AB207-SSA1,40,523 (i) A video programming provider shall allow its customers to disconnect their
24service at any time within the first 60 days after subscribing to or upgrading the
25service. Within such 60-day period, a video programming provider shall not charge

1or impose any fees or penalties on the customer for disconnecting service, including
2any installation charge or early termination charge, except that a video
3programming provider may impose a charge or fee to offset any rebates or credits
4received by the customer, and may impose monthly service or maintenance charges,
5including pay-per-view and premium services charges, during such 60-day period.
AB207-SSA1,40,116 (j) A video programming provider shall guarantee customer satisfaction for
7new or upgraded service and the customer shall receive a pro rata credit in an
8amount equal to the pro rata charge for the remaining days of service being
9disconnected or replaced upon the customers request if the customer is dissatisfied
10with the service and requests to discontinue the service within the first 60 days after
11subscribing to the upgraded service.
AB207-SSA1,41,2 12(9) Response to customer inquiries. (a) A video programming provider shall
13maintain a toll-free telephone access line that is available to customers 24 hours a
14day, 7 days a week, to accept calls regarding installation, termination, service, and
15complaints. Trained, knowledgeable, and qualified service representatives of a video
16programming provider shall be available to respond to customer telephone inquiries
17during normal business hours. Customer service representatives shall be able to
18provide credits, waive fees, schedule appointments, and change billing cycles. Any
19difficulties that cannot be resolved by the customer service representatives shall be
20referred to a supervisor who shall make best efforts to resolve the issue immediately.
21If the supervisor does not resolve the issue to the customer's satisfaction, the
22customer shall be informed of the video programming provider's complaint
23procedures and procedures for billing dispute resolutions and given a description of
24the rights and remedies available to customers to enforce the terms of this section,

1including the customer's rights to have the complaint reviewed by the municipality
2to request mediation, and to review in a court.
AB207-SSA1,41,83 (b) After normal business hours, the toll-free telephone access line specified
4in par. (a) may be answered by a service or an automated response system, including
5an answering machine. Inquiries received by telephone or electronic mail after
6normal business hours shall be responded to by a trained service representative on
7the next business day. A video programming provider shall respond to a written
8billing inquiry within 10 days of receipt of the inquiry.
AB207-SSA1,41,129 (c) A video programming provider shall provide customers seeking
10nonstandard installations with a total installation cost estimate and an estimated
11date of completion. The actual charge to the customer may not exceed 110 percent
12of the estimated cost without the written consent of the customer.
AB207-SSA1,41,1913 (d) If a video programming provider receives notice that an unsafe condition
14exists with respect to its equipment, the video programming provider shall
15investigate such condition immediately, and shall take such measures as are
16necessary to remove or eliminate the unsafe condition. The video programming
17provider shall promptly inform the municipality in which the unsafe condition
18exists, but no later than 2 hours after it receives notification of an unsafe condition
19that it has not remedied.
AB207-SSA1,41,2420 (e) 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., under normal operating conditions,
21telephone answer time by a video programming provider's customer representative,
22including wait time, may not exceed 30 seconds when the connection is made. Except
23as provided in subd. 2., if the call needs to be transferred, transfer time shall not
24exceed 30 seconds.
12. The standards under subd. 1. shall be met no less than 90 percent of the time
2under normal operating conditions, measured on a quarterly basis.
AB207-SSA1,42,43 (f) Under normal operating conditions, a video programming provider's
4customers may not receive a busy signal more than 3 percent of the time.
AB207-SSA1,42,7 5(10) Installations, outages, and service calls. Under normal operating
6conditions, a video programming provider shall meet each of the following standards
7no less than 95 percent of the time measured on a quarterly basis:
AB207-SSA1,42,118 (a) Standard installations shall be performed within 7 business days after an
9order has been placed. For purposes of this paragraph, "standard installations"
10means those installations that are located no more than 125 feet away from the video
11programming provider's existing distribution system.
AB207-SSA1,42,1312 (b) Excluding conditions beyond the control of the video programming provider,
13the video programming provider shall do all of the following:
AB207-SSA1,42,1614 1. Begin working on service interruptions promptly and in no event later than
1524 hours after the service interruption is reported by the customer or otherwise
16becomes known to the video programming provider.
AB207-SSA1,42,1817 2. Begin actions to correct other service problems the next business day after
18notification of the service problem.
AB207-SSA1,42,2019 3. Correct service interruptions and other service problems within 48 hours
20after service interruptions and other service problems are reported by customers.
