Fox Valley Technical College crime prevention center: incentive grants for [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9146 (1f)]  - AB100
Health occupation programs: TCS Board to develop admissions standards and standard curriculum to be adopted by all district boards -  AB246
Higher education grants for U.W. System students and Lawton grants: formula to calculate appropriation amounts changed; HEAB and technical college and tribal college student tuition grants provisions -  AB743
Hurricane Katrina victims: technical college directors authorized to exceed limit re nonresident fee remissions for needy and worthy students -  AB805
Inmate products produced as part of technical college courses: revision re sale in the open market [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2239m-2240r] -  AB100
Liberal arts collegiate transfer program: TCS Board directed to approve for certain technical college districts; broadening program offerings provision -  AB595
Liberal arts collegiate transfer program: TCS Board directed to approve for certain technical college districts; broadening program offerings provision -  SB279
Litigation expenses for EMS, EMT, first responder, fire fighter, or law enforcement or correctional officer: municipality required to pay, exceptions provided [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, criminal proceedings and reasonable attorney fees specified, ``protective services officer" definition]  - SB132
Manufacturing extension program administration transferred from Comm.Dept to TCS Board [Sec. 154, 713, 2363-2365; original bill only] -  AB100
Motor vehicle fuel tax refund for schools, technical college districts, and local governments created; provisions re DOR and persons under contract with school districts to transport pupils to and from school activities -  AB726
Professional development, short-term, vocational-adult seminars or workshops: restriction on additional fee eliminated; length of seminar or workshop set [Sec. 215, 216, 707, 709] - AB100
Resident fishing and certain hunting licenses may be issued to full-time student pursuing an associate degree or a postgraduate student who is not a permanent resident  - AB905
Resident tuition eligibility for certain aliens re TCS and U.W. System [Sec. 699, 708, 9346 (1), 9352 (1); original bill only] - AB100
Revenue limit for state and local governmental units created; excess revenue, reduction in state aid, emergency reserve fund, reducing the revenue limit, and exceeding the revenue limit via a referendum provisions; individuals or class of individuals may bring a suit to enforce the revenue limits; amendment may be amended with approval of one legislature, rather than two, and ratification by the people: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR77
Revenue limit for state and local governmental units created; excess revenue, reduction in state aid, emergency reserve fund, reducing the revenue limit, and exceeding the revenue limit via a referendum provisions; individuals or class of individuals may bring a suit to enforce the revenue limits; amendment may be amended with approval of one legislature, rather than two, and ratification by the people: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  SJR63
Revenue limits for local governmental units created, excess revenue returned to taxpayers, referendum required to exceed limit; legislature prohibited from passing bills that would exceed a revenue limit, budget stabilization fund provision; Building Commission borrowing authority modified; reimbursing reasonable costs of imposing state mandates; promulgation of an administrative rule that increases expenditures without appropriation for reasonable costs prohibited  - SB724
School-to-work and work-based learning programs: administration by TCS Board; Governor's Work-Based Learning Board eliminated [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 42m, 53m, 156d, 221d, 350r-352p, 429m, 487b, 714d-719d, 1834v-1839t, 2109j, 9146 (1q), 9154 (1q), 9254 (1q)] - AB100
School-to-work and work-based learning programs: administration transferred from TCS Board to Governor's Work-Based Learning Board [Sec. 156, 217, 221, 333, 351, 352, 714-724, 1835-1839; original bill only] - AB100
Spending limits for cities, villages, towns, counties, and technical college districts established, referendum required to exceed the limit; school district revenue modified; QEO exception eliminated from binding arbitration process; MERA revisions re limiting certain expenditures and factors arbitrators must consider; school district professional employees provisions - AB462
Spending limits for local governmental units and state required to spend certain amount on school aid and shared revenue, consumer price index provision; spending limit adjustments and costs incurred by local governmental units to comply with certain state law or administrative rule or order provisions. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR71
Timber management on state owned lands; expenditures from forestry revenues re managed forest land aids for closed lands, research and development grants, internships, school forests, logging apprenticeship and certification, and Paper Discovery Center [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 156m, 221m, 225g, 246g-t, 490m, 541b-m, 557d-m, 707g, 1684b-w, 2361m, 9135 (4p), (5p), (6p), 9335 (2k), 9435 (7k), (8k)] - AB100
Training assistance grant program created; provision re family-supporting wage [Sec. 153, 2362; original bill only]  - AB100
Tuition and fee remissions for veteran, spouse, surviving spouse, and children of certain veterans re U.W. and TCS boards: eligibility expanded re certain service-connected disability  - SB427
Tuition and fee remissions for veteran, spouse, surviving spouse, and children of certain veterans re U.W. and TCS boards: eligibility expanded re certain service-connected disability; residence requirement re incurrence of disability removed  - AB879
Tuition and fee remissions for veteran, spouse, surviving spouse, and children of certain veterans re U.W. and TCS boards: eligibility expanded to include veterans with certain residency prior to registering as a student -  AB916
