2005 - 2006 LEGISLATURE
October 6, 2005 - Introduced by Senators Miller, Lassa, Hansen, Robson, Risser
and Erpenbach, cosponsored by Representatives Ott, Bies, Shilling, Black,
Lehman, Sinicki, Hahn, Parisi, Molepske, Pocan, Pope-Roberts, Berceau
Richards. Referred to Committee on Natural Resources and Transportation.
SB367,1,7 1An Act to amend 16.72 (2) (f), 16.75 (1) (a) 1., 287.91 (2) and 287.97; and to
16.71 (7), 16.72 (2) (g), 20.370 (2) (hg), 287.07 (5) and 287.17 of the
3statutes; relating to: the disposal of electronic equipment, producer
4responsibility for electronic devices that are discarded, substances contained in
5electronic equipment, grants for facilities and systems for recycling electronic
6equipment, state purchasing of electronic equipment, granting rule-making
7authority, making an appropriation, and providing a penalty.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill makes numerous changes in the law related to the disposal of
electronic equipment.
Producer responsibility
This bill requires a producer of electronic equipment to implement a program
under which the producer finances the collection and recycling or disposal of certain
kinds of electronic equipment sold in this state. The kinds of electronic equipment
that must be collected are televisions, computer monitors, color video display
devices, certain other video display devices, computers that weigh more than six
pounds, digital audio storage devices, printers, facsimile transmission devices,
optical scanners, and mobile telephones (covered electronic equipment). The bill
authorizes the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to promulgate rules adding

additional kinds of electronic equipment to this list. If a producer fails to implement
a program that satisfies the requirements of the bill, the bill prohibits the sale of the
producer's covered electronic equipment in this state.
A producer is responsible for financing the collection and disposition of its own
covered electronic equipment that is sold in this state after the requirement takes
effect and a portion of all covered electronic equipment, without regard to who
produced the equipment, that was sold in this state before the requirement takes
effect (historic and orphan covered waste). The amount of historic and orphan
covered waste for which a producer is responsible is based on the producer's market
The bill requires a producer to submit a plan describing its proposed program
to DNR no later than 30 months after this bill becomes law. A plan must satisfy a
number of requirements in addition to containing the provisions that the producer
proposes to implement to comply with the requirements for financing the collection
and disposition of covered electronic equipment. The plan must show how the
producer will comply with requirements for the protection of workers who
participate in the collection and disposition of covered electronic equipment, how the
producer will comply with labeling and consumer education requirements, and how
the producer will ensure that covered electronic equipment will not be exported to
a country that is not a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development, except that covered electronic equipment may be exported if it is in
working order and destined for direct reuse. A plan must also include provisions for
the payment of a fee for each piece of a producer's covered equipment sold at retail
in this state. The fee is $1 before January 1, 2013, 60 cents from 2013 to 2017, and
20 cents after 2017. A plan must also describe the actions that the producer will take
if the plan, once implemented, fails to achieve the performance requirements set
forth in the bill for the amount of covered electronic equipment collected and the
amount of components and materials that are reused or recycled.
The bill requires DNR to review the plan submitted by a producer and, within
four months of receiving the plan, approve the plan or notify the producer of any
deficiencies. A producer must begin to implement its plan upon approval and must
fully implement the plan within a year after approval. Once DNR approves a
producer's plan or within three years after the bill becomes law, whichever is earlier,
the producer must also provide to DNR proof of financial responsibility for complying
with the bill's requirements. The amount of the proof of financial responsibility is
based on the sales of the producer's covered electronic equipment in this state, but
may not be less than $300,000. The bill also requires a producer to conduct public
polling to determine public awareness of the producer's program.
The bill requires a producer to submit to DNR an annual report on its program
showing whether the program is consistent with the approved plan and whether the
producer has achieved the performance requirements set forth in the bill. DNR must
review each report and, within nine months of receipt of the report, notify the
producer of any deficiency in its program. If a producer fails to remedy deficiencies
by a deadline set by DNR, DNR notifies the producer that its program is disapproved
and no person may sell the producer's covered electronic equipment in this state.

The bill allows a producer to work jointly with other producers to comply with
the bill's requirements. The bill also authorizes DNR to grant a waiver from the
requirements in the bill to a producer with sales in this state that have a dollar value
of less than 0.1 percent of the dollar value of all sales of covered electronic equipment
in this state.
Prohibition on hazardous substances in electronic equipment
This bill prohibits the sale in this state of covered electronic equipment that
contains certain substances beginning seven years after this bill becomes law, unless
DNR grants an exemption from the prohibition for a specific substance. The
substances are lead, mercury, cadmium, beryllium, hexavalent chromium,
brominated flame retardants, and polyvinyl chloride. DNR may promulgate rules
adding substances to this list. DNR may grant an exemption from the prohibition
for a limited term if a producer demonstrates that it is technically impossible to
substitute a less harmful alternative.
Landfill ban
This bill prohibits the disposal in landfills of televisions, computer monitors,
color video display devices, certain other video display devices, computers that weigh
more than six pounds, digital audio storage devices, printers, and facsimile
transmission devices. The prohibition takes effect on January 1 of the first year that
begins at least a year after the bill becomes law, except that the secretary of natural
resources may delay the effective date of the prohibition if its application will result
in hardship for local governments.
State purchasing
This bill prohibits a state agency from purchasing covered electronic equipment
produced by a producer that fails to submit a plan to DNR for the collection and
disposition of covered electronic waste by the deadline established in the bill. The
bill also requires the Department of Administration and other state agencies, in
writing specifications for the purchase of covered electronic equipment, to
incorporate terms requiring the vendor to take possession of or otherwise properly
dispose of the equipment after the equipment is taken out of service.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB367, s. 1 1Section 1. 16.71 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
SB367,4,22 16.71 (7) The department, any other designated purchasing agent under sub.
3(1), and each authority other than the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics
4Authority, may not purchase covered electronic equipment, as defined in s. 287.17

