20(1j) Delayed lapse. Notwithstanding section 20.144 (1) (g) of the statutes, as
21affected by the acts of 2007, from the amounts required to be lapsed to the general
22fund under section 20.144 (1) (g) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2007, at
23the close of the 2007-08 fiscal year, the department of financial institutions shall
24retain in that appropriation account the lesser of the unencumbered balance in the
25account or $20,000,000 and shall lapse from that appropriation account the lesser of
1the unencumbered balance in the account or $20,000,000 to the general fund on July
231, 2008.
SB40-ASA1, s. 9218
3Section 9218.
Fiscal changes; Fox River Navigational System
SB40-ASA1, s. 9220
6Section 9220.
Fiscal changes; Health and Educational Facilities
SB40-ASA1, s. 9224
10Section 9224.
Fiscal changes; Housing and Economic Development
Repeal of support services appropriation. The unencumbered balance in
13the appropriation account under section 20.145 (1) (k), 2005 stats., is transferred to
14the appropriation account under section 20.145 (1) (g) of the statutes, as affected by
15this act.
Health care quality fund. Notwithstanding section 655.27 (6) of the
17statutes, there is transferred from the injured patients and families compensation
18fund to the health care quality fund $175,000,000 in fiscal year 2007-08.
21(1k) Government accountability board per diem payments. Of the moneys
22appropriated to the joint committee on finance under section 20.865 (4) (a) of the
1statutes for the 2007-09 fiscal biennium, $28,300 in fiscal year 2007-08 and $28,300
2in fiscal year 2008-09 are allocated to provide per diem payments to board members
3and the chairperson or chairperson's designee. If, upon receiving the report required
Section 9118m (1k) of this act, the cochairpersons of the joint committee on
5finance do not notify the legal counsel to the government accountability board that
6the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the board's
7proposed expenditures for per diem payments in the fiscal year to which the report
8relates within 14 working days after the date that the board submits its report, the
9moneys allocated under this subsection for that fiscal year are transferred to the
10appropriation under section 20.511 (1) (a) of the statutes and may be expended by the
11board for the purpose of making the payments. If, within 14 working days after the
12date that the board submits its report, the cochairpersons of the committee notify the
13legal counsel to the board that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the
14purpose of reviewing the board's proposed expenditures for per diem payments in the
15fiscal year to which the report relates, the moneys allocated under this subsection
16for that fiscal year may be transferred to the appropriation under section 20.511 (1)
17(a) of the statutes only upon approval of the committee. Upon transfer of any moneys
18to the appropriation under section 20.511 (1) (a) of the statutes under this subsection,
19the appropriation for the fiscal year in which the transfer is made is increased by the
20amount transferred.
21(1L) Reports on expenditures from election administration fund.
22(a) No later than the 15th day of each month, the elections board shall, prior
23to its termination, and the government accountability board shall, thereafter, report
24to the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance concerning the expenditures
25made by the elections board or the government accountability board in the previous
1month from the election administration fund for the statewide voter registration
2system for staffing costs, outside contractors, and supplies and other services. The
3reports shall detail the expenditures under each category and the total expenditures
4made under each category. Any member of the committee who objects to an
5expenditure that is identified in the report shall promptly notify the cochairpersons
6of the committee of that objection. If, upon receiving any report under this
7paragraph, the cochairpersons do not notify the executive director of the elections
8board, prior to its termination, or the legal counsel to the government accountability
9board, thereafter, that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of
10reviewing expenditures by the board from the election administration fund for the
11statewide voter registration system within 7 working days after the date that a
12report under this paragraph is submitted, the board may continue to make
13expenditures from the election administration fund for the statewide voter
14registration system. If, within 7 working days after the board submits a report under
15this paragraph, the cochairpersons of the committee notify the executive director of
16the elections board, prior to its termination, or the legal counsel to the government
17accountability board, thereafter, that a member of the committee objects to an
18expenditure from the election administration fund that is identified in the report, the
19board shall not make any additional expenditures from the election administration
20fund for the statewide voter registration system from the category to which the
21expenditure relates, except to honor prior legal obligations, until the committee
22meets and authorizes additional expenditures to be made for that purpose from the
23election administration fund. The cochairpersons of the committee shall call a
24meeting of the committee to be held within 90 days of the date that a member notifies
1the cochairpersons that the member objects to an expenditure that is identified in
2a report submitted under this paragraph.
