SB40-ASA1-AA1,54,4 4102. Page 72, line 9: after that line insert:
SB40-ASA1-AA1,54,5 5" Section 156t. 19.42 (10) (m) of the statutes is repealed.".
SB40-ASA1-AA1,54,6 6103. Page 72, line 9: after that line insert:
SB40-ASA1-AA1,54,7 7" Section 156m. 19.36 (14) of the statutes is created to read:
SB40-ASA1-AA1,54,88 19.36 (14) Utility security system plans. (a) In this subsection:
SB40-ASA1-AA1,54,159 1. "Security system plan" means a plan for the physical or electronic security
10of facilities, telecommunications systems, or information technology systems owned
11or operated by a utility, including any information, photograph, audio or visual
12presentation, schematic diagram, survey, recommendation, consultation, or other
13communication related to such a plan, and including any threat assessment,
14vulnerability or capability assessment, or threat response plan or any emergency
15evacuation plan.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,54,1816 2. "Utility" means a person that generates, transmits, or distributes
17electricity, transports or distributes natural gas, operates a public water system, or
18provides telecommunications or sewer service.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,54,2419 (b) An authority may withhold access to any record containing a security
20system plan or a portion of a security system plan if the authority determines that
21a facility or system that is the subject of the plan is so vital to the state that the
22incapacity or destruction of the facility or system would have a debilitating impact
23on the physical or economic security of the state or on public health, safety, or
1104. Page 72, line 10: delete lines 10 to 12 and substitute.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,55,2 2" Section 157. 19.42 (10) (p) of the statutes is repealed.".
SB40-ASA1-AA1,55,3 3105. Page 72, line 15: after that line insert:
SB40-ASA1-AA1,55,4 4" Section 158t. 19.42 (13) (L) of the statutes is repealed.".
SB40-ASA1-AA1,55,5 5106. Page 72, line 16: delete lines 16 to 18 and substitute.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,55,6 6" Section 159. 19.42 (13) (o) of the statutes is repealed.".
SB40-ASA1-AA1,55,7 7107. Page 72, line 19: delete lines 19 to 25.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,55,8 8108. Page 73, line 1: delete lines 1 to 10.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,55,9 9109. Page 73, line 24: delete "family long-term" and substitute "family".
SB40-ASA1-AA1,55,10 10110. Page 74, line 20: delete lines 20 to 25.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,55,11 11111. Page 75, line 1: delete lines 1 to 25.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,55,12 12112. Page 76, line 1: delete lines 1 to 6.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,55,13 13113. Page 76, line 6: after that line insert:
SB40-ASA1-AA1,55,14 14" Section 167c. 20.002 (11) (d) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB40-ASA1-AA1,55,1615 20.002 (11) (d) 3. The industrial building construction loan fund under s.
16560.10, 2005 stats.".
SB40-ASA1-AA1,55,17 17114. Page 76, line 17: delete lines 17 to 20 and substitute:
SB40-ASA1-AA1,55,18 18" Section 170p. 20.003 (4) (ft) of the statutes is repealed.
SB40-ASA1-AA1, s. 171p 19Section 171p. 20.003 (4) (fv) of the statutes is repealed.".
SB40-ASA1-AA1,55,20 20115. Page 76, line 22: delete "$130,000,000" and substitute "$65,000,000".
SB40-ASA1-AA1,55,21 21116. Page 76, line 24: delete "$130,000,000" and substitute "$65,000,000".
SB40-ASA1-AA1,55,22 22117. Page 77, line 2: after that line insert:
1" Section 174c. 20.003 (6) of the statutes is created to read:
SB40-ASA1-AA1,56,62 20.003 (6) Restriction on authorization of certain public debt. No bill may
3be enacted by the legislature that would authorize any new public debt, the debt
4service of which is paid from general purpose revenue, to be contracted in an amount
5exceeding $430,000,000 in any fiscal biennium for projects enumerated in the
6long-range state building program.".
SB40-ASA1-AA1,56,7 7118. Page 77, line 2: after that line insert:
SB40-ASA1-AA1,56,8 8" Section 174c. 20.003 (4m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB40-ASA1-AA1,56,159 20.003 (4m) Required general fund structural balance. No bill may be
10adopted by the legislature if the bill would cause in any the 2nd fiscal year of a fiscal
the amount of moneys designated as "Total Expenditures" in the summary
12under s. 20.005 (1) for that fiscal year, less any amounts transferred to the budget
13stabilization fund in that fiscal year, to exceed the sum of the amount of moneys
14designated as "Taxes" and "Departmental Revenues" in the summary under s. 20.005
15(1) for that fiscal year.".
SB40-ASA1-AA1,56,19 16119. Page 91, line 9: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
17$522,800 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $522,800 to
18reduce funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made, and adjust the
19NET APPROPRIATION totals accordingly.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,57,2 20120. Page 91, line 9: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
21$43,900 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $43,900 to
22increase funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made and to increase
23the authorized FTE positions for the department of agriculture, trade and consumer

1protection by 0.5 GPR position, and adjust the NET APPROPRIATION totals
SB40-ASA1-AA1,57,6 3121. Page 91, line 10: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
4$32,200 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $32,200 for the
5purpose of eliminating 0.5 vacant GPR position, and adjust the NET
6APPROPRIATION totals accordingly.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,57,10 7122. Page 91, line 10: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
8$108,800 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $108,800 to
9reduce funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made, and adjust the
10NET APPROPRIATION totals accordingly.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,57,14 11123. Page 91, line 11: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
12$38,400 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $38,400 to reduce
13funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made, and adjust the NET
14APPROPRIATION totals accordingly.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,57,19 15124. Page 91, line 11: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
16$102,300 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $102,300 for the
17purpose of decreasing the authorized positions for the department of agriculture,
18trade and consumer protection by 1.5 GPR positions and for other costs related to
19privacy protection, and adjust the NET APPROPRIATION totals accordingly.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,57,24 20125. Page 91, line 13: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
21$54,900 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $54,900 to
22increase funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made and to increase
23the authorized FTE positions for the department of agriculture, trade and consumer
24protection by 1.05 PR positions.
