2005 - 2006 LEGISLATURE
November 29, 2005 - Introduced by Senators Schultz, Kapanke and Ellis,
cosponsored by Representatives
Freese, Lamb, Davis, Kaufert and
Gronemus. Referred to Committee on Higher Education and Tourism.
1An Act to amend 7.33 (4), 13.111 (2), 16.50 (3), 16.705 (3) (c), 19.82 (1), 19.85 (3),
219.86, 20.425 (1) (a), 20.545 (1) (a), 20.865 (1) (ci), 20.865 (1) (ic), 20.865 (1) (si),
320.917 (3) (b), 20.923 (6) (intro.), 20.928 (1), 36.09 (1) (j), 40.02 (25) (b) 8., 40.05
4(1) (b), 40.05 (4) (ag) (intro.), 40.05 (4) (ar), 40.05 (4) (b), 40.05 (4) (bw), 40.05 (4g)
5(a) 4., 40.05 (5) (intro.), 40.05 (5) (b) 4., 40.05 (6) (a), 40.62 (2), 40.80 (3), 40.81
6(3), 40.95 (1) (a) 2., 230.01 (3), 230.046 (10) (a), 230.12 (3) (e) 1., 230.35 (2d) (e),
7230.35 (3) (e) 6. and 230.88 (2) (b); and
to create 20.865 (1) (cm), 20.865 (1) (im),
820.865 (1) (sm) and subchapter VI of chapter 111 of the statutes;
relating to:
9collective bargaining process for University of Wisconsin System faculty and
10academic staff and making appropriations.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, faculty and academic staff of the University of Wisconsin
(UW) System do not have collective bargaining rights under the State Employment
Labor Relations Act (SELRA). This bill provides faculty and academic staff of the
UW System collective bargaining rights under state law in a manner similar to that
provided other state employees under SELRA.
This bill provides all UW System academic staff and all faculty, including
specifically faculty who are supervisors or managers, with the right to collectively
bargain over wages, hours, and conditions of employment. Collective bargaining
units are structured with separate units for faculty at each of the UW System
campuses and for academic staff at each of the UW System campuses. The bill also
provides that, if the employees approve by vote, any two or more units for faculty may
be combined into a single unit and any two or more units for academic staff may be
combined into a single unit. Representatives for each unit are chosen by election.
Unfair labor practices for UW System academic staff and faculty collective
bargaining are generally the same as those under SELRA, except that the bill
specifically provides that it is not an unfair labor practice for the Board of Regents
of the UW System to implement changes in salaries or conditions of employment for
members of the faculty or academic staff at one UW institution and not for such
persons at other UW institutions if certain conditions are met. The bill specifically
authorizes fair-share and maintenance of membership agreements for UW
academic staff and faculty collective bargaining, as is the case under SELRA. The
bill also prohibits strikes.
Under the bill, the subjects of collective bargaining are the same as under
SELRA, except that collective bargaining is prohibited on the mission and goals of
the Board of Regents of the UW System; the diminution of the right of tenure
provided faculty; the rights granted faculty and academic staff under current law;
and academic freedom. Finally, under the bill, collective bargaining agreements
covering UW faculty and academic staff must be approved by the Joint Committee
on Employment Relations and adopted by the legislature.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB452, s. 1
1. 7.33 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, each local
3governmental unit, as defined in s. 16.97 (7), may, and each state agency shall, upon
4proper application under sub. (3), permit each of its employees to serve as an election
5official without loss of fringe benefits or seniority privileges earned for scheduled
6working hours during the period specified in sub. (3), without loss of pay for
7scheduled working hours during the period specified in sub. (3) except as provided
8in sub. (5), and without any other penalty. For employees who are included in a
1collective bargaining unit for which a representative is recognized or certified under
2subch. V
or VI of ch. 111, this subsection shall apply unless otherwise provided in a
3collective bargaining agreement.
SB452, s. 2
2. 13.111 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) Duties. The joint committee on employment relations shall perform
6the functions assigned to it under
subch. subchs. V
and VI of ch. 111, subch. II of ch.
7230 and ss. 16.53 (1) (d) 1., 20.916, 20.917, 20.923 and 40.05 (1) (b).
SB452, s. 3
3. 16.50 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) Limitation on increase of force and salaries. No department, except
10the legislature or the courts, may increase the pay of any employee, expend money
11or incur any obligation except in accordance with the estimate that is submitted to
12the secretary as provided in sub. (1) and approved by the secretary or the governor.