AB207-SSA1,42,2521 (c) A video programming provider shall schedule appointments with customers
22for installations, service calls, and other installation activities for a specific time, or
23within a time block that does not exceed 4 hours, except that a video programming
24provider may otherwise schedule such appointments as specified by the customer for
25the customer's convenience.
1(d) A video programming provider may not cancel an appointment with a
2customer after 5:00 p.m. on the business day prior to the scheduled appointment.
3If a video programming provider's representative is running late for an appointment
4with a customer and is not be able to keep the appointment as scheduled, the video
5programming provider shall contact the customer and, as necessary, reschedule the
6appointment at a time that is convenient for the customer, even if the rescheduled
7appointment is not within normal business hours.
AB207-SSA1,43,10 8(11) Public benefit obligation. (a) In this subsection, "eligible building"
9means a building used by a municipality for governmental purposes; a public library;
10or a public primary or secondary school, including a charter school.
AB207-SSA1,43,1311 (b) 1. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, a video programming
12provider shall provide a free service line drop and free basic video service to all
13current and future eligible buildings within one of the following:
AB207-SSA1,43,1514 a. If the cable or video provider is a municipally regulated cable operator, the
15municipality that grants a cable franchise to the cable or video provider.
AB207-SSA1,43,1716 b. If the cable or video provider is a video service franchisee, the video service
17area of the cable or video provider.
AB207-SSA1,43,1918 2. Service provided under subd. 1. shall be used in a manner consistent with
19the governmental purpose of the eligible building and shall not be resold.
AB207-SSA1,43,2320 (c) Paragraph (b) only applies to those cable or video providers whose video
21service networks are located in a manner that is capable of providing video service
22to eligible buildings and whose video service is generally available to residential
23customers in the municipality in which the eligible building is located.
AB207-SSA1,44,924 (d) The burden of providing service required under par. (b) at an eligible
25building shall be shared by all cable and video providers whose video service

1networks are located in a manner that is capable of providing video service to the
2eligible buildings and shall be shared in an equitable and competitively neutral
3manner. The cable or video providers operating in a municipality shall determine
4amongst themselves who will provide the service to an eligible building required
5under par. (b). If the cable or video providers are unable to reach agreement on the
6determination, the municipality in which the eligible building is located shall
7determine which cable or video providers must serve the eligible building. A
8municipality may not require duplicative installations by more than one cable or
9video provider at an eligible building.
AB207-SSA1,44,1410 (e) A municipality shall bear the costs of any inside wiring, or video equipment
11costs, that are incurred in providing service required under par. (b) at an eligible
12building, if the cable or video provider does not ordinarily provide the wiring or
13equipment at no cost to customer's of the video programming provider's basic video
AB207-SSA1,44,22 15(12) Reports. (a) A video programming provider shall make an annual report
16to the department, the municipality in which the video programming provider
17provides video service, and the public service commission regarding its compliance
18with this section. The report shall include documentation that is sufficient to
19demonstrate compliance with subs. (9) (e) and (f) and (10) (a) and (b). The report shall
20also identify the number of complaints the video programming provider received
21during the prior year in the state and specify the number of such complaints related
22to each of the following:
AB207-SSA1,44,2323 1. Billing, charges, refunds, or credits.
AB207-SSA1,44,2424 2. Installation or termination of service.
AB207-SSA1,44,2525 3. Quality of service and repair.
14. Programming.
AB207-SSA1,45,22 5. Other complaints not specified in subds. 1. to 4.
AB207-SSA1,45,53 (b) Information in the report under par. (a) shall be broken down for each
4municipality or telephone exchange in which the cable or video provider has
AB207-SSA1,45,86 (c) The report under par. (a) is first due one year after a video programming
7provider begins to offer video service or on the first day of the 12th month beginning
8after the effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], whichever is later.
AB207-SSA1,45,9 9(13) Rates; charges; contracts. (a) To the extent consistent with federal law:
AB207-SSA1,45,1810 1. A video programming provider shall offer the lowest-cost basic video service
11as a stand-alone service to residential customers at reasonable rates. A video
12programming provider shall not require the subscription to any service other than
13the lowest-cost basic service or to any telecommunications or information service,
14as a condition of access to video service, including programming offered on a per
15channel or per program basis. A video programming provider shall not discriminate
16between customers of the lowest-cost basic service, customers of other video
17services, and other customers with regard to the rates charged for video
18programming offered on a per channel or per program basis.
