March 2008 Special Session
2007 - 2008 LEGISLATURE
March 20, 2008 - Offered by Committee on Finance.
AB1-SA1,1,21 At the locations indicated, amend the bill, as shown by assembly bill 1, as
AB1-SA1,1,3 31. Page 3, line 15: after that line insert:
AB1-SA1,1,4 4" Section 1g. 13.101 (18) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1-SA1,1,75 13.101 (18) Notwithstanding sub. (4), the committee may not transfer moneys
6from the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (4) (xc) to another appropriation
AB1-SA1,1,8 82. Page 4, line 16: after that line insert:
AB1-SA1,1,10 9" Section 6m. 20.005 (3) (schedule) of the statutes: at the appropriate place,
10insert the following amounts for the purposes indicated: - See PDF for table PDF
AB1-SA1,2,3 23. Page 4, line 18: on lines 18 and 20, delete "$20,000,000" and substitute
AB1-SA1,2,4 44. Page 4, line 25: after that line insert:
AB1-SA1,2,5 5" Section 9ac. 20.435 (4) (gp) of the statutes is repealed.
AB1-SA1, s. 9ad 6Section 9ad. 20.435 (4) (xc) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1-SA1,2,137 20.435 (4) (xc) Hospital assessment fund; hospital payments and refunds.
8Biennially, from the medical assessment trust fund, the amounts in the schedule for
9increased payments and refunds to hospitals and for higher capitated payment rates
10under s. 49.45 (58) (a), as the Medical Assistance nonfederal share, in order to
11increase payment rates in excess of the aggregate inpatient and outpatient hospital
12payment rates in effect in fiscal year 2006-07 for services provided by hospitals
13under the Medical Assistance program administered under subch. IV of ch. 49.
AB1-SA1, s. 9ae 14Section 9ae. 20.435 (4) (xd) of the statutes is created to read:
120.435 (4) (xd) Hospital assessment fund; Medical Assistance program benefits.
2Biennially, from the hospital assessment fund, the amounts in the schedule to
3provide a portion of the state share of Medical Assistance program benefits
4administered under subch. IV of ch. 49.
AB1-SA1, s. 9af 5Section 9af. 20.566 (1) (ho) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1-SA1,3,96 20.566 (1) (ho) Collections under multistate streamlined sales tax project. From
7moneys collected under the multistate streamlined sales tax project as provided
8under s. 73.03 (28e), a sum sufficient to pay the dues necessary to participate in the
9governing board of the multistate streamlined sales tax project.
AB1-SA1, s. 9ag 10Section 9ag. 20.866 (2) (uur) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-SA1,3,1511 20.866 (2) (uur) Transportation; state highway rehabilitation projects. From
12the capital improvement fund, a sum sufficient for the department of transportation
13to fund state highway rehabilitation projects, as provided under s. 84.95. The state
14may contract public debt in an amount not to exceed $250,000,000 $300,000,000 for
15this purpose.
AB1-SA1, s. 9ah 16Section 9ah. 25.17 (1) (gs) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1-SA1,3,1717 25.17 (1) (gs) Hospital assessment fund (s. 25.772);
AB1-SA1, s. 9ai 18Section 9ai. 25.69 of the statutes, as affected by 2007 Wisconsin Act 20, is
19amended to read:
AB1-SA1,4,2 2025.69 Permanent endowment fund. There is established a separate
21nonlapsible trust fund designated as the permanent endowment fund, consisting of
22all of the proceeds from the sale of the state's right to receive payments under the
23Attorneys General Master Tobacco Settlement Agreement of November 23, 1998,
24and all investment earnings on the proceeds. There is transferred from the

1permanent endowment fund to the Medical Assistance trust fund $50,000,000
2$68,000,000 in each fiscal year.
AB1-SA1, s. 9aj 3Section 9aj. 25.772 of the statutes is created to read:
AB1-SA1,4,6 425.772 Hospital assessment fund. There is established a separate
5nonlapsible trust fund designated as the hospital assessment fund, to consist of all
6moneys received under s. 50.375 from assessments on hospitals.
AB1-SA1, s. 9ak 7Section 9ak. 46.27 (9) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-SA1,4,168 46.27 (9) (a) The department may select up to 5 counties that volunteer to
9participate in a pilot project under which they will receive certain funds allocated for
10long-term care. The department shall allocate a level of funds to these counties
11equal to the amount that would otherwise be paid under s. 20.435 (4) (b), (gp), or (w),
12or (xd)
, to nursing homes for providing care because of increased utilization of
13nursing home services, as estimated by the department. In estimating these levels,
14the department shall exclude any increased utilization of services provided by state
15centers for the developmentally disabled. The department shall calculate these
16amounts on a calendar year basis under sub. (10).
AB1-SA1, s. 9aL 17Section 9aL. 46.27 (10) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-SA1,4,2318 46.27 (10) (a) 1. The department shall determine for each county participating
19in the pilot project under sub. (9) a funding level of state medical assistance
20expenditures to be received by the county. This level shall equal the amount that the
21department determines would otherwise be paid under s. 20.435 (4) (b), (gp), or (w),
22or (xd)
, or because of increased utilization of nursing home services, as estimated by
23the department.
