2007 - 2008 LEGISLATURE
January 10, 2008 - Offered by Committee on Agriculture.
AB118-ASA1,1,7 1An Act to amend 66.1001 (2) (g) and 88.24 (intro.); and to create 59.69 (5) (g),
260.61 (4) (g), 62.23 (7) (d) 5., 62.23 (7) (d) 6., 74.09 (3) (dm), 88.11 (1) (L), 88.212,
388.24 (4), 88.41 (5) and 88.95 of the statutes; relating to: requiring local
4governmental units to consider relationships with drainage districts in the
5preparation of comprehensive plans and requiring local governments to
6provide notice to drainage districts regarding proposals that affect drainage
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under the current law commonly known as the "Smart Growth" statute, if a
city, village, town, county, or regional planning commission (local governmental unit)
creates a development plan or master plan (comprehensive plan) or amends an
existing comprehensive plan, the plan must contain certain planning elements. The
required planning elements include the following: housing; transportation; utilities
and community facilities; agricultural, natural, and cultural resources; economic
development; land use; and intergovernmental cooperation.
Beginning on January 1, 2010, under current law, certain actions of a local
governmental unit that affect land use must be consistent with that local

governmental unit's comprehensive plan. The actions to which this requirement
applies are official mapping, local subdivision regulation, and zoning ordinances,
including zoning of shorelands or wetlands in shorelands. Also beginning on
January 1, 2010, under current law, if a local governmental unit engages in any of
these specified actions, the comprehensive plan must contain at least all of the
required planning elements.
Current law prohibits any comprehensive plan or amendment to a
comprehensive plan from taking effect unless a number of conditions are met, such
as, the local governmental unit must enact an ordinance or adopt a resolution that
contains all of the required elements, and the local governmental unit must hold at
least one public hearing at which the proposed ordinance or resolution is discussed.
Currently, the intergovernmental cooperation element must contain a
compilation of objectives, policies, goals, maps, and programs for joint planning and
decision making with other jurisdictions, including school districts, for siting and
building public facilities and sharing public services. Also under this element, a local
governmental unit must consider the maps and plans of certain military bases with
which it shares common territory.
Under this substitute amendment, the intergovernmental cooperation element
adds drainage districts as a jurisdiction with which a local governmental unit must
engage. The substitute amendment also requires that, under this element, a local
governmental unit must analyze its relationship with a drainage district.
This substitute amendment also requires that, before a city, village, town, or
county (political subdivision) or any zoning entity of a political subdivision may take
any action that would allow development of a residential, commercial, or industrial
property in a drainage district, or affect the amount of water that a drainage district
would have to accommodate, the political subdivision or zoning entity would have to
send written notice to the drainage district. The written notice must describe the
proposed action, and the time and date of any public hearing at which the proposed
action will be discussed. The substitute amendment also allows the drainage district
board to request a delay in the hearing so that the drainage board may obtain an
engineering report that analyzes the effect of the proposed action.
The substitute amendment requires the Department of Agriculture, Trade and
Consumer Protection (DATCP), in cooperation with the state drainage engineer, to
produce in 2009, and every three years thereafter, an educational pamphlet about
drainage districts. The pamphlet must be available to drainage district boards, or
other persons, who request it.
The substitute amendment also requires a drainage board, in 2009 and every
three years thereafter, to provide notification to all persons who own property that
is located within a drainage district that they own land in such a district, and to
provide annually the clerk of every taxation district in which the district is located
information about the amount of the drainage board's assessments in the last year.
This assessment information must be included on the property tax bill that is
currently mailed out in December.
Under current law, a drainage board is required to file an annual report for each
district under the board's jurisdiction with DATCP and the county zoning

administrator. The report must contain a financial statement, information on bonds,
and information on work done during the preceding year. Under the substitute
amendment, the report must include information on each district's practices and
policies and must also be sent to zoning or planning officials in each city, village, and
town in which a district is located. A political subdivision that receives the report
must consider it before making a zoning or planning decision that may affect the
In addition, the substitute amendment requires an owner of property located
in a drainage district, regardless of whether the property is residential, to disclose
in a separate written notification to a potential buyer or transferee that the land is
in a drainage district and subject to assessments for maintenance of the drains. A
prospective buyer may rescind the contract without penalty or loss of earnest money
within three days after receiving the separate notice, unless the prospective buyer
knew the property was in a drainage district when he or she made the offer to
purchase. The substitute amendment requires a drainage board, when issuing an
assessment, to remind the person receiving the assessment of the notification
requirement that is created in this substitute amendment. The substitute
amendment also requires that the most recent property tax bill be attached to the
separate required notice if the property is located in a drainage district.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB118-ASA1, s. 1 1Section 1. 59.69 (5) (g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB118-ASA1,3,102 59.69 (5) (g) 1. Before the board or the county zoning agency may take any
3action under this subsection that would allow the development of a residential,
4commercial, or industrial property that either would be located within the
5boundaries of a drainage district or would likely increase the amount of water that
6the main drain of a drainage district would have to accommodate, the board or zoning
7agency shall send written notice to the secretary of the drainage district's board. The
8secretary shall include the subject matter of that notice in the agenda of the drainage
9board's next meeting, which shall be held within 10 business days of the date on
10which the meeting notice is sent out.
AB118-ASA1,4,711 2. The notice described under subd. 1. shall describe the proposed action and
12the time and date of any public hearing at which the proposal is on the agenda.

