23to any country that is not a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation
24and Development unless the producer or a person participating in the producer's

1program certifies to the department that the covered electronic waste is in working
2order and is destined for direct reuse.
SB367,10,43 11. Provisions to ensure that opportunities and locations for collection of
4covered electronic waste are convenient for all persons in this state.
SB367,10,65 12. Provisions for the payment of the partial electronics recycling fee under sub.
6(14) (b).
SB367,10,77 13. Procedures for modifying the plan with the consent of the department.
SB367,10,138 (b) A producer may not include in a plan under par. (a) a requirement that
9persons who wish to discard covered electronic equipment pay a fee, at the time that
10the covered electronic equipment is relinquished, to discard the covered electronic
11equipment, but may require those persons to deliver covered electronic equipment
12to a collection point or to ship covered electronic to a person designated by the
13producer if the producer pays for the shipping.
SB367,10,1714 (c) A producer may provide for a person other than the producer, including an
15entity created by more than one producer, to implement portions of a plan under par.
16(a) and may provide for implementation of portions of a plan jointly with other
SB367,11,2 18(4) Review of plan. The department shall review a plan submitted under sub.
19(3) within 3 months of its submission to determine whether the plan complies with
20the requirements of that subsection. Within 30 days after completing its review, the
21department shall notify a producer of any deficiencies in the producer's plan. If an
22original or modified plan complies with the requirements of sub. (3), the department
23shall approve the plan. If a producer fails to remedy deficiencies in the producer's
24plan by a deadline set by the department, the department shall disapprove the plan

1and no person may sell the producer's covered electronic equipment in this state until
2all of the following occur:
SB367,11,33 (a) The producer submits a new plan.
SB367,11,54 (b) The producer pays a fee in the amount specified under sub. (14) for
5submitting an original plan.
SB367,11,66 (c) The department approves the new plan.
SB367,11,9 7(5) Implementation. Upon approval under sub. (4) of a producer's plan, the
8producer shall begin to implement the plan. A producer shall fully implement its
9plan no more than 12 months after the department approves the plan under sub. (4).
SB367,11,20 10(6) Proof of financial responsibility. Except as provided under sub. (13), no
11person may sell a producer's covered electronic equipment in this state beginning on
12the first day of the 12th month beginning after the effective date under sub. (2) or on
13the first day of the 2nd month beginning after the approval of the producer's plan
14under sub. (4), whichever is earlier, unless the producer files with the department
15a surety bond or other form of financial assurance acceptable to the department in
16an amount equal to $300,000 or 10 percent of the dollar amount of the sales of the
17producer's covered electronic equipment in this state in the year before the producer
18files the bond, whichever is greater, established in favor of or made payable to the
19department to cover costs incurred because of any violation by the producer of the
20requirements of this section.
SB367,11,24 21(7) Performance requirements. (a) To achieve the performance requirements
22for a producer's covered electronic equipment that is sold at retail after the effective
23date under sub. (2) and that is discarded in this state, a producer must demonstrate
24all of the following:
11. That, no later than the first day of the 24th month beginning after approval
2of the producer's plan under sub. (4), the number of pieces of the producer's covered
3electronic equipment sold at retail after the effective date under sub. (2) that are
4collected through the producer's program annually equals at least 50 percent of the
5number of pieces of the producer's covered electronic equipment that are sold at
6retail in this state annually and that the program annually results in the reuse or
7recycling of at least 50 percent of the components and materials contained in the
8covered electronic equipment that is collected.
SB367,12,169 2. That, no later than the first day of the 48th month beginning after approval
10of the producer's plan under sub. (4), the number of pieces of the producer's covered
11electronic equipment sold at retail after the effective date under sub. (2) that are
12collected through the producer's program annually equals at least 75 percent of the
13number of pieces of the producer's covered electronic equipment that are sold at
14retail in this state annually and that the program annually results in the reuse or
15recycling of at least 75 percent of the components and materials contained in the
16covered electronic equipment that is collected.
SB367,12,2417 3. That, no later than the first day of the 60th month beginning after approval
18of the producer's plan under sub. (4), the number of pieces of the producer's covered
19electronic equipment sold at retail after the effective date under sub. (2) that are
20collected through the producer's program annually equals at least 90 percent of the
21number of pieces of the producer's covered electronic equipment that are sold at
22retail in this state annually and that the program annually results in the reuse or
23recycling of at least 95 percent of the components and materials contained in the
24covered electronic equipment that is collected.