13No change in the number of full-time equivalent positions authorized through the
14biennial budget process or other legislative act may be made without the approval
15of the joint committee on finance, except for position changes made by the governor
16under s. 16.505 (1) (c) or (2), by the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics
17Board under s. 16.505 (2n) or by the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin
18System under s. 16.505 (2m) or (2p). The secretary may withhold, in total or in part,
19the funding for any position, as defined in s. 230.03 (11), as well as the funding for
20part-time or limited term employees until such time as the secretary determines
21that the filling of the position or the expending of funds is consistent with s. 16.505
22and with the intent of the legislature as established by law or in budget
23determinations, or the intent of the joint committee on finance in creating or
24abolishing positions under s. 13.10, the intent of the governor in creating or
25abolishing positions under s. 16.505 (1) (c) or (2) or the intent of the board of regents
1of the University of Wisconsin System in creating or abolishing positions under s.
216.505 (2m) or (2p). Until the release of funding occurs, recruitment or certification
3for the position may not be undertaken. The secretary shall submit a quarterly
4report to the joint committee on finance of any position changes made by the governor
5under s. 16.505 (1) (c). No pay increase may be approved unless it is at the rate or
6within the pay ranges prescribed in the compensation plan or as provided in a
7collective bargaining agreement under subch. V
or VI of ch. 111. At the request of
8the director of the office of state employment relations, the secretary of
9administration may authorize the temporary creation of pool or surplus positions
10under any source of funds if the director determines that temporary positions are
11necessary to maintain adequate staffing levels for high turnover classifications, in
12anticipation of attrition, to fill positions for which recruitment is difficult. Surplus
13or pool positions authorized by the secretary shall be reported quarterly to the joint
14committee on finance in conjunction with the report required under s. 16.54 (8).
SB452, s. 4
4. 16.705 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (c) Do not enter into any contract for contractual services in conflict
17with any collective bargaining agreement under subch. V
or VI of ch. 111.
SB452, s. 5
5. 19.82 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) "Governmental body" means a state or local agency, board,
20commission, committee, council, department or public body corporate and politic
21created by constitution, statute, ordinance, rule or order; a governmental or
22quasi-governmental corporation except for the Bradley center sports and
23entertainment corporation; a local exposition district under subch. II of ch. 229; a
24family care district under s. 46.2895; a nonprofit corporation operating the Olympic
25ice training center under s. 42.11 (3); or a formally constituted subunit of any of the
1foregoing, but excludes any such body or committee or subunit of such body which
2is formed for or meeting for the purpose of collective bargaining under subch. I, IV
3or, V
, or VI of ch. 111.
SB452, s. 6
6. 19.85 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) Nothing in this subchapter shall be construed to authorize a
6governmental body to consider at a meeting in closed session the final ratification or
7approval of a collective bargaining agreement under subch. I, IV
or, V
, or VI of ch. 111
8which has been negotiated by such body or on its behalf.
SB452, s. 7
7. 19.86 of the statutes is amended to read:
1019.86 Notice of collective bargaining negotiations. Notwithstanding s.
1119.82 (1), where notice has been given by either party to a collective bargaining
12agreement under subch. I, IV
or, V
, or VI of ch. 111 to reopen such agreement at its
13expiration date, the employer shall give notice of such contract reopening as provided
14in s. 19.84 (1) (b). If the employer is not a governmental body, notice shall be given
15by the employer's chief officer or such person's designee. This section does not apply
16to a nonprofit corporation operating the Olympic Ice Training Center under s. 42.11
SB452, s. 8
8. 20.425 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (a)
General program operations. The amounts in the schedule for
20the purposes provided in subchs. I, IV
and, V
, and VI of ch. 111 and s. 230.45 (1).
SB452, s. 9
9. 20.545 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (a)
General program operations. The amounts in the schedule to
23administer the employment relations functions and the civil service system under
24subch. subchs. V
and VI of ch. 111 and ch. 230, to pay awards under s. 230.48 and to
25defray the expenses of the state employees suggestion board.
SB452, s. 10
10. 20.865 (1) (ci) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (ci)
Nonrepresented university system senior executive, faculty and
3academic pay adjustments. A sum sufficient to pay the cost of pay and related
4adjustments approved by the joint committee on employment relations under s.