1Within 10 business days after receipt of the notice, the drainage board shall notify
2the board or county zoning agency, in writing, that it has no objection to the proposed
3action or that it requests that the hearing be delayed for 90 business days to enable
4the drainage board to obtain an engineering analysis to analyze the effect of the
5proposed action on the drainage district. The drainage board may submit the
6engineering analysis to the county board or to the county zoning agency and may
7object to the proposed action.
AB118-ASA1, s. 2 8Section 2. 60.61 (4) (g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB118-ASA1,4,179 60.61 (4) (g) 1. Before the town board or the town zoning committee may take
10any action under this subsection that would allow the development of a residential,
11commercial, or industrial property that either would be located within the
12boundaries of a drainage district or would likely increase the amount of water that
13the main drain of a drainage district would have to accommodate, the board or zoning
14committee shall send written notice to the secretary of the drainage district's board.
15The secretary shall include the subject matter of that notice in the agenda of the
16drainage board's next meeting, which shall be held within 10 business days of the
17date on which the meeting notice is sent out.
AB118-ASA1,5,218 2. The notice described under subd. 1. shall describe the proposed action and
19the time and date of any public hearing at which the proposal is on the agenda.
20Within 10 business days after receipt of the notice, the drainage board shall notify
21the town board or town zoning committee, in writing, that it has no objection to the
22proposed action or that it requests that the hearing be delayed for 90 business days
23to enable the drainage board to obtain an engineering analysis to analyze the effect
24of the proposed action on the drainage district. The drainage board may submit the

1engineering analysis to the town board or to the town zoning committee and may
2object to the proposed action.
AB118-ASA1, s. 3 3Section 3. 62.23 (7) (d) 5. of the statutes is created to read:
AB118-ASA1,5,124 62.23 (7) (d) 5. Before the city council, plan commission, or plan committee may
5take any action under this paragraph that would allow the development of a
6residential, commercial, or industrial property that either would be located within
7the boundaries of a drainage district or would likely increase the amount of water
8that the main drain of a drainage district would have to accommodate, the city
9council, plan commission, or plan committee shall send written notice to the
10secretary of the drainage district's board. The secretary shall include the subject
11matter of that notice in the agenda of the drainage board's next meeting, which shall
12be held within 10 business days of the date on which the meeting notice is sent out.
AB118-ASA1, s. 4 13Section 4. 62.23 (7) (d) 6. of the statutes is created to read:
AB118-ASA1,5,2214 62.23 (7) (d) 6. The notice described under subd. 5. shall describe the proposed
15action and the time and date of any public hearing at which the proposal is on the
16agenda. Within 10 business days after receipt of the notice, the drainage board shall
17notify the city council, plan commission, or plan committee, in writing, that it has no
18objection to the proposed action or that it requests that the hearing be delayed for
1990 business days to enable the drainage board to obtain an engineering analysis to
20analyze the effect of the proposed action on the drainage district. The drainage board
21may submit the engineering analysis to the city council, plan commission, or plan
22committee and may object to the proposed action.
AB118-ASA1, s. 5 23Section 5. 66.1001 (2) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB118-ASA1,6,1324 66.1001 (2) (g) Intergovernmental cooperation element. A compilation of
25objectives, policies, goals, maps, and programs for joint planning and decision