3(b) This subsection does not apply after June 30, 2009.
Major disaster assistance. In addition to the amounts in the schedule, in
12the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation to the
13department of military affairs under section 20.465 (3) (s) of the statutes, as affected
14by the acts of 2007, the dollar amount is increased by an amount equal to the
15unencumbered balance in the appropriation under section 20.465 (3) (s), 2005 stats.,
16immediately before the lapse of any money remaining in that appropriation on June
1730, 2007, but not to exceed $1,000,000.
Recreational boating aids lapse. Notwithstanding section 20.001 (3) (c) of
20the statutes, there is lapsed to the conservation fund from the appropriation account
21to the department of natural resources under section 20.370 (5) (cq) of the statutes,
22as affected by this act, $1,777,200 on the effective date of this subsection and
23$132,000 in fiscal year 2008-09.
Lake management and invasive species control grants lapse. 25Notwithstanding section 20.001 (3) (c) of the statutes, on the effective date of this
1subsection, there is lapsed to the conservation fund $429,800 from the appropriation
2account to the department of natural resources under section 20.370 (6) (ar) of the
Boating access lapse. Notwithstanding section 20.001 (3) (c) of the
5statutes, there is lapsed to the conservation fund from the appropriation account to
6the department of natural resources under section 20.370 (7) (ft) of the statutes
7$334,300 on the effective date of this subsection and $8,500 in fiscal year 2008-09.
Mississippi and St. Croix rivers management lapse. Notwithstanding
9section 20.001 (3) (c) of the statutes, there is lapsed to the conservation fund from the
10appropriation account to the department of natural resources under section 20.370
11(7) (fw) of the statutes $231,200 on the effective date of this subsection and $2,600
12in fiscal year 2008-09.
13(4j) Nonprofit conservation organization grants lapse. Notwithstanding
14section 20.001 (3) (c) of the statutes, there is lapsed to the conservation fund from the
15appropriation account to the department of natural resources under section 20.370
16(5) (aw) of the statutes, $11,200 on the effective date of this subsection and $4,200
17in fiscal year 2008-09 and from the appropriation account to the department of
18natural resources under section 20.370 (6) (aw) of the statutes, $7,900 on the
19effective date of this subsection and $2,900 in fiscal year 2008-09.
20(4k) Boating access to southeastern lakes lapse. Notwithstanding section
2120.001 (3) (c) of the statutes, there is lapsed to the conservation fund from the
22appropriation account to the department of natural resources under section 20.370
23(7) (fr) of the statutes, $11,200 on the effective date of this subsection and $4,200 in
24fiscal year 2008-09.
1(4L) Facilities acquisition and maintenance lapse. Notwithstanding section
220.001 (3) (c) of the statutes, there is lapsed to the conservation fund from the
3appropriation account to the department of natural resources under section 20.370
4(7) (hq) of the statutes, $1,100 on the effective date of this subsection and $400 in
5fiscal year 2008-09.
Recycling fund transfer. There is transferred from the recycling fund to
7the general fund $13,000,000 in fiscal year 2007-08 and $20,000,000 in fiscal year
9(5k) Sustainable forestry education lapse. Notwithstanding section 20.001
10(3) (c) of the statutes, on the effective date of this subsection, there is lapsed to the
11to the conservation fund $950,000 from the appropriation account of the department
12of natural resources under section 20.370 (1) (cv) of the statutes, as affected by the
13acts of 2007.
SB40-ASA1, s. 9238
16Section 9238.
Fiscal changes; Public Lands, Board of Commissioners
19(1k) Lapse to general fund; general program operations. Notwithstanding
20section 20.001 (3) (c) of the statutes, there is lapsed to the general fund $3,833,000
21in fiscal year 2007-08 and $1,917,200 in fiscal year 2008-09 from the appropriation
22account of the department of regulation and licensing under section 20.165 (1) (g) of
23the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2007.
1(2k) Lapse to general fund; examination operations. Notwithstanding section
220.001 (3) (c) of the statutes, there is lapsed to the general fund $355,900 in fiscal
3year 2007-08 from the appropriation account of the department of regulation and
4licensing under section 20.165 (1) (i) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2007.
