confidentiality of bill draftsConfidentiality of bill drafts, see Bills, Legislative
conner, garlin murlConner, Garlin Murl
U.S. Congress and House Armed Services Committee urged to adopt H.R. 605, awarding a Medal of Honor posthumously re World War II acts of valor -  SR7
constitution, united statesConstitution, United States
Required consideration of proposals: all joint resolutions to amend the state or federal constitution and all bills to be referred to a standing committee and be given a public hearing  - AB1160
Sovereignty under the 10th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution claimed; federal mandates provision  - SR17
constitution, wisconsinConstitution, Wisconsin
Required consideration of proposals: all joint resolutions to amend the state or federal constitution and all bills to be referred to a standing committee and be given a public hearing  - AB1160
constitutional amendments _ first considerationConstitutional amendments — First consideration
Appropriation bill approval: Governor may reduce but not increase the dollar amount; Governor may not approve a law the legislature did not authorize as part of the enrolled bill. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR56
General statement ``rule of taxation shall be uniform" removed from the Wisconsin Constitution: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR12
Governor may not enter into, amend, extend, or renew any agreement with a foreign nation, Indian tribe or band, the federal government, or another state until it is submitted to the Seante and a majority of the members approve it; renegotiation provision. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR61
Gubernatorial vetoes: provision for approval or rejection by the people via referendum; legislative authority not decreased. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR35
Legislators performing ordered military duty: appointment of temporary acting senators and representatives permitted. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR7
Lieutenant Governor's office abolished; gubernatorial line of succession amended re Speaker of the Assembly. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR10
Partial vetoes creating new sentences by combining parts of 2 or more sentences of the enrolled bill prohibited: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR52
Partial vetoes creating new sentences by combining parts of 2 or more sentences of the enrolled bill prohibited: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, Governor prohibited from rejecting an individual word in a sentence of an enrolled bill unless the entire sentence is rejected (Senate nonconcurred; Assembly recedes from its position)] -  SJR33
Partial vetoes of parts of bill sections without rejecting the entire bill section prohibited: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, rejection of individual word in a sentence prohibited unless entire sentence is rejected] - AJR68
Principal homesteads of individuals: exception from ``uniformity clause". Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR13
Property tax: different rates for parts of cities, villages, towns, counties, and school districts added by attachments to school districts, consolidations, and boundary changes under cooperative agreements; exception from ``uniformity clause" requirement. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR98
Property taxes on principal dwellings of state residents: tax exemption created. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR10
Redistricting standards re Senate and Assembly districts: constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR41
Redistricting standards re Senate and Assembly districts: constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR25
Residency required in jurisdiction or district of the office which the person is elected or appointed or filing nomination petition for and during the term of office: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR76
Revenue limit for state and local governmental units created; excess revenue, reduction in state aid, emergency reserve fund, reducing the revenue limit, and exceeding the revenue limit via a referendum provisions; individuals or class of individuals may bring a suit to enforce the revenue limits; amendment may be amended with approval of one legislature, rather than two, and ratification by the people: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR77
Revenue limit for state and local governmental units created; excess revenue, reduction in state aid, emergency reserve fund, reducing the revenue limit, and exceeding the revenue limit via a referendum provisions; individuals or class of individuals may bring a suit to enforce the revenue limits; amendment may be amended with approval of one legislature, rather than two, and ratification by the people: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  SJR63