Tuition and fee remissions for veteran, spouse, surviving spouse and children of certain veterans: U.W. and TCS boards required to grant [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 702m, n, 708d, 709m, n, 769n, p, 9353 (2q), (2r); A.Amdt.40: further revisions, 9353 (2q), (2r), deletes 769n, p, 9353 (2q), (2r)] - AB100
Tuition and fee remissions for veterans re U.W. and TCS boards: residence requirement re incurrence of service-connected disability removed; eligibility expanded to include unremarried spouse and children of veteran who died as a result of a service-connected disability, residency provision  - AB1034
Tuition and fee remissions for veterans re U.W. and TCS boards: residence requirement re incurrence of service-connected disability removed; eligibility expanded to include unremarried spouse and children of veteran who died as a result of a service-connected disability, residency provision  - SB613
U.W. and technical college fee remission extended to child or surviving spouse of an ambulance driver, correctional officer, EMT, fire fighter, or law enforcement officer who qualified for duty disability benefits and later died from the disability - AB835
U.W. and technical college fee remission extended to child or surviving spouse of an ambulance driver, correctional officer, EMT, fire fighter, or law enforcement officer who qualified for duty disability benefits and later died from the disability - SB414
Vocational diploma program (two-year): eligibility for higher education scholarship extended to include  - AB774
Vocational diploma program (two-year): eligibility for higher education scholarship extended to include  - SB370
technical college system boardTechnical College System Board
AODA grant program for TCS eliminated [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 217r, 713m] -  AB100
Appropriation lapse to the general fund required [A.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 9246 (1q)] -  AB100
BEST grant program transferred from Comm.Dept to TCS Board and renamed Jobs Advantage Training Program [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 217m, 724m, 2357m, 9108 (4k)]  - AB100
BEST grant program transferred from Comm.Dept to TCS Board with modifications -  AB241
BEST grant program transferred from Comm.Dept to TCS Board with modifications -  SB129
Dental grants for school-based dental sealant program and funding to TCS for oral health services [Sec. 325, 2131, 2132; A.Sub.Amdt.1: funding for programs to discourage use of smokeless tobacco, 325g, 2149g, h, deletes 325]  - AB100
DVA may transfer funds from institutional operations to veterans trust fund under certain conditions; U.W. System and technical college district board may grant full remission of academic fees to certain veterans; tuition and academic fee remission for surviving spouses and children and certain disabled veterans revised re residency and death as a result of a service-connected disability; FTE positions for DVA  - AB1034
DVA may transfer funds from institutional operations to veterans trust fund under certain conditions; U.W. System and technical college district board may grant full remission of academic fees to certain veterans; tuition and academic fee remission for surviving spouses and children and certain disabled veterans revised re residency and death as a result of a service-connected disability; FTE positions for DVA  - SB613
EAB duties expanded re taking possession of student records if school discontinues operations; administrative attachment changed from DVA to TCS Board [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Educational Approval Board"] - AB100
Excise tax on gasoline and diesel fuel: cities, villages, towns, counties, school districts, U.W. System, and TCS exempted - AB236
Fee remission for veterans: U.W. System and each technical college district board required to grant to state residents; other conditions specified -  AB318
Fox Valley Technical College crime prevention center: incentive grants for [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9146 (1f)]  - AB100
Full remission of tuition and fees for spouse, unremarried surviving spouse, or child of eligible veteran: U.W. System and each technical college district board required to grant; conditions specified -  AB317
Health occupation programs: TCS Board to develop admissions standards and standard curriculum to be adopted by all district boards -  AB246
Instructional materials: publishers required to provide in an electronic format upon request from nonprofit or public institutions of higher education, conditions and formats specified; TCS Board and U.W. Board of Regents duties specified; public accommodations law provision -  AB1142
Liberal arts collegiate transfer program: TCS Board directed to approve for certain technical college districts; broadening program offerings provision -  AB595
Liberal arts collegiate transfer program: TCS Board directed to approve for certain technical college districts; broadening program offerings provision -  SB279
Local levy limits applied to political subdivisions and technical college districts with exceptions; debt service, annexed territory, and first class city levies for school purposes provisions; school district revenue limit per pupil adjustment set; sunset [for further revisions, see entry under ``Municipality — Taxation"] -  AB58
Local levy limits applied to political subdivisions and technical college districts with exceptions; debt service, annexed territory, and first class city levies for school purposes provisions; school district revenue limit per pupil adjustment set; sunset - SB28
Local levy limits applied to political subdivisions and technical college districts with exceptions; debt service, first class city levies for school purposes, forestation state tax, referendum, and sunset provisions; JCF duties specified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 707m, 1251c, 1260r, 1360s; A.Amdt.40: 1360s renumbered 1260s] -  AB100
