Child or dependent care: nonrefundable individual income tax credit for certain expenses created  - AB1103
Community rehabilitation program work provided to a business: income and franchise tax credits created  - AB622
Community rehabilitation program work provided to a business: income and franchise tax credits created  - SB281
Companionship services: exemption from overtime pay rules under certain conditions; definitions provided; suspension of DWD emergency rule -  AB11
Companionship services: exemption from overtime pay rules under certain conditions; definitions provided; suspension of DWD emergency rule -  SB11
Education of children with disabilities: laws revised re federal Individual with Disabilities Education Act adopted in 2004 - AB945
Education of children with disabilities: laws revised re federal Individual with Disabilities Education Act adopted in 2004 [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - SB529
Elder abuse law revisions re terminology, reporting of, investigations, services, and confidentiality; counties permitted to assist adults-at-risk who are under age 60 [A.Amdt.5: ``financial exploitation" definition expanded; S.Amdt.1: age for county assistance raised to 70 (Assembly nonconcurred; Senate recedes from its position)] -  AB539
Family Care resource center expansion: DHFS to create nine new centers; JCF to review [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 872m-s, 878m, 9121 (12k), (12L)] -  AB100
Family Care resource centers and care management organizations: DHFS authority to contract with certain entities to provide, JCF provision; pilot project requirements eliminated - AB1110
Family Care resource centers and care management organizations: DHFS authority to contract with certain entities to provide, JCF provision; pilot project requirements eliminated [for further revisions, see entry under ``Family"]  - SB653
Federal education laws and federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB): DPI and school boards directed to resolve conflicts with state laws and seek waivers; federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) provision  - AB562
Historic building used as multifamily dwelling: local ordinance granting variance from multifamily dwelling code permitted re handrail and guardrail requirements; exemption from accessibility requirements triggered by remodeling, rules provision - AB1045
Independent living center grants: amount of moneys transferred by DWD to DHFS increased [Sec. 350]  - AB100
Instructional materials: publishers required to provide in an electronic format upon request from nonprofit or public institutions of higher education, conditions and formats specified; TCS Board and U.W. Board of Regents duties specified; public accommodations law provision -  AB1142
Joint services plan and report re centers for the developmentally disabled [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1225m, 9121 (12q)]  - AB100
MA recipients in state centers for the developmentally disabled relocated to the community: use of CIP funding for new construction [Sec. 865; original bill only]  - AB100
MA waiver programs: revisions re consent to participate by person's legal representative -  AB540
Mail theft prohibitions expanded; identity theft penalty enhancement if victim is elderly, under age 18, disabled, or a vulnerable adult; SSN use by employer or on driver's license as unique ID number prohibited; employer may request SSN only when offer of employment is made to applicant; restricting release of credit reports, fees, notice, and civil action provisions  - SB581
Personal care services quality improvement; intergovernmental cooperation agreements [Sec. 829, 1243; original bill only] - AB100
Physical and occupational therapy under MA: DHFS required to substantiate reduction in duration of services [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1149f, 9321 (9k)] -  AB100
Protective placements and services, involuntary administration of psychotropic medication, guardianships, conservatorships, wards, and services for adults at risk and elder adults at risk: reconciliation of 2005 WisActs 264, 387, and 388 (AB-785, SB-391, and AB-539) -  SB731
Residents of state centers for the developmentally disabled deemed appropriate for community care: revision re charging counties for services [Sec. 1229] - AB100
Rural health clinic in Chippewa Falls: funding re dental services for elderly or developmentally disabled [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2031m, 9421 (11k)] -  AB100
Service animal accompanying person with a disability or animal trainer: laws re access to public accommodations modified - SB157
Service dog: theft or harassment of or recklessly injuring made a crime; penalty and restitution provisions  - AB353
Service dog: theft or harassment of or recklessly injuring made a crime; penalty and restitution provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, harassment deleted, interfering with the use of and causing death added, ``pecuniary loss" applied to law enforcement or fire department animal or service dog]  - SB181
Special interest vehicle owner may, if eligible, obtain a special identification decal re disabilities in lieu of a special ID card - AB965
Special orders of business for December 13, 2005 established re partial veto of AB-100 [Item C-1] and AB-20, AB-120, AB-122, AB-397, AB-521, AB-624, AB-700, AB-763, AB-802, AB-823, AB-829, AB-840, AB-844, SB-175, SB-331, SB-402, SB-403 -  AR43
