Plat land, court may order, 857.29
Power of sale, 860.01
Powers and duties, 857.03
Of survivor, 857.13
Suspension during war service, 112.02
Property, confirmation of interest, 867.046
Real property, title to, 857.01
Receipts from guardians, 863.45
Receipts to be filed, 863.41, 865.21
Recording final judgment, 863.29
Removal, 856.23, 857.15
Appointment of successor, 857.21
Rights and powers of successor, 857.23
Successor, 857.09
Validity of acts prior to, 857.17
Resignation, 857.15
Appointment of successor, 857.21
Power of survivor, 857.13
Rights and powers of successor, 857.23
Validity of acts prior to, 857.17
Securities law, exemptions, 551.23 (6)
Services, allowances for, 857.05 (2)
Special administrator, 879.57
Accounting, 867.21
Bond, 867.13
Compensation, 867.19
Grounds for appointment, 867.07
Letters, 867.15
Notice of hearing on petition for appointment, 867.11
Powers, duties and liabilities, 867.17
Termination of authority, discharge, 867.21
Who may petition for appointment, 867.09
Appointment, 857.21
Rights and powers, 857.23
Survivor, powers, 857.13
Taxes, duty to pay, 857.03
Title to all property, 857.01
Trust company:
Appointment as, 223.03 (7)
Foreign, authority to act, 223.12
Ward, distribution to, notice of share to court appointing guardian, 863.43
Will proved after letters issued, effect, 857.19
Generally, Ch. 879
Action by person interested to secure property for estate, 879.63
Appeals, 879.27
Appearance satisfies notice requirement, 879.11
Attorney for person in military service, 879.25
How made, 879.15
Appraisers, fees, 879.41
Appearance by, 879.17
Fees in contests, 879.37
For person in military service, 879.25
Notice to, 879.19
Substitution of, 879.17
Calendar, hearings set for a day certain, 879.53
Compromises, 879.59
Concealed property, discovery proceedings, 879.61
Contested will, 879.35
Enforcement of judgment, 879.43 (1)
If allowed, judgment for, 879.33
Judgment, 879.33
Costs and fees, jury cases, 879.45
Court records, correction of errors, 879.55
Decedent's property, action by person interested to secure for estate, 879.63
Delayed service of notice, 879.13
Discovery proceedings, 879.61
Documents, waiver of right to by interested persons, 879.26
Execution to enforce judgment, 879.43
Fees in court, 879.41
Foreigners, when attorney general appears for, 879.21
Guardian ad litem, 879.23
Appeals from probate court, 879.27
Appearances, 879.15
Notice requirement satisfied by appearance, 879.11
Waiver of notice, exceptions, 879.09
Court not to delay in setting time, 879.51
Set for a day certain, 879.53
Interpreters, fees, 879.41
Judgment, relief from, 879.31
Judgment for costs, 879.39
Judgment in favor of estate, enforcement, 879.43
Jurors, fees, 879.41
Jury trials, 879.45