Manufacturing Competitiveness Grant and Loan Program created; Manufacturing Competitiveness Council created in Comm.Dept -  SB644
Manufacturing extension program administration transferred from Comm.Dept to TCS Board [Sec. 154, 713, 2363-2365; original bill only] -  AB100
Nursing course credits: U.W. Regents and technical college district boards required to work out acceptable transfer of credits between the two institutions -  AB350
Professional development, short-term, vocational-adult seminars or workshops: restriction on additional fee eliminated; length of seminar or workshop set [Sec. 215, 216, 707, 709] - AB100
Public construction contracts: minimum bid amount raised re lowest responsible bidder requirement  - AB146
School-to-work and work-based learning programs: administration by TCS Board; Governor's Work-Based Learning Board eliminated [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 42m, 53m, 156d, 221d, 350r-352p, 429m, 487b, 714d-719d, 1834v-1839t, 2109j, 9146 (1q), 9154 (1q), 9254 (1q)] - AB100
School-to-work and work-based learning programs: administration transferred from TCS Board to Governor's Work-Based Learning Board [Sec. 156, 217, 221, 333, 351, 352, 714-724, 1835-1839; original bill only] - AB100
Shortage of nursing and other health care professionals: U.W. System and technical college system asked to form a task force to recommend ways to reduce -  AR14
Special orders of business for April 12, 2005 established re AB-149, AB-157, AB-206, AB-208, AB-209, AB-241, AB-246, AB-261, AB-277, AB-278, AJR-20  - AR12
State agency appropriation lapses to general fund [Sec. 9255 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: amount revisions, Corr.Dept and DVA removed from list] -  AB100
Technical college district board members: appointment system replaced with nonpartisan election; term changed to four years - AB603
Technical college district board members: appointment system replaced with nonpartisan election; term changed to four years - SB576
Technical college district board prohibited from increasing its property tax levy over certain amount, sunset provision; appropriation revision -  SB669
Technical college district prohibited from increasing its levy limit; referendum provision -  SB531
Tuition and fee remissions for veteran, spouse, surviving spouse, and children of certain veterans re U.W. and TCS boards: eligibility expanded re certain service-connected disability  - SB427
Tuition and fee remissions for veteran, spouse, surviving spouse, and children of certain veterans re U.W. and TCS boards: eligibility expanded re certain service-connected disability; residence requirement re incurrence of disability removed  - AB879
Tuition and fee remissions for veteran, spouse, surviving spouse, and children of certain veterans re U.W. and TCS boards: eligibility expanded to include veterans with certain residency prior to registering as a student -  AB916
Tuition and fee remissions for veteran, spouse, surviving spouse and children of certain veterans: U.W. and TCS boards required to grant [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 702m, n, 708d, 709m, n, 769n, p, 9353 (2q), (2r); A.Amdt.40: further revisions, 9353 (2q), (2r), deletes 769n, p, 9353 (2q), (2r)] - AB100
Tuition and fee remissions for veterans re U.W. and TCS boards: residence requirement re incurrence of service-connected disability removed; eligibility expanded to include unremarried spouse and children of veteran who died as a result of a service-connected disability, residency provision  - AB1034
Tuition and fee remissions for veterans re U.W. and TCS boards: residence requirement re incurrence of service-connected disability removed; eligibility expanded to include unremarried spouse and children of veteran who died as a result of a service-connected disability, residency provision  - SB613
U.W. Board of Regents, TCS Board, or technical college district board: it is not employment discrimination for these entities to refuse to employ or terminate employment of an individual with an unpardoned felony conviction - AB1147
U.W. student rights and academic conduct of instructors regulations created; work day for medical intern set; contract re naming rights to U.W. arena, playing field, or stadium prohibited; maximum weight standards for textbooks used by all students and pupils required -  AB578
technologyTechnology, see Data processing; Industrial development; specific subject
Discharging a firearm in the direction of an electric transmission facility prohibited [A.Amdt.1: telecommunications added, ``transmission facility" definition]  - AB748
Educational Telecommunications Access Program: educational agencies may request expanded services; DOA to apply for aid under E-Rate Program; agencies required to pay monthly fee to cover costs [Sec. 94-104, 408, 409, 458]  - AB100
Mobile telephone service provider regulations created including billing statements, contract renewal or termination, and disclosure of customer's name and wireless telephone number without consent; DATCP duties specified; action and forfeiture provisions -  AB334
Raw forest products: exemptions from harvesting on tax delinquent land created re maintaining railroad tracks, pipelines, and utility right-of-way -  AB1173
Raw forest products: exemptions from harvesting on tax delinquent land created re maintaining railroad tracks, pipelines, and utility right-of-way -  SB683
State telecommunications services: use of [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 81m, 94m, n, 695q] -  AB100
Technology-enhanced high school curriculum: grants to consortia of school districts meeting certain criteria [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 103m, 411g] - AB100
Telecommunication utility late fee charges to retail customers [Sec. 157, 2098, 9339 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 157, 9339 (1)] -  AB100
Telecommunications cooperative: retained earnings include patronage capital -  AB195
Telecommunications cooperative: retained earnings include patronage capital -  SB111
Universal service fund surcharges [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2097q, r] - AB100