AB207-SSA1,45,2319 2. A video programming provider shall ensure that charges for changes in a
20customer's selection of services or equipment shall be based on the cost of such
21change and shall not exceed nominal amounts if the system's configuration permits
22changes in service tier selection to be effected solely by coded entry on a computer
23terminal or by other similarly simple method.
AB207-SSA1,46,324 3. A video programming provider shall have a rate structure for the provision
25of video service that is uniform throughout the area within the boundaries of a

1municipality, except that a video programming provider may provide bulk discounts
2to multiple dwelling units or reasonable discounts to senior citizens or other
3economically disadvantaged groups.
AB207-SSA1,46,84 4. A video programming provider may not charge a customer for any service or
5equipment that the customer has not explicitly requested. For purposes of this
6subdivision, a customer's failure to refuse a video programming provider's proposal
7to provide service or equipment is not an explicit request for such service or
AB207-SSA1,46,129 (b) No contract or service offering video services or any bundle including such
10services may be for a term longer than one year. If a contract or service offering is
11made for a specified term at a discounted price, no termination fee may exceed the
12amount of the discount from which the customer benefited.
AB207-SSA1,46,19 13(14) Impaired customers. A video programming provider may not discriminate
14in the provision of services for the hearing and visually impaired and shall comply
15with 47 USC 613. A video programming provider shall deliver and pick up, or provide
16customers with prepaid shipping and packaging for the return of, converters and
17other necessary equipment at the home of customers with disabilities. A video
18programming provider shall provide free use of a converter or remote control unit to
19mobility impaired customers.
AB207-SSA1,47,8 20(15) Obscene or indecent programming. (a) To the extent consistent with
21federal law, a video programming provider shall comply with 47 USC 532 (h) and (j).
22A video programming provider may not exercise any editorial control over any
23programming or in any other way consider the content of programming in
24determining whether to transmit programming, except that a video programming
25provider may refuse to transmit any leased access program or portion of a leased

1access program which contains obscenity, indecency, or nudity and may consider
2such content to the minimum extent necessary to establish a reasonable price for the
3commercial use of designated channel capacity by a person that is not an affiliate of
4the video programming provider. A video programming provider may enforce
5prospectively a written and published policy of prohibiting programming that the
6video programming provider reasonably believes describes or depicts sexual or
7excretory activities or organs in a patently offensive manner as measured by
8contemporary community standards.
AB207-SSA1,47,119 (b) A video programming provider shall, without charge, fully scramble or
10otherwise fully block the audio and video programming of any channel requested by
11the customer.
AB207-SSA1,47,1712 (c) In providing sexually explicit adult programming or other programming
13that is indecent on any channel of a video programming provider's service that is
14primarily dedicated to sexually oriented programming, the video programming
15provider shall fully scramble or otherwise fully block the video and audio portion of
16such channel so that a nonsubscriber to such channel or programming does not
17receive it.
AB207-SSA1,47,2018 (d) For purposes of pars. (b) and (c), "scramble" means to rearrange the content
19of the signal of programming so that the programming cannot be viewed or heard in
20an understandable manner.
AB207-SSA1,47,25 21(16) Service availability listing. A video programming provider shall
22maintain a listing, specific to the level of street address, of the areas where its video
23services are available. A video programming provider shall inform customers who
24inquire about purchasing video service about whether the service is currently
25available to them at their specific location.
1(17) Privacy protections. A video programming provider may not disclose the
2name, address, telephone number, or other personally identifying information of a
3video service customer to be used in mailing lists or to be used for other commercial
4purposes not reasonably related to the conduct of its business, unless the video
5programming provider has provided to the customer a notice, separately or included
6in any other customer service notice, that clearly and conspicuously describes the
7customer's ability to prohibit the disclosure. A video programming provider shall
8provide an address and telephone number for a customer to use without toll charge
9to prevent disclosure of the customer's name and address in mailing lists or for other
10commercial purposes not reasonably related to the conduct of its business to other
11businesses or affiliates of the video programming provider. A video programming
12provider shall comply with all other privacy laws, including 47 USC 551, that are in
13effect on the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts date].
AB207-SSA1,48,23 14(18) Consumer complaints; mediation. A video programming provider shall
15implement an informal process for handling inquiries from municipalities and
16customers concerning billing issues, service issues, privacy concerns, and other
17consumer complaints. If an issue is not resolved through such informal process, a
18municipality or customer may request nonbinding mediation with the video
19programming provider, with each party bearing its own costs of such mediation.
