2005 - 2006 LEGISLATURE
January 21, 2005 - Introduced by Senator A. Lasee. Referred to Committee on
Senate Organization.
SR2,2,7 1To repeal senate rule 4 (2), senate rule 8 (5), senate rule 26 (2), senate rule 27 (2)
2(a) and (b), senate rule 47 (2) and (3), senate rule 52, senate rule 78, senate rule
394 (1) and (2) and senate rule 99 (58); to renumber senate rule 4 (1) (intro.) and
4senate rule 70; to renumber and amend senate rule 5 (4), senate rule 25 (1),
5senate rule 26 (1), senate rule 27 (2) (intro.) and senate rule 50 (6) (b); to amend
6senate rule 1m (title), senate rule 2 (3), senate rule 5 (title), senate rule 5 (3),
7senate rule 6 (title), senate rule 7 (4), senate rule 8 (4), senate rule 11 (title),
8senate rule 18 (1), senate rule 18 (2), senate rule 18 (3), senate rule 20 (7), senate
9rule 22 (1), senate rule 24, senate rule 25 (2), senate rule 27 (1), senate rule 27
10(3), senate rule 27 (4) (b), senate rule 32 (1), senate rule 32 (2), senate rule 36
11(1), senate rule 36 (2) (a), senate rule 36 (2) (b), senate rule 37 (1), senate rule
1240, senate rule 41 (1) (b), senate rule 41 (1) (e), senate rule 46 (1) (a), senate rule
1346 (1) (b), senate rule 46 (2) (b), senate rule 46 (2) (c), senate rule 46 (2) (d),
14senate rule 50 (6) (a), senate rule 66, senate rule 77 (title), senate rule 77 (1),
15senate rule 77 (3), senate rule 79, senate rule 80, senate rule 88 (2), senate rule

189, senate rule 93 (title), senate rule 93 (intro.), senate rule 93 (1), senate rule
293 (1d), senate rule 93 (1p), senate rule 93 (2), senate rule 98 (3) and senate rule
399 (27m); and to create senate rule 1m (3), senate rule 5 (4) (b), senate rule 6
4(3), senate rule 11 (7), senate rule 17 (5), senate rule 25 (1) (b), senate rule 25
5(1) (d), senate rule 37 (4), senate rule 38 (3), senate rule 46 (2) (am), senate rule
646 (6), senate rule 50 (6) (b) 1., 2., 3. and 4, senate rule 70 (2), senate rule 70 (3)
7and senate rule 73m; relating to: the senate rules.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This resolution makes the following changes to the senate rules, in addition to
other technical changes:
Conduct in the senate chamber
Current rules prohibit any person, including a senator, from reading
newspapers or consuming food, beverages, or tobacco products within the bar of the
senate. The resolution modifies the rules to prohibit any person, including a senator,
from reading newspapers, periodicals, magazines, books, or similar materials,
unless the publication is relevant to the debate. The resolution also prohibits any
person, including a senator, from consuming food, beverages, or tobacco products in
the senate chamber.
Senate officers and senators
Currently, the rules specify that every officer of the senate is subordinate to the
Committee on Senate Organization and, in all that relates to the discharge of an
officer's duties, is under the supervision of the Committee on Senate Organization.
The resolution provides that all senators are subordinate to the Committee on
Senate Organization for staffing and budget purposes related to the operation of all
senate offices.
Currently, under section 10, article IV of the state constitution and joint rule
13, neither house of the legislature may adjourn for more than 3 consecutive days
during a legislative session without the consent of the other house. Under the
current senate rules, the chief clerk may preside over the senate sitting in session
if the president, president pro tempore, majority leader, and assistant majority
leader are absent or unable to preside. The resolution also provides that, in order
to comply with section 10, article IV of the state constitution and joint rule 13, the
chief clerk may preside over the senate sitting in session, but no business may be
transacted during the session without the consent of the majority leader and the
minority leader.
This resolution also provides that the chief clerk shall supervise the sergeant
at arms and determine the compensation of the sergeant at arms.