Special registration plate or temporary certification re parking privileges for disabled persons: public health nurse allowed to provide certification to enable a person to obtain  - AB1184
Special registration plates or special ID for persons with disabilities re parking privileges: criteria for obtaining modified; forfeiture for lending special ID to a person not authorized to use it revised; forfeiture for providing false or misleading information created; DOT provision re issuing more than one ID [A.Amdt.1: forfeiture for selling ID added; A.Amdt.2: copy of statement from certain health care providers must be kept on the person or in the vehicle] -  AB715
Specialized medical vehicle: MA-certified provider requirements revised re wheelchair accommodations  - AB122
Specialized Transportation Assistance Program: aid held in trust by DOT expanded to cover services; deadline to apply for county proportionate share revised  - AB426
Transporting children with disabilities to school: school board requirements revised -  SB383
``Treatment records" and ``registration records" re mental health, developmental disabilities, alcoholism, and drug dependence: definitions changed; confidentiality exception re release to physician in a medical emergency modified; good faith exception to liability for release of records eliminated - AB1094
``Treatment records" and ``registration records" re mental health, developmental disabilities, alcoholism, and drug dependence: definitions changed; confidentiality exception re release to physician in a medical emergency modified; good faith exception to liability for release of records eliminated [S.Amdt.1: information that may be released specified]  - SB650
Tuition and fee remissions for veteran, spouse, surviving spouse, and children of certain veterans re U.W. and TCS boards: eligibility expanded re certain service-connected disability  - SB427
Tuition and fee remissions for veteran, spouse, surviving spouse, and children of certain veterans re U.W. and TCS boards: eligibility expanded re certain service-connected disability; residence requirement re incurrence of disability removed  - AB879
Tuition and fee remissions for veterans re U.W. and TCS boards: residence requirement re incurrence of service-connected disability removed; eligibility expanded to include unremarried spouse and children of veteran who died as a result of a service-connected disability, residency provision  - AB1034
Tuition and fee remissions for veterans re U.W. and TCS boards: residence requirement re incurrence of service-connected disability removed; eligibility expanded to include unremarried spouse and children of veteran who died as a result of a service-connected disability, residency provision  - SB613
U.W. and technical college fee remission extended to child or surviving spouse of an ambulance driver, correctional officer, EMT, fire fighter, or law enforcement officer who qualified for duty disability benefits and later died from the disability - AB835
U.W. and technical college fee remission extended to child or surviving spouse of an ambulance driver, correctional officer, EMT, fire fighter, or law enforcement officer who qualified for duty disability benefits and later died from the disability - SB414
Weight gain, obesity, or related health condition caused by the consumption of food: civil liability exemption from claims for food manufacturers, marketers, packers, advertisers, distributors, and sellers; attorney fee provision  - AB338
Weight gain, obesity, or related health condition caused by the consumption of food: civil liability exemption from claims for food manufacturers, marketers, packers, advertisers, distributors, and sellers; attorney fee provision  - SB161
Wrongful birth or wrongful life action: recovery of damages - SB71
pesticidePesticide, see Pests
Billing for consumer goods or services: certain practices prohibited; lawn care service contract regulations created; DATCP authority and civil action provisions [A.Amdt.1: lawn care service contracts deleted; S.Amdt.1: attorney-client relationship added to ``consumer goods or services" exceptions]  - AB574
Bulk fertilizer and pesticides: rules concerning storage expanded to include persons who store; secondary containment provision -  SB500
petition for recallPetition for recall, see Recall
AJR-67 and SJR-53: marriage between one man and one woman only shall be valid or recognized; constitutional amendment (2nd consideration), supported  - AP1
AJR-67 and SJR-53: marriage between one man and one woman only shall be valid or recognized; constitutional amendment (2nd consideration), supported  - AP2
Integrated oil company excess profits tax created; individual income tax credit for cost of fuel and electricity used to heat principal dwelling created; corporations and subsidies required to file combined reports and tax returns re state income and franchise taxes -  AB873
Integrated oil company excess profits tax created; individual income tax credit for cost of fuel and electricity used to heat principal dwelling created; corporations and subsidies required to file combined reports and tax returns re state income and franchise taxes -  SB376
Low-income energy assistance program: eligibility expanded for fiscal year 2005-06; one-time fund transfer from the petroleum inspection fund -  AB1106
Low-income energy assistance program: eligibility expanded for fiscal year 2005-06; one-time fund transfer from the petroleum inspection fund -  FE6 AB1
Low-income energy assistance program: eligibility expanded for fiscal year 2005-06; one-time fund transfer from the petroleum inspection fund [S.Amdt.1: applications due by certain date] -  FE6 SB1
