2005 - 2006 LEGISLATURE
February 22, 2005 - Introduced by Senators Roessler, Brown, Cowles, Olsen,
Miller, Wirch, Robson
and Darling, cosponsored by Representatives
Hundertmark, Strachota, Ballweg, Krawczyk, Kerkman, Townsend,
Lehman, Bies, Van Roy, Hines, Hahn, Gronemus, Musser, Stone, Vruwink,
Seidel, Wasserman, Boyle, Berceau, Gielow, Kreibich, Vrakas
Gunderson. Referred to Committee on Health, Children, Families, Aging and
Long Term Care.
SB73,1,5 1An Act to repeal 157.06 (2) (d); to amend 154.03 (2) (form), 157.06 (2) (i) (intro.),
2157.06 (6) (b) and 157.06 (8) (b); and to create 154.06, 157.06 (2) (f) 7. and
3157.06 (2) (i) 2m. of the statutes; relating to: creating the option to make an
4anatomical gift as part of a living will and eliminating the designation of a
5specific physician to perform transplantation.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, a person who is at least 18 years old may donate all or part
of his or her body after death (make an anatomical gift) by signing a document of gift,
together with two witnesses, or by signing the reverse side of a regular driver's
license, a document that may be attached to a commercial driver's license, or an
identification card that is issued by the Department of Transportation. In addition,
a person may specify in a power of attorney for health care instrument that he or she
wishes to make an anatomical gift. A person may also refuse to make an anatomical
gift; limit an anatomical gift to specific purposes, including particular donees;
require that a particular physician carry out the appropriate procedures; amend an
anatomical gift; or revoke an anatomical gift. Lastly, a person may revoke or amend
a refusal to make an anatomical gift. Any anatomical gift made by the donor that
is not revoked by the donor before death is irrevocable and does not require the
consent of anyone after the donor's death.
Also under current law, a person may execute a declaration to physicians
(commonly known as a living will), which authorizes a physician to withhold or

withdraw life-sustaining procedures or feeding tubes from the person when the
person is in a terminal condition or is in a persistent vegetative state.
This bill authorizes a person who executes a living will to make an anatomical
gift, amend such a gift, revoke an anatomical gift, or refuse to make an anatomical
gift, as part of the living will. The bill permits the declarant of the living will to
donate all of his or her organs, tissues, and eyes or to donate only specific organs,
tissues, or eyes. Further, the bill permits the living will declarant to donate to a
specific donee or, if that individual is not able to be a transplant recipient, to donate
to any suitable person. Lastly, the bill permits the living will declarant to donate his
or her organs, tissues, or eyes to a recovery agency for research and education if his
or her organs, tissues, or eyes are unsuitable for transplantation. The bill specifies
that failure to make an indication of desire or refusal to make an anatomical gift does
not create a presumption about the declarant's intent with regard to the matter.
The bill eliminates the provision, under the anatomical gift laws, that permits
a person to require that a particular physician carry out the procedures to make an
anatomical gift.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB73, s. 1 1Section 1. 154.03 (2) (form) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB73,2,22 154.03 (2) (form)
SB73,2,3 3Declaration to physicians
SB73,2,105 I,...., being of sound mind, voluntarily state my desire that my dying not be
6prolonged under the circumstances specified in this document. Under those
7circumstances, I direct that I be permitted to die naturally. If I am unable to give
8directions regarding the use of life-sustaining procedures or feeding tubes, I intend
9that my family and physician honor this document as the final expression of my legal
10right to refuse medical or surgical treatment.
SB73,2,12 11In addition, I may, by this document, specify my wishes with respect to making
12an anatomical gift upon my death.
11. If I have a TERMINAL CONDITION, as determined by 2 physicians who
2have personally examined me, I do not want my dying to be artificially prolonged and
3I do not want life-sustaining procedures to be used. In addition, the following are
4my directions regarding the use of feeding tubes:
SB73,3,55 .... YES, I want feeding tubes used if I have a terminal condition.
SB73,3,66 .... NO, I do not want feeding tubes used if I have a terminal condition.
SB73,3,77 If you have not checked either box, feeding tubes will be used.
SB73,3,108 2. If I am in a PERSISTENT VEGETATIVE STATE, as determined by 2
9physicians who have personally examined me, the following are my directions
10regarding the use of life-sustaining procedures:
SB73,3,1211 .... YES, I want life-sustaining procedures used if I am in a persistent
12vegetative state.
SB73,3,1413 .... NO, I do not want life-sustaining procedures used if I am in a persistent
14vegetative state.
SB73,3,1515 If you have not checked either box, life-sustaining procedures will be used.
SB73,3,1816 3. If I am in a PERSISTENT VEGETATIVE STATE, as determined by 2
17physicians who have personally examined me, the following are my directions
18regarding the use of feeding tubes:
SB73,3,1919 .... YES, I want feeding tubes used if I am in a persistent vegetative state.
SB73,3,2020 .... NO, I do not want feeding tubes used if I am in a persistent vegetative state.
SB73,3,2121 If you have not checked either box, feeding tubes will be used.
SB73,3,2422 If you are interested in more information about the significant terms used in
23this document, see section 154.01 of the Wisconsin Statutes or the information
24accompanying this document.
1ATTENTION: You and the 2 witnesses must sign the document at the same
SB73,4,33 Signed .... Date ....
SB73,4,44 Address .... Date of birth ....
SB73,4,85 I believe that the person signing this document is of sound mind. I am an adult
6and am not related to the person signing this document by blood, marriage or
7adoption. I am not entitled to and do not have a claim on any portion of the person's
8estate and am not otherwise restricted by law from being a witness.
SB73,4,99 Witness signature .... Date signed ....
SB73,4,1010 Print name ....
SB73,4,1111 Witness signature ... Date signed ....
SB73,4,1212 Print name ....
SB73,4,1714 1. This document authorizes the withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining
15procedures or of feeding tubes when 2 physicians, one of whom is the attending
16physician, have personally examined and certified in writing that the patient has a
17terminal condition or is in a persistent vegetative state.
SB73,4,2318 2. The choices in this document were made by a competent adult. Under the
19law, the patient's stated desires must be followed unless you believe that withholding
20or withdrawing life-sustaining procedures or feeding tubes would cause the patient
21pain or reduced comfort and that the pain or discomfort cannot be alleviated through
22pain relief measures. If the patient's stated desires are that life-sustaining
23procedures or feeding tubes be used, this directive must be followed.
13. If you feel that you cannot comply with this document, you must make a good
2faith attempt to transfer the patient to another physician who will comply. Refusal
3or failure to make a good faith attempt to do so constitutes unprofessional conduct.
SB73,5,54 4. If you know that the patient is pregnant, this document has no effect during
5her pregnancy.
SB73,5,66 * * * * *
SB73,5,97 The person making this living will may use the following space to record the
8names of those individuals and health care providers to whom he or she has given
9copies of this document:
SB73,5,1010 .................................................................
SB73,5,1111 .................................................................
SB73,5,1212 .................................................................
SB73,5,13 13* * * * *
SB73,5,14 14ANATOMICAL GIFTS (optional)
SB73,5,16 15At my death, the following are my directions regarding donation of my organs
16or tissues:
SB73,5,18 17.... YES, I want to donate all of my organs, tissues, and eyes as an anatomical
SB73,5,19 19OR
SB73,5,21 20.... YES, I want to donate only the following specific organs or tissues of my body
21or my eyes as an anatomical gift: ....
SB73,5,22 22Organs for transplantation (indicate yes or no):
SB73,5,23 231. Heart: ....
SB73,5,24 242. Liver: ....