20Selection of a mediator shall be by mutual agreement and preference shall be given
21to mediation services that do not charge a consumer for their services. If the informal
22process does not produce a satisfactory result to the customer or municipality,
23enforcement may be pursued as provided in sub. (19) (f).
AB207-SSA1,48,24 24(19) Enforcement. (a) The department may do any of the following:
11. Exercise its authority under ss. 93.14, 93.15, and 93.16 to investigate
2violations of this section.
AB207-SSA1,49,63 2. Commence an action in the name of the state to restrain by temporary
4injunction a violation of this section. Before entry of a final judgment, the court may
5make any necessary orders to restore to a person any pecuniary loss suffered by the
6person because of the violation.
AB207-SSA1,49,97 3. Except as provided in subd. 4., commence an action in the name of the state
8to recover a forfeiture to the state of not less than $100 nor more than $10,000 for
9each violation of this section.
AB207-SSA1,49,1210 4. Commence an action in the name of the state to recover a forfeiture to the
11state of not more than $50,000 for a person's first violation of sub. (17) and of not more
12than $100,000 for each 2nd or subsequent violation of sub. (17) by a person.
AB207-SSA1,49,1613 5. After public hearing, issue a special order under s. 93.18 against a video
14programming provider enjoining the provider from employing practices that violate
15this section and requiring the provider to employ practices or take actions that are
16determined by the department to be in compliance with this section.
AB207-SSA1,49,2017 (b) A municipality may enforce this section with respect to complaints received
18from residents within the municipality, but the municipality may not impose or
19require compliance with any additional or different customer service or performance
20standards than those specified in this section.
AB207-SSA1,49,2321 (c) A municipality may enact an ordinance that provides a schedule of
22forfeitures for any material violation of this section by video programming providers
23that are in addition to the penalties provided under this chapter, except as follows:
AB207-SSA1,49,2524 1. No forfeitures may be assessed for a material violation if it is out of the
25reasonable control of a video programming provider or its affiliate.
12. The forfeitures shall apply on a competitively neutral basis to all providers
2of video service within the municipality.
AB207-SSA1,50,43 3. The forfeitures may not exceed $750 for each day of the material violation,
4and may not exceed $25,000 for each occurrence of a material violation per customer.
AB207-SSA1,50,85 (d) The department or a municipality shall give a video programming provider
6written notice of any alleged material violations of this section and allow such
7provider at least 30 days from receipt of the notice to remedy the specified material
AB207-SSA1,50,139 (e) For purposes of this subsection, "material violation" means any substantial
10failure of a video programming provider to comply with this section and, for purposes
11of assessing forfeitures, a material violation is considered to have occurred for each
12day that a material violation has not been remedied by a video programming
13provider after the expiration of the period specified in par. (d).
AB207-SSA1,50,2414 (f) The department and, subject to sub. (18), a municipality or customer may
15bring an action against a video programming provider for violation of this section,
16except that a municipality may bring an action only if a customer residing in the
17municipality is adversely affected by the violation and a customer may bring an
18action only if the customer is adversely affected by the violation. A video
19programming provider may bring an action to review a municipality's assessment of
20forfeitures against the video programming provider. A municipality is immune from
21civil liability for its acts or omissions related to the enforcement or review of any
22terms, conditions, or rights under this section, except that a court may require the
23return of any forfeiture that the municipality incorrectly assessed against a video
24programming provider.
1(20) Credits. (a) A video programming provider shall credit customers for
2violations of this section in the amounts specified in par. (b). The credits shall be
3applied on the statement issued to the customer for the next monthly billing cycle
4following the violation or following the discovery of the violation. A video
5programming provider is responsible for providing the credits and a customer is not
6required to request the credit. If a customer is no longer taking service from a video
7programming provider, the video programming provider shall refund the credit
8amount to the customer by check within 30 days of the termination of service. A
9municipality may enact an ordinance that requires a video programming provider
10to give credits directly to customers for violating this section, if the ordnance applies
11on a competitively neutral basis to all video programming providers in the
12municipality, and except that the credits may not exceed the credits specified in par.
AB207-SSA1,51,1514 (b) A video programming provider shall give customers the following credits for
15the following violations of this section:
AB207-SSA1,51,1716 1. Failure to provide notice of customer service standards upon initiation of
17service, $25.
AB207-SSA1,51,2018 2. Failure to install service within 7 days, waiver of 50 percent of the
19installation fee or the monthly fee for the lowest-cost basic service, whichever is
AB207-SSA1,51,2321 3. Failure to install service within 14 days, waiver of 100 percent of the
22installation fee or the monthly fee for the lowest-cost basic service, whichever is
14. Failure to remedy service interruptions or poor video or audio service quality
2within 48 hours, a pro rata credit of total regular monthly charges equal to the
3number of days of the service interruption.
