Small claims actions: jurisdictional limit increased -
Special orders of business for March 7, 2006 established re AB-19, AB-33, AB-96, AB-353, AB-588, AB-596, AB-671, AB-673, AB-675, AB-680, AB-681, AB-686, AB-751, AB-801, AB-838, AB-842, AB-856, AB-874, AB-900, AB-928, AB-934, AB-936, AB-958, AB-973, AB-974, AB-975, AB-987, AB-989, AB-990, AB-1008, AB-1015, AB-1024, AB-1028, AB-1060, AB-1077, SB-103, SB-350, SB-369, SB-405, SB-447, SB-450, SB-459, SB-501, SB-502, SB-510, SB-536, SB-537, SB-602 -
Goods in consumer credit transactions and certain consumer leases: revisions re voluntary surrender of and actions to recover collateral; nonjudicial repossession provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, provisions limited to motor vehicles, notice to law enforcment provision and penalties added] -
Goods in consumer credit transactions and certain consumer leases: revisions re voluntary surrender of and actions to recover collateral; nonjudicial repossession provision
Payday loan provider: maximum finance charge set; license required; Division of Banking authority specified
Payday loan providers: requirements and prohibitions created; reports required -
Life and military service commended -
Life and service in the Wisconsin National Guard commended -
Antique snowmobile registration modified -
Antique snowmobile registration modified -
ATV, snowmobile, motorboat, or sailboat registration: exception created for vehicle in the state for limited number of days re manufacturer advertisement [A.Amdt.1: exemption from certification and registration period and fees, DNR duty set] -
Boats, ATVs, and snowmobiles registration service fees [Sec. 499-507, 659-668, 2270-2278, 2280; A.Sub.Amdt.1: motorcycle recreational program funding transfer, 247c, g, 9435 (9m)] -
Deer hunting: persons who hold certain licenses and own certain number of acres in a parcel of land or land with a public snowmobile corridor are issued a second deer carcass tag
Emergency services fees: political subdivision may assess against an intoxicated individual who causes an accident; definition provisions -
Snowmobile noise level standards clarified [A.Amdt.1: DNR rule-making authority added] -
Snowmobile noise level standards clarified -
Snowmobile operation during hours of darkness: speed limit set [A.Amdt.2: exemption from certain legislative rules or proceedings; A.Amdt.3: sunset provision; S.Amdt.2: appropriation and A.Amdt.2 provision deleted]
Snowmobile trail grooming reimbursement rate [Sec. 2279; A.Sub.Amdt.1: supplemental aids, appropriation lapses, 2278m-2279p, 9235 (3r)-(3t)] -
Special orders of business for December 13, 2005 established re partial veto of AB-100 [Item C-1] and AB-20, AB-120, AB-122, AB-397, AB-521, AB-624, AB-700, AB-763, AB-802, AB-823, AB-829, AB-840, AB-844, SB-175, SB-331, SB-402, SB-403 -
Trespass law violations by persons engaged in outdoor recreational or natural resources activities: DNR authority expanded; court may revoke or suspend hunting, trapping, and fishing licenses and other approvals; surcharge, ATV and snowmobile operation, and citations mailed to persons outside the state provisions -
Civil service system examinations: use of applicant's SSN as identifying number prohibited -
Driver's license, vehicle title applications, SSN, and signatures obtained by DOT may be disclosed to DOR re state taxes administration -
Farm Assets Reinvestment Management Loan Guarantee Program, Homeownership Mortgage Loan Program, Housing Rehabilitation Program, and Small Business Development Loan Guarantee Program modifications; WHEDA revisions re notes and bonds limits, authority to acquire property, confidentiality of certain records, and using the Building Commission as its financial consultant; Comm.Dept to prepare an appendix report [A.Amdt.1: SSN provision re Homeownership Mortgage Loan Program added] -
Mail theft prohibitions expanded; identity theft penalty enhancement if victim is elderly, under age 18, disabled, or a vulnerable adult; SSN use by employer or on driver's license as unique ID number prohibited; employer may request SSN only when offer of employment is made to applicant; restricting release of credit reports, fees, notice, and civil action provisions
Personal information disclosure to DOR: DOT, DRL, and DWD to provide; state agencies issuing occupational licenses included [Sec. 1194, 1446, 1464, 1733, 2252, 2253, 2261-2263, 2284] -
Privitization of social security opposed: exemption from rules prohibiting memorializing Congress or the federal government [Assembly rules 32 (1)(a) and 39 (1)]
Public records containing certain personal information, including SSN: state or local government prohibited from posting on the Internet; SSN must be deleted before permitting access to the record; penalties for misrepresenting identity or purpose re obtaining SSN; exceptions and employer provisions
Public records containing certain personal information, including SSN: state or local government prohibited from posting on the Internet; SSN must be deleted before permitting access to the record; penalties for misrepresenting identity or purpose re obtaining SSN; exceptions and employer provisions
Register of deeds prohibited from recording certain instruments containing more than a partial SSN; liability for damages and federal tax lien provisions [A.Amdt.2: vital records and certain memorial exceptions; A.Amdt.3: partial SSN provisions changed to full SSN, register of deeds may remove or obscure an SSN before recording] -