Property assessment manual costs. Notwithstanding section 20.001 (3) (a)
7to (c) of the statutes, the secretary of administration shall, during the 2008-09 fiscal
8year, lapse to the general fund from the general program revenue appropriations
9under section 20.566 of the statutes an amount equal to the amount by which the
10amount credited to the appropriation account under section 20.566 (2) (hi) of the
11statutes during the 2007-08 fiscal year exceeded the amount appropriated to the
12department of revenue under section 20.566 (2) (hi) of the statutes in the 2007-08
13fiscal year.
SB40-ASA1, s. 9250
22Section 9250.
Fiscal changes; University of Wisconsin Hospitals and
Clinics Authority.
SB40-ASA1, s. 9251
23Section 9251.
Fiscal changes; University of Wisconsin Hospitals and
Clinics Board.
Unemployment insurance appropriation balance transfers. The
5unencumbered balances in the appropriation accounts under section 20.445 (1) (ge),
6(gf), and (gi) of the statutes are transferred to the appropriation account under
7section 20.445 (1) (gd) of the statutes, as affected by this act.
SB40-ASA1, s. 9303
11Section 9303.
Initial applicability; Agriculture, Trade and Consumer
12(1v) Nonhousehold pesticide cleanup surcharge. The treatment of section
1394.681 (3) (a), (b), and (c) of the statutes first applies to products sold on October 1,
SB40-ASA1, s. 9306
17Section 9306.
Initial applicability; Child Abuse and Neglect
Prevention Board.
Court interpreters. The treatment of section 885.38 (3) (a) (intro.) and (8)
20(a) (intro.) of the statutes first applies to actions commenced on the effective date of
21this subsection.
Wisconsin development fund restructuring. The treatment of sections
220.143 (1) (c) and (ie), 84.185 (1) (ce) and (cm), 243.01 (4n) (a) 3m. e., 292.11 (7) (d)
31m. b., 292.255, 560.045 (1), 560.14 (1) (ar), 560.145, 560.147, 560.15 (2) (d), 560.16,
4560.17 (1) (am) and (bm), 560.175, 560.26, 560.60 (1m), (1v), (3), (3m), (4), (8), (10),
5(11), (13), (15), (17), and (18m), 560.605 (1) (intro.), (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i),
6and (p), (2) (intro.), (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f), (2m) (intro.), (c), (d), and (e), (4), (5),
7(5m), and (6), 560.607 (1), 560.61 (intro.), (1), and (3), 560.62, 560.63, 560.65, 560.66,
8and 560.68 (1m), (2m), (3), (6), and (7) (a) of the statutes, the renumbering and
9amendment of section 560.68 (5) of the statutes, and the creation of section 560.68
10(5) (a) of the statutes first apply to applications for grants and loans received on the
11effective date of this subsection.
12(2f) Petroleum storage remedial action reimbursement limitation. The
13treatment of section 101.143 (4) (c) 14. of the statutes first applies to claimants who
14receive written notification that no further remedial action is necessary on the
15effective date of this subsection.
16(2k) Development finance board. The treatment of section 15.155 (1) (a) 6. of
17the statutes first applies to members of the development finance board who have
18been appointed under section 15.155 (1) (a) 6., 2005 stats., and who are serving on
19the development finance board on the effective date of this subsection.
Revocation of conditional release. The treatment of section 971.17 (3) (e)
22of the statutes first applies to persons who are detained on the effective date of this
1(2c) Domestic abuse surcharge. The treatment of section 973.055 (1) (intro.)
2of the statutes first applies to persons who are convicted of a crime specified in section
3973.055 (1) of the statutes on January 1, 2008.
SB40-ASA1, s. 9312
6Section 9312.
Initial applicability; Educational Communications
SB40-ASA1, s. 9318
10Section 9318.
Initial applicability; Fox River Navigational System
SB40-ASA1, s. 9320
13Section 9320.
Initial applicability; Health and Educational Facilities
Out-of-home placements of children.
Juvenile court reports. The treatment of section 48.425 (1) (c) of the statutes
17first applies to reports filed with the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under
18chapters 48 and 938 of the statutes on the effective date of this paragraph.