1making with other jurisdictions, including school districts , drainage districts, and
2adjacent local governmental units, for siting and building public facilities and
3sharing public services. The element shall analyze the relationship of the local
4governmental unit to school districts, drainage districts, and adjacent local
5governmental units, and to the region, the state and other governmental units. The
6element shall consider, to the greatest extent possible, the maps and plans of any
7military base or installation, with at least 200 assigned military personnel or that
8contains at least 2,000 acres, with which the local governmental unit shares common
9territory. The element shall incorporate any plans or agreements to which the local
10governmental unit is a party under s. 66.0301, 66.0307 or 66.0309. The element shall
11identify existing or potential conflicts between the local governmental unit and other
12governmental units that are specified in this paragraph and describe processes to
13resolve such conflicts.
AB118-ASA1, s. 6 14Section 6. 74.09 (3) (dm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB118-ASA1,6,1715 74.09 (3) (dm) Indicate the amount of assessment issued by a drainage board,
16based on the information provided under s. 88.212 (3). If no assessment was issued,
17the property tax bill shall indicate that information.
AB118-ASA1, s. 7 18Section 7. 88.11 (1) (L) of the statutes is created to read:
AB118-ASA1,6,2419 88.11 (1) (L) In cooperation with the state drainage engineer, produce an
20educational pamphlet in 2009, and every 3 years thereafter, that describes the
21function of drainage districts, costs that may be assessed to persons whose property
22is located in a drainage district, and contact information for the state drainage
23engineer. The pamphlet shall be distributed, upon request, to drainage boards and
24to any person who requests the pamphlet.
AB118-ASA1, s. 8 25Section 8. 88.212 of the statutes is created to read:
188.212 Required actions for the drainage board. In addition to other
2powers expressly granted or necessarily implied, the drainage board shall:
AB118-ASA1,7,6 3(1) Beginning in 2009, and every 3 years thereafter, provide written notice to
4every person who owns land that is located within the drainage district that such
5land is in the district. The notice shall also include contact information for every
6member of the drainage board.
AB118-ASA1,7,9 7(2) Annually, provide contact information for every member of the drainage
8board to the state drainage engineer and to the clerk of every city, village, town, and
9county in which the drainage district is located.
AB118-ASA1,7,14 10(3) Not later than December 1 of each year, provide the clerk of each taxation
11district in which the drainage district is located a list of every assessment issued by
12the drainage board from December 1 of the previous year to November 30 of the
13current year. The information shall specify the assessment amount for every parcel
14in the district.
AB118-ASA1, s. 9 15Section 9. 88.24 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB118-ASA1,8,2 1688.24 Board to file annual report. (intro.) On or before December 1 of each
17year the board shall file with the department of agriculture, trade and consumer
18protection; the town board or town zoning committee; the city council, plan
19commission, or plan committee;
and the county zoning administrator , in which
20district territory is located,
a separate report, for the preceding year ending August
2131, on each drainage district under the board's jurisdiction. All local units of
22government that receive the report shall consider it before making any zoning or
23planning decisions that may affect a drainage district that is located within its
The reports shall constitute part of the records of the districts reported

1on, shall be verified by the oath of one or more of the board members, and shall
AB118-ASA1, s. 10 3Section 10. 88.24 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
AB118-ASA1,8,44 88.24 (4) A statement of the district's practices and policies.
AB118-ASA1, s. 11 5Section 11. 88.41 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
AB118-ASA1,8,86 88.41 (5) Whenever a drainage board sends out an assessment for costs, as
7described in this section, the board shall include a notice reminding the person
8assessed of the requirement under s. 88.95.
AB118-ASA1, s. 12 9Section 12. 88.95 of the statutes is created to read:
AB118-ASA1,8,16 1088.95 Notification requirement for transfer land. (1) An owner of real
11property that is located within a district who intends to transfer the real property
12shall, not later than 10 days after acceptance of a contract of sale or option contract,
13provide written notice to the prospective buyer or transferee that the land is located
14within a drainage district and is subject to assessments under this chapter for
15maintenance of the drains. A copy of the most recent property tax bill for the real
16property shall be attached to the notice.
AB118-ASA1,8,21 17(2) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), a prospective buyer or transferee who
18receives a notice under sub. (1) may timely rescind in writing the contract of sale or
19option contract by reason of the real property's location in a drainage district, without
20any liability on his or her part. The prospective buyer or transferee is entitled to the
21return of any deposits or option fees paid in the transaction.
AB118-ASA1,8,2522 (b) A prospective buyer or transferee may not rescind a contract of sale or option
23contract under par. (a) if he or she was aware, or had written notice, that the real
24property is located in a drainage district at the time the contract of sale or option
25contract was submitted to the owner or the owner's agent.
1(3) Rescissions under sub. (2) (a) are timely if they are delivered to the owner
2or the owner's agent within 3 business days after the prospective buyer or transferee
3receives a notice under sub. (1).
AB118-ASA1,9,7 4(4) An owner under this section shall act in good faith to inform a prospective
5buyer or transferee that the real property is located within a drainage district and
6shall perform each act, and make each disclosure, required by this section in good
7faith with honesty in fact.
AB118-ASA1, s. 13 8Section 13 . Nonstatutory provisions.
AB118-ASA1,9,99 (1) Drainage board requirements.
AB118-ASA1,9,1310 (a) Not later than the first day of the 3rd month beginning after the effective
11date of this subsection, a drainage board that is in existence on the effective date of
12this subsection, shall meet to develop a plan to notify in writing every person who
13owns land that is located within the drainage district that such land is in the district.
AB118-ASA1,9,1614 (b) Not later than the first day of the 2nd month beginning after the meeting
15under paragraph (a) is held, the drainage board shall send to every person who owns
16land that is located in the drainage district all of the following:
AB118-ASA1,9,17 171. Written notification that the person owns land in the drainage district.
AB118-ASA1,9,18 182. Contact information for every member of the drainage board.