1(1) (a), produced by a vendor that has violated s. 287.17 (3) until the department of
2natural resources approves a plan for the vendor under s. 281.17 (4).
SB367, s. 2 3Section 2. 16.72 (2) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB367,4,134 16.72 (2) (f) In Except as provided in par. (g), in writing specifications under
5this subsection, the department, any other designated purchasing agent under s.
616.71 (1), and each authority, other than the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and
7Clinics Authority, shall incorporate requirements relating to the recyclability and
8ultimate disposition of products and, wherever possible, shall write the
9specifications so as to minimize the amount of solid waste generated by the state,
10consistent with the priorities established under s. 287.05 (12), and to minimize the
11amount of hazardous waste generated by the state
. All specifications under this
12subsection shall discourage the purchase of single-use, disposable products and
13require, whenever practical, the purchase of multiple-use, durable products.
SB367, s. 3 14Section 3. 16.72 (2) (g) of the statutes is created to read:
SB367,4,2115 16.72 (2) (g) In writing specifications under this subsection pertaining to
16covered electronic equipment, as defined in s. 287.17 (1) (a), the department, any
17other designated purchasing agent under s. 16.71 (1), and each authority, other than
18the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority, shall incorporate terms
19requiring the vendor to take possession of or otherwise properly dispose of the
20covered electronic equipment after the covered electronic equipment is taken out of
21service by the department, designated purchasing agent, or authority, as applicable.
SB367, s. 4 22Section 4. 16.75 (1) (a) 1. of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Act 25,
23is amended to read:
SB367,5,724 16.75 (1) (a) 1. All orders awarded or contracts made by the department for all
25materials, supplies, equipment, and contractual services to be provided to any

1agency, except as otherwise provided in par. (c) and subs. (2), (2g), (2m), (3m), (3t),
2(6), (7), (8), (9), and (10m) and ss. 16.71 (7), 16.73 (4) (a), 16.751, 16.754, 50.05 (7) (f),
3153.05 (2m) (a), 287.15 (7), and 301.265, shall be awarded to the lowest responsible
4bidder, taking into consideration life cycle cost estimates under sub. (1m), when
5appropriate, the location of the agency, the quantities of the articles to be supplied,
6their conformity with the specifications, and the purposes for which they are
7required and the date of delivery.
SB367, s. 5 8Section 5. 20.370 (2) (hg) of the statutes is created to read:
SB367,5,119 20.370 (2) (hg) Producer responsibility for electronic waste. All moneys
10received under s. 287.17 for the cost of administering the electronic waste program
11under ss. 287.07 (5) and 287.17 and to make grants under s. 287.17 (15m).
SB367, s. 6 12Section 6. 287.07 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
SB367,5,1613 287.07 (5) Electronic devices. (a) Except as provided under par. (b),
14beginning on January 1 of the first year that begins at least 365 days after the
15effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts date], no person may dispose of
16any of the following in a solid waste disposal facility:
SB367,5,1917 1. A television; a computer monitor; a color video display device; or another
18video display device with a screen that is at least 8 inches in its longest diagonal
SB367,5,2020 2. A computer that weighs more than 6 pounds, including a portable computer.
SB367,5,2121 3. A digital audio storage device.
SB367,5,2222 4. A printer.
SB367,5,2323 5. A facsimile transmission device.
SB367,6,524 (b) The secretary of natural resources may delay the effective date of par. (a)
25if the secretary finds that application of par. (a) will result in unacceptable hardship