Register of deeds prohibited from recording certain instruments containing more than a partial SSN; liability for damages, federal tax lien, and credit reporting agencies provisions
Social security benefits exempt from individual income tax -
Social security benefits exempt from individual income tax -
Social security benefits: 5-year phase-in for exemption from taxation [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1286g-L; A.Amdt.32: changed to 3-year phase-in, 1286gm-jm, deletes 1286g-L]
Social security benefits: individual income tax subtract modification increased over a set period of time
Social security benefits: individual income tax subtract modification increased over a set period of time
Social security benefits, taxable amounts: individual income tax credit created and phased in over set amount of time
Social security benefits, taxable amounts: individual income tax credit created and phased in over set amount of time
Social Security Trust Fund and privatizing social security: U.S. Congress urged to repay the fund and reject privatization plans -
Social Security Trust Fund and privatizing social security: U.S. governors urged to support repaying the fund and rejecting privatization plans -
SSN of customer: retail seller prohibited from requesting; exception for DNR fish and game approvals
SSN of customer: retail seller prohibited from requesting; exception for DNR fish and game approvals
SSN use prohibitions re state civil service exams, requests by merchants for customers' SSN, and access to certain public records and employer records containing SSNs; register of deeds requirements re recording certain instruments; posting personal information in government records on the Internet prohibited; notification of unauthorized acquisitions of computerized personal information required
WHEDA may not make, buy, or assume a home mortgage loan for a person without a valid SSN -
WHEDA may not make, buy, or assume a home mortgage loan for a person without a valid SSN -
Approval revocation or limits by political subdivisions or state agencies modified re zoning ordinances, water quality certification, construction site storm water discharge permit, activities related to navigable waters, construction or erosion control plan or variance, and controlled-access highway connection or crossing -
Soil and water resource management projects: appropriation from environmental fund created to pay principal and interest costs [Sec. 147, 148, 258, 460; A.Sub.Amdt.1: general obligation bonding increased, deletes 147]
Contaminated property: residual contamination after cleanup under administration of agency with authority over the site, DNR and notification provisions; ERTID revisions; local governmental exemption from solid waste management standards under certain conditions; voluntary party liability exemption modified -
Contaminated property: residual contamination after cleanup under administration of agency with authority over the site, DNR and notification provisions; ERTID revisions; local governmental exemption from solid waste management standards under certain conditions; voluntary party liability exemption modified -
CWD provisions re transportation, possession, control, storage, and disposal of cervid carcass regulated; provide tissue samples of wild animals to DNR; allow shooting of deer from certain vehicles in CWD control zones; DNR and DATCP agreements with operators of landfills, meat processing facilities, or wastewater treatment facilities; exemption from deer hunting license in CWD control zones -
Dredged materials that contain PCBs: solid waste disposal facility prohibited from accepting; municipal liability re materials from Great Lakes basin contaminated with PCBs provision
Electronic equipment disposal laws revised re producer responsibility, fee, prohibition on hazardous substances in equipment, landfill ban, and state purchasing
Open burning of solid waste and waste tire storage, treatment, or disposal at solid waste facilities: DNR authorized to issue citations for violations; local law enforcement provision
Open burning of solid waste and waste tire storage, treatment, or disposal at solid waste facilities: DNR authorized to issue citations for violations; local law enforcement provision
Products in plastic containers: retail sale restrictions re percentage of postconsumer waste modified, exceptions provided
Recycling tipping fee: exemption re companies making paper or paperboard from wastepaper [Sec. 2199; A.Sub.Amdt.1: fee decreased, exemptions modified, 2198x, 9335 (3q), 9435 (5q)] -
Vehicles transporting specified materials: annual or consecutive month overweight permit created and issued by local highway authorities; DOT to prepare an appendix report
Waste Facility Siting Board changes re executive director, state agency assistance with duties, and appropriation lapse [Sec. 47, 48, 407, 2109; A.Sub.Amdt.1: fee revised, 2198t, 9201 (1f), 9335 (2f), 9435 (2f), deletes 407]
Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission funding [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 247b, 9135 (4w)]
Public debt refunding re tax-supported or self-amortizing facilities -
Public debt refunding re tax-supported or self-amortizing facilities [S.Amdt.2: investment of funds in the bond security and redemption fund added] -
Low-income energy assistance program: eligibility expanded for fiscal year 2005-06; one-time fund transfer from the petroleum inspection fund -