Right of the people to certain health care re advance directives; end-of-life decisions; purchase of drugs, drug products, and prescribed devices; and stem cell research and therapy benefits (with the exception of human reproductive cloning). Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR93
Right of Wisconsin residents to adequate, accessible, and affordable health care: consitutional amendment (1st consideration) - SJR54
Right of Wisconsin residents to preventive and primary health care: constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR92
Secretary of State office deleted from the constitution; BCPL provision. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR9
Special orders of business for March 9, 2006 established re AB-71, AB-87, AB-129, AB-287, AB-328, AB-538, AB-587, AB-639, AB-735, AB-777, AB-875, AB-887, AB-937, AB-966, AB-1002, AB-1003, AB-1026, AB-1032, AB-1035, AB-1044, AB-1078, AB-1090, SB-123, SB-145, SB-150, SB-183, SB-226, SB-268, SB-272, SB-273, SB-284, SB-338, SB-352, SB-359, SB-362, SB-363, SB-364, SB-365, SB-380, SB-420, SB-453, SB-457, SB-474, SB-487, SB-488, SB-489, SB-490, SB-491, SB-492, SB-493, SB-494, SB-512, SB-515, SB-527, SB-539, SB-540, SB-547, SB-549, SB-555, SB-556, SB-557, SB-560, SB-562, SB-579, SB-591, SB-592, SB-597, SB-601, SB-612, SB-613, SB-638, SB-642, SB-652, SJR-33 -  AR51
Special orders of business for March 2, 2006 established re AB-172, AB-539, AB-579, AB-785, AB-851, AB-904, AB-933, AB-945, AB-976, AB-992, AB-993, AB-1021, AB-1036, AB-1037, AB-1038, AB-1052, AB-1054, AB-1071, AB-1072, AB-1073, AB-1074, SB-161, SB-221, SB-259, SB-312, SB-414, SB-495, SB-496, SB-497, SB-511, SB-529, SJR-33 -  AR49
Spending limits for local governmental units and state required to spend certain amount on school aid and shared revenue, consumer price index provision; spending limit adjustments and costs incurred by local governmental units to comply with certain state law or administrative rule or order provisions. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR71
Spending limits for state, school districts, and local governmental units established; elector approval to exceed limits required; exclusions, separate fund for excess revenue, and state mandate provisions. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR40
State fund or program revenue appropriation account creation permitted and changing the purpose prohibited: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  SJR21
State Treasurer, Office of, deleted from the constitution; BCPL provision. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR19
Tax revenue increase in certain cases: two-thirds vote required. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR43
Terms of office for members of the Senate and Assembly increased: constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR31
Unicameral legislature established: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR96
Voter registration and voting: photographic ID issued by this state or the federal government required. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR36
constitutional amendments _ second considerationConstitutional amendments — Second consideration
County officers (clerk, treasurer, DA, coroner, elected surveyor, register of deeds, clerk of circuit court): terms of office changed to 4-year. Constitutional amendment (2nd consideration)  - AJR3
County officers (clerk, treasurer, DA, coroner, elected surveyor, register of deeds, clerk of circuit court): terms of office changed to 4-year. Constitutional amendment (2nd consideration)  - SJR2
Marriage between one man and one woman only shall be valid or recognized; constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) - AJR67
Marriage between one man and one woman only shall be valid or recognized; constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) - SJR53
Marriage between one man and one woman only shall be valid or recognized: enrolled 2005 SJR-53 recalled for further action at the amendable stage -  SJR73
Special orders of business for February 17, 2005 established re AB-58, AJR-3, SJR-2 -  AR7
construction lienConstruction lien, see Lien
consumer creditConsumer credit, see Credit; Small loan
consumer price indexConsumer price index, see Consumer protection
consumer protectionConsumer protection, see also Credit; Product liability
Billing for consumer goods or services: certain practices prohibited; lawn care service contract regulations created; DATCP authority and civil action provisions [A.Amdt.1: lawn care service contracts deleted; S.Amdt.1: attorney-client relationship added to ``consumer goods or services" exceptions]  - AB574
Consumer goods and services sold at unreasonably excessive prices during periods of abnormal economic disruption re emergency prohibited; penalty, DATCP, and DOJ provisions  - AB1222
Consumer goods and services sold at unreasonably excessive prices during periods of abnormal economic disruption re emergency prohibited; penalty, DATCP, and DOJ provisions  - SB358
Consumer goods or services: charging grossly excessive prices prohibited; exceptions and AG provisions  - AB786