1for municipalities or counties in conducting solid waste recycling or disposal
2activities. The secretary may not delay the effective date by more than 3 years. The
3secretary shall provide a notice of any delay under this paragraph, including the
4delayed effective date, to the revisor of statutes for publication in the Wisconsin
5Administrative Register.
SB367, s. 7 6Section 7. 287.17 of the statutes is created to read:
SB367,6,8 7287.17 Producer accountability for electronic waste. (1) Definitions.
8In this section:
SB367,6,99 (a) "Covered electronic equipment" means any of the following:
SB367,6,1210 1. A television; a computer monitor; a color video display device; or another
11video display device with a screen that is at least 8 inches in its longest diagonal
SB367,6,1313 2. A computer that weighs more than 6 pounds, including a portable computer.
SB367,6,1414 3. A digital audio storage device.
SB367,6,1515 4. A printer.
SB367,6,1616 5. A facsimile transmission device.
SB367,6,1717 6. An optical scanner.
SB367,6,1818 7. A mobile telephone.
SB367,6,2019 8. Any other kind of electronic equipment specified by the department under
20sub. (12).
SB367,6,2421 (b) "Covered electronic waste" means covered electronic equipment that has
22been taken out of service or has been relinquished for recycling or disposal but has
23not been recycled or finally disposed of. "Covered electronic waste" does not include
24covered electronic equipment that has been donated for reuse or sold for reuse.
1(c) "Electronic equipment" means equipment that requires electric current or
2electromagnetic fields to function and that contains a circuit board.
SB367,7,63 (cm) "Historic covered waste" means covered electronic equipment that was
4first sold at retail before the effective date under sub. (2) and that has become
5electronic waste, the producer of which is in business on the effective date under sub.
SB367,7,97 (d) "Orphan covered waste" means covered electronic equipment that was first
8sold at retail before the effective date under sub. (2) and that has become electronic
9waste, the producer of which is not in business on the effective date under sub. (2).
SB367,7,1110 (e) "Producer" means a person, other than a person that remanufactures and
11resells covered electronic waste, that does any of the following:
SB367,7,1212 1. Manufactures and sells covered electronic equipment under its own brand.
SB367,7,1413 2. Manufactures and sells covered electronic equipment without affixing a
SB367,7,1615 3. Resells covered electronic equipment manufactured by others under the
16person's own brand.
SB367,7,1817 (f) "Program" means the actions that are taken to carry out a plan approved
18under sub. (4).
SB367,7,2119 (g) "Recycling" means processing waste materials to prepare them to be used
20for the same or a different use. "Recycling" does not include burning waste with or
21without energy recovery.
SB367,7,2322 (h) "Reuse" means to use covered electronic equipment or a component of
23covered electronic equipment for its original use.
1(2) Effective date. The effective date for subs. (3) to (14) is the first day of the
225th month beginning after the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts
SB367,8,7 4(3) Plan. (a) Except as provided under sub. (13), no later than the first day of
5the 6th month beginning after the effective date under sub. (2), a producer whose
6covered electronic equipment is sold in this state shall submit to the department a
7plan that includes all of the following:
SB367,8,128 1. Provisions, designed to achieve the performance requirements in sub. (7) (a),
9under which the producer finances the collection, transportation, and reuse,
10recycling, treatment, or disposal, in a manner that is consistent with all
11requirements under state law, of the producer's covered electronic equipment first
12sold at retail after the effective date under sub. (2) that is discarded in this state.
SB367,8,1713 2. Provisions, designed to achieve the performance requirements in sub. (7) (b),
14under which the producer finances the collection, transportation, and reuse,
15recycling, treatment, or disposal, in a manner that is consistent with all
16requirements under state law, of the producer's share, as determined under sub. (7)
17(c), of historic covered waste and orphan covered waste.
SB367,8,1918 3. Provisions to ensure compliance with the worker protection requirements in
19sub. (7) (d) and (e).
SB367,8,2020 4. Provisions for meeting the labeling requirements in sub. (8).
SB367,8,2121 5. Provisions for meeting the consumer education requirements in sub. (9).
SB367,8,2322 6. Provisions for meeting the requirements for providing information to
23recyclers in sub. (10).
17. A description of actions that will be implemented by the producer if the
2provisions under subd. 1. or 2. fail to achieve the performance requirements in sub.
3(7) (a) or (b).
SB367,9,64 8. Documentation, such as contracts, letters of intent, or memoranda of
5understanding, that all persons whose participation is needed to implement the
6provisions under subds. 1. and 2. are willing to participate.
SB367,9,77 9. One of the following:
SB367,9,128 a. Information concerning the number of the producer's televisions sold in this
9state during each of the 10 years before the year in which the producer submits the
10plan and information concerning the number and type of the producer's computers,
11mobile telephones, and other pieces of covered electronic equipment sold in this state
12during each of the 5 years before the year in which the producer submits the plan.
SB367,9,1513 b. A statement that the producer prefers to have the department estimate
14under sub. (7) (c) the sales of the producer's covered electronic equipment in this
SB367,9,1616 10. Provisions that ensure all of the following:
SB367,9,2017 a. That covered electronic waste collected under the plan that contains a
18substance listed in sub. (15) (a) 1. to 8. and that is not in working order is not exported
19to any country that is not a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation
20and Development.
SB367,9,2421 b. That covered electronic waste collected under the plan that contains a
22substance listed in sub. (15) (a) 1. to 8. and that is in working order is not exported
23to any country that is not a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation
24and Development unless the producer or a person participating in the producer's

1program certifies to the department that the covered electronic waste is in working
2order and is destined for direct reuse.
SB367,10,43 11. Provisions to ensure that opportunities and locations for collection of
4covered electronic waste are convenient for all persons in this state.
SB367,10,65 12. Provisions for the payment of the partial electronics recycling fee under sub.
6(14) (b).