The resolution provides that any senator wishing to have his or her name added
or removed as a coauthor or cosponsor of a proposal or amendment must provide the
chief clerk with a written request to be added or removed as a coauthor or cosponsor.
Recording proceedings
The resolution provides that no persons other than members of the chief clerk's
staff, members of the staff of the sergeant at arms, members of a senator's staff, and
accredited correspondents of the news media may engage in any audio or video
recording of the proceedings of the senate or any committee without permission of
the Committee on Senate Organization.
Temporary replacement of committee members
Currently, the rules provide that if a member of the Committee on Senate
Organization is "disabled" and unable to serve on the committee, the senate may
select a temporary replacement from among the senators of the same party
affiliation. The resolution modifies the rule so that if a member of the Committee on
Senate Organization is unable to serve on the committee for any reason, regardless
of whether the member is "disabled," the senate may select a temporary replacement
from among the senators of the same party affiliation.
Meeting notice; considering unintroduced legislation
The resolution provides that, generally, public notice of every committee
meeting must be posted to the legislature's bulletin board at least 24 hours before the
meeting begins, unless the Committee on Senate Organization determines that for
good cause such a notice is impossible or impractical, but in no case may notice be
provided less than two hours in advance of a meeting. If the meeting is cancelled on
the date of the meeting, the chairperson must also post a cancellation notice in a
conspicuous location near the entrance to the meeting room.
The resolution also provides that if unintroduced legislation will be considered
at the meeting, the notice must indicate the draft number assigned to the legislation
by the Legislative Reference Bureau and the relating clause of the legislation. In
addition, the chairperson must provide a copy of the draft legislation to the chief clerk
before publishing the notice. The notice must also indicate that copies of the draft
legislation are available at the chief clerk's office. The chief clerk must distribute
copies of the draft legislation to any person who requests such copies.
The resolution specifies, however, that no notice is required for any meeting of
the Committee on Senate Organization that is called solely for the purpose of
scheduling business before the senate or adopting resolutions of which the sole
purpose is scheduling business before the senate or assembly.
Committee action
Currently, the rules provide that any amendment or substitute amendment
that is recommended by a committee for rejection may not be reported to the senate
and that such amendment may, by motion, be revived by the vote of the majority of
the current membership while the proposal is still in the amendable stage. The
resolution modifies the rules so that, generally, any amendment or substitute
amendment submitted to a standing committee for the committee's consideration

may be reported out of committee only if the committee recommends adoption. An
amendment or substitute amendment that is not reported out of committee may, by
motion, be revived by the vote of the majority of the members present while the
proposal is still in the amendable stage.
The resolution provides that the Committee on Senate Organization may, with
the consent of the senate cochairperson of the Joint Committee on Finance, withdraw
a bill from the Joint Committee on Finance and place the bill on the calendar. In
addition, the resolution authorizes the president, with the consent of the chairperson
of a standing committee, to withdraw a proposal or appointment from the standing
committee to which the proposal or appointment is referred and refer it to another
standing committee.
Dividing a question; vetoes
Under the assembly and senate rules, certain questions before either house
may be divided for separate consideration by the members of that house. The
assembly rules allow certain questions related to a bill that the governor has
partially vetoed to be divided. The senate rules do not have a similar provision. The
resolution allows certain questions related to a bill that the governor has partially
vetoed to be divided for separate consideration by the senate.
Missed roll call votes
The resolution allows a senator who does not vote during a roll call on a proposal
to request unanimous consent to have his or her vote included in the roll call after
the roll is closed, if the request does not interrupt another roll call, the request is
made no later than immediately following the close of the next roll call, and the
senator's vote, if included, does not change the result of the roll call. If a senator may
not make such a request under the rules, or if another senator objects to the request,
the senator may request unanimous consent to have the journal reflect how the
senator would have voted.
Special session business
Currently the rules prohibit resolutions offering commendations,
congratulations, or condolences, memorializing Congress or an individual, or
affecting senate or legislative rules or proceedings from being considered during a
special session. The resolution allows the senate to consider such matters during an
extraordinary session.