1(b) To achieve the performance requirements for historic covered waste and
2orphan covered waste, a producer must demonstrate all of the following:
SB367,13,93 1. That, no later than the first day of the 24th month beginning after approval
4of the producer's plan under sub. (4), the amount of historic covered waste and
5orphan covered waste collected through the producer's program annually equals at
6least the producer's share, determined under par. (c), of 2 kilograms per resident of
7this state and that the program annually results in the reuse or recycling of at least
8the producer's share of 1.5 kilograms of the historic covered waste and orphan
9covered waste.
SB367,13,1610 2. That, no later than the first day of the 60th month beginning after approval
11of the producer's plan under sub. (4), the amount of historic covered waste and
12orphan covered waste collected through the producer's program annually equals at
13least the producer's share, determined under par. (c), of 4 kilograms per resident of
14this state and that the program annually results in the reuse or recycling of at least
15the producer's share of 3.5 kilograms of the historic covered waste and orphan
16covered waste.
SB367,13,2317 (c) The department shall determine each producer's share for the purposes of
18par. (b) based on the producer's market share of sales of covered electronic
19equipment. If a producer does not provide the information under sub. (3) (a) 9. a.,
20the department shall increase its estimate of the producer's market share by 10
21percent, and adjust its estimates of the market shares of producers who provide that
22information accordingly. The department may adjust its determinations of market
23share annually.
SB367,14,324 (d) A producer shall include in its plan submitted under sub. (3) provisions to
25ensure that employers of workers who perform activities necessary to collect,

1transport, reuse, recycle, treat, or dispose of covered electronic waste under the
2producer's program protect the health and safety of those workers by doing all of the
SB367,14,54 1. Providing to the department of workforce development evidence of
5compliance with state and federal occupational safety and health requirements.
SB367,14,86 2. Performing monitoring of the employers' facilities for all of the substances
7under sub. (15) (a) 1. to 8. and reporting the results of the monitoring to the
8department of workforce development every 3 months.
SB367,14,129 3. Performing human health monitoring of all of the workers, including blood
10testing for lead and compounds containing bromine, chlorine, and mercury, and
11reporting the results of the monitoring to the department of workforce development
12every 3 months.
SB367,14,1613 (e) A producer shall include in its plan submitted under sub. (3) provisions to
14ensure that prison labor is not used in this state to collect, transport, reuse, recycle,
15treat, or dispose of covered electronic waste under the producer's program unless all
16of the following apply:
SB367,14,1817 1. The prisoners are provided with compensation equivalent to market wages
18for the work performed.
SB367,14,2119 2. The prisoners are afforded protections that are at least equal to those
20provided under this state's occupational health and safety laws and rules, in addition
21to the protections under par. (d).
SB367,15,2 22(8) Labeling. Beginning on the first day of the 12th month beginning after the
23date on which a producer's plan is approved under sub. (4), no person may sell the
24producer's covered electronic equipment in this state unless the equipment is labeled

1with the following information or is accompanied by written material to be provided
2to the user of the equipment that contains the following information:
SB367,15,53 (a) A description of which of the substances under sub. (15) (a) 1. to 8. are
4contained in the covered electronic equipment and of the parts that contain those
SB367,15,66 (b) A description of the prohibitions in s. 287.07 (5).
SB367,15,97 (c) A toll-free telephone number or the address of an Internet site that users
8of covered electronic equipment can use to obtain information and instructions about
9discarding the covered electronic equipment through the producer's program.
SB367,15,12 10(9) Consumer education. A producer shall include in a plan submitted under
11sub. (3) provisions for educational activities that are designed to ensure that users
12of covered electronic equipment understand all of the following:
SB367,15,1313 (a) The prohibitions in s. 287.07 (5).
SB367,15,1614 (b) The potential effects on human health and the environment of the
15substances listed in sub. (15) (a) 1. to 8. and the dangers of improper disposal of
16covered electronic equipment.
SB367,15,1817 (c) The available options for discarding covered electronic equipment,
18including those under the producer's program.
SB367,15,2019 (d) The role of users of covered electronic equipment in achieving the reuse,
20recycling, and other proper disposal of covered electronic equipment.
SB367,16,3 21(10) Information for recyclers. A producer shall include in a plan submitted
22under sub. (3) provisions for providing, to persons who recycle or disassemble the
23producer's covered electronic waste, information that is needed to ensure that the
24recycling or disassembly is conducted in a manner that protects worker health and
25safety and that is environmentally sound. In the plan, a producer shall commit itself

1to providing, to persons who recycle or disassemble the producer's covered electronic
2waste, the information required by this subsection for a new model of covered
3electronic equipment immediately upon the introduction of the new model.