1126. Page 91, line 19: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
2$5,700 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $5,700 to decrease
3funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made and to decrease the
4authorized FTE positions for the department of agriculture, trade and consumer
5protection by 0.15 PR position.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,58,10 6127. Page 91, line 21: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
7$13,400 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $13,400 to
8decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made and to decrease
9the authorized FTE positions for the department of agriculture, trade and consumer
10protection by 0.35 PR position.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,58,13 11128. Page 93, line 1: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
12$430,400 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $430,400 to
13reduce funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,58,17 14129. Page 93, line 1: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
15$76,900 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $76,900 for the
16purpose of increasing the authorized FTE positions for the department of
17agriculture, trade and consumer protection by 1.0 GPR position.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,58,20 18130. Page 93, line 13: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
19$146,500 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $146,500 to
20reduce funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,58,23 21131. Page 94, line 12: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
22$100,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $100,000 to
23decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,58,24 24132. Page 94, line 12: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
SB40-ASA1-AA1,59,1 1133. Page 94, line 14: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
SB40-ASA1-AA1,59,2 2134. Page 94, line 16: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
SB40-ASA1-AA1,59,5 3135. Page 95, line 1: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
4$66,700 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $66,700 to reduce
5funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,59,8 6136. Page 95, line 19: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
7$4,000,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $5,000,000 to
8reduce funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,59,11 9137. Page 96, line 7: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
10$471,600 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $471,600 to
11reduce funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,59,15 12138. Page 96, line 7: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
13$76,900 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $76,900 for the
14purpose of decreasing the authorized FTE positions for the department of
15agriculture, trade and consumer protection by 1.0 GPR position.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,59,18 16139. Page 97, line 7: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
17$124,300 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $124,300 for the
18purpose of eliminating 1.95 vacant GPR positions.
1140. Page 97, line 7: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
2$415,300 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $415,300 to
3decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,60,6 4141. Page 97, line 9: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
5$3,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $3,000 to decrease
6funding for the purposes for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,60,9 7142. Page 97, line 10: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
8$32,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $32,000 to
9decrease funding for the purposes for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,60,12 10143. Page 97, line 13: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
11$1,919,600 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $919,600 to
12decrease funding for the purposes for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,60,15 13144. Page 98, line 5: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
14$25,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $25,000 to
15decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,60,18 16145. Page 98, line 12: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
17$60,700 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $60,700 to
18decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,60,21 19146. Page 98, line 16: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
20$71,200 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $71,200 to
21decrease funding for the purposes for which the appropriation is made.
1147. Page 98, line 20: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
2$25,400 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $25,400 to
3decrease funding for the purposes for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,61,6 4148. Page 100, line 14: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
5$112,800 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $112,800 to
6decrease funding for the purposes for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,61,9 7149. Page 101, line 7: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
8$616,900 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $616,900 to
9decrease funding for the purposes for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,61,12 10150. Page 101, line 11: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
11$19,100 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $19,100 for the
12purpose of eliminating 0.3 vacant GPR position.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,61,15 13151. Page 101, line 11: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
14$61,500 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $61,500 to
15decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,61,18 16152. Page 101, line 13: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
17$130,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $130,000 to
18decrease funding for the purposes for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,61,21 19153. Page 101, line 16: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
20$150,600 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $150,600 to
21decrease funding for the purposes for which the appropriation is made.
1154. Page 101, line 18: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
2$4,500 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $4,500 to decrease
3funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,62,4 4155. Page 102, line 8: delete lines 8 to 10.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,62,6 5156. Page 102, line 18: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
6$299,900 to decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,62,8 7157. Page 102, line 18: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by
8$2,999,000 to reflect the elimination of the program.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,62,9 9158. Page 103, line 8: delete lines 8 and 9.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,62,12 10159. Page 104, line 1: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
11$1,000,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $1,000,000 to
12reduce funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,62,15 13160. Page 104, line 11: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
14$142,300 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $142,300 to
15decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,62,20 16161. Page 106, line 8: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
17$75,900 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $91,900 for the
18purpose of decreasing the authorized FTE positions for the office of the commissioner
19of insurance by 1.0 PR position for an insurance financial examiner-chief position
20in the office's bureau of financial analysis and examinations.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,62,23 21162. Page 106, line 8: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
22$102,300 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $102,300 for the
23purpose of decreasing funding related to privacy protection.
1163. Page 109, line 3: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
2$49,500 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $49,500 for the
3purpose of reducing funding for the purposes for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,63,4 4164. Page 111, line 10: delete that line.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,63,5 5165. Page 112, line 4: delete lines 4 to 6.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,63,8 6166. Page 113, line 3: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
7$1,653,100 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $1,653,100 to
8decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,63,10 9167. Page 113, line 4: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by
10$100,000 to decrease funding for the purposes for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,63,13 11168. Page 113, line 6: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
12$125,400 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $125,400 to
13decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,63,16 14169. Page 113, line 9: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
15$597,200 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $597,200 to
16decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,63,19 17170. Page 114, line 3: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
18$620,900 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $1,241,800 to
19decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-ASA1-AA1,63,20 20171. Page 114, line 3: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
SB40-ASA1-AA1,63,21 21172. Page 114, line 3: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
SB40-ASA1-AA1,64,3 1173. Page 114, line 19: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
2$10,719,400 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $15,719,400
3to decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.