Consumer goods or services: charging grossly excessive prices prohibited; exceptions and AG provisions  - SB373
Consumer protection and trade practice law administration transferred from DATCP to DOJ; composition of ATCP Board revised; DATCP name changed to Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Rural Resources [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"] -  AB100
Debit card use: prohibition on merchant placing a hold on the account to cover anticipated costs created; Wisconsin Consumer Act provisions -  AB1050
Deceptive advertising and fraudulent representation civil forfeitures revised; court may order restitution in addition to civil forfeitures for Wisconsin Consumer Act violations  - AB488
Health and fitness center membership: individual income tax deduction created -  AB861
Late or delinquent payment on transactions subject to the Wisconsin Consumer Act: merchant prohibited from imposing; conditions specified -  AB1164
Minimum wage: DWD to revise annually using the consumer price index -  AB537
Minimum wage: DWD to revise annually using the consumer price index -  SB245
Motor vehicle fuel purchase paid with cash: motor vehicle fuel retailers may offer discounts [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, expanded to include any purchase paid in cash, credit card issuer may not prohibit] -  SB180
Nervous or mental disorder or alcoholism or AODA treatment: minimum amount of insurance coverage modified re changes in the consumer price index; DHFS report required  - AB252
Nervous or mental disorder or alcoholism or AODA treatment: minimum amount of insurance coverage modified re changes in the consumer price index; DHFS report required  - SB128
Rental-purchase agreement regulations created; exceptions and penalty provisions -  AB587
Rental-purchase agreement regulations created; exceptions and penalty provisions [S.Amdt.1: provision for no SSN added; S.Amdt.2: prohibitions re voluntary surrender or repossession of property] -  SB268
Spending limits for local governmental units and state required to spend certain amount on school aid and shared revenue, consumer price index provision; spending limit adjustments and costs incurred by local governmental units to comply with certain state law or administrative rule or order provisions. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR71
Telephone solicitation regulations revised re commercial mobile service, certain nonprofit organizations, customer notice to solicitor against telephone solicitations, penalties, and DATCP registration fee -  SB116
Telephone solicitation regulations revised re commercial mobile service, definition, customer notice to solicitor against telephone solicitations, penalties, and DATCP registration fee - AB416
Telephone solicitations: residential and nonresidential customer definitions broadened to include mobile telephone customers re nonsoliciation directory; notice to DATCP re nonsoliciation directory changed to 5 years; threats of violence or harassment by solicitor to recipient prohibited, penalty provision  - AB415
Wisconsin Consumer Act: exclusion for consumer credit and other transactions over set amount modified; certain types of credit discrimination are presumed to be unconscionable; court may order damages to be paid in civil forfeiture cases brought by DFI -  SB694
Wisconsin Consumer Act scope revised and remedies modified; Uniform Commercial Code consumer lease limit increased  - AB333
contaminated property _brownfields_Contaminated property (brownfields), see Environmental protection
contraceptiveContraceptive, see Birth control
Building contractors re certain dwellings: continuing education requirements created; Comm.Dept may suspend or revoke a building inspector's certification; Contractor Financial Responsibility Council renamed Contractor Certification Council; dwelling owner must sign statement from municipality re using contractors who are not bonded or insured  - AB980
Building contractors re certain dwellings: continuing education requirements created; Comm.Dept may suspend or revoke a building inspector's certification; Contractor Financial Responsibility Council renamed Contractor Certification Council; dwelling owner must sign statement from municipality re using contractors who are not bonded or insured [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, rule-making authority added] -  SB516
Construction defect claims against contractors and suppliers re home construction or remodel: procedures created; contractor required to provide certain brochure to potential claimant with the contract; condominium association and Comm.Dept provisions -  AB1031
Construction defect claims against contractors and suppliers re home or manufactured home construction or remodel: procedures created; contractor required to provide certain notice to potential claimant with the contract; condominium association and Comm.Dept provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.3: further revisions, manufactured home removed, notice replaced with brochure] - SB448