AB207-SSA1,52,54 5. Failure to keep an appointment or to notify the customer prior to the close
5of business on the business day prior to the scheduled appointment, $25.
AB207-SSA1,52,66 6. Violation of privacy protections, $150.
AB207-SSA1,52,77 7. Failure to comply with scrambling requirements, $50 per month.
AB207-SSA1,52,98 8. Violation of customer service and billing standards in sub. (8) or (9), $25 per
AB207-SSA1,52,1110 9. Violation of the prohibition under sub. (13) (a) 1. against requiring
11subscription to other services as a condition of access to video service, $25 per month.
AB207-SSA1, s. 31 12Section 31. 100.261 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB207-SSA1,52,1413 100.261 (3) (c) The amount credited under par. (b) to the appropriation account
14under s. 20.115 (1) (jb) may not exceed $185,000 in each fiscal year.
AB207-SSA1, s. 32 15Section 32. 134.43 of the statutes, as affected by 2007 Wisconsin Act 20, is
AB207-SSA1, s. 33 17Section 33. 182.017 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB207-SSA1,53,1018 182.017 (1) Right-of-way for. Any domestic corporation organized to furnish
19telegraph or telecommunications service or transmit heat, power or electric current
20to the public or for public purposes, an any independent system operator, as defined
21in s. 196.485 (1) (d), an any independent transmission owner, as defined in s. 196.485
22(1) (dm), or a any cooperative association organized under ch. 185 or 193 to furnish
23telegraph or telecommunications service or a , any cooperative organized under ch.
24185 to transmit heat, power or electric current to its members, any municipally
25regulated cable operator, as defined in s. 66.0420 (2) (o), and any video service

1franchisee, as defined in s. 66.0420 (2) (y)
may, subject to ss. 30.44 (3m), 30.45, 86.16
2and 196.491 (3) (d) 3m. and to reasonable regulations made by any city, village or
3town through which its transmission lines or systems may pass, construct and
4maintain such lines or systems with all necessary appurtenances in, across or
5beneath any public highway or bridge or any stream or body of water, or upon any
6lands of any owner consenting thereto, and for such purpose may acquire lands or
7the necessary easements; and may connect and operate its lines or system with other
8lines or systems devoted to like business, within or without this state, and charge
9reasonable rates for the transmission and delivery of messages or the furnishing of
10heat, power or electric light.
AB207-SSA1, s. 34 11Section 34. 196.01 (1g) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB207-SSA1,53,2012 196.01 (1g) "Basic local exchange service" means the provision to residential
13customers of an access facility, whether by wire, cable, fiber optics or radio, and
14essential usage within a local calling area for the transmission of high-quality
152-way interactive switched voice or data communication. "Basic local exchange
16service" includes extended community calling and extended area service. "Basic
17local exchange service" does not include additional access facilities or any
18discretionary or optional services that may be provided to a residential customer.
19"Basic local exchange service" does not include cable television service or services
20provided by a commercial mobile radio service provider.
AB207-SSA1, s. 35 21Section 35. 196.01 (1p) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB207-SSA1,53,2222 196.01 (1p) "Cable service" has the meaning given in 47 USC 522 (6).
AB207-SSA1, s. 36 23Section 36. 196.01 (9m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB207-SSA1,54,424 196.01 (9m) "Telecommunications service" means the offering for sale of the
25conveyance of voice, data or other information at any frequency over any part of the

1electromagnetic spectrum, including the sale of service for collection, storage,
2forwarding, switching and delivery incidental to such communication and including
3the regulated sale of customer premises equipment. "Telecommunications service"
4does not include cable television service or broadcast service.
AB207-SSA1, s. 37 5Section 37. 196.01 (12g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB207-SSA1,54,66 196.01 (12g) "Video service" has the meaning given in s. 66.0420 (2) (v).
AB207-SSA1, s. 38 7Section 38. 196.01 (12m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB207-SSA1,54,98 196.01 (12m) "Video service franchisee" has the meaning given in s. 66.0420
9(2) (y).
AB207-SSA1, s. 39 10Section 39. 196.01 (12r) of the statutes is created to read:
AB207-SSA1,54,1211 196.01 (12r) "Video service provider" means a municipality regulated cable
12operator, as defined in s. 66.0420 (2) (o), or a video service franchisee.