SB367,16,10 4(11) Review of program. (a) Within 12 months of approval of its plan and
5annually thereafter, a producer shall submit a report that demonstrates whether the
6producer's program is consistent with the approved plan and, for reports submitted
7after the performance requirements under sub. (7) (a) and (b) apply, whether the
8producer has achieved the performance requirements. In its report, a producer shall
9provide documentation to show whether its program has resulted in the export of
10covered electronic waste that is inconsistent with sub. (3) (a) 10.
SB367,16,1511 (b) The department shall review each report under par. (a) within 6 months of
12its submission. Within 3 months after completing its review, the department shall
13notify a producer of any deficiency in its program. If a producer fails to remedy any
14deficiencies in its program by a deadline set by the department, all of the following
SB367,16,1616 1. The department shall notify the producer that its program is disapproved.
SB367,16,2117 2. No person may sell the producer's covered electronic equipment in this state
18until the department determines that the producer has remedied the deficiencies in
19its program, the producer pays a fee in the amount specified under sub. (14) for
20submitting an original plan, and, for a 2nd or subsequent failure, the producer
21complies with any requirements specified under sub. (16) (b).
SB367,17,922 (c) 1. No later than 20 months after the approval of a producer's plan under sub.
23(4), the producer shall submit to the department a proposal for the design and
24implementation of independent polling of awareness of the producer's program
25among residents of this state. A group of producers may satisfy the requirement in

1this subdivision through a joint submission. The department shall notify a producer
2of any deficiencies in the producer's proposal. If the department determines that an
3original or modified proposal will accurately measure awareness of the producer's
4program, the department shall approve the proposal. If a producer fails to remedy
5any deficiencies in the producer's proposal by a deadline set by the department, the
6department shall disapprove the proposal and no person may sell the producer's
7covered electronic equipment in this state until the department determines that the
8producer has remedied the deficiencies in its proposal and the producer pays a fee
9in the amount specified under sub. (14) for submitting an original plan.
SB367,17,1210 2. A producer shall conduct the polling provided for in its proposal approved
11under subd. 1. No later than 4 months after approval of the proposal, the producer
12shall report the results of the polling to the department.
SB367,17,1513 (d) A producer shall make a report submitted under par. (a) available to the
14public on the Internet for 3 years after it submits the report and shall allow the
15department to place a link to the report on the department's Internet site.
SB367,17,21 16(12) Additional covered electronic equipment. If the department determines
17that the disposal of a kind of electronic equipment that is not listed in sub. (1) (a) 1.
18to 5. may be harmful to human health or the environment, the department may
19promulgate a rule specifying that the kind of electronic equipment is covered
20electronic equipment. The department shall specify all of the following in a rule
21promulgated under this subsection:
SB367,17,2522 (a) A date, at least 6 months after the rule is promulgated, by which a producer
23of the kind of electronic equipment must submit to the department a plan under sub.
24(3) for the kind of electronic equipment or proposed modifications to add the kind of
25electronic equipment to a plan previously approved under sub. (4).
1(b) A date, at least 6 months after the rule is promulgated, by which a producer
2of the kind of electronic equipment must file with the department proof of financial
3responsibility under sub. (6) if the producer has not previously filed that proof.
SB367,18,64 (c) A date, at least 12 months after the rule is promulgated, by which a producer
5of the kind of electronic equipment must implement the program for the kind of
6electronic equipment.
SB367,18,15 7(13) Waiver. A producer may apply to the department for a waiver from the
8requirements of subs. (3) to (11) if the dollar amount of annual sales in this state of
9the producer's covered electronic equipment is less than 0.1 percent of the dollar
10amount of annual sales in this state of all covered electronic equipment. The
11department may impose conditions on a waiver under this subsection. No person
12may sell in this state a producer's electronic equipment if the producer violates
13conditions imposed on a waiver under this subsection until the department
14determines that the producer has ceased violating the conditions and the producer
15pays a fee in the amount specified under sub. (14) for submitting an original plan.
SB367,18,17 16(14) Fees. (a) The department shall promulgate rules specifying fees to be paid
17by producers when they submit plans under sub. (3).
SB367,18,2118 (b) 1. A producer shall include in a plan submitted under sub. (3) provisions for
19the collection and payment to the department of a partial electronics recycling fee in
20the amount specified in subd. 2. for each piece of the producer's covered electronic
21equipment sold at retail in this state.
