Carbon monoxide detectors: owner of a residential building required to install and maintain; liability, tampering, and inpection provisions; Comm.Dept duty specified  - SB689
Caregiver background information: if entity requires annual disclosure of criminal conviction or charge, the entity is not required to use DHFS form; civil penalty for failure to comply with disclosure policy -  AB987
Caregiver background information: if entity requires annual disclosure of criminal conviction or charge, the entity is not required to use DHFS form; civil penalty for failure to comply with disclosure policy -  SB579
CIP 1A and 1B funding for placements in residential facilities with 8 or fewer beds [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 865m]  - AB100
Declaration to physicians (living will): MA administrators required to discuss with MA recipients residing in long-term care facilities -  AB791
Health care facility use charges: informing patients prior to office visit required; definition and billing provisions - AB773
Health care workers employed by health care facilities: mandatory overtime prohibited; unforeseeable emergency, worker consent, definitions, and employment discrimination provisions; DWD complaint authority - SB371
Patient health care records: requirements created for transfer from health care provider who is deceased or ceases practice to another health care provider -  AB465
Smoking in designated areas prohibited in places of employment with exceptions for private residences, designated smoking rooms in lodging establishments, and certain retirement homes; exceptions for taverns, bowling centers, restaurants, private halls, and certain facilities eliminated  - SB430
Voter registration: valid Wisconsin driver's license or ID card or uniformed service ID card required; use of corroborating electors discontinued; absentee ballot, provisional ballot, surrendered driver's license, confidential address re domestic abuse, and photo requirement exemption re religious tenets provisions [for further revisions, see entry under ``Elections Board"] - SB42
community integration program _cip_Community integration program (CIP), see Medical assistance
community living arrangementCommunity living arrangement, see Mental retardation
community options program _cop_Community Options Program (COP), see Nursing homes
community service workCommunity service work, see Parole or probation
community supervisionCommunity supervision, see Parole or probation
compensation for victims of crimeCompensation for victims of crime, see Crime victim
condemnation of propertyCondemnation of property, see Eminent domain
condolence certificateCondolence certificate, see Legislature — Member; name of specific individual
condominiumCondominium, see Housing
confidentialityConfidentiality, see Privacy
confidentiality of bill draftsConfidentiality of bill drafts, see Bills, Legislative
conner, garlin murlConner, Garlin Murl
U.S. Congress and House Armed Services Committee urged to adopt H.R. 605, awarding a Medal of Honor posthumously re World War II acts of valor -  SR7
constitution, united statesConstitution, United States
Required consideration of proposals: all joint resolutions to amend the state or federal constitution and all bills to be referred to a standing committee and be given a public hearing  - AB1160
Sovereignty under the 10th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution claimed; federal mandates provision  - SR17
constitution, wisconsinConstitution, Wisconsin
Required consideration of proposals: all joint resolutions to amend the state or federal constitution and all bills to be referred to a standing committee and be given a public hearing  - AB1160
constitutional amendments _ first considerationConstitutional amendments — First consideration
Appropriation bill approval: Governor may reduce but not increase the dollar amount; Governor may not approve a law the legislature did not authorize as part of the enrolled bill. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR56
General statement ``rule of taxation shall be uniform" removed from the Wisconsin Constitution: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR12
Governor may not enter into, amend, extend, or renew any agreement with a foreign nation, Indian tribe or band, the federal government, or another state until it is submitted to the Seante and a majority of the members approve it; renegotiation provision. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR61
Gubernatorial vetoes: provision for approval or rejection by the people via referendum; legislative authority not decreased. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR35
Legislators performing ordered military duty: appointment of temporary acting senators and representatives permitted. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR7
Lieutenant Governor's office abolished; gubernatorial line of succession amended re Speaker of the Assembly. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR10
Partial vetoes creating new sentences by combining parts of 2 or more sentences of the enrolled bill prohibited: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR52
Partial vetoes creating new sentences by combining parts of 2 or more sentences of the enrolled bill prohibited: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, Governor prohibited from rejecting an individual word in a sentence of an enrolled bill unless the entire sentence is rejected (Senate nonconcurred; Assembly recedes from its position)] -  SJR33
Partial vetoes of parts of bill sections without rejecting the entire bill section prohibited: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, rejection of individual word in a sentence prohibited unless entire sentence is rejected] - AJR68
Principal homesteads of individuals: exception from ``uniformity clause". Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR13
Property tax: different rates for parts of cities, villages, towns, counties, and school districts added by attachments to school districts, consolidations, and boundary changes under cooperative agreements; exception from ``uniformity clause" requirement. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR98
Property taxes on principal dwellings of state residents: tax exemption created. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR10
Redistricting standards re Senate and Assembly districts: constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR41
Redistricting standards re Senate and Assembly districts: constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR25