Final disposition of proposals and amendments
The resolution provides that, unless reconsidered or included in an action
authorizing an extraordinary session, a proposal or an amendment to a proposal, is
adversely and finally disposed of for the legislature's biennial session by any of the
following: 1) indefinite postponement; 2) rejection; 3) nonconcurrence; 4) failure to
be ordered to a third reading; 5) failure of passage; 6) failure of concurrence; and 7)
failure to pass notwithstanding the objections of the governor.
The senate rules currently specify that the following substitute amendments
and amendments are not germane: 1) a substitute amendment or amendment that
is identical in effect to one previously offered and disposed of as another substitute

amendment or amendment to the same proposal; 2) a substitute amendment or
amendment to a proposal that relates to a subject that is different from the subject
of that proposal; 3) a substitute amendment or amendment to a proposal that is
intended to accomplish a purpose that is different from the purpose of that proposal;
4) a substitute amendment or amendment to a proposal that negates that proposal
entirely; and 5) a substitute amendment or amendment to a proposal that
substitutes another proposal pending before the senate.
The resolution modifies the rules so that the following substitute amendments
and amendments are not germane: 1) a substitute amendment or amendment that
is identical in effect to one previously offered to the same proposal and disposed of;
2) a substitute amendment or amendment to a proposal that is irrelevant to the
subject matter of the proposal, inappropriate to the subject matter of the proposal,
or not in a natural and logical sequence to the subject matter of the proposal; 3) a
substitute amendment or amendment to a proposal that negates that proposal
entirely; 4) a substitute amendment or amendment to a proposal that substitutes
another proposal pending before the senate; and 5) a substitute amendment or
amendment to a proposal that substantially expands the scope of the proposal.
SR2,5,1 1Resolved by the senate, That:
SR2, s. 1 2Section 1. Senate rule 1m (title) is amended to read:
SR2,5,4 3Senate Rule 1m (title) Presiding officer ; officers subordinate to and
4committee on senate organization.
SR2, s. 2 5Section 2. Senate rule 1m (3) is created to read:
SR2,5,8 6Senate Rule 1m (3) For staffing and budget purposes related to the operation
7of all senate offices, all senators are subordinate to the committee on senate
SR2, s. 3 9Section 3. Senate rule 2 (3) is amended to read:
SR2,5,1210 Senate Rule 2 (3) The presiding officer may call any member to the chair to
11temporarily perform all of the duties enumerated under rule 4
, but the substitution
12does not extend beyond an adjournment or the return of the president.
SR2, s. 4 13Section 4. Senate rule 4 (1) (intro.) is renumbered senate rule 4 (intro.).
SR2, s. 5 14Section 5. Senate rule 4 (2) is repealed.
SR2, s. 6 15Section 6. Senate rule 5 (title) is amended to read:
1Senate Rule 5 (title) Election and duties of chief Chief clerk.
SR2, s. 7 2Section 7. Senate rule 5 (3) is amended to read:
SR2,6,10 3Senate Rule 5 (3) The chief clerk is responsible for all official acts of the
4employees assigned to that office, and may designate one of those employees as
5assistant chief clerk, who has general supervision under the direction of the chief
6clerk and in the temporary absence of the chief clerk has all of the powers and duties
7of the chief clerk. The assistant chief clerk shall take the oath of office as provided
8under joint rule 81 (1) (a).
If the chief clerk is separated by death, resignation, or
9removal from office, the assistant chief clerk may exercise all of the powers and shall
10carry out all of the duties of the chief clerk until a chief clerk is elected.
SR2, s. 8 11Section 8. Senate rule 5 (4) is renumbered senate rule 5 (4) (a) and amended
12to read:
SR2,6,18 13Senate Rule 5 (4) (a) On the day of convening of the next legislature as
14established under section 13.02 (1) of the statutes, when
When the president,
15president pro tempore, majority leader, and assistant majority leader are absent or
16unable to preside over the senate sitting in session and the senate does not elect a
17substitute president under rule 2 (2), the chief clerk shall perform all of the duties
18enumerated under rule 4.