SB367,18,2222 2. a. The partial electronics recycling fee is $1 before January 1, 2013.
SB367,18,2423 b. Beginning on January 1, 2013, and ending on December 31, 2017, the partial
24electronics recycling fee is 60 cents.
1c. Beginning on January 1, 2018, the partial electronics recycling fee is 20
SB367,19,43 (c) The department may promulgate a rule specifying fees for granting waivers
4under sub. (13).
SB367,19,9 5(15) Restrictions on hazardous substances in electronic equipment. (a)
6Except as provided in par. (b), beginning on the first day of the 60th month beginning
7after the effective date under sub. (2) or, for a substance specified under subd. 8.,
8beginning on the date specified under par. (c), no person may sell covered electronic
9equipment in this state that contains any of the following:
SB367,19,1010 1. Lead.
SB367,19,1111 2. Mercury.
SB367,19,1212 3. Cadmium.
SB367,19,1313 4. Beryllium.
SB367,19,1414 5. Hexavalent chromium.
SB367,19,1515 6. Brominated flame retardants.
SB367,19,1616 7. Polyvinyl chloride.
SB367,19,1717 8. Any other substance specified by the department under par. (c).
SB367,19,2418 (b) The department may grant a limited term exemption from the prohibition
19under par. (a) with respect to a substance if a producer demonstrates to the
20department that it is technically impossible to substitute a less harmful alternative
21for the substance. The department shall limit the length of an exemption to ensure
22that producers have an incentive to identify a less harmful alternative. The
23department may rescind an exemption when the department determines that it is
24possible to substitute a less harmful alternative for the substance.
1(c) The department may promulgate rules specifying substances that are
2harmful to human health or the environment, in addition to the substances in par.
3(a) 1. to 7., that may not be contained in covered electronic equipment sold in this
4state. In a rule promulgated under this subsection, the department shall specify a
5date, at least 6 months after the rule is promulgated, after which covered electronic
6equipment containing the substance may not be sold in this state.
SB367,20,8 7(15m) Grant program. (a) The department shall make grants for the
8development of facilities and systems for the recycling of covered electronic waste.
SB367,20,109 (b) The department shall promulgate rules for the grant program under this
SB367,20,1211 (16) Department authority. (a) The department may contract with any person
12for services to implement this section.
SB367,20,1513 (b) The department may promulgate rules specifying additional requirements
14that apply to a producer the 2nd or subsequent time that the producer fails to remedy
15deficiencies in its program by a deadline set by the department.
SB367,20,1716 (c) The department may conduct educational activities about the program
17under this section.
SB367,20,23 18(17) Report. If a federal law is enacted related to the disposal of electronic
19devices, the department shall prepare a report describing the law and the effect of
20the law on the program under this section. The department shall provide the report
21to the chief clerks of the legislature for distribution to the appropriate standing
22committees under s. 13.172 (3) no later than the first day of the 6th month beginning
23after the federal law takes effect.
1(18) Penalties. (a) Any producer that violates this section may be required to
2forfeit not more than $10,000 for each violation. Except as provided in par. (b), any
3person other than a producer that violates this section is not subject to a penalty.
SB367,21,84 (b) 1. The department may provide written notice, by personal service or 1st
5class mail, to a person who sells covered electronic equipment at retail that it is
6illegal to sell a producer's covered electronic equipment under sub. (4), (6), (8), (11)
7(b) or (c), or (13) or that it is illegal to sell a specified model of covered electronic
8equipment under sub. (15) (a).
SB367,21,139 2. If a person sells covered electronic equipment described in a notice under
10subd. 1. more than 30 days after the day on which the person received the notice
11under subd. 1. and before the producer remedies the violation that resulted in it
12being illegal to sell the covered electronic equipment, the person may be required to
13forfeit not more than $10,000 for each sale.
SB367, s. 8 14Section 8. 287.91 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB367,21,1715 287.91 (2) Notwithstanding sub. (1) and s. 287.95 (3) (a), the attorney general
16may enforce s. 287.07 (3) and, (4), and (5) by seeking injunctive relief against any
17person violating those provisions.
SB367, s. 9 18Section 9. 287.97 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB367,21,22 19287.97 Penalties. Any person who violates this chapter, except s. 287.07,
20287.08, 287.17, or 287.81, or any rule promulgated under this chapter, except under
21s. 287.07, 287.08, 287.17, or 287.81, may be required to forfeit not less than $10 nor
22more than $1,000 for each violation.
SB367,21,2323 (End)