5230.12 (3) (e) for University of Wisconsin System employees under ss. 20.923 (4g), (5)
6and (6) (m) and 230.08 (2) (d) who are not included within a collective bargaining unit
7for which a representative is certified under subch. V
or VI of ch. 111, as determined
8under s. 20.928, other than adjustments funded under par. (cj).
SB452, s. 11
11. 20.865 (1) (cm) of the statutes is created to read:
(1) (cm)
Represented university faculty and academic staff pay
11adjustments. A sum sufficient to supplement the appropriations to the board of
12regents of the University of Wisconsin System for the cost of compensation and
13related adjustments approved by the legislature under s. 111.9991 for University of
14Wisconsin System employees under s. 230.08 (2) (d) who are included within a
15collective bargaining unit for which a representative is certified under subch. VI of
16ch. 111, as determined under s. 20.928.
SB452, s. 12
12. 20.865 (1) (ic) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (ic)
Nonrepresented university system senior executive, faculty and
19academic pay adjustments. From the appropriate program revenue and program
20revenue-service accounts, a sum sufficient to supplement the appropriations to the
21University of Wisconsin System to pay the cost of pay and related adjustments
22approved by the joint committee on employment relations under s. 230.12 (3) (e) for
23University of Wisconsin System employees under ss. 20.923 (4g), (5) and (6) (m) and
24230.08 (2) (d) who are not included within a collective bargaining unit for which a
1representative is certified under subch. V
or VI of ch. 111, as determined under s.
220.928, other than adjustments funded under par. (cj).
SB452, s. 13
13. 20.865 (1) (im) of the statutes is created to read:
(1) (im)
Represented university system faculty and academic staff pay
5adjustments; program revenue. From the appropriate program revenue and program
6revenue-service accounts, a sum sufficient to supplement the appropriations to the
7board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System for the cost of compensation
8and related adjustments approved by the joint committee on employment relations
9under s. 230.12 (3) (e) for University of Wisconsin System employees under s. 230.08
10(2) (d) who are included within a collective bargaining unit for which a representative
11is certified under subch. VI of ch. 111, as determined under s. 20.928.
SB452, s. 14
14. 20.865 (1) (si) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (si)
Nonrepresented university system senior executive, faculty and
14academic pay adjustments. From the appropriate segregated funds, a sum sufficient
15to supplement the appropriations to the University of Wisconsin System to pay the
16cost of pay and related adjustments approved by the joint committee on employment
17relations under s. 230.12 (3) (e) for University of Wisconsin System employees under
18ss. 20.923 (4g), (5) and (6) (m) and 230.08 (2) (d) who are not included within a
19collective bargaining unit for which a representative is certified under subch. V
20VI of ch. 111, as determined under s. 20.928.
SB452, s. 15
15. 20.865 (1) (sm) of the statutes is created to read:
(1) (sm)
Represented university faculty and academic staff pay
23adjustments; segregated revenues. From the appropriate segregated funds, a sum
24sufficient to supplement the appropriations to the board of regents of the University
25of Wisconsin System for the cost of compensation and related adjustments approved
1by the joint committee on employment relations under s. 230.12 (3) (e) for University
2of Wisconsin System employees under s. 230.08 (2) (d) who are included within a
3collective bargaining unit for which a representative is certified under subch. VI of
4ch. 111, as determined under s. 20.928.
SB452, s. 16
16. 20.917 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (b) This subsection applies to employees in all positions in the civil
7service, including those employees in positions included in collective bargaining
8units under subch. V
or VI of ch. 111, whether or not the employees are covered by
9a collective bargaining agreement.
SB452, s. 17
17. 20.923 (6) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(6) Salaries set by appointing authorities. (intro.) Salaries for the
12following positions may be set by the appointing authority, subject to restrictions
13otherwise set forth in the statutes and the compensation plan under s. 230.12, except
14where the salaries are a subject of bargaining with a certified representative of a
15collective bargaining unit under s. 111.91
or 111.998:
SB452, s. 18
18. 20.928 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) Each state agency head shall certify to the department of
18administration, at such time and in such manner as the secretary of administration
19prescribes, the sum of money needed by the state agency from the appropriations
20under s. 20.865 (1) (c), (ci),
(cm), (cj), (d), (i), (ic),
(im), (j), (s), (si)
, (sm), and (t). Upon
21receipt of the certifications together with such additional information as the
22secretary of administration prescribes, the secretary shall determine the amounts
23required from the respective appropriations to supplement state agency budgets.