Greek Independence: 184th anniversary celebrated March 25, 2005 -  SJR8
Gulf War Illness Recognition Day: Governor to annually proclaim January 17 as -  SB193
Gulf War syndrome, lung cancer, or combustion illnesses re veterans of first or second Gulf War: exemption from rules prohibiting memorializing Congress or the federal government [Assembly rules 32 (1)(a) and 39 (1)]  - AR27
Hunter education certificate of accomplishment requirement for hunting approval: exception for certain certificate from another state or country -  AB800
Indian Ocean tsunami victims: state income and franchise tax deductions for charitable cash contributions re Public Law 109-1 -  AB42
Macedonia: proclaiming the ancient Macedonians were Hellenes and the inhabitants of Greece's northern province are their Hellenic descendents -  AJR37
Motorboat operation: person 16 years of age or older and born after certain date must complete a boating safety course [A.Amdt.1: motorboat rental provisions added and DNR duties specified; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: DNR required to promulgate rules] -  AB248
Motorboat operation: person 16 years of age or older and born after certain date must have a certificate from a boating safety course to operate; restrictions on renting personal watercraft expanded re all motorboats, instruction provision modified - SB471
Outsourcing of jobs currently held by Wisconsin and U.S. citizens to other nations: exemption from rules prohibiting memorializing Congress or the federal government [Assembly rules 32 (1)(a) and 39 (1)] -  AR23
Port security function contract to a person whose country the federal government determines to be a security or military threat prohibited: exemption from rules prohibiting memorializing Congress or the federal government [Assembly rules 32 (1)(a) and 39 (1)] -  AR47
Prescription drugs imported from Canada: exemption from rules prohibiting memorializing Congress or the federal government [Assembly rules 32 (1)(a) and 39 (1)]  - AR24
Public utility holding company: notification to PSC of assets held by nonutility affiliates outside the U.S. (foreign assets) required -  AB1224
Republic of Poland: U.S. Congress and President urged to make eligible for the U.S. Department of State's Visa Waiver Program - AJR95
Special distinguishing registration plates for certain groups that are military in nature created; fee and funding provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, veterans of Iraq War, Afghanistan War, and Noble Eagle and persons with military affiliations added, surviving spouse may personalize the plate or replace it with a regular plate]  - AB202
Taiwan's observer status in the World Health Organization supported -  AR52
Taiwan's observer status in the World Health Organization supported -  SR15
``Tibet Day" proclaimed March 10, 2005 -  AJR18
``Tibet Day" proclaimed March 10, 2006 -  AJR86
U.S. Secretary of Defense's use of a machine to sign letters to survivors of armed forces members killed in Iraq: exemption from rules prohibiting memorializing Congress or the federal government [Assembly rules 32 (1)(a) and 39 (1)]  - AR28
U.S.S. Liberty, attack on: calling upon Congress to investigate  - AJR44
interpretersInterpreters, see Circuit court
interrogationInterrogation, see Police
interstate compactInterstate compact, see also Reciprocity
Biotechnology research: requesting Governor to support a compact with Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, and Minnesota to pool resources to attract -  SJR52
Governor may not enter into, amend, extend, or renew any agreement with a foreign nation, Indian tribe or band, the federal government, or another state until it is submitted to the Seante and a majority of the members approve it; renegotiation provision. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR61
Interstate Compact for Juveniles: new compact created -  AB41
Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Compact created -  AB1049
Midwestern Higher Education Compact: payment of membership dues [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9101 (10k)]  - AB100
Wildlife violator compact [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions; A.Amdt.2: surcharge provision added; A.Amdt.3: law enforcement officers to serve citations] - AB26
Wildlife violator compact - SB33
interstate relationsInterstate relations
Beer wholesaler regulations, distribution, retailer, and out-of-state shipper revisions re 3-tier system [A.Amdt.1: provision re wholesaler and brewer or out-of-state shipper are same person; S.Amdt.1: wholesaler license to certain brewers permitted] - AB787
Beer wholesaler regulations, distribution, retailer, and out-of-state shipper revisions re 3-tier system  - SB415
Beer wholesaler's license: municipal authority to issue revised; nonresident wholesaler provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -  AB775
Border incentive grant program created; report required -  SB664
College savings program: income tax deduction expanded to include contributions to qualified tuition program (section 529 plan) of any state -  AB31
College savings program: income tax deduction expanded to include contributions to qualified tuition program (section 529 plan) of any state -  SB293
College tuition expenses: individual income tax deduction expanded to include EAB approved colleges, universities, and technical colleges in Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa, or Michigan - AB106
College tuition program account (section 529 plan) of any state: nonrefundable individual income tax credit for contributions created -  SB336
Concealed weapon carried by active, retired, and out-of-state law enforcement officers permitted under certain conditions; restrictions, ID cards, and forfeiture provisions; DOJ and law enforcement agency duties specified  - AB561
Consumer credit transactions: interest rate determination revised; out of state financial institutions and DFI provisions - SB328
CPA from another state allowed to practice in this state under certain conditions; disciplinary provisions  - AB911
CPA from another state allowed to practice in this state under certain conditions; disciplinary provisions  - SB484