AB1-SA1, s. 9am 24Section 9am. 46.275 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
146.275 (5) (a) Medical Assistance reimbursement for services a county, or the
2department under sub. (3r), provides under this program is available from the
3appropriation accounts under s. 20.435 (4) (b), (gp), (o), and (w), and (xd). If 2 or more
4counties jointly contract to provide services under this program and the department
5approves the contract, Medical Assistance reimbursement is also available for
6services provided jointly by these counties.
AB1-SA1, s. 9an 7Section 9an. 46.275 (5) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-SA1,5,148 46.275 (5) (c) The total allocation under s. 20.435 (4) (b), (gp), (o), and (w), and
to counties and to the department under sub. (3r) for services provided under
10this section may not exceed the amount approved by the federal department of health
11and human services. A county may use funds received under this section only to
12provide services to persons who meet the requirements under sub. (4) and may not
13use unexpended funds received under this section to serve other developmentally
14disabled persons residing in the county.
AB1-SA1, s. 9ao 15Section 9ao. 46.283 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-SA1,5,2016 46.283 (5) Funding. From the appropriation accounts under s. 20.435 (4) (b),
17(bm), (gp), (pa), and (w), and (xd) and (7) (b), (bd), and (md), the department may
18contract with organizations that meet standards under sub. (3) for performance of
19the duties under sub. (4) and shall distribute funds for services provided by resource
AB1-SA1, s. 9ap 21Section 9ap. 46.284 (5) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2007 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB1-SA1,6,423 46.284 (5) (a) From the appropriation accounts under s. 20.435 (4) (b), (g), (gp),
24(im), (o), and (w), and (xd) and (7) (b), (bd), and (g), the department shall provide
25funding on a capitated payment basis for the provision of services under this section.

1Notwithstanding s. 46.036 (3) and (5m), a care management organization that is
2under contract with the department may expend the funds, consistent with this
3section, including providing payment, on a capitated basis, to providers of services
4under the family care benefit.
AB1-SA1, s. 9aq 5Section 9aq. 46.485 (2g) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-SA1,6,116 46.485 (2g) (intro.) From the appropriation accounts under s. 20.435 (4) (b) and
7(gp) (xd), the department may in each fiscal year transfer funds to the appropriation
8under s. 20.435 (7) (kb) for distribution under this section and from the appropriation
9account under s. 20.435 (7) (mb) the department may not shall distribute more than
10$1,330,500 in each fiscal year to applying counties in this state that meet all of the
11following requirements, as determined by the department:
AB1-SA1, s. 9ar 12Section 9ar. 46.513 of the statutes is repealed.
AB1-SA1, s. 9bd 13Section 9bd. 49.155 (6m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1-SA1,6,1414 49.155 (6m) Authorization for payment. (a) In this subsection:
AB1-SA1,6,1515 1. "Certified provider" means a child care provider certified under s. 48.651.
AB1-SA1,6,1916 2. "Child care administrative agency" means any agency that has a contract
17with the department to administer child care funds or any agency that has a
18subcontract to administer child care funds with an agency that has a contract with
19the department.
AB1-SA1,6,2020 3. "Licensed provider" means a child care provider licensed under s. 48.65.
AB1-SA1,6,2221 (b) A child care administrative agency shall authorize payment to child care
22providers as follows:
AB1-SA1,6,2423 1. For a licensed provider, the child care administrative agency shall authorize
24payment based on authorized units of service, except as follows:
1a. The child care administrative agency may authorize payment to a licensed
2provider based on units of service used by each child, up to the maximum number of
3authorized units, with the reimbursement rate increased by 10 percent to account
4for absent days, if the schedule of child care to be used is expected to vary widely.
AB1-SA1,7,85 b. The child care administrative agency may authorize payment to a licensed
6provider based on units of service used by each child, up to the maximum number of
7authorized units, if the child care administrative agency has documented 3 separate
8occasions on which the provider significantly overreported the attendance of a child.
AB1-SA1,7,119 2. For a certified provider, the child care administrative agency shall authorize
10payment for units of service used by each child, up to the maximum number of
11authorized units, except as provided in par. (c).
AB1-SA1,7,2012 (c) A child care administrative agency may authorize payment to a licensed or
13certified provider to hold a slot for a child if the child's parent has a temporary break
14in employment and intends to return to work and to continue to use the services of
15the provider upon returning to work. The child care administrative agency may
16authorize payment for no more than 6 weeks if the absence is due to a medical reason
17and is documented by a physician or for no more than 4 weeks if the absence is due
18to another reason. The department and child care administrative agency may not
19consider payment for a temporary absence to be an overpayment if the parent
20intended to, but does not actually, return to work.
AB1-SA1, s. 9be 21Section 9be. 49.175 (1) (p) of the statutes, as affected by 2007 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB1-SA1,7,2523 49.175 (1) (p) Direct child care services. For direct child care services under s.
2449.155, $340,601,800 $359,201,800 in fiscal year 2007-08 and $355,352,000 in fiscal
25year 2008-09.
AB1-SA1, s. 9bf
1Section 9bf. 49.45 (2) (a) 17. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-SA1,8,62 49.45 (2) (a) 17. Notify the governor, the joint committee on legislative
3organization, the joint committee on finance and appropriate standing committees,
4as determined by the presiding officer of each house, if the appropriation accounts
5under s. 20.435 (4) (b) and (gp) (xd) are insufficient to provide the state share of
6medical assistance.