Residency required in jurisdiction or district of the office which the person is elected or appointed or filing nomination petition for and during the term of office: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR76
Revenue limit for state and local governmental units created; excess revenue, reduction in state aid, emergency reserve fund, reducing the revenue limit, and exceeding the revenue limit via a referendum provisions; individuals or class of individuals may bring a suit to enforce the revenue limits; amendment may be amended with approval of one legislature, rather than two, and ratification by the people: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR77
Revenue limit for state and local governmental units created; excess revenue, reduction in state aid, emergency reserve fund, reducing the revenue limit, and exceeding the revenue limit via a referendum provisions; individuals or class of individuals may bring a suit to enforce the revenue limits; amendment may be amended with approval of one legislature, rather than two, and ratification by the people: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  SJR63
Right of the people to certain health care re advance directives; end-of-life decisions; purchase of drugs, drug products, and prescribed devices; and stem cell research and therapy benefits (with the exception of human reproductive cloning). Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR93
Right of Wisconsin residents to adequate, accessible, and affordable health care: consitutional amendment (1st consideration) - SJR54
Right of Wisconsin residents to preventive and primary health care: constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR92
Secretary of State office deleted from the constitution; BCPL provision. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR9
Special orders of business for March 9, 2006 established re AB-71, AB-87, AB-129, AB-287, AB-328, AB-538, AB-587, AB-639, AB-735, AB-777, AB-875, AB-887, AB-937, AB-966, AB-1002, AB-1003, AB-1026, AB-1032, AB-1035, AB-1044, AB-1078, AB-1090, SB-123, SB-145, SB-150, SB-183, SB-226, SB-268, SB-272, SB-273, SB-284, SB-338, SB-352, SB-359, SB-362, SB-363, SB-364, SB-365, SB-380, SB-420, SB-453, SB-457, SB-474, SB-487, SB-488, SB-489, SB-490, SB-491, SB-492, SB-493, SB-494, SB-512, SB-515, SB-527, SB-539, SB-540, SB-547, SB-549, SB-555, SB-556, SB-557, SB-560, SB-562, SB-579, SB-591, SB-592, SB-597, SB-601, SB-612, SB-613, SB-638, SB-642, SB-652, SJR-33 -  AR51
Special orders of business for March 2, 2006 established re AB-172, AB-539, AB-579, AB-785, AB-851, AB-904, AB-933, AB-945, AB-976, AB-992, AB-993, AB-1021, AB-1036, AB-1037, AB-1038, AB-1052, AB-1054, AB-1071, AB-1072, AB-1073, AB-1074, SB-161, SB-221, SB-259, SB-312, SB-414, SB-495, SB-496, SB-497, SB-511, SB-529, SJR-33 -  AR49
Spending limits for local governmental units and state required to spend certain amount on school aid and shared revenue, consumer price index provision; spending limit adjustments and costs incurred by local governmental units to comply with certain state law or administrative rule or order provisions. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR71
Spending limits for state, school districts, and local governmental units established; elector approval to exceed limits required; exclusions, separate fund for excess revenue, and state mandate provisions. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR40
State fund or program revenue appropriation account creation permitted and changing the purpose prohibited: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  SJR21
State Treasurer, Office of, deleted from the constitution; BCPL provision. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR19
Tax revenue increase in certain cases: two-thirds vote required. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR43
Terms of office for members of the Senate and Assembly increased: constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR31
Unicameral legislature established: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR96
Voter registration and voting: photographic ID issued by this state or the federal government required. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR36
constitutional amendments _ second considerationConstitutional amendments — Second consideration
County officers (clerk, treasurer, DA, coroner, elected surveyor, register of deeds, clerk of circuit court): terms of office changed to 4-year. Constitutional amendment (2nd consideration)  - AJR3
County officers (clerk, treasurer, DA, coroner, elected surveyor, register of deeds, clerk of circuit court): terms of office changed to 4-year. Constitutional amendment (2nd consideration)  - SJR2
Marriage between one man and one woman only shall be valid or recognized; constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) - AJR67
Marriage between one man and one woman only shall be valid or recognized; constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) - SJR53
Marriage between one man and one woman only shall be valid or recognized: enrolled 2005 SJR-53 recalled for further action at the amendable stage -  SJR73
Special orders of business for February 17, 2005 established re AB-58, AJR-3, SJR-2 -  AR7
construction lienConstruction lien, see Lien
consumer creditConsumer credit, see Credit; Small loan
consumer price indexConsumer price index, see Consumer protection
consumer protectionConsumer protection, see also Credit; Product liability
Billing for consumer goods or services: certain practices prohibited; lawn care service contract regulations created; DATCP authority and civil action provisions [A.Amdt.1: lawn care service contracts deleted; S.Amdt.1: attorney-client relationship added to ``consumer goods or services" exceptions]  - AB574
Consumer goods and services sold at unreasonably excessive prices during periods of abnormal economic disruption re emergency prohibited; penalty, DATCP, and DOJ provisions  - AB1222
Consumer goods and services sold at unreasonably excessive prices during periods of abnormal economic disruption re emergency prohibited; penalty, DATCP, and DOJ provisions  - SB358
Consumer goods or services: charging grossly excessive prices prohibited; exceptions and AG provisions  - AB786
Consumer goods or services: charging grossly excessive prices prohibited; exceptions and AG provisions  - SB373
Consumer protection and trade practice law administration transferred from DATCP to DOJ; composition of ATCP Board revised; DATCP name changed to Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Rural Resources [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"] -  AB100