Deer farm that is located in two states: exemption from having entire area fenced created if certain requirements are met; CWD provision -  AB1209
Deer farm that is located in two states: exemption from having entire area fenced created if certain requirements are met; CWD provision -  SB719
DOJ authority revisions re starting or intervening in a civil action, joining an action commenced by another state, and public nuisance actions; AG, Governor, and legislature provisions - SB425
English language proficiency assessment system: DPI authorized to assist in forming consortium to obtain funds for purchase [Sec. 1857] -  AB100
Fireworks sales to nonresident person, regardless of person's location, for use outside the state; issuing fireworks user's permit to an individual -  AB833
Governor may not enter into, amend, extend, or renew any agreement with a foreign nation, Indian tribe or band, the federal government, or another state until it is submitted to the Seante and a majority of the members approve it; renegotiation provision. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR61
Guardianship and conservatorship laws revised [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, receipt and acceptance of foreign (out-of-state) guardianship added] -  SB391
Hunter education certificate of accomplishment requirement for hunting approval: exception for certain certificate from another state or country -  AB800
Hurricane Katrina victims: technical college directors authorized to exceed limit re nonresident fee remissions for needy and worthy students -  AB805
Interstate organization membership and expenditures of certain committees: DOA may reduce dues payments [Sec. 29, 34-39, 62, 401, 731, 732; A.Sub.Amdt.1: DOA authority removed, funding revision, 32m, 38b, 62m, 393k, L, 401a, 695v, 9401 (1q), deletes 29, 34-36, 38, 39, 401, 732]  - AB100
Motorboat operation: person 16 years of age or older and born after certain date must complete a boating safety course [A.Amdt.1: motorboat rental provisions added and DNR duties specified; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: DNR required to promulgate rules] -  AB248
Motorboat operation: person 16 years of age or older and born after certain date must have a certificate from a boating safety course to operate; restrictions on renting personal watercraft expanded re all motorboats, instruction provision modified - SB471
National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws delegations: revision re former legislator and state bar membership -  AB497
National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws delegations: revision re former legislator and state bar membership -  SB225
Nonresident registrants under the campaign finance law: report requirements revised -  AB65
Out-of-state banks may establish a branch in this state without acquiring a Wisconsin bank; requirements for acquisition of a Wisconsin bank changed; holding company provision  - AB1009
Out-of-state banks may establish a branch in this state without acquiring a Wisconsin bank; requirements for acquisition of a Wisconsin bank changed; holding company provision  - SB584
Out-of-state pharmacy licensure requirements created; toll-free telephone number provision [A.Amdt.1: ``toll-free" deleted] -  AB722
Social Security Trust Fund and privatizing social security: U.S. governors urged to support repaying the fund and rejecting privatization plans -  AJR32
Summons by certain nonresidents permitted -  AB432
Three-tier distribution system for alcohol beverages [Sec. 1921-1924; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, quantity limit on wine shipments to individuals revised, 1924m]  - AB100
Trapping license for nonresidents created; limitations and preference provisions -  AB131
U.W. Superior and University of Minnesota-Duluth: collaboration study by Regents [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9152 (7f)]  - AB100
Wine shipments to individuals from out-of-state wineries with reciprocal agreements: quantity limitation eliminated  - AB687
intrastate relationsIntrastate relations
Area cooperation compacts: certification and reporting requirements repealed -  AB936
Area cooperation compacts: certification and reporting requirements repealed -  SB510
Cooperative county-tribal grant program: OJA to administer; existing grant program for counties that border reservations eliminated [Sec. 88, 360, 361, 416, 424-426, 1235, 2087-2089, 9129 (1); original bill only] -  AB100
County law enforcement services and county tribal law enforcement grant programs transferred from OJA to DOJ [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 87t-88b, 416g, h, 423m, 424b, 2086s, 2088m, 9101 (10r)] -  AB100
Emergency management programs of local governments required to include Mutual Aid Box Alarm System; Adjutant General to promulgate rules -  AB1093
Emergency management programs of local governments required to include Mutual Aid Box Alarm System; Adjutant General to promulgate rules -  SB642
Joint academic programs: study of [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9152 (8q)] -  AB100
Municipal boundary agreements and use of alternative dispute resolution in municipal boundary disputes  - SB460
Personal care services quality improvement; intergovernmental cooperation agreements [Sec. 829, 1243; original bill only] - AB100
Special orders of business for March 7, 2006 established re AB-19, AB-33, AB-96, AB-353, AB-588, AB-596, AB-671, AB-673, AB-675, AB-680, AB-681, AB-686, AB-751, AB-801, AB-838, AB-842, AB-856, AB-874, AB-900, AB-928, AB-934, AB-936, AB-958, AB-973, AB-974, AB-975, AB-987, AB-989, AB-990, AB-1008, AB-1015, AB-1024, AB-1028, AB-1060, AB-1077, SB-103, SB-350, SB-369, SB-405, SB-447, SB-450, SB-459, SB-501, SB-502, SB-510, SB-536, SB-537, SB-602 -  AR50
State or local governmental body member may not be excluded from a meeting of a subunit of that body  - SB233
Vehicle combinations meeting certain requirements and used solely in intrastate commerce exempt from motor carrier regulations and marking requirement; DOT provision  - SB485
Wisconsin Tribal-State Council created in DOA -  AB134
investment, government fundInvestment, Government fund