Low-income energy assistance program: eligibility expanded for fiscal year 2005-06; one-time funding transfer from the petroleum inspection fund -  SB598
Motor vehicle fuel tax annual adjustment sunsetted; petroleum inspection fee modified -  SB421
Petroleum inspection fee reduced; diesel truck idling reduction grants created, sunset provided [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 156s, t, 1829p, 2094f, 2348q, 9108 (1v), (1w), 9408 (1x)]  - AB100
Petroleum inspection fund transfer to general fund [Sec. 9208 (1)] -  AB100
Raw forest products: exemptions from harvesting on tax delinquent land created re maintaining railroad tracks, pipelines, and utility right-of-way -  AB1173
Raw forest products: exemptions from harvesting on tax delinquent land created re maintaining railroad tracks, pipelines, and utility right-of-way -  SB683
Research and research facilities: tax credits modified re engine manufacturing and vehicle design [for further revisions, see entry under ``Industrial development"]  - SB103
petroleum _ taxationPetroleum — Taxation
Oil pipeline terminal facility taxation: annual distribution to governments where facility is located [Sec. 454, 456, 1470-1473, 9441 (4)] -  AB100
Cancer drug repository program expanded to include prescription drugs and supplies for chronic diseases; fee and DHFS provisions -  AB197
Cancer drug repository program expanded to include prescription drugs and supplies for chronic diseases; fee and DHFS provisions -  SB109
Cigarette tax increased; Badger Care, prescription drug assistance, and MA GPR appropriations revised; drug dispensing fee re pharmacies increased; certain MA nursing home, hospital, and trust fund appropriation provisions  - AB779
Cigarette tax increased; Badger Care, prescription drug assistance, and MA GPR appropriations revised; drug dispensing fee re pharmacies increased; certain MA nursing home, hospital, and trust fund appropriation provisions  - AB847
Drug product equivalent: label to include statement re substitution by pharmacist unless practitioner requests omission [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, prescribed brand name included on bottle] -  AB258
Employment discrimination based on creed expanded re pharmacist refusal to dispense drugs used for abortion, assisted suicide, or euthanasia; definition, disciplinary action, and damages provisions -  AB285
Employment discrimination based on creed expanded re pharmacist refusal to dispense drugs used for abortion, assisted suicide, or euthanasia; definition, disciplinary action, and damages provisions -  SB155
Employment discrimination based on creed expanded to include sterilization, abortion, experiments re in vitro human embryos, procedures re fetal tissue, assisted suicide, euthanasia, and mercy killings; health care providers and health facilities employees revisions; definitions, disciplinary actions, liability, and damages provisions [A.Amdt.1: access to patient health care records provision added] -  AB207
Epilepsy drugs: pharmacist prohibited from substituting a drug product equivalent without prescribing practitioner and patient consent; certain health insurers prohibited from penalizing a participating provider, pharmacist, or enrollee for requesting specific epilepsy drugs -  AB1210
Health care plan must allow any provider to participate, conditions set; 30-day period when pharmacists elect to participate for at least one year extended to certain other health care professionals -  AB274
Methamphetamine: possession of certain materials with intent to manufacture prohibited; penalty for distribution or delivery to person under age 18 modified; restrictions on sale and reclassification of pseudoephedrine hydrochloride; intentionally releasing anhydrous ammonia without owner's consent prohibited and liquid nitrogen provision  - AB183
Methamphetamine: possession of certain materials with intent to manufacture prohibited; penalty for distribution or delivery to person under age 18 modified; restrictions on sale and reclassification of pseudoephedrine hydrochloride; intentionally releasing anhydrous ammonia without owner's consent prohibited; penalty provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, distribution to minors removed, restrictions on sale of certain products and amounts purchased added, Pharmacy Examining Board provision] -  SB78
Optometrist regulation revised including certain pharmaceutical agents, license examination, and continuing education  - AB828
Optometrist regulation revised including certain pharmaceutical agents, license examination, and continuing education  - SB429
Out-of-state pharmacy licensure requirements created; toll-free telephone number provision [A.Amdt.1: ``toll-free" deleted] -  AB722
Patient health care records: requirements created for transfer from health care provider who is deceased or ceases practice to another health care provider -  AB465
Pharmacies required to have at least one pharmacist present to administer, dispense, deliver, or distribute all FDA approved contraceptive articles -  AB605
Pharmacists required to dispense all FDA approved contraceptives unless it is contraindicated for a particular patient - AB795
Pharmacists required to dispense all FDA approved contraceptives unless it is contraindicated for a particular patient; abortion defined to exclude FDA approved birth control  - AB532
Pharmacy Examining Board powers during a declared state of emergency re granting a variance - SB405